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A Problem of Nobility or Things that go Bump in the Night (Covaithe Judging)

Lord Sessadore

"Well fought friends, it seems Palladys has smiled on our battle today." Raiyek tries his best to clean the sewage and blood from his own bastard sword before sheathing it. "But Carolina is right - we don't yet have the answers we were seeking." The elf starts moving around the room, looking for any evidence of a connection between the wyrmling and its guards and the humanoids from the shop, focusing particular attention on the pipe the wyrmling came out of. "We need to see if there's any other connections between this dragon and the assassins from the shop - they could have just stolen this dragon's tooth and had someone else enchant it."
[sblock=ooc]Perception to search the area, particularly the pipe the dragon came out of. (1d20+11=18)

I'm just going to pop in a little reminder that Raiyek uses a bastard sword as well ;) But, if the enchantment doesn't scream "Paladin" or "Ranger", I'm happy letting Grim have it - I do have a magic item already. :)[/sblock]

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Kruk retrieves the keg, get's out of the sewage, does his best to wipe himself off, and then places the keg next in front of the others. "Anyone care to take a look at what's inside?" Then Kruk inspects the area around them, especially the rubble.

perception check: 20


First Post
Xoc can use Inspiring Word during our short rest after the fight. It would give Grim an extra 2d6 for those healing surges

Yeah, I realized that after I used them. I just wanted to get above bloodied incase something else burst out of the sewers. :p

Here's a couple rolls for the extra: bonus heals (2d6=6)

Grim's at 22/30 hp now.[/sblock]

Grim pops the top off of the barrel and looks inside.


First Post
After a few minutes of searching and a couple dives into the sewage, Kruk emerges with the bastard sword that Georg had mentioned.

Inside the air tight barrel, there is a set of full plate armour and a diary, which is written in draconic.

I don't think anyone can read draconic can they?

Georg spends a few minutes looking over the items and he discerns that the armour is Summoned Rimefire Plate +2 and the sword is a Lifedrinker Bastard Sword +1.


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"I can't make head nor tail of this scribble. Probably written by the dragon... Georg, you wouldn't happen to know any tricks for comprhending languages would you?"

Grim tosses the journal aside in disgust and inspects the faintly glowing sword. "Interesting.. anyone mind if I use this awhile?"


First Post
Kruk walks over to the journal and puts it in his belt pouch. "Maybe one of the guards who hired us might be able to shed some light on this." Kruk looks at the black dragon lair one more time and the states "Shall we pay corporal Dumain another visit? Should we cut a piece of the black dragon to show as proof, or is the tooth enough?"


Georg looks at the parchment and shakes his head. If I had a certain ritual, I could read any language, but it is not known to me. Given sufficient monies I could come by it, but it might be less expensive to seek out someone to provide a translation.

[sblock=OOC] Sorry not all wizards get it in 4e and I don't have Comprehend Languages. Perhaps we can find another PC or NPC perhaps.

Lord Sessadore

"That sword looks good in your hand, Grim. May it bring you honor in battle," Raiyek says. "On that note, does anyone object if I make us of the armor?" The paladin picks up the armor plates to examine them. While they have a light skin of frost, the metal is actually warm to the touch. "Curious," he mutters under his breath as he traces the patterns of the frost with a finger.

"I don't think we have any contacts who could help translate the book,"
Raiyek says, looking to Kruk, "but Corporal Dumain just might. Georg, how much do you think it would cost to procure this magic that would let you read it yourself?"

"As for the dragon ... I say we bring its head as proof, along with the tooth. After the authorities are satisfied, I daresay it would make a good trophy of our triumph." The paladin's stoic expression cracks a little for a moment as he adds under his breath, "At least some glory can be claimed from this reeking mess of sewage ... my old armor is going to take days to clean before anyone will buy it." But then he composes himself again, deeming those minor concerns not worthy of more attention.
[sblock=ooc]Gah, post got eaten. I'll try to reconstruct it.

Well, seeing as the only other plate-wearer in the party (Kruk) already has magic plate and this set is pretty much straight from my wish-list, I think it's safe to say the sword was intended for Grim and the plate armor for Raiyek. Enjoy the sword, Grim! Does anyone have any objections to Raiyek taking the armor? I've taken the liberty of updating my stats, but that's easily undo-able of course.

I'll also spend two surges to get up to 24/33 hp. Grim is welcome to the extra healing since he's a bit more vulnerable than Raiyek, especially with the new armor. [/sblock]
[sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 2
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 19; Low-light vision
AC:23, Fort:16, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP: 24/33, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges Left:7/11
Resist 1 all, Resist 5 poison
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: available
Valiant Strike, Holy Strike, Divine Challenge, Lay on Hands (2/3)
Piercing Smite, Channel Divinity, Elven Accuracy, Hunter's Quarry
Paladin's Judgment, Martyr's Blessing
Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.[/sblock]
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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=ooc]I was just sifting back through the old pages to see if any baddies mentioned the dragon's name (Nightshade, I believe it said its name was) to tie them together. Out of luck on that front, but I did notice that we did indeed find some potions earlier.

However, we never really decided who got the healing potions from the chest in the storeroom. Maybe Grim and Carolina would be best served with them? My thinking is that Kruk is tough to start with, and he and Georg can 2nd wind with minor actions thanks to being dwarves. Xoc can use inspiring words on himself (if he comes back, that is), and Raiyek has Lay on Hands plus a potion already (not to mention the increased AC and resist from the new armor to keep him from needing it in the first place). Grim and Carolina both find themselves in melee often and are a little fragile, so having some backup healing can't be a bad thing (though Grim should be more durable now with the lifedrinker sword). If it were entirely up to me, my second pick would be either Grim or Carolina (50/50 tossup there) and Kruk, since he's a defender. What does everyone think? [/sblock]
[sblock=ren]Just wanted to check and make sure, nothing interesting up in the pipe the dragon came out of?[/sblock]
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First Post
Kruk takes the rest of the journal out of his pouch and gives it Georg. "What was I thinking. You obviously have more knowledge and connections to where a translation of this can be done."

"As for the dragon ... I say we bring its head as proof, along with the tooth. After the authorities are satisfied, I daresay it would make a good trophy of our triumph."

"Raiyek, if you don't mind I'd like the honor of cutting off the dragon's head. It would mean a lot to me." Kruk looks to the others for approval. "Thank you everyone." With that he turns to the black dragon, and with a mighty swing of his axe, cleaves it's head. "Let us now go back to the corporal and finish this quest."

I don't want the healing potions.
Nice score with the armor :)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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