A Simple Job (Erekose13 Judging)

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First Post
"Calren and Ghostsnout. Ghostsnout is the one with the big overbite. We are brave warriors from Talenta. I'm out to make my fortune in the world. He wants to find new things to eat. Obviously, he's a bit easier to please."


First Post
"Foloshadé Ofori!" The shifter says with gusto as she tosses the remains of her dinner down. "Warrior of Tribe Tigris" She thumps her chest and grins at the others.


First Post
Benedict looks at Irrinaer. "If you think that 500 gp is the usual pay for guards on a caravan, you should get back in touch with reality." Without waiting for Irrinaer's reaction, he adds for Hubble "I don't know what you'll carry this time, but I prefer not to know. If you know what danger we might fall on, that information would be more than welcome. And for the others, my name is Benedict Reynold. I've been guard on some caravan before, all have reach there destination with all there supply up to now."


To the wagons:
"Excellent," the gnome Hubble says. "Now that we've made acquaintances, we can be on our way."

The gnome and warforged leads you to the storage facility where the wagons are being held. "I have two wagons to protect," Hubble says. "Swift and I will drive one; Fred and Gerald will drive the other." Pretty much on cue, two humans show up; one blonde and young, the other black haired with silver streaks and a bushy mustache. "Fred and Gerald." Hubble says, gesturing to each man in turn.

"Make sure to protect Fred and Gerald," the gnome continues. "I need protection too of course, but Swift is a capable bodyguard. And of course, protect the goods. I will leave it up to you as to how you set up your guard. And if any of you need horses, I can provide light warhorses for the trek which you can buy off me if you want to keep them."


First Post
"We are five, six if we include Swift. If there si room, I can travel in the second wagon, and we can have two guard on each side of each wagon." suggest Benedict.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Thral'k pops up from near the carts, his bow in hand. He---she---whatever---had left earlier for some supplies, but had returned at some point. It was hard to keep track of with all its skulking about.

"I bessst ssscouting ahead to keep sssoft ssskinsss from sssteping where they wake the dragon."

OOC: Can't update my sheet w/ the poison Thral'k will buy today; will update tomorrow.


First Post
"A horse? Hah! In any case, me and Ghostsnout will stay by the wagon with the food in it. It's better motivation when you're keeping your own dinner safe"

Calren glanced over the wagons. "I have to say this is a lot of guards for just two wagons."

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