A world in Darkness IC- Calling Wilphe and Nac Mac Feegle

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Thanee said:
Slowly, Faye moves forward, every step getting slower and more careful.

You move forward, and as you do so you see a slight opening in the trees ahead, and something you would never have believed if you had not seen it yourself....

Two black squirresls, their fur matted down with blood, their eyes a feral red, eating a third squirrel. It twitches, giving a pitiful attempt to rise and crawl away, even with the chunks of flesh ripped out of its side, and dangling from the mouths of the two squirrels watching. Its eyes turn towards you, unlike the other two, its eyes seem clear, but the pain and suffering in them is obvious. Even as it tries to crawl away, one of the others visciously reaches out, gouging a chunk of flesh from the top of its leg, further hampering its movement. If a squirrel ould laugh, you are sure it would be doing so right now!


First Post
Quirhid said:
"Aw, alright then! I'll take it off, see? Racid starts to remove his armor.

As you remove your armor you are surprised to see that the red discoloration has spread across your skin, even where none of the water had gone.

The healer comes over, examining the infection, occasionally pinching your skin. In the areas at the edge, the pinched skin goes white as you would expect, in the areas first affected though the skin goes so dak as to be almost black.

She steps back.

Not too bad yet, nowhere has converted over so nothing needs to come off. but it is close, if your head had been worse, that is what i would have suggested removing first!

She laughs at her own joke, reaches down, and grabs a small vial. She heats up a kettle, pours hot water out and adds a small pinch of the vial contents.

Right- you need to choose. Drink this, and have a very unpleasant night and something unknown happen to you, or not to drink it. but then would suggest that you let your companions kill you now. It is far preferablt to becoming the mindless, killing, torturing beast you would be once this affects your mind. So far EVERYONE who has gotten this Devil spew and let it run its course has gone mad, we find them feasting on their own children if not stopped. This will stop it, but the cure is uncertain. it will affect you, but how we do not know until you drink nd wake in the morning.

She places it on the table in front of you

I know I am being harsh, but this is no time for kindness. If you do not drink it, the greatest kindness is to kill you. I am sorry, but there is no other way to put this

Turning to the scouts and everyone else present she bows, keeping her features hidden, although a tear strikes the floor.


First Post

“No!! Stop that!!”

Faye runs towards the group of squirrels trying to scare the two away from the third, so she can tend to its wounds. Strider also fletches his teeth and growls at them.


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The squirrels, leave off their cannabilistic torture of the other squirrel and turn to look at you.

In an amazing display of uncharatersitic squirrel behaviour, they both turn and look at you, as if sizing you up as a meal source. They both start advancing, chattering their teeth together as they come forward.


First Post

Knowing, that Strider will defend her if necessary, Faye just moves past the squirrels and casts a cure minor wounds spell (dropping detect magic) on the wounded one for now, she will have to take a closer look to the wound and clean it later, but now is not the time for it.

Still she has hopes, that she will not be forced to fight the corrupted animals, but she slowly comes to the realization, that it might be the best for the forest and the earth, if the corrupted animals cannot spread this vile influence any further, like cutting out the dead leaves from a plant allows her to blossom again.


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Faye casts her spell on the wounded squirrel. As you watch the wounded squirrel stands, still shaky on its, legs, with ragged patches of fur, but looking much better.

The other squirrels jump at you, but Strider easily catches them and shreds them. He looks at the bodies in disgust, evidently the taste of their flesh is not to his liking.


First Post

Faye will proceed to clean the claws and jaw of her dog companion, as well as the wounds of the remaining squirrel. The other two, she will bury somewhere, wrapped up in leaves she collects. Maybe she can find a few nuts or fruits for the squirrel as well.


First Post
Thanee said:
Faye will proceed to clean the claws and jaw of her dog companion, as well as the wounds of the remaining squirrel. The other two, she will bury somewhere, wrapped up in leaves she collects. Maybe she can find a few nuts or fruits for the squirrel as well.

The rescued quirrel seems pathetically grateful, even friendlier than you would expect from a normal squirrel in a different part of forest. you do manage to find some nuts and fruits on tress that look untainted- the fruit on the tainted trees looks inviting, contrary to the rest of the tree, almost as if tempting the animals to eat it instead.

The squirrel quickly eats the nuts and fruits, keeping a wary eye on Strider. Strider for his part, sniffs the squirrel and then ignores it, at least he does not seem to averse to it the way he was to the others.


First Post

Smiling for the first time after a while, Faye watches the little squirrel, which seems quite comfortable in her vincinity. She helps groom its fur carefully, after the wounds have been treated properly.

The tainted fruits make her angry, however, and she picks them off and burns them, soon realizing that there are just too many of them around.

I need to find the source of the corruption, like Giriani said...

“So, what about you, my little friend. Do you want to stay here, or do you want to come with me and help me put an end to all this?”

She will offer the squirrel a place in her bag (using Wild Empathy), leaving the decision to the little animal.

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