[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)


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OOC: Ardens did not specify which square he appears on deck.
Does hiding behind the bulwatk give any concealment of the sort?

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[sblock=ooc][MENTION=84680]treex[/MENTION]: Ardens is in H6, stated in his actions sblock

Concealment: -2 to attack rolls vs target with concealment[/sblock]


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"Are you their leader? Then you shall pay for all of their sins! Feel my fury!" Jesse snarled.

A bolt of fire streaks towards him but fizzles out in mid-air: the Pirate Leader saw though it.

"You think you're so great?! GET OVER HERE!"

Jesse flicked another bolt. The barrage of blows to the Pirate Leader's feeble mind was too much and this time he succumbed and dived forward in an attempt to dodge the imaginary bolt.

The shadows on the deck die down and fade to nothing, not a scratch, not a mark or scorch or burn was left behind. The minions' blank eyes stare upwards at the moon, causing them to gain a ghostly glare.

[sblock=Actions]Phantom Bolt -> Pirate Leader = Missed!
Spend Action Point: Phantom Bolt -> Pirate Leader = Hit for 11 Psychic Damage. Leader slides to G13. -2 penalty to hit against Jesse. Grants CA to Jesse UEONT.
The zone of shadows are now gone.

EDIT: Forgot my Save roll against Dazed: 2 But I realized I don't need to move anyway.[/sblock]

[sblock=Tactics?]The pirate leader and the elves are within a burst 1. Hope you can follow up and blow them up (literally, if possible)

What should I have done? Is the Pirate Leader or the Gnome a bigger threat?[/sblock]

Jesse Tey’un – Tiefling Wizard
Init: +0 Speed: 6
Passive Perception:11; Passive Insight: 16
AC: 15 Fort 11 Ref 15 Will 14
HP: 23/23 Surges: 7/7 Surge Value: 5 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Elven
Str:8 Dex:10 Wis:13 Con:13 Int:20 Cha:15

Ghost Sound
Magic Missile
Phantom Bolt
Phantasmal Assault
Infernal Wrath
Grasping Shadows
Second Wind
(Illusory Obstacles -Spellbook)
Phantom Chasm
(Horrid Whispers – Spellbook)
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First Post
[sblock=treex]Remember you were hit by the gnome's bolt and took 10 damage (so you're at 18/23hp (you had +5 temp hp from benefit) and dazed until you save. make your save.

I can say that through mental disciple that Jesse can use his AP. [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=jsb]Yeah, after the post I realized I had to make the save. Which reminded me to think about if you can spend you AP while dazed and in what order D: And then I got worriedz. I'll amend my post if I have to...

EDIT: Argument HERE is that a dazed character can make free actions and spending an action point is a free action.

EDIT2: WotC clarified this and said that you can as well. Phew~[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Darksteed]Sorry my first bolt missed, if it had hit I would have thrown down my Daily[/sblock]

[sblock=Comment Bellow] Funny how he mentioned it in the first post when it wasn't there, saying he didn't want to forget it in the next post! [/sblock]
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Son of Meepo

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OOC: Is the gangplank still challenging terrain? Because it is no longer mentioned in the terrain features so I wasn't sure. If it is, what happens when you fail the Acrobatics check. Do you stop moving? Do you fall prone? Do you fall into the water? Does it matter how much you fail the check by?

Why do I ask? Because apparently invisible castle still hates me and refuses to roll anything higher than a 4 on a d20. So even with my +11 acrobatics, a 15 appears to be just too darn hard.

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