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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)

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First Post
OOC: Ardens, it looks like it's your turn. Darksteed, Demonic Jester, and treex all want to go after you. You mentioned on 4/30/11 @ 9:53 that you would post yesterday and still haven't posted yet. It's your turn.

Darksteed, Demonic Jester and treex: If Ardens has not posted by tonight, please continue and post your actions without waiting. Thanks


First Post
[sblock=OOC]So I don't wanna be rude but I know Circio (Ardens) irl. I can vouch for him in that he has stated repeatedly that he needs to post but has a multitude of projects to work on for his degree (I am not going to go into much more info than that).

That said waiting on a pivotal striker to take his turn will pretty much make this either a TPK or a victory one of which I am not willing to chance.

Also since most posts are usually only supposed to be made once every few days to a week I don't see a problem with him taking a weekend to get his projects out of the way in lieu of a round.

I don't wanna sound tense or defensive but I think that if we could appreciate his predicament and give him some slack, it will be a much more enjoyable experience (and probably a better encounter)

/end rant


First Post

I fully understand that life interrupts. I get that. (Hopefully) We all have lives outside of D&D (and PbP) but I would like a heads-up that's all. He stated he'd post the same day as his last post. An ooc:/sblock, edit, PM, a message from a friend saying he's tied up with a project, out of town, must study for a test, etc goes a long way (especially with 3 others waiting for him to go).

Thanks for the update, Demonic Jester [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]I would agree with Damien on the point that having Ardens go first is optimal. Though it is by far not critical. It wouldn't lead up to a TPK if he didn't go first. There's no need to worry about that. People still have healing potions, and second winds to go through. as well as I believe Ixen still has one use of his healing word left as well. Remember everyone can go to minus bloodied value before they die. Only two people are bloodied and no ones unconscious. If we had two or more unconscious and the rest of the team bloodied. Then I would be more worried. As it stands right now we are fine.

The ideal situation would be for Ardens to go and bomb the three with Scorching Burst. Injuring the Swarm, killing or injuring Impaler 1, and the Crusher doesn't matter right now. Injuring it be grand but if he didn't wouldn't be critical. Then Jesse could magic missile Impaler 1 killing it if Ardens was only able to injure it. If Ardens completely miss Impaler 1 Cyrus will go up to finish it off. Damien can shoot and kill Impaler 2 that only have 8 hp remaining. If Ardens and Jesse kill Impaler 1, then Cyrus with dig into the Swarm this should put the swarm in range to be killed next round with another Scorching Burst.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock]Sorry didn't want my post to sound like a doomsday premonition but I felt it had to be said. Believe me I have been harassing him to get his turn done via text message all weekend. My only concern with that Cyrus is that say Ardens nixes on all the attacks, what then? Should I still roll against the impaler or let Jesse blow a spell on it and use my disruptive shot to give u some much needed CA against one of the targets on the left?[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Yes, I'm here]Yea, so I was going to post yesterday, but I got locked out of my apartment for the night and half the next day, so I spent half the day trying to do what I was supposed to get done in the entire day.

Today was projects and midterms. That said, I'm about to take my turn. I'm just responding now so that people calm down a little. Sorry jsb, but don't call me out with a timestamp of my post. Stuff happens and rl takes precedence. If I had had 2 minutes to hop on here and send a pm or email, I would have. I haven't even had a chance to catch up on any of the meaningful (read combat related) posts yet because I had to read through all the posts saying where's Ardens. I'll be doing that and then taking my turn.

That said, if I'm gone for a day and a half in the future, either wait for me or move on. Don't call me out and don't sit there making 20 posts saying where's Ardens. I know some people here call people out when they can't post for even half a day and that's really just not cool. Like has already been said, up to now, this game has been moving extremely quick. Please, everyone let's just relax, play the game, and enjoy ourselves doing so without feeling pressured to jump on the forums every 30 minutes to post.[/sblock]

[sblock=IC]So I've been trying to make my attack rolls on IC and it just hangs. I'm going to give it a try in a half hour or so. If it's not working then, I'll just use the site's built-in roller.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=OOC]If Ardens misses everyone, that's still ok. Though crappy for Ardens. Hate missing everyone with bombs. If Ardens misses them all. I need Damien to shot Impaler 2 as your damage is high enough to pull it off. I would have Jesse do it but his damage isn't accurately high enough to done it. No offense Jesse. I'll have Cyrus go after Impaler 2 that should be enough to kill it as well. Plus I'll help block in the trio at that end keeping them away from Jesse and Ardens for the time being. Then Jesse can just shoot anything other then the Crusher. Starting in on any of the other Impalers would be prime.

Damien you've already used your disruptive Shot this encounter as well. Used it in the very first round. Though you could always use Clever shot and knock it prone for CA. Cyrus doesn't need CA to get his extra damage off like a rogue does. I just like the +2 to hit. Though I do need it when I'm using Sneak Attack and Predatory Eye. So having it for my big strike is preferred. Afterwards it's good but not 100% needed. Just so people know as Executioner class is still rather new to everyone.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock]Yes I mean clever shot not disruptive shot. I understand you don't NEED the CA, but of all the people on our team you are the only melee hero with high damage, thus most effective at utilizing the prone advantage I provide.

But you do make a good argument so either way I guess I will attack Craud Impaler 2 but since its late I will take my turn tomorrow. Especially since Circio said that the roller isnt working[/sblock]


First Post
"Thanks for the offer, but I prefer to avoid close combat whenever possible," Ardens says to Ixen as he uses the opening the dragonborn created to get out of melee. With that, he casts a spell, scorching the Impaler and Crusher next to Ixen. Without even pausing to see the effects of his spell, Ardens turns and runs up behind the Craud Cyrus is engaging. "Hey you overgrown shrimp. Why don't you turn around and attack the only target that's actually a threat to you."

[sblock=Actions]Free Action: Shift to U9 thanks to Ixen's attack

Standard Action: Scorching Burst

Craud Impaler 1: 1d20+3=16 vs Reflex HIT
Craud Crusher 1: 1d20+5=17 vs Reflex HIT
Craud Swarm: 1d20+5=9 vs Reflex MISS

Hit for 9 fire damage vs Craud Impaler 1 and Craud Crusher 1.

Move: Move to W9.[/sblock]
[sblock=Tactics]Cyrus, now you can shift to Y9 and gain combat advantage against Impaler 2. This should free up Damien to clean up whatever target is left after yours and Jesse's attacks, instead of knocking the Impaler prone to give you combat advantage.

Jesse, a magic missile on Impaler 1 would be great for the kill.[/sblock]
Initiative +1, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight 18
Defenses: AC: 14, Fort: 14, Ref: 15, Will: 15
HP: 26/26, Bloodied: 13, Surge Value: 6, Surges/day: 9/9, Speed: 6
Languages: Allarian, Draconic

Erupting Flare, Scorching Burst, Magic Missile
Burning Hands [X], Force Orb, Heroic Effort [], Amulet of Life []
Fountain of Flame [], Wizard's Fury

Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Sword Bond
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Voidrunner's Codex

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