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Adventure: Redblade's Riches!! (Ozymandias79 judging!)


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[sblock=OOC]Sorry about the delay. With Spring Break rolling right into Easter weekend, things were a bit busy for me to get online much.[/sblock]
Quagmire scurries down the row of shelves, and, turning, sees Hrav engaged with 'Girth'. "Oho! I don't think so, mate. I'm wise t'yer game. Git 'em, Hrav!" He lunges, trying to provide an opening. Quagmire hits the false Girth and creates an opening for Hrav.

"Hey Quag, happy to see you back down here. This Girth ain't Girth, if ya catch my meaning!" With that, Hrav stabs the impostor twice, dropping the creature to the floor in a pool of blood. The bugbear then carefully moves next to the halberdier.

Dang't tries to blast the fleeing guard, but misses. Dang't jumps over the railing and onto the top of a bookshelf, then scampers down to the floor from there before stepping around the bookshelf to get the fleeing guard back in sight beyond Kauldron and Hrav.

NPCing: Beyrk moves past Dang't and hurls a shout at the fleeing guards back. The guards legs lock up for a split second and he crashes to the ground head first, snapping his neck in the process.

End of combat... do as thou wilt... take note of your final hps/surges as listed below to do any healing as needed.


[sblock=Attacks/Rolls]Beyrk Misdirected Mark vs. Guard3 Reflex 15 (1d20+7=24, 1d8+6=13) Hits for 13 damage, killing the guard.[/sblock][sblock=Party final status]Party current/total HP's, [current/total HS's], conditions (* if already acted)
Hrav: 30/46, [5/8];
Quagmire: 19/41, [7/9]; Bloodied
Girth: 38/45+5hp, [9/10];
Dang't: 26/32, [4/8];
Beyrk: 35/35, [9/11]
Kauldron: 7/29, [5/12]; +2 bonus to saves until SONT[/sblock]


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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Dang't, surveying the scene, does a little dance as the last human falls. Take that! And that! And that! Each outburst is accentuated by a stab with Storm Fang.

Suddenly remembering something, Dang't rushes up the stair to the door the baddy almost escaped through. He takes the bloody key still in the door and locks it before pocketing and listening. Ssssh! Guy try go in here! Someone search these for booty! He squints his eyes shut tight, small lightning coming out of the corners in concentration as he listens.

OOC: Dang't spends 1 HS to get to full. 32/32 [3/8] Lock the door (the mage left the key there, right) and listen at the door: Perception 21


First Post
"Good work, crew," Hrav says jovially. The bugbear then goes about searching the area and the bodies for anything worthwhile.

Hrav uses one surge with Mutt's Song of Rest to get to full. 46/46 HP, 4/8 surges.[/sblock]

[sblock=Hrav's Info]Hrav Kortaga - Male Bugbear Rogue (Fighter) 5
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 18, Low-Light Vision
AC: 19, Fort: 17, Reflex: 19, Will: 14 - Speed: 6
HP: 46/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge Value: 12, Surges left: 4/8
Action Points: 1
Resists: 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison

Clever Strike
Piercing Strike

Nasty Backswing
Predatory Eye
Second Wind (Item: May use two surges when bloodied)
Student of the Sword +1 and Mark
Torturous Strike

Downward Spiral
Handspring Assault

Acidic Rapier Ranged Attack (Encounter)
Acidic Rapier Ongoing Damage (Daily)
Deathcut Leather Armor (Daily)
Potion of Healing x1

Full character sheet[/sblock]

The Digger

First Post
"Is good idea that" chuckled Girth as Dang't locked the door.

"Now see we what you got." He turned over the body of the mage and started to ransack any available possessions before searching over the balcony for any other discarded items.


Quagmire takes a stack of thick books off one of the bottom shelves and sits on them, leaning back against the shelves while he catches his breath. "Lousy stairs. Give me a good rope t'swing down, any day."

ooc: Q will spend 2 surges to get to full (with SoR), leaving him at 5/9.


After a few minutes, Quagmire stands up and wipes a bit of gore off his armor using some crumpled pages from a nearby scroll. "All right, gents. Redblade ain't gonna rob himself. We ready to roll, or do we have to stop for the day?"

[sblock=ooc]It occurs to me we've been going for a bloody long time in this "day". That's not necessarily a problem; we seem to be doing all right for resources, other than dailies. Is there any reason we should rest now rather than carry on? I'm not seeing one, to be honest.

On the other hand, some XP would certainly be welcome. Hint hint. ;)[/sblock]


First Post
Dang't makes sure that the door is locked and tries to listen for anything on the other side, but is greeted by silence except for the sound of his own companions.

The others start searching the fallen foes and the Library for any treasure. None of the arms or armor on their foes seemed special, but there was a total of 30gp in the various pockets. On the back of the small table between the two reading chairs on the upper floor is a statuette crafted from bone of a five headed dragon. Around a few of the necks is a chain connected to a fiery red holy symbol. When Kauldron sees the holy symbol the plate-clad goblin gasps in surprise, nearly dropping his cigar to the floor. He recognizes it as a holy symbol from his tribe. The elder Paladins like his mentor Harfle had Holy Sybols like this, and they were magical just as this one seems to be. It glows with a fiery radiance as the goblin holds it in his hands.

[sblock=OOC]Standard equipment found on the bodies is the following:
2 shortswords
3 sets of chainmail, halberds, crossbows, and a total of 60 bolts
1 set of robes, a quarterstaff, and a wand
3 clubs
30gp as mentioned above

The bone statuette is worth 250gp.
[sblock=History, Nature, or Religion check DC15 to identify statuette]The statuette is of a dragon goddess named Tiamat. She is the goddess of evil dragons and has one head of each of the major chromatic dragons- Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White.[/sblock]
The holy symbol is a +1 Symbol of Brawn for Kauldron. It is a lvl 3 item from Adventurers Vault 2. If you need stats for it because you don't have the book, PM me Darksteed.

As for resting now vs. carrying on, that is up to you all. Story wise it would be okay either way, but you might want all the resources you can for the final fight. So pushing on with what you've got while you can might be good also. Up to all of you though.[/sblock]
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The Digger

First Post
As the others troop upstairs and search the rest of the bodies Girth takes the oppertuinity to rest and catch his breath. He is only scratched and soon recovers his equilibrium. (Second Wind - to full HP)

"So! We carries on, Yes? Or wait we for more resting?"

He looked keenly at the others. Although most of the wounds seemed healed up decently there is definitely a stretched or tired look to his companions


First Post
[sblock=Party current status]Party current/total HP's, [current/total HS's]
Hrav: 46/46, [4/8]; healed to full
Quagmire: 41/41, [5/9]; healed to full
Girth: 45/45hp, [8/10]; healed to full
Dang't: 32/32, [3/8]; healed to full
Beyrk: 35/35, [9/11]; already at full hp
Kauldron: 7/29, [5/12]; hasn't healed yet[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]Do we expect Redblade to be on the island? Cuz its his room and the stuff downstairs left.[/sblock]Dang't points to the room behind him. All quiets. Nobody home in Reddies' room.

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