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[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


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OOC: Do people want to continue in the same direction or try somewhere else?

(In case it isn't clear, you can go wherever you like, although southeast seems to be your best chance of finding a water source.)

Haven't heard from Cleverusername in a while. Hmm.

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The Captain strolls over to Hu Li and gestures at some of the denser spots of webbing. "My lady. Do you see the gobs of white hanging in the trees? That is not something one tends to see on the vegetation in this area of the islands. My guess would be that it's something related to the potato spiders back home. Surely they're harmless."

"Perhaps we should continue on? That water won't fetch itself."

OOC: The Irregulars are all for heading for that water.
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After two hours of trailblazing, Takahaan sighs deeply, hearing about the white goo perched along the canopy and branches of the deep jungle. Sweating much more than he ever did while training with the Iron Legion, he fiddles with his armor, trying to let a little air inside to cool his sizzling hide. "If only I was born with ice breath," he thought.

At the re-mentioning of fresh water, Takahaan experiences a rejuvenation of his energy, more motivation to push on through the rough jungle. "Let's continue to what we think is the southeast. Once we find that water, we can build shelter, rest, and put some food in our guts." Looking around at his companions, sweating and exhausted, he continues his speech. "Stopping to rest out here in this wet, harsh jungle will only dehydrate us more or bring trouble. I have a strange feeling that these spiders won't be happy to greet us trampling through their dominion."


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Noriaki scans the trees as they walk. "Takahaan is right. And when we find that water, maybe we can finally clean up a bit. Wouldn't that be nice?"


First Post
The group continues through the jungle, seeing more old, ragged webs strung here and there. Then, working their way around a large tree, they suddenly confront a set of webs that look quite fresh, and, crouching near the center, their creator--a hairy black spider the size of a man.

GM: Initiative for Alkas; Hu Li; Castile; Dartmoor; Noriaki; Takahaan; Bad Guys (1d20+3=18, 1d20+3=5, 1d20+3=5, 1d20+5=6, 1d20+5=24, 1d20+2=8, 1d20+3=19)

Noriaki gets to go, then the bad guys.

Perception Checks
If your passive Perception is high enough, you can examine appropriate spoiler blocks to located hidden enemies. If your passive Perception is not high enough, you may make a Perception roll as a minor action, once per round, to attempt to locate them.

Terrain Rules
The dark green terrain is heavy undergrowth. It is difficult terrain. A creature who is prone in this terrain gains concealment. If there are at least two squares of heavy undergrowth between such a creature and an observer, the prone creature gains total concealment with respect to that observer.

The light brown areas are relatively clear and count as normal terrain.

The dark brown circles are trees; they are blocking terrain.

The webs look like they will slow you down at the very least; should you enter a square containing a web, you can consult the spoiler block in the Enemies and Hazards section to learn its specific effects. Note that all the webs are in heavy undergrowth squares; the heavy undergrowth has its usual effects in addition to the web effects.

You should be able to tell whether a space with a figure on it is difficult or normal terrain by looking at the lower and right edges, but if you’re having trouble: Jade, Aerys, Gelik, Ishirou, Noriaki, and Sasha are standing on clear terrain. Everyone else is in heavy undergrowth.

Edit: Happy birthday to me for yesterday =D

[sblock=Perception 29]There is a swarm of spiders hidden in K12.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 28]There is a swarm of spiders hidden in J11.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 16]There is a small spider hidden in E9.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 14]There is a small spider hidden in I9.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 23]There is a small spider hidden in O10.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 19]There is a small spider hidden in M13.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 18]There is a small spider hidden in K18.[/sblock]

Alkas (A18) HP 35/35; surges 10/13
Castile (F18) HP 33/33; surges 9/13
Dartmoor (B17) HP 28/28; surges 8/10
Hú Lí (B18) HP 24/24; surges 6/8
Noriaki (E17) HP 27/27; surges 6/9
Takahaan (F17) HP 24/24; surges 5/8

Aerys (C18) HP 29/29; surges 9/11
Gelik (D17) HP 22/22; surges 3/6
Ishirou (D18) HP 24/24; surges 5/7
Jade (C17) HP 28/28; surges 6/10
Sasha (E18) HP 23/23; surges 4/6

Bad Guys
Jumping Spider (K11)
Others: hidden

[sblock=Enemy Stats]Please read the appropriate block(s) only when necessary to resolve attacks or OAs, or when you enter a square containing a web.

[sblock=Jumping Spider]Joompin Spider
AC 17, Fort 17, Ref 16, Will 13; HP 56, bloodied 28
:bmelee: bite +7 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends)

[sblock=When spider is bloodied]Nothing special happens. Gotcha![/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Spidering Swarm]Spiderling Swarm
AC 14, Fort 14, Ref 15, Will 10; HP 44, bloodied 22
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 to close and area attacks
Aura 1: each enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes 5 damage +2 extra damage per additional swarm adjacent to the enemy
:bmelee: Swarm of Fangs +4 vs. AC, 1d6+2 damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). A creature already taking poison damage is also weakened (save ends). The swarm’s attack deals 2 extra damage for each additional swarm adjacent to the target.
[sblock=When hit by an area or close attack]The swarm shifts reactively. Please wait for me to resolve this.[/sblock][/sblock]
AC 16, Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 13; HP 1 (minion)
:bmelee: Bite +7 vs. AC, 5 poison damage
Note: The spitters are quite small and can gain concealment/total concealment from heavy undergrowth as though they are prone.[/sblock]
[sblock=Web Hazard]When you enter a web, it makes an opportunity attack against you:
Sticky Web Attack: +4 vs. Reflex
Hit: you are restrained (save ends)
Miss: you are slowed until the end of your turn.
Special: when you are restrained by a web and succeed on your save, the web in your square is destroyed.

Restrained: you are immobilized, grant CA, take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and cannot be pushed, pulled, or slid.[/sblock][/sblock]


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In the unnaturally still forest, Noriaki's whisper is clearly audible. "It seems like more than a simple potato spider. Well, let's add the first chapter to this epic tale." His gaze darts from side to side, but he doesn't see any more. Noriaki draws his sword. It rattles slightly, as his hand shakes.

[sblock=mechanics] Minor: draw sword.
minor: perception: 1d20=9 not so much.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Happy late birthday!

Normally, I'd be quite pleased about winning initiative, but somehow, I can't bring myself to rush out into the middle of a field of hidden spiders. It just had to be spiders. /shudder[/sblock]

Noriaki Matsumoto Male Human Thaneborn Barbarian 1
Initiative: +3(+5 with Takahaan), Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 11, Senses: Normal
HP:27/27 Bloodied:13
Surges left:6/9
Surge Value:6
Action Points: 1
MBA: +7 to hit, 1d12+4 damage

Howling Strike
Pressing Strike

Escalating Violence []
Howl of Triumph []
Heroic Effort []
Second Wind []

Swift Panther Rage []


Feral Might(Thaneborn Triumph): Whenever you bloody an enemy, the next attack by you or an ally against that enemy gains a bonus to the attack roll equal to your Charisma modifier(+2).

Full sheet: Noriaki[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Pentius: You could ready an action if you like.

Also, I know that Noriaki likes to keep his sword in his sash just so that he can draw it out stylishly (someone give that boy something else to do with his minor actions!), but everyone else can assume that they have whatever they like in their hands at the start of the fight--you've had fair warning and have been advancing cautiously.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]I always forget about readying actions. Okay, I'll ready one to use howling strike if a spider comes within range.

Also, if I end up getting that Battle Harness from my wishlist(which I'm picturing as a really nice sash) I'm planning on sheathing my sword after each attack, just so I can draw it again.[/sblock]


OOC: Duh.
Perception 25 when my turn comes up.

Castile is still down 2 hp from the last fight unless I missed something again.

Castile watches the spiders in horror as they approach.
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First Post
The big spider springs from its web straight at Noriaki, who slashes at it in response. The angle at which it is approaching upsets his balance, though, and he misses. The spider bites him three times before springing away as quickly as it came, leaving him unconscious and bleeding.

The group hears movement in the jungle. A much smaller spider spits poison at Takahaan before disappearing into the undergrowth again. Another spits at Castile, but misses.

Swarms of spiderlings pour out from the center of the web and surge toward Takahaan and Castile. Takahaan is cruelly bitten, but Castile escapes the worst of it.

GM: Dekana: Thanks for the reminder on hit points. I’m ignoring Castile’s actions because she’s after the bad guys in the initiative order, but you can keep the perception roll if you like (as long as you spend the minor action for it, of course).

Note that Takahaan and Castile are in swarm auras and will each take 7 at the start of their turns. Takahaan has an opportunity to use Vengeance is Mine on Swarm 2 if desired.

Edit--NPCs: As a minor action, any PC can command an NPC to move. Alternatively, you can have one NPC move at the same time as you take a move, if that NPC is in your way. NPCs can't take more than the usual number of moves in this way.

All characters may now act.

[sblock=actions and rolls]Joompin spider standard: Death From Above--jumps to F16 and attacks.

Noriaki’s readied action: Noriaki howling strike vs AC, jumping spider; damage (1d20+7=14, 1d12+1d6+4=16) miss.

Joompin Spider: Death from above vs AC, Noriaki; damage (1d20+7=17, 1d8+4=8). Hit, 8 damage, Noriaki is prone and takes ongoing 5 poison (save ends).

Joompin Spider action point: Double Attack vs. AC, Noriaki; damage (2 attacks with CA) (1d20+7+2=26, 1d8+4=9, 1d20+7+2=17, 1d8+4=11). Noriaki takes 20 more damage. (Ouch.)

Joompin spider move: Prodigious Leap--jumps to K10 without provoking.

Spitter standard: poison spit vs AC, Castile (1d20+9=15), miss. Move: spitter moves and hides.

Another spitter standard: poison spit vs AC, Takahaan (1d20+9=23), hit for 5 poison damage. Move: spitter moves and hides.

Other spitters move and hide.

Spiderling swarm 1: move through web to J17. Standard: charge to G18. swarm of fangs vs AC, Castile (+1 charge); damage (1d20+4+4=17, 1d6+2=8), miss.

Spiderling swarm 2: move through web to J16. Standard: charge to G17. swarm of fangs vs AC, Takahaan (+1 charge); damage (+2 for additional adjacent swarm) (1d20+4+1=21, 1d6+2+2=10), hit for 10 and Takahaan takes 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends).

A pretty bad round there. Invisible Castle has spoken.[/sblock]

[sblock=terrain rules]Terrain Rules
The dark green terrain is heavy undergrowth. It is difficult terrain. A creature who is prone in this terrain gains concealment. If there are at least two squares of heavy undergrowth between such a creature and an observer, the prone creature gains total concealment with respect to that observer.

The light brown areas are relatively clear and count as normal terrain.

The dark brown circles are trees; they are blocking terrain.

The webs look like they will slow you down at the very least; should you enter a square containing a web, you can consult the spoiler block in the Enemies and Hazards section to learn its specific effects. Note that all the webs are in heavy undergrowth squares; the heavy undergrowth has its usual effects in addition to the web effects.[/sblock]

[sblock=Perception 16]There is a small spider hidden in B10.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 21]There is a small spider hidden in J11.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 17]There is a small spider hidden in M10.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 21]There is a small spider hidden in L15.[/sblock]
[sblock=Perception 19]There is a small spider hidden in L20.[/sblock]

Alkas (A18) HP 35/35; surges 10/13
Castile (F18) HP 31/33; surges 9/13
Dartmoor (B17) HP 28/28; surges 8/10
Hú Lí (B18) HP 24/24; surges 6/8
Noriaki (E17) HP -1/27; surges 6/9; unconscious, prone, dying, ongoing 5 poison (save ends)
Takahaan (F17) HP 9/24; surges 5/8; bloodied, ongoing 5 poison (save ends)

Aerys (C18) HP 29/29; surges 9/11
Gelik (D17) HP 22/22; surges 3/6
Ishirou (D18) HP 24/24; surges 5/7
Jade (C17) HP 28/28; surges 6/10
Sasha (E18) HP 23/23; surges 4/6

Bad Guys
Jumping Spider (K10)
Spiderling Swarm 1 (G18) aura 1 does 5 at the start of the enemy’s turn (7 if another swarm is adjacent to the target)
Spiderling Swarm 2 (G17) aura 1 does 5 at the start of the enemy’s turn (7 if another swarm is adjacent to the target)
Others: hidden

[sblock=Enemy Stats]Please read the appropriate block(s) only when necessary to resolve attacks or OAs, or when you enter a square containing a web.

[sblock=Jumping Spider]Joompin Spider
AC 17, Fort 17, Ref 16, Will 13; HP 56, bloodied 28
:bmelee: bite +7 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends)

[sblock=When spider is bloodied]Nothing special happens. Gotcha![/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Spidering Swarm]Spiderling Swarm
AC 14, Fort 14, Ref 15, Will 10; HP 44, bloodied 22
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 to close and area attacks
Aura 1: each enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes 5 damage +2 extra damage per additional swarm adjacent to the enemy
:bmelee: Swarm of Fangs +4 vs. AC, 1d6+2 damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). A creature already taking poison damage is also weakened (save ends). The swarm’s attack deals 2 extra damage for each additional swarm adjacent to the target.
[sblock=When hit by an area or close attack]The swarm shifts reactively. Please wait for me to resolve this.[/sblock][/sblock]
AC 16, Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 13; HP 1 (minion)
:bmelee: Bite +7 vs. AC, 5 poison damage
Note: The spitters are quite small and can gain concealment/total concealment from heavy undergrowth as though they are prone.[/sblock]
[sblock=Web Hazard]When you enter a web, it makes an opportunity attack against you:
Sticky Web Attack: +4 vs. Reflex
Hit: you are restrained (save ends)
Miss: you are slowed until the end of your turn.
Special: when you are restrained by a web and succeed on your save, the web in your square is destroyed.

Restrained: you are immobilized, grant CA, take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and cannot be pushed, pulled, or slid.[/sblock][/sblock]


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