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Against all odds! (Session Summary)


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The Seekers of Legend continued their march away from the blistered plains they left the gnolls with and quickly came upon what appeared to be an abandoned farm house in the midst of the endless grain fields. Seeing a distinct advantage in leaving most of the party behind in order to protect the "one-arms" and the rest of the refugees Tormal, Ceru and Felix moved ahead to investigate. On their decent to the farmhouse a goblin makes a daring apperance and slams felix in the chest with a morning star. Before the trio had to much time to react (Or perhaps they did and just suck!) the goblin ran back into the fields unseen. Unsure what to do the fearless trio continued on disregarding the sounds of wheat being pushed aside on either side of them as they moved. They knew they were goblins but they continued on regardless! After deciding to dart through the fields as fast as they could they finally broke upon the back of the house. Between the house and the field there was a clearing littered with bones! Seeing no potential threats the trio move around to the front of the house. Tormal opened the door as Felix and Ceru covered the outside. As Felix steps in and the other two follow Felix noticed a pair of huge feet poking out from under a fur/skin curtian seperating the room. There was someone... or better yet something sleeping back there! Curious, Felix moved up to the curtian to investigate as Tormal and Ceru prepared for the worst. As he slid the curtian the tinker of bells filled the room. An alarm! or worse... A trap! Before they could seriously react an ogre steped out from behind the curtain and another into the doorway behind them! Several goblins filed in behind the trio trapping them into a grim situation. The battle lasted for an hour as the tirless heroes fought for their lives! (Or perhaps... it was roughly 24 seconds?) The ogres pummeled the trio into sumbmission....

"I wonder where they are? They are certainly taking a long time! Perhaps we should investigate? Nah... Well maybe... Yes I think we sh..." The conversation continued on back with the refugees as the fearless trio (Numero Uno) got beaten to a pulpish substance.

After deciding it had taken to long the second fearless trio had been dispatched to relieve Trio Numero Uno. This trio was made up of Oceas, Tyrm and Ayla! Trying to follow Trio Numero Uno (TNU for short) the 2nd group found themselves in the midst of a grain-field-goblin-abush! This time there were two goblins! However.... they had met their match. The goblins were quickly dispatched and trio numero dos (TND) continued on toward the house. They noted all of the same things as TNU as far as the bones and such but were the one's doing the suprisn` this time! On the otherside of the house TND could hear what sounded like happy ogres(?). Since one of the members of TND didn't like ogres it was time for action! TND ambushed the ogres and goblins as they tried to skin Felix up for a midnight snack. Before they could react Ayla had already killed one in a flurry of arrows and the rest were quickly dispatched. It's quickly concluded that Felix is dead ( :( ) Inside the house TND finds the remainder of TNU hanging from the celing.

** Just as TND is arriving Ceru awakend! Oh wait... he never died! (fein death/trance... ? ask him!) He heals Tormal who quickly began to struggle out of his bindings as Ayla walked in **

"Hey I found them!" Ayla happily shrieked.....

Will continue in about one and a 1/2 hour after this movie.
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Anyway.... Oh yes.

Ayla proceeded to help Tormal and Ceru down while the rest of the group searched the area. The only thing to be found was a huge pile of nasty furs and skins.... possibly bedding for an ogre? Tormal decided to look through the furs before departing and uncovered much more! A chest! With some coinage (Don't remember the numbers off hand).... "look there is some coinage!" Tormal proclaimed.

In any case the group decided to investigate the nearby barn after clearing out the farm house. Yep it was a barn... ... ... Oh wait. Several members quickly noticed a trap door! Most of the group seemed only moderately interested so Tyrm and Tormal decided to open the door while everyone else waited patiently nearby. The two of them entered the underground cavern (Or cellar) to uncover what was probably a storage space. (OOOOooooo.....) After a small amount of time searching Tyrm found a ruby laying in the dirt. He quickly picked it up and just as soon as he did he got an urge to put it to his forehead. Luckily for him he had the will of an ox and wasn't forced into the situation. Instead he willingly put the gem to his forehead (DUH!). Tormal tried to stop him but Tyrm succeeded anyway and started attacking Tormal! He went crazy! (The hard part is determining whether it were the stone or just him...) In any case Tyrm hitTormal with a magic missle and it hurt... bad. Tormal replied with a swift kick to the head... but it didn't bring him down! Tyrm retaliated again but failed to kill Tormal. Tormal finally knocked Tyrm out and the gem abruptly surfaced on his forehead.

After everything had been sorted out with the rest of the group it was decided that Oceas and Tormal would attempt to remove the ruby. Oceas gave it the first try or two with a spearhead (??...) then Tormal stepped in to swiftly tear it out! (Or maybe it took 4 or 5 tries...) However Tormal's will didn't prove to be as strong as Tyrm's and instead he was forced to put the ruby to his forehead. By that time Ceru, Oceas and Tyrm were also down there. Tormal attacked! The battle raged for a good 6 seconds or so and Tormal is knocked out and dying! Ceru tried to help Tormal by healing him just a little. As a thank you gift Ceru got a swift punch in the face from good ol` Tormal as he awakend. He decided it was enough and left the cellar. Oceas and Tyrm spent a good 30 seconds trying to bring Tormal down before everything is done. Tyrm removed the gem from Tormal and used his second chance wisely.

In the end the group decided to bunker up in the barn for a few days to rest up. They found some rotting meat in which they could use purify food on to make edible. Further searching in the cellar revealed a secret door which opened up to a second storage room. Inside there was some extremely well kept grain. It's "more robust" then others and has not yet began to rot! It even had dust all over it (It must have been there awhile!). Oh yeah and somewhere in the barn we found another chest with even more coinage!!(Numbers, again, fail to come to me)

After resting for 3 days the group decided to make a move once more. With coinage, grain and meat in hand they set off on a HUGE journey back... to the manor? After a few hours, however, the group ran into several sentries placed on a road that led to a nearby town. After some chatting it's revealed they are adventurers too and they were going to go kill the ogre's and goblins that killed Felix. (Would have been nice a bit sooner!) But we got em' anyway. They led us back to the town in which we planned on staying at for a couple of days....

Although we have stated we were only going to stay a few days Tormal is opting to stay for a more significant amount of time. He believes we should stay long enough to better ourselves before we take on the gnolls. He believs if given enough time he can better himself and by doing so, better the group. If possible he would like to take some time to try and locate Wolf while the group is in the area. His justification is simple. He does not believe the group stands any sort of chance right now. "We need to take a bit of time for ourselves so that we may better assist those who need it. We need to rest, resupply and refine..."

He states " This group is very fine. We have the ability to change this world for better or worse and I would like to see it for the better. I do not believe this situation can be better assisted by spending so much time to return to greerson just to tell them outdated information. Instead I see a greater outcome if we step into the fray ourselves. We need to take responsability for this situation, on some level, even though it wasn't ours to begin with. We're here now... why not make what we can out of it?...."
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Any thoughts/comments on Tormal's proposal to stay in this town and train? It is certainly do-able. So would training back at the manor. But if you want real exposure to people, and you want to purchase real resources with your loot, then you will need to go someplace bigger.

It is all your call folks. You are starting to scratch the surface of dealing with the gnolls. You can continue, you can pause to prepare yourselves (training and equipment purchase/manufacture), or you can even abandon this story for a while.


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I have to admit, I didn't read the whole sumary yet (Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas are calling me, I'll read it later tonight), but I am all for training. A big city would be nice, but I think we could train somewhere small and resupply anything expensive a little later.

Voidrunner's Codex

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