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Against the Crimson Tide IC

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
The creature is nothing like anything Anya has ever seen; it resembles some aborted crossbreed of squid and shark, and is of truly gargantuan proportions. Six tentacles are wrapped around the hull and rigging, crushing the vessel, while another four pluck sailors from the deck and feed them into the blunt, chisel-like maw. No light of intelligence shines in its eyes, and it gives no reason to suspect that it is anything other than a dumb, if monstrous, beast.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Fairweather attempts to determine if the tower-like structure is magical or poisonous in any way, as well as looking about at the other creatures to see if they are contaminated by the same.*

[OOC - Casting detect magic and detect poison. Once I have an idea of what I'm dealing with, I may go investigate further.]

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
The water itself seethes with both magic and venom, but the creatures radiate neither; the structure is warded by some abjuring field which, among other things, appears to be keeping out the toxin that has poisoned the rest of the sea.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Curiouser and curiouser, Fairweather thinks, and tries to swim into the structure. She is not yet tainted (she hopes), she might be able to pass where these others have failed...

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Fairweather meets no resistance from the spell, but the density of creatures is enough that she is forced to brush one on entering. This sets the horde off, beginning to batter not only at the doorway, but the building itself, portions of which are unprotected.


First Post
Paxus Asclepius said:
The creature is nothing like anything Anya has ever seen; it resembles some aborted crossbreed of squid and shark, and is of truly gargantuan proportions. Six tentacles are wrapped around the hull and rigging, crushing the vessel, while another four pluck sailors from the deck and feed them into the blunt, chisel-like maw. No light of intelligence shines in its eyes, and it gives no reason to suspect that it is anything other than a dumb, if monstrous, beast.

Seeing the danger the ship is in, and the loss of life, Anya reacts. Faster than you can blink, Anya jabs her arm towards the creature as she hisses, saying dark, intricate words as a glowing purple ray fires from her fingertip towards the creature.

OOC: Quickened Finger of Death, DC 30, Ranged Touch Atk +20.

If the creature still lives, Anya whispers "Kira, deliver a touch for me!"

As Kira stands ready, Anya begins to cast another spell, slower this time, calling upon the power of the Goddess. A deadly energy transfers from Anya to the eladrin, and Kira jets towards the creature to deliver the strike.

Meanwhile, Sumi has aleady acted, sending a hail of arrows at the creature.

Kira delivers Harm. Touch Atk +25. AC 54 (in case of AoOs).
Sumi activates her boots of speed and does a rapid shot attack followed by a four arrow manyshot attack. Atk: +33/+33/+28/+23 and +27/+27/+27/+27. Damage 1d10+8

Anya - cast Quickened Finger of Death (Wiz 11), and Harm (Cle 6).
Sumi - used 1 round of haste on her boots.
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
The violet energy plunges directly into the creature's jaws, but the creature's supernatural bulk mostly shrugs off the effects. A tentacle lashes through the eladrin's form as she darts in, but passes through the incorporeal celestial harmlessly. The negative energy of Anya's second spell surges against the creature, but dissipates harmlessly from some natural resistance. Sumi's arrows fly true, but the monstrosity's hide proves nearly impregnable; three arrows are deflected outright, and four more slice shallow grooves which heal before her eyes. One lucky shaft, however, plunges into the flesh lining one of the beast's too many eyes, driving deep and prompting a burst of foul ichor. The aberration responds by striking out with its tentacles. Two narrowly miss Sumi, one splits the figurehead lengthwise, and the last flailing limb hammers brutally into Anya's chest and wraps her in a ghastly embrace.

OOC: Anya took 52 damage, and is grappled (most likely far beyond any possibility of non-magical escape). For DM's notes, the creature has been dealt
67 damage.


First Post
Paxus Asclepius said:
The violet energy plunges directly into the creature's jaws, but the creature's supernatural bulk mostly shrugs off the effects. A tentacle lashes through the eladrin's form as she darts in, but passes through the incorporeal celestial harmlessly. The negative energy of Anya's second spell surges against the creature, but dissipates harmlessly from some natural resistance. Sumi's arrows fly true, but the monstrosity's hide proves nearly impregnable; three arrows are deflected outright, and four more slice shallow grooves which heal before her eyes. One lucky shaft, however, plunges into the flesh lining one of the beast's too many eyes, driving deep and prompting a burst of foul ichor. The aberration responds by striking out with its tentacles. Two narrowly miss Sumi, one splits the figurehead lengthwise, and the last flailing limb hammers brutally into Anya's chest and wraps her in a ghastly embrace.

OOC: Anya took 52 damage, and is grappled (most likely far beyond any possibility of non-magical escape). For DM's notes, the creature has been dealt
67 damage.

OOC: My first epic monster! Heavy DR, SR, and packs a wallop! This might also be Anya's last encounter. :eek: Anya's Ring II has freedom of movement on it. If any of her damage was from the grapple, please give her a refund!

Anya groans from the pain of the beast's attack. Slipping out of the creature's embrace, she flies up and away. Flicking her fingers with stunning speed again, a small bead flies towards the creature and explodes in a blast of acid. Anya then casts another spell, and she glows red as she transforms into a massive flying red dragon. The dragon turns its head and breathes fire on the beast.

Kira flits away, pulling out a wand of magic missile.

Sumi, seeing the ship is in danger, lets fly more arrows and calls on her Goddess to keep the creature from coming closer.

Anya casts quickened delayed blast fireball, using mastery of elements to make it acid. Ref DC 30, Caster Level 23. She then Shapechanges into a Mature Adult Red Dragon. Breath weapon: 14d10, Ref DC 28.
Kira's Use Magic Device mod is +19 to use the wand. Five magic missiles.
Sumi activates her boots of speed and does a manyshot attack, then casts Repulsion. Atk: +27/+27/+27/+27. Dmg: 1d10+8. Repulsion 220' radius emanation. Will DC 28. Caster Lvl 29 to overcome resistance.

Anya - 27 damage (healed 25 from the shapechange). Cast Quickened Delay Blast Fireball, Quickened Finger of Death (Wiz 11), Shapechange (Wiz 9), and Harm (Cle 6).
Kira - Used 1 charge of wand of magic missiles (5 missiles)
Sumi - Used 2 rounds of haste on her boots. Cast Repulsion (Cle 7)

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Alarmed, Fairweather dives into the structure, trying to find anyone else in here, anyone she can warn...*

"Hello? Hellooooooooooooooooooooo?"

*If no one can be found, Fairweather asks the structure itself about what's going on, who has touched them recently, and anything else they can impart.*

[OOC - stone tell]

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
The acid which washes over the creature's hide appears no more to discomfit it than a bucket of water would affect a normal shark; the dragon's breath, however, shrivels a large patch of skin on its hide, leaving a foul smoke and ash. Sadly, neither Kira's missiles nor Sumi's enchantment find any hold on the beast, and the one arrow which strikes solidly proves unable to penetrate the supernaturally armored flesh. In angered response, two of the thing's tentacles slam into Sumi, though they cannot find grip, while another pair rip the mainmast off the vessel.

OOC: Sumi took 97, and would have been grappled (grumble, grumble, epic items, grumble, taking away all my cohort-eating fun, grumble). Damage dealt to the creature is
130 total.


Fairweather sees an old locathah, dressed in heavy ceremonial garb, standing over an altar; his body sways in supplication to his god. He appears not to have noticed her entrance.

Voidrunner's Codex

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