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AGoT - House Steadfast


Just curious, as Summerhall castle is a ruin, where is House Steadfast based? Or is there enough of the castle standing that the house can lodge there?

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Still working on it! I figured out my build and feats, though, so I'm hoping the rest will be easy (but I have to figure out reputation and influence and defects and... shock?)

[sblock]Ser Tirron Bright

Artisan 2/Man at Arms 3/Knight 1
Background: The North
House Affiliation: Steadfast (Minor House)
Social Status: 0 (Hedge Knight)
Wealth: Rank 0
Reputations: (3) Tactical +1, Skilled +1, Kind +1
Influences: (38) Deborah Bright +6, Ser Jaysin +10, Ser Paul +6, Outriders +4, Mora +2 (10 unspent)

Hit Points: 33
Shock: 1
Initiative: +2
Movement: 30 ft.
Armor Class: +13 (+3 Defense, +2 Dex, +8 large wooden shield)
Armor: 11 (+5 Chainmail, +6 large shield)
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7
Attack: Longsword +7 (1d8+2/19-20/x2), Lance +8 (1d8+2/20/x3)
Full Attack: Longsword +8 (1d8+1/19-20/x2)

Saves: Fort +7 (+2 vs. cold), Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 11

Skills: Craft: Blacksmithing (Armoursmithing, Weaponsmithing) +8 (8 + 1 spec), Diplomacy (Nobility, Smallfolk) +9 (9 + 1 spec) , Handle Animal (horse) +4 (2), Intimidate +2 (0), Knowledge: Nobility (Etiquette) +5 (5), Knowledge: Religion (Seven) +4 (3), Knowledge: Warfare (Tactics) +5 (6), Ride (Light Warhorse, Heavy Warhorse) +11 (9 + 1 spec), Spot (Ambush) +5 (6)

Feats: Combat Expertise, Mounted Warrior, Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus (Lance), Blood of the First Men, Fortune's Favour

Special Abilities: Bonus Class Skills (Survival), Focus (Craft[])

Defects: (6) Dark Secret (Orphan) +1, Dark Secret (Illegitimate Knighthood) +2, In Service (House Steadfast) +3 (get Power Attack, Tough, or Weapon Focus [Longsword])


Background: "... And the knight slew the great beast, saving the townsfolk..." Tirron doesn't remember much about his childhood, but he remembers all that he cares to remember. He grew up in an orphanage in Winterfell, run by Miss Deborah Bright, a little lady from farther south. She used to delight her children with fabulous stories of places farther south--where it was warmer. The children would love hearing these stories, but none took them to heart like little Tirron did.

He had trouble with other children in the city--they'd taunt the orphans and call them names, and Tirron always challenged them, wanting to slay the great beasts and save his orphan townsfolk allies. And Tirron always was sent home a mess.

As soon as he was able, Tirron left Winterfell to travel south to discover the mystical lands Miss Deborah had told him about--he never found them. But, he did find a knight. Ser Jaysin came upon Tirron quite a ways away from Winterfell as Tirron was trying to barter for some supplies with some merchants on the road. "I'm on my way to become a knight, honest." He'd say. "I'll protect your caravan on the trip." They weren't buying it.

Tirron wasn't sure why Ser Jaysin stopped for the boy, but he did. Ser Jaysin approached Tirron wearing his gleaming armor and perched high upon a mighty steed--how could Tirron know the difference?--and asked if Tirron wanted to be properly trained.

That Tirron happily accepted wasn't much of a surprise, the surprise was that he took to it so well. He learned about taking care of a steed, taking care of his equipment, using it properly, wielding a weapon, and he became very skilled, and Ser Jaysin eventually knighted him. On their travels, Ser Jaysin started to enter Tirron into tournaments, where Tirron earned some decent equipment. 'Ser Tirron' became a name of very minor renown, though his opponents knew to expect a formidable opponent. Between tournaments, Tirron started to ask Ser Jaysin about his life--Jaysin had learned to be a knight entirely on his own. He was never knighted, and Tirron's on knighthood wasn't legit.

By then, it was too late. Tirron was already known as a knight, and a knight from House Steadfast had approached him to talk to him, intrigued by his success in tournaments. Ser Paul asked if Ser Tirron would join the Outriders in exchange for safety and equipment. After Ser Tirron was asked to join the Outriders, Ser Jaysin had disappeared. He was on his own, honored by the invitation to join House Steadfast.

That he joined wasn't a surprise, the surprise was the he took to it so quickly. Ser Paul was apparently somewhat impressed by Tirron's style, and when Tirron isn't riding, he can often be found eating Mora's food. "I've never seen so much food in my life!" And Mora doesn't mind feeding Steadfast's newest knight.
[sblock=Notable People]Deborah Bright was from the Dorne region, and that's where her stories took place. She was a charitable soul who wanted to help children in the North for her own reasons--probably that it was a needy area. She runs Bright Orphanage with care, but she never received enough donations to run it as well as it should have been run. When Tirron left Winterfell, he took Bright as his surname because a) that's where considered himself to be from (of Bright) and b) Deborah and the orphanage was his only family.[/sblock]
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First Post
GlassEye - They will be based out of Summerhall. I was going to detail this a little more. There is enough of the Castle that remains to base the House there. But that will be part of the campaign to rebuild the place. I hope to have info up tomorrow for you on the background a little more.

Even I am running behind, Sorry! :eek:

Jdvn1 - Just so you are aware if you need assistance let me know. On a side note there are not to many knights from the North, but that could be the reason why you left and are know in the Southern Part of the Kingdom.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Widowmaker said:
Jdvn1 - Just so you are aware if you need assistance let me know. On a side note there are not to many knights from the North, but that could be the reason why you left and are know in the Southern Part of the Kingdom.
That is what I was thinking. As a hedge knight, I'd have been kind of an outcast anyway, so wanderlust would have been a way to periodically avoid badness.

But, having been a wandering hedge knight, I'm not quite sure who I'd have Influence over, or if my reputation would precede me. I'm currently considering having been raised in an orphanage (Bastardy? Dark Secret?) and my current rank and equipment is thanks to being In Service to House Steadfast, who became interested in me after a good showing in a local tournament.


First Post
Jdvn1 - I like the idea of the orphanage thing. If you are from the North, Winterfell is the closest thing to a big city that would have an orphanage. You could have started your fighting career as a swords man. Or you could have apprenticed under another Hedge Knight. Then by winning tournaments you gained your armor and equipment.

You could have tried to return to the North but was shunned. Hence why you have traveled south.

Your Influence can be over anyone. Another couple Hedge Knights, your old master, a bartender/innkeeper, a fromer lord, even secret ones that you want me to keep track of.


First Post
Here's the first draft of my character Osric Steadfast. Let me know if he needs toned down a bit :\

Lord Osric Steadfast Noble 3 / Man-at-Arms 1

Str 12 +1 4 cost
Dex 10 +0 2 cost
Con 14 +2 6 cost
Int 14 +2 6 cost
Wis 10 +0 2 cost
Cha 16 +3 8 cost +1 level

HP 23
Shock 7
AC 5/11(+2 defence +3 Cha/+6 shield)
Armor 8
BAB +3
Attack +6 (d8+1 longsword)
Ranged +3 (d6+1 bow)

Fort +5 (3 base +2 Con)
Ref +1 (1 base 0 Dex)
Will +3 (3 base 0 Wis)

Influence 59 (15 status 32 class levels 12 Cha +5 Heir +7 Political Connections)
Reputation 5 Wise beyond his years
Wealth 5 (temporarily 4 due to hiring mercenaries, laborers, and ships)

Head of House
Political Connections
Gold Breeder
Fame: Wise beyond his years
Bravado: Longsword defence

Blind Fury (1): Father's name disparaged
Dark Secret (1): Worships the Stranger
Marked (3): 6'9" tall but wire thin, no eyebrows or hair
Nemesis (2): Aaron Caron

Skills: (63 points: 51 from class levels, 9 from noble bonus skills, and 3 from defects) 
Bluff(fast-talk) +8 (5 ranks +3 Cha) +10 when social staus applies
Diplomacy(nobility) +10 (7 ranks +3 Cha +3) +18 when social staus applies (Bluff, Know: Nobility, & Sense Motive synergies)
Gather Information(gossip) +8 (3 ranks +3 Cha +2 Synergy)
Intimidate(old blood) +10 (5 ranks +3 Cha +2 Synergy) +12 when social staus applies
Know: Architecture(castles) +7 (5 ranks +2 Int)
Know: History(military) +4 (2 ranks +2 Int)
Know: Local(Summerhall environs) +9 (7 ranks +2 Int)
Know: Nobility(etiquette) +7 (5 ranks +2 Int)
Know: Stewardship(agriculture) +9 (7 ranks +2 Int)
Know: Warfare(logistics, strategy, tactics) +9 (7 ranks +2 Int)
Perform: Oratory(hight society) +5 (2 ranks +3 Cha)
Ride(heavy war horse) +2 (2 ranks 0 Dex)
Sense Motive(speech) +7 (7 ranks 0 Wis)
Spot(ambush) +7 (7 ranks 0 Wis)

Although Osric was odd looking even as a child, his early years were carefree. His sunny disposition won over family and servants alike. But when the plague took his parents a pall came over him. The child was still engaging, but he took on a seriousness that belied his age. Wanting the best education possible for his nephew and forseeing turmoil at home, Ser Vyncent sent him to court with Maester Aethelweared to attend and tutor him.

While still several years from his majority, Osric turned out to be a quick study, both of the intrigues of King's Landing and numerous other matters concerning his future role. He was in no position to be a major player in the game of thrones, but over the next couple of years he did manage to, through flattery, cozy up to both Varys and Peter Baelish of the small council, at least enough to loosen their tongues somewhat. Neither councilor shared any sensitive secrets with the youngster. The advice they did share, however, proved quite valuable. With the help of Maester Aethelweared, Osric invested his relatively modest inheiritence in several lucrative schemes Littlefinger mentioned, magnifying the lordlings resources seveal times over in just a few years.

During this time, Osric visited his family home several times. While these trips allowed him to solidify his ties with those who had sworn themselves to House Steadfast, no amount of diplomacy could prevent the souring of his relationship with Aaron Caron. Perhaps it was the way that Osric made a point of not eating or drinking anything the regent offered until he saw that Aaron himself had eaten some. Or perhaps it was the warmth with which he was greeted by house staff. Whereas the regent's own reception was typically cordial but cold. Whatever the case, Aaron certainly has no intention of giving up his seat for Steadfast's scion. One one of his last visits Caron decided that Osric's advisor must be overly competant. The regent then arranged for Maester Aethelweared to 'fall down' a stairway, breaking his neck.

In the last few months Osric has remained far from idle. In a carriage repainted and re-horsed every few days he travelled to Yronwood. There, he recruited the Dog's Tongues, a small mercenary company led by Lord Anders bastard Aleksyndr Sand. He also brought a slightly more sizable group of foreign laborers and stonemasons into his employ. He then sailed with them part-way up the nameless river running between the marches and Cape Wrath. When the ships could go no farther, they hiked through the mountains to set up camp at a point a few days march from Summerhall. From there, Osric returned alone to Summerhall. There he asked a trusted retainer (perhaps Viviene Grove?) to start rumors of a bandit uprising to the north.

When Aaron goes forth to quash the purported rebellion, Osric declares himself Lord of Summerhall and sends for his encamped men to supplement the local hedge knights in defense of his claim.


First Post
Voidrazor - things are looking good. I don't think he is overpowerful or needs to be toned down. Each character has there importance.

To All - I am sorry I have not posted more. I am very busy at work. Working close to 20 hour days. My personal time to get the game started has gone to zero. I am hoping to have things going by Tuesday. Please forgive me, my job has a some requirements beyond my control. :heh:


First Post
and my apologies for not getting Viviene finished up and posted to the gallery. This week has gotten away from me, but tomorrow should happen.



Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
I couldn't find any information on the Seven Gods in the book. And, the previously mentioned site seems to be spotty in certain spots, so...

Is there anything I should know other than the stuff on there?

I'm considering having the orphanage be run by some septons or septas (is that the right pluralization?). Do the Seven have any enemies?


First Post
lissilambe - No problem. Believe me I understand.

Jdvn1 - Information on the Seven Gods is limited in my opinion. As far as enemies - no not really. There are two other faiths but they are limited. The Old Gods are still respected in the North. And Rhollar is in South (Dorne). Otherwise the Seven hold a main stay with the rest of the Kingdom.

The next novel will bring more information. But as far as game influence, not much more.

And yes you did it correct: Septons and Septas.

If you are from the North it would be rare, but not improbible, that the church would have an orphanage. Elsewhere it would be common.

Hope this answered your questions.

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