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Artist looking to do some fun sketches.

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First Post
Many million thanks. It looks just amazing (like all your work), just like I imagined him. I'm going to reccomend you to my group :)


First Post
Keep Those Requests Coming!!!!


Here is your pic. I hope you like it. I went more with a "autumn" theme on him. ENJOY!





OOooooo, Colour!

Thanks a lot, Bobacus. I'll post a few more character concepts to sketch. Sketches of the rest of the adventuring party wouls be neat!

1. Tebryn, Drow Ranger, clad in studded leather armour, wielding a magical dancing halberd, and almost dripping with other weapons, such as scimitars and a longbow. Moderately muscled and very quick. His animal companion is a hawk.

2. Levra, Human monk, has spent a great deal of his life among the trappings of the natural world. Wielding only a quarterstaff and light robes, he should possess a couple of pouches practically overflowing with different herbs and roots. Levra should have an exotic look about him, and taut, sinewy muscles.

3. Monachre, Dwarf fighter / Cleric of Moradin. This dwarf currently holds the highest political position a member of the dwarf clergy can hold, so there should be a regal air about him. His main weapon is a bastard sword, and the holy symbol of Moradin should be emblazoned on his plate mail. Monachre should have a thick, powerful build.

4. Eam, human sorcerer. A mercenary by trade, he is also trained as a warrior. Eam is a little bit of a loose cannon, and while not a firebug, he's certainly not far off. His clothing should appear a little singed, and a shiny longsword should hang at his side.

5. Arleth, human rogue. Also a trained mercenary, and Eam's cousin. Both Eam and Arleth are rather dark haired and tall. Arleth is clad in a dark suit of scale mail, and her primary weapon is a composite shortbow. Arleth is very cautious by nature, and is very atlethic and nimble.

I look forward to seeing these individual works, and a composite sketch of all six of these characters and their repective animals (where applicable) would also be quite cool.

I hope this isn't TOO much.


World of Kulan DM
Naviia Silversun, Member of the Rapid Riders
Race: Elf (silver)
Classes: 6th level fighter, 5th level druid (Damh)
Sex: Female
Age: 158
Alignment: Neutral good

Possessions: Bracers of armor (+5), luck blade (3 wishes), alexandrite gem (x2), antitoxin (flask), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, bread (1 loaf), bullseye lantern, cheese (1 hunk), cold weather outfit, courtier’s outfit, elven fire-wine (bottle), flint and steel, hawk (animal companion), healer’s kit, ink (1 oz. vial), inkpen, leather armor, longsword, light warhorse (equipped), map case, parchment (x3), sack, shortbow w/ 20 arrows, signal whistle, signet ring, silver holy symbol (Damh), spell component pouch, tent, trail rations (7 days), waterskin, whetstone, winter blanket.

Animal companion: Hawk (named Velit); HD 3d8; hp 13; Init +4, Spd 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect), AC 20; Atk 2 claws +6 melee; Dmg claw 1d4-2; SQ grants +4 wild empathy and handle animal checks, bonus tricks (2), evasion, share spells; SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6; AL N.
Skills and Feats: Listen +6, Spot +6*; Weapon Finesse
* Velit gains a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks in daylight.

Mount: Light warhorse w/ bit & bridle, feed (7 days), military saddle, saddlebags (x2), and studded leather barding (+3 AC).

Personality: Creative and sensuous.

Description: Naviia’s beauty seems unearthly to most humans, which isn’t surprising considering her heritage. She always wears the finest silk garments when visiting her homeland or meeting with important nobles of other lands. When traveling with her fellow Rapid Riders, she wears sturdy traveling gear and her leather armor, although somehow she always looks spectacular. Naviia never goes anywhere without her luck blade; a family heirloom passed down to her from her aunt. She stands 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 100 lbs. She has long blonde hair, which she often wears braided with beads, lightly tanned skin, and midnight black eyes.

Background: Naviia Silversun is the youngest daughter of Menkhar Silversun, the High One of the Silver Leaves, and the Queen Consort, Anithiia. Raised to follow in her mother’s footsteps, Naviia did little to endear herself to the elven lords of Silverleaf. She spurned one after another and refused to be sold into ‘slavery’, as she coined the idea of marriage.

She felt an urge to be wild and free and her friends became the satyrs, fauns, and pixies living throughout the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves. Anithiia was aghast that her daughter refused to follow her royal duties. She continued to push and even coerce her daughter to meet with elven nobles of the highest station, insisting that her daughter would do as she was born to do.

The High One was powerless to intercede on his daughter’s behalf, as it is his wife’s right to dictate the path of all his daughters. Soon Naviia and her mother were butting heads over everything and then one night, Naviia simply disappeared into the depths of the Great Forest. Her mother ordered her found but all searches turned up nothing.

Naviia had found a higher calling than being a noble elf’s wife, she had become one with nature. The animals and fey of the forest protected and warned her when the patrols came to close. The land sustained her and the god Damh, known as the Fey One, blessed her with the powers of the druid and instructed her to seek out the Inner Circle at the sacred gathering place of the druids in the Hallowed Prairie northwest of the Great Forest.

There, Ailivan Windstepper, the Exalted Druid of Harqual, brought Naviia officially into the Order of the Fey. The fact that the highest ranking elven druid, of her people, inducted her into the Order meant that she had nothing to fear from her mother’s machinations anymore. She and Ailivan appeared before the Silver Council, in a flash of lightning, on the day she was supposed to be forced into the Life Quest her mother had chosen for her. The entire council trembled before the might of the Exalted Druid’s power, as her proclaimed that her true Life Quest would be the way of the Order, and he dared any to oppose him.

None dared to oppose Ailivan not even Naviia’s mother. Menkhar was pleased with his daughter’s chosen way of life and gave his blessing wholeheartedly. Soon all of the Silver Court came to agree that her joining the Order was the best decision, although Naviia’s mother still resents being contradicted.

As for how and why Naviia came to be a member of the Rapid Riders, that is a secret shared only by her Order and both Hendrick Ricarsson and Will ‘o the Wisp. The legend is that the Inner Circle came to Hendrick in a dream and told him that a elven druid of great beauty would appear on a roan horse with the sun setting behind her, overlooking a valley. The rest of the legend says that Naviia is to be accepted into the Rapid Riders without question or that a great peril would fall upon the Riders in their journeys.

Ricarsson laughs when people ask him about the legend and whether or not there is any truth to it. Naviia doesn’t talk about it but seems happy and content with her life. She is one of the group’s best riders and is the only Rapid Rider allowed to travel to and from the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves and the Hallowed Lands.

Many a young Rapid Rider has spent an entire summer enamored with Naviia, trying desperately to be assigned to ride with her group. And while Naviia loves the attention, she is as tough as she is beautiful and most of these enamored suitors quickly learn that Naviia is a Rapid Rider first, stunning elven princess second. She has rebuffed almost every male that has tried to woo her and some female Riders as well. However, Naviia isn’t prudish, just selective. (It is rumored that she and Ricarsson have been having secret trysts.)
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First Post
Awesome, Ive been dying to have a character drawn. You said just fantasy, a pity, I have a Star Wars character Id kill to have drawn. But For Fantasy, heres mine.

Patriarch Nagano

The Last Patriarch of the Dragonrealm of Amun, Lord Nagano was a very wise, strong leader. About 6'1, long white hair raced down his back, with a lock covering his left eye. His eyes were pure Gold, with his right eye having a starlike birthmark in the upper left side of it. Scars covered his clean shaven face, the most noticable being a long scar running from his forehead diagnolly across his right eye to nearly his mouth.

His well built body was adorned in Full Plate armor, a very unique design. It was layered in Gold Plates, with pure diamond stars on the knees, elbows, and shoulders. His gauntless were adorned with spikes of ruby, and to each ruby a pure gold chain connected it to his fingertips. The insides of his gauntless were also adorned with rubies, forming a star pattern across his palm. On the center of his chest was a Golden Dragon, emblazoned out of Diamond, spread out, Flying to the heavens.

Always carried with him was his ancient family sword, the Phalanx. A massive zweihander, the handle was pure gold, with an enormous circular ruby at the bottom. Platinum lines ran up it to the top of the handle, where two curved dragons heads sprung out in each direction, with diamond eyes. The blade was 5 feet long and 5 inches wide, covered with diamonds across the entire blade. Down the blade in Gold writing were the words, "Forever the Dragon Shall Be." At the very tip of the blade lied a sapphire point, glowing brilliantly with magical energy.


First Post
I got one for you if you are interested.. (Plus I like your artwork :D )

Tunnel Rat
He is a human who lives among the dwarves and loves to dig in the dirt. Though brought in for his geological expertise, He has disruptive nature...

He carries a dagger, but his weapon of choice is his shovel.

Short and to the point if you are interested give him a scribble
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First Post

Hey all,

I am enjoying doing all these sketches and will continue to do basic sketches for free. I find them fun and fascinating. But I am really trying to get more monetary return for my work. Several people have asked me to do more and I want too, but I feel I need to be compensated (I need the money, being unemployed and all) I am posting a list of my rates and I hope you can all help me out and order some. If there is anything you want we can always haggle, the rates arent solid by any means.

Character Illustration Rates

-Give a brief description of your character
-Pencil sketch only
-One character only
-no “Hard Copy”

-Black and White ink
-Up to 2 characters
-Can be Just 2 characters or a “scene”
-no “Hard Copy”

-Pencil Only
-Up to 2-10 characters
-Create a “scene” or Group type shot
-More control of sketch. (will receive proofs and you can make changes)
-Hard copy available (Must pay for shipping)

-Full color
-Give a brief description of your character (or one previously sketched)
-One character only
-no “Hard Copy”

-Full color
-Up to 2 characters
-Can be Just 2 characters or a “scene”
-no “Hard Copy”

-Full color
-Up to 2-10 characters
-Create a “scene” or Group type shot
-More control of sketch. (will receive proofs and you can make changes)
-Hard copy available (Must pay for shipping)

I only take paypal. It may be possible to do a money order type thing. But this is difficult for me. I will take half the payment when you put in order. The other half when I am complete. I will also email you a “virtual receipt” for your order.

I will give you a estimated time when I will be done. It all depends on the subject matter. Sketches only take me 10 minutes or so. Coloring can take hours.


Email: shafe31672@yahoo.com

Examples of my work can be seen at:


If you have any more questions, dont be afraid to ask.




First Post
Those are pretty good rates Bobacus, and BTW, you do excellent work. Quick question, which request that has been made is the first that is going to have to pay the Level Rates, or does this new rule start from every request after the post u just made.

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