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Avengers, 1889 [IC]

Karl Green

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Round 4

Round 4, Initiative Order
23 – Wolverine
22 – Bull-Smasher (KO’ed)
20 – Ronin, the Wrecker, and Inspector Kastle and the Police
16 – Thor
15 – Captain Britania
14 – Thunderball
13 – Black Widow
12- Hulk
10 – Scarlet Witch
7 – Justice and the Thugs
6 – Pile-Crusher

Wolverine rushes across the docks and slashes deeply into Thunderball’s exposed back!
[Yea I have not had a lot of time to update the map BUT assuming Wolverine Moved last round to the set of dockworkers, he would be just barely within 120ft, so Extra Effort will get him there. Remember HP next round, or Fatigued. Thunderball Toughness save vs. DC30 (bruised wound does not affect save vs. lethal attacks) (1d20+11=23), hmm missed by 7. Well, will wait to see what happens with Captain Britania’s attack, but right now Thunderball is Stunned and takes 1 Injured wound]
Thunderball grunt in pain and staggers about a bit, cursing you all.

Ronin appears out of no where and throws a number of shurikens into Thunderball’s back, but they bonus harmless off the thug’s impervious hide!
[Note even though he is Stunned and Flat-Footed for your attack so you would have hit with all 5 attacks, he has Impervious level 6. If you look at the Auto-Fire extra it make note that if the base damage is less then the Impervious level, the attack does not penetrate even if the bonus damage would get it over, as the individual ‘shots’ are not powerful enough. You will need to Power Attack him (and rest of the Wrecking Crew) if you want to hurt them with the Shurikens, sorry]
Ronin then tries to jump behind a crate, but misjudges the distance and does not make it to cover.

The Wrecker shakes his head and looks around a bit confused…
[Hulk gain +1 Hero Point as the Wrecker becomes un-Stunned this turn.]
…he then takes a deep breath and disappears underwater.

Inspector Kastle and his Bobbies start capturing some of the fleeing dock-workers and thugs, but others are escaping further south.

Thor brings mighty Mjolnir into a swinging arc into the head of the raging Pile-Crusher…
[Pile-Crusher Toughness save vs. DC28 (-4 bruised hits) (1d20+6=11), HA, miss by 17, Stunned, Staggers and Unconscious! Knockback 13-8 =5 or 25ft]
…but this time hit strike send the villain flying back across the docks where he crashes into a wagon and goes limp!

Captain Britania’s shield comes flying out of the darkness to connect with Thunderball…
[Thunderball Toughness save vs. DC26 (-2 bruised wounds) (1d20+9=24), missed by 2 so another Bruised wound]
…and staging him a bit more, yet the villain remains on his feet and shaking his head seems to recover from the damage he has taken so far.

Growling and looking around Thunderball roars “You have not heard the last of me! I will have my vengeances upon you all!!! But not today…”. He then starts to spin the ball above his head incredibly fast and a strange glow appears around him and with a loud BLAM! He vanishes into thin air!
Wolverine gains +1 Hero Point as Thunderball recovers from his stun. He is using Extra Effort to get an Alt. Power on his *Blast 11 attack - Teleportation 11 (you will see write-up soon, but the Wrecker already has this one). He teleports 1,100ft away from the battle. Black Widow and Wolverine are the only ones with the Senses to see this for sure (he is teleporting back towards Ord Street, more or less straight East on the Map. Notice check to see Thunderball, Black Widow and Wolverine (1d20+10=25, 1d20+14=30), WOW.]
But both Wolverine and the Black Widow see he reappear some 1,100feet away on Ord Street, near a warehouse on the other side of the street!

Black Widow…
[NOTE I will let you edit this is you want Black Widow, and I am going to assume Black Widow is about 1,000 feet away from where Thunderball appeared, which is outside your max Range of 800 feet (and would be -18 to hit with increments). NOW remember when you spend a HP, if you roll a 10 or less you add +10 to your roll, so your Attack Total vs. Thunderball is 26 [8+10 +8], so if you want to try and move closer and still try to hit, it is up to you…]


Scarlet Witch…

With the disappearance of Thunderball, Justice…

Just then the engines on the steamer Gobernador Bories start to whine with a high pitched throbbing! (it will take several minutes for the ship to even leave the docks BUT they are starting up…)

[OCC ok will see about the last people if they want to change their actions and do something different.
The Wrecker disappeared underwater
Thunderball is across the street anywhere between 1,100 and 1,000 feet away. He has 2 Bruised wounds and 1 Injury.
Bull-Crusher is out
Pile-Smasher is out.
The Hulk gain +1 Hero Point
Wolverine gains +1 Hero Point

Actions for Black Widow, the Hulk, Scarlet Witch and Justice?
All others, actions for Round 5?

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Twisting around as if guided by some strange spidery sense, Black Widow manages to make out the distant shape of Thunderball as he appears way off down the street. Behind the black mask, her eyes narrow as she realizes he's too far away for her to affect... Even with her superhuman speed, she won't be able to move fast enough to get a clear shot before he can teleport again, and she's too low to the ground to glide to him in time.

There was only one shot.

Jessica Romanova, the Amazing Black Widow, aims her arm not at Thunderball, but upwards at an angle. Green light starts to lick and play around her like St Elmo's Fire as she concentrates all the charge in every cell of her body to this one discharge, to propel her venom on a ballistic arc farther than would normally be possible. Inwardly she prayed that her spider-like spatial senses and coordination would guide her aim...unlike artillerymen, she didn't have a spotter or a sounding shot. It was all or nothing.

There's a blinding green flare from her hand, and the usual crack of her blast is a loud -THOOM- instead. It generates a pulse of wind that spreads out from her, ruffling hair and clothing, and pushing a brief wave over the water in defiance of the tide.

Traveling at immense speed, with surface tension far greater than water, the venom streaks up and over, still crackling with residual charge from the forces that launched it. It would strike with enough force to break bricks or punch through a manhole cover...if it hit...

(Using Extra Effort to add the Improved Range feat to my Penetrating Blast! Range increment raises from 80' to 200'! Target is 5 range increments away, for -10 to hit. Spending HP on attack roll (which yes, does mean this will Fatigue me :)) for a result of 26-10=16. Damage is DC 23, penetrating.)


First Post
SCARLET WITCH; 6 Hero Points

The Scarlet Witch chants a quick spell and waves her hand in front of her eyes.

OOC: The Scarlet Witch will use her Magic: Scrying power to find The Wrecker and track his movement under the dock. Her range is 1000 feet. He gets a Notice check vs. 13 to detect the ESP effect. Not sure if a Search check is necessary since Wrecker just dunked under the water this same round...

Karl Green

First Post
continuing Round 4

Black Widow's blast strikes Thunderball square in the back...
[Thunderball's Toughness save vs. DC23 (-2 bruised wounds) (1d20+9=15), d'oh! Missed by 8, grrr. OK not spending a HP this round... will wait and see ;) Thunderball has 3 bruised wounds and 1 Injured wound, and is Stunned. He also have a KB resistance of 9, so no Knockback]
...and knocking the escaping fiend back two steps before he stops against a wall. Widow is quit sure her attack hurt him, but he is still on his feet!

Scralet Witch calls upon the powers of her heritage and peers into the merky water of the Thames...
[I believe it would be a Notice check to see the Wrecker BUT note that it is VERY dark in the water under the docks... no lights, and I THINK that you are just using your normal senses right? You would have to have Low-Light or Dark Vision or IR I believe to see down here right now...]


First Post
"Ord Street!" Black Widow barks. "By a warehouse! He's hit but not down!"

She leaps off the Crate and heads as fast as she can towards the stunned supervillain!

(that being my move action for the round. :))


First Post
Karl Green said:
Scarlet Witch calls upon the powers of her heritage and peers into the merky water of the Thames...
[I believe it would be a Notice check to see the Wrecker BUT note that it is VERY dark in the water under the docks... no lights, and I THINK that you are just using your normal senses right? You would have to have Low-Light or Dark Vision or IR I believe to see down here right now...]

OOC: Good point...Wanda will switch out her protective shield from Luck Control array with True Sight to use during ESP, which counters darkness. I think this would be a Free action to switch and non-action to see...

Notice check: 11 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1255854 another craptacular roll!

If I spot him, I will call out his location to anyone nearby who might, you know, wanna smack him or something. ;-)


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Justice hear's the Widow's shout and heads out after Thunderball, eager to take him down and make sure he pays for his crimes. He launches into the air and flies in the direction she pointed, firing a blast of telekinetic force at the wounded convict.
[sblock=ooc] switch array to flight 4 (19 APP), Blast 6 (14 APP) and Force Field 5 (24 APP) for a total of 57/60 APP.
Flight 4 gives me a speed of 100 MPH, but I'm having trouble effectively estimating that into feet per round (I think it's either around 880 or 440). Either way I should get within range of my TK blast. I'll base it on one range increment off, Karl. Change the result as you see fit based on where I can get to.
TK Blast, Power Attack 4, +3 (+8 ranged, -4 power attack, +1 Master Plan, -2 distance) for a 13 . If I'm beyond the single range increment penalty, I'll pump an HP into a reroll, since I can't do worse than that. This one is a 9 , boosted to a 19 as a reroll. Damage is +10 (PR 6 + power attack 4.) [/sblock]

Karl Green

First Post
continuing Round 4

The Black Widow leaps into the air and starts gliding towards Thunderball…

Searching out with her senses, the Scarlet Witch turns inward and peers down into the murky depths of the Thames River under the docks where the Wrecker disappeared. At first she sees nothing, when suddenly there is a strange glow that is doubly bright to her mage-sight. Turning her attention towards it she sees a circle of light form under the water… and the Wrecker moving into it! Getting closer her senses are overwhelmed with the power and majesty of the light – there is ancient and great magic there! As she moves towards it she realizes that this… portal… leads to another world, a magical world, and then the portal closes and she is snapped back to herself. Before it closed, Wanda is quit sure that she saw a winter covered landscape, but one where summer never comes. For some reason, she gets the felling that the hammer that Thor carries – Mjolnir – was forged in those lands.
[the Scarlet Witch recognizes that the Wrecker used his crowbar for Dimensional Travel, to wherever Thor is from ;). You ESP would not be able to cross through the portal but I figure with True Sight she should know something about it.]

Taking to the air, Justice flies in the direction that the Black Widow indicated. He soon spots the stunned villain and unleashes a terrible blast into his back!
[100MPH = 1,000 feet, so you would be 100feet away from Thunderball at the end of your move. He is stunned so you get +2 to hit and he is flat-footed SO yes Justice hit. Thunderball Toughness save vs. DC25 (-3 bruised wounds) (1d20+8=13), fails by 12, and as he was already Stunned, now he is Staggered also. Again no knockback, just knocked down this time]
Thunderball grunt and falls to the ground, goaning and growling at the same time. He is hurt, but not out yet!

Will wait to see what the Hulk does…


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Captain Britania starts swimming back to the dock. "We need to stop that ship. But that can wait. Hulk, Thunderball's over there- points towards where Widow is going." It's worth a shot. He can probably jump that entire distance if he can figure out what's going on.

(OOC: Since I don't seem to be in immediate danger as there's not really any combat happening left over here, I think I should be able to take 10, with a +6 Swim check for a total of 16. Karl, if that's not right just roll a Swim check for me. Spending a full-round lets me go half my speed, which I assume means normal land speed with a move action, so that's 50 feet).

Karl Green

First Post
finishing Round 4 and end of combat

The Hulk leaping into the waters of the Thames to try and SMASH the Wrecker, but the water is to dark and he can not see the villain... the Wrecker has somehow escaped!

Justice and the Black Widow continue to rain attacks down onto the reeling Thunderball, until he remains still. The rest of the Averages start to help rounding up those longshoremen and ruffians attempting to escape, and also secure the Gobernador Bories.

Within 15 or 20 minutes, Inspector Kastle comes to shake Captain Britania's hand and the rest of the team "Jolly good show mates. It appears that only the Wrecker and less then a five of the lesser fellows escaped our net. We could not have done it without you. Now, if I can indulge another favor on you all to help us collect their contraband and transporting the criminals to jail. I would also appreciate any assistance that you could impart in finding out every bit of information from these curs that you might able to able obtain..."

[OCC ok a bit abrupt, but there is not much point in pounding on Thunderball until he does not get up as you pretty much got him on the ropes. I just wanted to make sure I know where the Hulk was going.

NOW is the time if you wish to do any investigation or looking into the crates or onto the ship or asking any questions of any of the criminals in custody. Inspector Kastle pretty much will give you all free reign to do as you wish... within the law of course

Voidrunner's Codex

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