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Blades of Bushido: Legends of the Samurai (Full)


OK, found the character generation material. Thanks Bobitron. I'll get on to it tonight, but it will take me a while to work through. But I'll be as fast as I can. Promise.


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First Post
kingpaul said:
No more characters allowed? I just saw this thread. I'd like to play a Kenza if its still allowable. I was one of the playtesters, but I GM'd, so didn't get to play. :)
Ah, must've missed the comments about magic. How about a Yamabushi then?


Masa, Samurai 3

OK. I had a crack at the basics but I've just guessed when I didn't know for sure (feats, attack bonuses). Not sure how the money system works, or what the armour options are.

I've tried for an Iaijutsu master. Not sure how viable the concept is in a d20 world. First strikes aren't usually incapacitating. But we'll see.

If possible, I'd like to run with a female character. But if you would rather stick closer to the historical norms, a male is fine.

Class: Samurai 3
Bloodline: Buke
Honour: 60
Land: 60 koku.

Code of Bushido - You have sworn to uphold the code of the warrior. A character with this allegiance takes double Honor penalties from Cowardice and Disloyalty transgressions and gains double Honor bonuses from Courage and Loyalty virtues. This allegiance is required of samurai.

Oath Of Loyalty - You have sworn your life and service to one person or group. A character with this allegiance takes double Honor penalties from Disloyalty transgressions toward the person he has sworn to serve and gains double Honor bonuses toward the person he has sworn to serve.

Str 10 +0 [02 points]
Dex 16 +3 [10 points]
Con 10 +0 [02 points]
Int 14 +2 [06 points]
Wis 14 +2 [06 points]
Cha 10 +0 [02 points]

HD: 3d12+0 (hp 24)
AC: 17 [Armour +3, Dex +3, +2 Wis] * Flatfooted 14 * Touch 15 *
Initiative: +11 [+3 Dex, +4 Feat, +4 Iaijutsu]
BAB: +3
Attack: Katana +4 melee (1d10+0, 19-20/x2)
Full Attack: Katana +4 melee (1d10+0, 19-20/x2)

* Fort +3 [base +3]
* Ref +3 [base +3]
* Will +2 [base +0, Wis +2]

Note: +3 Fort/Will in certain situations [Bushido resolve]

Skills 16+8 = 24
* Samurai Class Skills * Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (calligraphy, history, nobility and royalty, religion, tactics) (Int), Ride (Dex), and Survival (Wis).
* Iaijutsu Class Skills * Sense Motive (Wis).

Concentration +6 [6 ranks, +0 Con] - Psychic duel, Zen Med.
Diplomacy +2 [2 ranks, +0 Cha] - Etiquette
Intimidate +4 [2 ranks, +0 Cha, + 2 feat]
K/Calligraphy +8 [6 ranks, +2 Int]
Ride +5 [2 ranks, +3 Dex]
Sense Motive +6 [6 ranks,+2 Wis] - Predict attack.

Bloodline - Education of the Buke (Warrior) +1 attack bonus w/ swords.
Bloodline - Steel Gaze (+2 Intimidate and to resist Intimidation)
Bloodline - Literacy (can read and write)
Class - Weapon Proficiency (Bows, Knives, Spears and Staves, Swords)
Class - Armour Proficiency (light, medium, heavy)
Class - Weapon Focus (Katana)
Class - Bushido Resolve (The samurai is trained from an early age to withstand physical and emotional discomforts with a stoic resolve. He gains a +1 bonus per 20 points of Honor to all Fortitude saving throws to resist damage from hunger or the environment, as well as to all Will saving throws to resist fear.)
Class - Iaijutsu Combat Style (You gain a +4 Initiative bonus when using any type of sword. This bonus stacks with any granted from Dexterity or Improved Initiative. This feat adds Sense Motive to your list of class skills. Iaijutsu is an external martial art whose attacks are modified by Dexterity.)

-- FEATS --

Level 1 - Improved Initiative.
Iaijutsu - Quick Draw (May draw and sheath a weapon as a free action)
Level 3 - Poise (Gain Wis mod bonus to AC)


Katana (1d10 (19-20/x2), 4 lbs., 33 ku)
Wakizashi (1d8, 19-20/x2, 3 lbs., 31 ku)
Light Armour ?? (+3 AC)

Starting Cash: 360 Toraisen

Personality: Masa is a fairly quiet and serious. She has dedicated herself to the mastery of the art of Iaijutsu and Calligraphy, the considered pace of the latter being an effective counterpoint to the hair trigger nature of the former.

History: Masa's skill at Iaijutsu has lead to her often being chosen to accompany her Lord. Her lightning fast reflexes make her an ideal guard against surprise attacks.


Hey Kingpaul

How's it going? Can't speak for the boss, but Kambei said 4-5 initially and we have 4 now. And there has been no sign of Bloodweaver1 since he announced that he was 'in'.

So I'd have a couple of options ready to roll if I was you.

Good Luck



First Post
kingpaul said:
No more characters allowed? I just saw this thread. I'd like to play a Kenza if its still allowable. I was one of the playtesters, but I GM'd, so didn't get to play. :)

Hi Kingpaul,
I have room left if you want to join in. :D


First Post
kingpaul said:
Kenza or Yamabushi? I'm assuming Yamabushi since its a fairly low magic setting.

Let me look at the Kenza and I will let you know. While it is a low magic setting that does not mean that there is no magic. :)


First Post
Here's the Kenza. I didn't do possessions because I wasn't sure what the stances was on magic items. Granted, a 3rd level character won't have much, if any, magic.
Toro (Warrior Kenza (fire) 3): CR 3; Medium Humanoid; HD 3d6+3; hp 16; Init +0 (+0 Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+0 Dex); BAB +1; Grp +1; Atk +3 melee (1d10/19-20 katana) or +3 melee (1d8/19-20 wakizashi); Space/Reach 5 ft / 5 ft; SQ education of the buke, elemental mastery, elemental solace, literacy, steel gaze; Honor 58; AL; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +7, Decipher Script +8, Gather Information +9, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Spellcraft +8
Feats: Maximize Spell, Meditation, Power Surge (x2), Weapon Proficiency (knives, spears and staves, swords)
Martial Arts Styles:
Martial Arts Maneuvers:
Spells (13 spell points, 1/1/4/15*, DC 13 + spell level): 1 - Burning Hands; 2 - Scorching Ray; 3 - Fireball


First Post
I don't see a fireball throwing Kenza as a very good fit for the type of game that I want to run. A Yamabushi would fit in much better I think.

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