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BrOp's Age of Worms Adventure Path: The Whispering Cairn (IC)

Naughty doggies, round 1

Deftly stepping by his changeling compatriot, the psychic warrior slashes at the nearest wolf, his spiked chain whirring like an angry hornet. He connects with the slavering beast, hitting it soundly across the head. The sound of a ripe watermelon dropped from a third-story window resounds as the wolf's head bursts, covering the human in blood and lupine brain matter. The animal drops like a stone (OOC: roll 11 + 3 = 14, hit!; damage 2d4+4=12)

Sniffer puts his left hand on his throat and feels his life fluids gurgling through his fingers. He quickly draws his longsword. "If I die, I want these heathen wolves to come with me." (OOC: Draw weapon, move action)

The lead wolf, undeterred by the other wolf’s death snaps at Sniffer again, this time striking his shoulder and nearly tearing out his arm as he drags the warforged down to the worn stone tiles. Sniffer lies on the ground, unmoving.(OOC: roll 15 + 5 = 20, hit; damage 5 pts; Sniffer now at -5 hp). The other wolf rushes to flank Kerwin but runs into the human’s whirling, blood-soaked chains, which strike it soundly in the chest, tearing flesh and breaking bone (OOC: AoO roll 19 + 3 = 22, hit; damage 2d4 + 4 = 7). Despite the wound, the wolf reaches Kerwin’s side where it buries its fangs in his legs, and jerks back its head, trying to bring him down. Kerwin valiantly resists, remaining on his feet (OOC: roll 19 + 3 = 22, hit; damage 3 hp reducing him to 6 hp)

"Where'd these guys come from?" Meldain asks, drawing a dagger and stabbing it at the nearest wolf, ready to jump out of the wolf's way if necessary. Even though the intervening wall makes the wolf much more difficult to hit (OOC: +4 cover bonus to AC), the rogue gets a solid hit to the lupine’s neck, tearing a large gash in it. Blood spills on the floor as the wolf slumps to the ground, no longer moving (OOC: roll 19 + 0, threatens crit, 14 + 0, no crit; damage 4)..

Why don't they ever listen, Kellian thinks to himself as he draws his axe. He quickly bypasses the fallen wolf, heading towards the one which brought down Sniffer. Raising his enormous greataxe, the shifter hacks at the leader, scoring another cut on the wolf’s already scarred head (OOC: roll 14 + 3 = 17, hit; damage 1 + 3 = 4 hp).

Zan steps behind Meldain while chanting a spell. A shimmering force surrounds him and settles over him. He draws his crossbow and looks cautiously at the wolves.

Even Rial couldn't imagine that his prophecy of blood and spilled entrails would become real so soon, so the warlock stands watching the scene for a second before calling his dark powers and retreating up the wall, where he looks for a target for his eldritch flame. (OOC: Invokes Spiderwalk (standard action); moves up the wall).

Pak draws his shortbow, but unable to get a clear shot at the remaining wolf, decides to move further down the corridor to get a better shot.

"Wooohhh" Fixit yells as he slaps his hand against Sniffer, "Broken, torn, repaired anon" he screams a pale blue light seeps from his hand and seeming to dance over the body of the damaged Warfoged. Sniffer's skin and mithril seem to knit back together, his pain eased a little, for the moment. With Sniffer standing a little straighter, Fixit follows the veterans advice and stumbles backwards his eyes wide. OOC: casts Repair Light Damage, heals 7 hp, Sniffer now at 2 hp; moves back 10’).

"Now this is why I came," Mulch says excitedly. He grabs at his weapon, faltering a bit in his haste, until he finally manages to yank out his great sword. The dwarf then begins running towards the nearest wolf. "Get out of my way," he shouts, sword waving before him and shoulder lowered as if to charge. He finds it slow going however, as he has to weave in and out of his companions, as they too are caught off guard.

OOC: Initiative
Kerwin 22
Sniffer 21
Wolf 19
Meldain 17
Kellian 14
Zan 12
Rial 12
Pak 9
Fixit 4
Mulch 4


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ooc 1:[sblock] Since the spiderwalk (and other warlock invocations) have a duration of 24 hours, I assumed it was continuously in effect. I´ll especify in the future it if you like; consider the first thing Rial does in the morning is to invoke spiderwalk. Notice that spider climb hasn´t the drawback it had in 3.0[/sblock]

Rial looks down from the ceiling to the scene of blood before, ready to shoot his eldritch flame, but in the second or two he´s been cimbing he´s not sure if Kerwin has killed the remaining wolves or not.

ooc: [sblock]Move to get a better firing position/get out of reach, if needed, and shoot: +2 ranged touch attack, damage 1d6, point blank shot, precise shot[/sblock]

Ranger Rick

First Post
With his long sword already drawn (+3 1d8+2), Sniffer takes a 5' foot diagonal step so he is in line (& between) with K1, Kw. Sniffer attacks the wolf.


The man with the probe
Zan will load his crossbow, move 5' to try to get a somewhat clear shot, and fire.

[sblock]The text has me moved, but the map doesn't. I know you were having map problems, no big deal.

Light Crossbow attack will be at -2 (+2, -4 for firing into melee), likely targeting the one attacking Sniffer (Easiest to get a fairly clear shot at). Dmg 1d8, crit 19-20x2.[/sblock]

Knight Otu

First Post
"Yeah!" Meldain shouts as he sees the wolf drop, and moves to get a good line of sight to the remaining wolf, and throws his dagger at it.


Kerwin Renegal, human psychic warrior 1, 6/9hp, +3 melee 2d4+4 10' reach

Kerwin moves with efficient, practiced steps as he turns the whirling chains towards the large wolf. The chains spin deftly as they are brought down towards the scarred beast's hide. Groaning at the effort of changing the chains' direction, Kerwin says, "Fall damn you, someone help get Sniffer out of that thing's maw."

[sblock]attack without moving

ooc: Thank you muchly for NPCing Kerwin. When next he is charged by a critter, he will always use his Stand Still feat to prevent the creature from being able to attack him that round.[/sblock]


Fixit Warfored Artificer

Seeing that Sniffer is still reeling from the attack of the wolf Fixit draws a deep breath and steps quickly towards his forged companion "This is becoming a chore my friend, have at the beast but be careful, I won't be able to do this many more times. Broken Torn, Repaired Anon" Fixit screams as he slaps his hand against the damaged veteran.
[sblock]Repair Light Damage on Sniffer 1d8+1[/sblock]

Someone said:
ooc 1:[sblock] Since the spiderwalk (and other warlock invocations) have a duration of 24 hours, I assumed it was continuously in effect. I´ll especify in the future it if you like; consider the first thing Rial does in the morning is to invoke spiderwalk. Notice that spider climb hasn´t the drawback it had in 3.0[/sblock]
OOC: You are correct. I hadn't looked up the invocation description as I've never played or run a game with a warlock before. From now on I'll assume that you cast it when you wake up.
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Kerwin moves with efficient, practiced steps as he turns the whirling chains towards the large wolf. The chains spin deftly as they are brought down towards the scarred beast's hide. Groaning at the effort of changing the chains' direction, Kerwin says, "Fall damn you, someone help get Sniffer out of that thing's maw." The warrior keeps his distance from the wolf, having seen first hand what those powerful jaws can do to a warforged’s armor plating. He doesn’t even want to think about what they would do to exposed flesh. The beast attempts to dodge out of the way, but there are now too many people to keep track of, and he eventually gets careless. The spiked chain tears into his flank, and the wolf yelps in pain. OOC: Roll 17 + 3 = 21, hit! Dam 2d4 + 4 = 12

Sniffer steps past Kellian and swings at his foe with his longsword, but is unable to make it connect. OOC: Roll 7 + 3 = 10, miss.

The wolf, enraged with pain snaps at the red-coated shifter, ignoring everyone else. He seems to have a great dislike for axes, or shifters, you can’t tell which. Luckily this is not Kellian’s first encounter with fighting animals and he easily sidesteps the wolf’s attack. OOC: Roll 4 + 5 = 9, miss

Meldain dodges past his compatriots to outflank the creature, now on its last legs. "Yeah!" Meldain shouts as he sees the wolf drop, and moves to get a good line of sight to the remaining wolf, and throws his dagger at it. He barely ducks under the spiked chain and nearly is able to flank the monster before he lets his dagger fly. It buries itself in the animal’s rear haunches, sticking it place. Another yelp escapes from the wounded creature. OOC: Roll 19 + 3 -2(range) = 21 crit. threat, crit. roll 18 + 3 -2(range), CRIT! Damage roll 1d4 = 1 (x2) = 2.

This ends here!” the shifter shouts as he brings his greataxe down on the neck of the creature, cutting deeply. The wolf momentarily looks at Kellian with utter contempt, then its legs buckle beneath it. OOC: Roll 14 + 3 = 17, hit! Damage 1d12 + 3 = 7.

Gore and blood covers much of the floor and the walls around you now, but it seems that for the moment the danger has passed.
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