Burning Heretics (IC)

Jack of Tales

First Post
Battle Round 1

The creature's malevolent look caused everyone to pause momentarily (nice initiatives guys lol).

Round 1: The beast tears into the man before him slashing a large, deep mark across his face. He screams in pain blood splashes the morning snow. Smoothy runs forward in his plate armor yelling tactics to his allies. Felidae follows behind, drawing her weapons as she advances and using her divine power on the creature. She can feel the evil radiating off of it.

The human guard steps backward and hides behind his shield. Alathiel moves into range with her bow [You still have a standard action you can use to attack with. Post it with your next round] and searches her memory for anything that may be of use against the creature. Unfortunately, she cannot seem to bring forth anything useful.
Gerraint runs at the beast while Xavier follows slightly behind with the rest of the party. Xavier's challenges to the creature seem to be ignored and it focuses on killing the human before it.

Round 2: The hooded figure steps forward and lets out a chilling cackle as it swings at the guard. The guard replies only with a scream but managed to fend off the blow with his shield.
Smoothedcrest moves in on the creature and is surprised as it turns quickly to him and it extends one clawed hand and it's claw spikes out toward Smoothedcrest. The goliath raises his shield in time to barely deflect the clawed hand. Felidae charges forward and lets out a ferocious growl as she calls upon the divine power of order to smite the evil beast. She swings her scimitar and a flash of dull silver light shoots through the creature's arm as it howls in pain.
The human guard runs backward away from the fight while Alathiel moves in closer and lines up her target. The arrow flies true and strikes the beast in the chest. It makes no sound and no blood flows from it. You can not be sure if you even hurt it.
Xavier moves around the creature hoping to gain a flanking position, but as he moves it swiftly turns and its claws stretch and bend, reaching out further then expected. However, Xavier had seen the creature do the same to Smoothedcrest and he was prepared. As its claws slashed at him he ducked to the ground and rolled beneath it's arm coming up on the other side with weapons drawn ready to join the fight.
Geraint bravely charges forward leveling his spear at the cloaked creature. Unfortunately, as he levels his spear and jabs outward at the beast, it moves ever so slightly resulting in the blade brushing past it harmlessly.

? Creature: 18
Smoothy: 15
Felidae: 11
Human guard: 10
Alathiel: 10
Xavier: 5
Geraint: 4

Battlefield Effects[sblock]
Smoothedcrest's Stance: -4 attack vs. allies

Combat Log: [sblock]
Round 1: Creature attacks human guard: 21, hit (11 damage). Smoothy moves in. Felidae moves in. Human guard retreats, uses full defense. Alathiel shoots ? (?) and uses Knowledge skills. Xavier moves in and issues a challenge, ignored. Geraint moves in.

Round 2: Creature attacks human guard: 9, miss. Smoothedcrest moves into threat range; Creature AoO 21, miss. Felidae charge + smite: 21, hit (4 Raw). Human guard withdraws from combat. Alathiel shoots: 20, hit (1 Raw). Xavier moves around creature; Creature AoO 9, miss. Geraint charges 13, miss.


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First Post
Xavier the Bold - Human Rogue/Fighter 2/1 - 24/24hp - 18AC

Seeing the inhuman strength and quickness of this creature, Xavier will attempt to circle around behind it and get to a more advantageous position. He'll tighten his grip on his weapons as he waits for an opening to strike.

OOC - double move action, Xavier will end up two squares north of the red icon, right next to the dead body.


Guest 11456

Judge Felidae : Ahl’Artathi Paladin 3 : 25/25 HP : AC 15

Felidae charges the creature and as she swings Justice she focusses on the evil she saw radiating from it.

Charge attack aimed at the creature (+2 attack, -2 AC).
Smite evil (+5 attack, +3 damage) with scimitar.
Attack: 21
Damage: 9


First Post


ooc: I'll wait until the rest of round 2 resolves before posting round 3 actions, but I wanted to point out that Geraint is using a longspear (10' reach) so I think his charge would have left him slightly farther away.


Smoothy, round 2

Smoothedcrest slows a bit, coming up behind Geraint. As he moves he glances around, motioning the others into position, and lines himself up so that the creature can see a nice, clear shot to Smoothy's shield. Aiming his sword-point over the top of his shield, directly at the monster's maw, Smoothy calls out in his thick accent that sounds like sand rumbling in his throat, "Yaugh'z seen last of this slaughter, beast!... let Smoothedcrest see that tried on myself!"

OOC: Assuming that Geraint is actually one square east, Smoothy is moving to the line north of him, and is standing two squares east of the corpse (he moved NW, NW, NW, W, W, W). Now that we're within range, the monster takes a -4 penalty to attack everyone except Smoothy (AC 22). I'm waiting to see it's move before I post round 3 actions. I'm going to assume that in round 3, the monster will attack (probably Smoothy), at which point Smoothy will return the favor, and then everyone else will get to react to the result of Smoothy's attack. I'll try to pay close attention and be quick with my reply.
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Jack of Tales

First Post
OOC: See last posting for Round 2 descriptions and Log. Here's the tactical map at the end of round 2. Sorry if I didn't move everyone exactly where they wanted to, I tried though!


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First Post
Xavier the Bold - Human Rogue/Fighter 2/1 - 24/24hp - 18AC

Even more cautious now that he's seen the reach of this creature and narrowly avoided its swipe, Xavier will roll to the west trying to avoid its strikes. While drawing up from his somersault, Xavier uses the momentum from his movement to add weight behind his uppercut with his warhammer. He'll shout out to Geraint as he completes his maneuver "Geraint, do you know if this creature is a member of the walking dead?"

OOC Tumble (1d20+7=18)
Tumbles 3 squares to the west, moving at 1/2 speed.

+1 Warhammer (1d20+7=13) (assuming flanking, although it probably doesn't make a difference)
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Guest 11456

Judge Felidae : Ahl’Artathi Paladin 3 : 25/25 HP : AC 17

Now that she is next to the beast, Felidae unleashes a full attack swinging with both of her blades.

Attack with Justice (+1 Scimitar): 22
Possible Crit with Justice: 18
Attack with Law (+1 Kukri): 17
Damage with Justice: 5
Extra damage with Justice: 6 (if critical is confirmed)
Damage with Law: 2


Geraint Beldarane, Favored Soul 3, 24/24 hp, AC 18 (normally 20)

Geraint steps 5' to the west in an attempt to surround the creature. He stabs at it more carefully this time, but with less power.

ooc: 1d20+7=21 to hit, 1d8+5=7 damage. Does not include any flanking bonus, though I'd be surprised if the creature wasn't flanked by Geraint's turn. Geraint's AC is 18 until this attack, after which it returns to 20.

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