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Clearwater Crusaders - City of the Spider Queen (Updated 17th June)


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
This campaign started a little while ago, and the goal is to build up until the players reach an adequate level to go into the City of the Spider Queen module. One of my players has very generously been writing a (highly biased!) journal of all their adventures, and I thought I might share it with you.

The principle characters are: -

Jared Blackspawn - A Half Drow rogue, and the narrator of our story.

Rand Stormseeker - A Human sorceror specialising in spells of speed and electricity.

Braddoc Rudenheim - A dwarven battlerager who distrusts all forms of magecraft.

Stedd of the Old Order - A human monk from a nearby monastery.

Gorin Morgan - An uncharismatic rapier-wielding human rogue.

Edrahil - An extremely noble elven fighter.
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Ragged idiot in a trilby.
To begin with, it's one of the House Rules I have in operation that any new character gets an XP bonus for providing me with a character history. (This is to help the players be more attached to their characters and make the game more of a roleplaying session than might otherwise happen. I therefore present: -

The Life of Jared Blackspawn

Jared Malyk Jaelre was born to Chalithra Jaelre and a male human slave whose given name at that time was Lecktor (which in Drow Elven means Beast). His mother had mated with his father out of a sense of curiosity and simple lust, his fathers figure being larger and more muscular than most drow males, she saw him as something different. The pregnancy was not wanted, but for whatever reason she did not down medicinal herbs to kill the result of their brief union.

From birth Jared was raised in a cruel environment, where the weakest were weeded out systematically, for the good of the species. He relied to a great extent on his dexterity, a trait carried over from his mother’s blood, which ran stronger in him than that of his father (who he has never known). The children of the House were raised together, and fights were commonplace, the nurses assigned to watch the children, even encouraging such, and placing bets on the survival of certain children. Jared never got good odds... he defied them all the same. By the time he was 5, the other children had already dubbed him “The Blackspawn”, and as he grew older, this nickname would come into greater use by those of House Jaelre. Intended as a derogatory comment on his birth, he nevertheless adopted it, and made it his sobriquet. From the age of 5 his mother raised him, along with his younger sisters Qilue and Malise. What they lacked in age, they more than made up in evil intent, and it was a rare tenday that went by without them trying to kill him. He, however made no attempt to kill them, as he suspected that his mother, who made plain that she had little love for her bastard child, would have killed him for the deed.

When House Jaelre moved to the surface, to take the abandoned lands of the Elven Court in deepest Cormanthyr, Jared was brought along, and here he flourished. Not affected by the sunlight that hampered many of his tribe, he was finally able to stand as an equal, or so he thought at first. It soon became apparent that despite his sudden usefulness to his people, he would remain at best a second rate member of the tribe, owing to his "polluted" blood. His mother, who he at best could reach an understanding with, refused to intercede on his behalf, stating that if he wished to stand as an equal, he would have to earn that right by deed. This being the only wisdom his mother had ever imparted to her misbegotten offspring, he took this to heart, and began to train as a scout alongside several other youths, as such were now needed in the dangerous world they had invaded.

The youths were trained ruthlessly in typical drow style, those who could not pass the tests of strength, speed, wit and more that they were forced to endure were terminated. Jared knew that to fail was to die, and that terrified him. While others might have given into that fear, and despaired, Jared was determined to conquer it. If his worst fear was failure, than he would have to ensure that he did not fail.

While training he struck up a friendship of sorts, along with a fierce rivalry with another youth, a pureblood drow girl by the name of Akordia Coloara. In everything the two did together, they excelled, but neither could beat the other, and while they began as friends, the rivalry and intense training the drow elders put them through, soon drove a wedge between the two. For his part, Jared did not understand why this had to be, and for the first time doubt about what he was doing entered his thoughts, though he made sure never to reveal this to anyone, as such would be termed weakness, something he was intent not to show. The best of the scouts were a group called The Shivs, despite beating nearly every member at the various trials, he was not invited to join, Akordia was, and he grew angry.

Confronting his mother he questioned her advice, pointing out that no matter how well he did, he would never be accepted as an equal. She nodded and laughed at him, pleased at her own cruel joke. Blinking in disbelief, he turned and walked away, the hatred gnawing at him, muttering dire revenge upon her some day, her laughter ringing in his ears.

He went to see Jezz the Lame, one of the four rulers of the House, and asked for a mission, something, anything, to get him away from the rest of the House for a time. Jezz, not known for his acts of kindness, but knowing from reports from the trainers of this youths ability, nodded and assigned him a mission to observe and infiltrate Daggerdale.

While sounding ostentatious, in reality it was a suicide mission. The Drow have no interest in Daggerdale; after all, it does not abut the Cormanthyr forest, and after decades of battling the Zhents, the place is an armed camp, the people more inclined to "shoot first, and ask questions later". Jezz did not expect Jared to return... for his own part, neither did Jared. Pleased at such an assignment, it putting him a long distance from the rest of his people, and giving him an opportunity to study those of his fathers people. As he had never known his father, save for the few lewd remarks his mother had made about him, the chance to see where the other half of him came from, the "pollution" in his drow blood originated from was a godsend. He did not bid farewell to his mother, but as he packed up his few things, his sisters noticed and asked where he was going. Far away from you, was their only reply. They laughed and went off to tease the boys who sought their embraces, as the two girls had grown into beauties, much coveted by the young men folk of the House.

Making his way through the Cormanthyr forest with a raiding party was easier going than he had imagined it would be, the group staying well clear of the area of Myth Drannor, it's fell reputation known even to the Drow. When the group reached the outskirts of Mistledale, he parted company with them, seeing Akordia for the last time. Before he ran off to head towards his own mission, the two met in private and with no one to drive them to exceed each other, they embraced and coupled beneath the trees. When he woke up, she was gone, leaving only the memory of her in his arms. He headed northwest, staying clear of any trails, hunting for supplies as he needed them, occassionally raiding a trap some logger or farmer had set, and taking the catch that should have been theirs.

Reaching Daggerdale, he made sure to remain always out of sight, studying by day, wrapped in a green cloak, his dark skinned face concealed in the shadows of the hood. Curiosity burned fiercely in him though, as he noticed that far from being a human-only settlement, the village he was camped near, called Clearwater by the inhabitants was teeming with races. In the space of a tenday, he noted Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Halflings and even a Gnome visiting or resident in the area, all dealing with each other without any of the antipathy he had experienced from his own people towards him. Even a passing half orc was able to buy supplies, with nary a raised eyebrow from the people, and he began to crave the acceptance he was witnessing here. He knew, however, that should he make his presence known, that he would not find any such welcome... not yet anyway. He needed top put the people in his debt, and as chance would have it, he got the opportunity a couple nights later.

While studying a farm on the outskirts of the town, he noticed that one of the young girls of the family, who earlier in the day he had heard called Lora, was out at the back of the house, despite it being dark. She was watching rabbits that had come out in the twilight, and doing so, was heedless of the wolf that was stalking those same rabbits. Watching the scene unfold, Jared was unsure how to proceed. While he had been taught all his life that the weak perish so that the strong may survive and thrive, he had no wish to see the little girl be torn to shreds, as the wolf would undoubtedly attack her, as a far better meal than a puny rabbit would offer. He began to stalk the wolf, as it approached the farmyard. His reflexes honed, he closed in on the wolf, careful not to let it hear or smell his approach, and waited for it to make its move. As it pounced forwards and landed in the farmyard hurtling towards the girl, he took aim and fired, as her scream of terror pierced the night. His eyes well adapted to the darkness, his bolt flew true and struck the wolf clean through the heart felling it instantly, its lifeless body flopping to the ground beside the hysterical girl.

Her parents, drawn by the scream burst out of the farmhouse, her father brandishing a sword, her mother a bow, and stopped stunned, as they saw the dead wolf. At that point, Jared stood up, revealing his presence in the field nearby. He nodded silently to the astonished family, his hood down, the darkness disguising him somewhat, and turned, heading back to the nearby trees. Studying the village the next day, he was pleased to hear several people commenting about the mysterious silver-haired ranger who had saved Lora Krebble from a wolf. He knew then, that though it would take him a while, he could ingratiate himself with these people, and perhaps someday walk into town openly, and not be shot.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Jared Blackspawn’s Journal

Part 1


Kythorn 23rd - It has been two days since I saved the girl, Lora Krebble from a starving wolf’s attack. Yesterday the village was abuzz with speculation as to my identity, today seems quieter thus far, though I have overheard the occasional comment. All seem sincere in their gratitude for my timely invention, though tinged with the typical Daggerfolk reticence towards strangers of the general unknown.

The town is being beset by wolves it seems, so my chances for further aiding the folk of Clearwater remain good. I must however take care to conceal my nature, for some time yet. These are a nervous people, weary of war and strife; they will not give their trust easily.

Yesterday a messenger was sent to Dagger Falls to ask for help. He was dispatched by Mayor Butterstone, whom village rumour would have it is the man responsible for the pregnancy of the lady mage who lives here. A bounty has also been posted, 10 gold crowns per wolfs head, a shame that I will not be able to collect such. Still if the town wants dead wolves, then dead wolves it shall have. I will leave the heads by the properties of those who I deem to be most in need of the coins they will provide. I go now to hunt wolves, will write more later.

Drat! I decided to trail the group of adventurers who had blindly struck out into the forest to go wolf hunting, in the hope of luring them towards some wolves that their blades and bows might find good use. Alas, two wolves were stalking me it seems, and when the group’s monk spotted me trailing them and pointed me out, I fled and ran straight into the wolves!

Double Drat! The wolves damn near made a meal of me. I was saved by the group of adventurers and they then conveyed me to a priest of Chauntea. The entire village was soon gathered around my supine form as I was brought back from the edge of Vhaeraun's Kingdom. I awoke to find myself on trial. A Priestess of Kelemvor put a glamour on me, which compelled me to tell the truth, I did not fight it, once it had taken effect it would have been folly. I was questioned until the glamour wore off, and then jailed in a vault below the village Inn (also the Mayors house, the Inn acts too as the villages bank). After a few minutes, I was brought forth from my ad-hoc cell and told that I was to be placed in the custody of the adventurers, who were to keep an eye on me, and should I turn against the villages interests, see to it that I breathed no more. Not exactly the way I wished to join this community, but for the moment at least my head remains on my neck, so it shall suffice. For the time being until I can be trusted further, my home is the vault beneath the Inn, the darkness down here is soothing, and it is very quiet which suits me.

Kythorn 24th - I was let out of the cellar this morning by the monk who introduced himself as Stedd of the Old Order. He is one of several monks resident at the Monastery a short distance from the village which I studied a few days back. The group set off to hunt wolves, my weapons being returned to me at this time on the condition that I led the group to the wolves and help them. They didn't notice when my reply omitted the part about helping them fight the wolves. Heading out to the north-east we spotted a small pack of wolves feasting on a downed horse... that of the rider who the mayor dispatched two days ago, it would seem he did not get far, as his own body was in the dirt nearby, partially eaten. We fought and defeated the wolves, with the unexpected aid of a moon elf who ran into the mêlée, calmly decapitated a wolf and headed straight back to the town and the caravan he had been escorting which had just arrived, no doubt to collect his mercenary salary. We then headed back to Clearwater with the wolf heads and the body of the messenger

After a necessary diversion to the priest of Chauntea to tend our wounds, we made for the Inn to collect our bounties on the heads, the mayor looking less than thrilled to actually have some bloodied heads to deal with. Some people have no stomach for the sight of blood it seems. I have no such qualms. The elf then requested to join our group, and the dwarf who seems to be the leader agreed! Again, I am a witness to this strange acceptance of differences that these races seem to share amongst each other. Having said that, the look on the elf’s face when I dropped my hood was priceless. I feel at this time I should write of the composition of my keepers, so I have listed them thus

Stedd - A Monk of the Old Order. Nimble in a fight, fleet of foot and fist, and fascinating to watch. Adheres to some form of martial code.

Braddoc - A Dwarf warrior with a fierce temperament. Harshly spoken, he clearly prefers action to words. Seems to be the group leader for now. Lives at the village smithy

Gorin Morgan - Unsure about this one at this time. Seem to take life less seriously than the others, a potential weak link. One to watch for signs of danger. A possible coward

Rand Stormseeker - Apprentice to the village wizardess, so doubtless possessed of some magical skill. He shows an unusual disdain for books, so quite possibly a sorceror, rather than a true mage. He bears further study.

Edrahil - I will watch this one like a hawk, as he will doubtless return the favour. He has proven himself deadly with a blade already, in time I shall know his other strengths.

All in all an intriguing group, and with less immediate foes than I would have thought, Stedd seems to be the friendliest of them all, Rand the most mysterious. We retired for the rest of the day to lick our wounds and see to chores that some had about the village. I retired to the cellar.

Kythorn 25th - I was not unlocked from the cellar today, so spent the day down here in the cool darkness. It was good to have time to meditate on recent developments.

Kythorn 26th - Got back into town and delivered the wolf heads to the Mayor, whom I suspect is getting less pleased to see us constantly culling wolves, or at least with being presented with the evidence of our deeds. He seemed alarmed by Gorin bringing a live wolf pup into the village; the softheaded fool thinks he can train it! I inquired about the possibility of training with a local hunter and was told that no sheriff was present at this time, the dead messenger having been sent to fetch such. However, since goblins are in the area, Mayor Butterstone believes a sheriff could well have picked up their trail en route to this area, and have been following them, He dispatched a couple of local lads to see if such was the case. I tried to take up residence within Gorin's household, but after watching his uncle’s drunkard ranting, I decided I'd be better off in the Inn's cellar for a time longer, despite the Mayors unease at coming down there to fetch wines and beers knowing that I'm lurking about in the shadows

Kythorn 27th - My respect for Gorin's uncle improved a notch this morning as he showed his face in the Inn while I was eating breakfast with Rand. He was carrying the bloodied body of the wolf pup. Thanks be to Vhaeraun for a swift (and exceedingly bloody by the looks of it) end to this embarrassing foe. As for Gorin, he showed up a bit later looking like a dog had had him for breakfast! I do enjoy a good laugh at someone else’s expense

Around lunchtime a couple of lads helped a man into the Inn, he was severely wounded. After he had been patched up a bit, I got a chance to have a look at him. He was dressed in leathers and looked well travelled, quite possibly one of these sheriffs. My suspicion was soon proved correct, and it seems that the cause of his considerable injuries was an encounter with a band of goblins. I plied him with drink and questions (mainly the latter, he had a weak tolerance for liquor), and after some pressing, he agreed to teach me the basics of what he knows with regards to woodland lore and survival, as I feel a better knowledge of the wilds would greatly benefit me. Alfgeir is his name, which I found out just before he passed out drunk. I reluctantly took up the Mayor's offer of a room upstairs in the Inn as I think his nerves had worn a little thin with having to steel himself to enter his cellar each time, poor man

Kythorn 28th to Flamerule 7th - The group has taken a tenday to rest and practice our skills, as our previous battle with the goblins showed that we are lacking strength in certain areas of expertise. I feel sure that we are now better prepared to hunt down and eradicate these pests. While training with Alfgeir, I took the liberty to order 20 more bolts for my hand crossbow from the village smithy, and they were delivered to me on the last day. Good workmanship, they will serve me well

Flamerule 8th - We set off early today to seek out the goblin lair, using directions that Alfgeir gave me, with regards to the general area he managed to track them to before being ambushed. I swear the elf is going out of his way to annoy me. While I was busy trying to find tracks to follow, his thoughts were on nothing but feeding his stomach, often interfering in my efforts in placing his traps. I pray he catches nothing and that his efforts are wasted. One good part about this group not fully trusting me (if they even trust me at all) is I did not have to take a shift on watch as we camped tonight, one full nights sleep here I come!

Flamerule 9th - This morning as we slept we were attacked by a warband of goblins who caught us unprepared, as it seems our watchman (whom I believe was Gorin!) was napping. During the fight I was witness to Braddoc succumbing to a frightening display of rage in the heat of battle. It would seem that he can channel that anger of his into combat prowess, even if it did look like he caught nothing for his own survival, being fully focussed on his foes demise. I believe I gave a good account of myself in the fight, dispatching a goblin that was battling Braddoc with ease. The dwarf did not thank me.

With my newly honed tracking skills, I was easily able to lead the party along the route these raiders had taken, and to the goblins lair! However, the tracks also revealed the presence of a large humanoid in their midst, quite possibly a Troll. Stedd for all his calm demeanour, was clearly unnerved at the prospect of fighting such a beast, could it be a coward's heart beats beneath his breast? Also, we already have a fool in Gorin, and a maniac in Braddoc, quite the group of misfits I seem to have joined. The lair was a cave of reasonable size in a low cliff, some 7-8 miles from Clearwater.

We ambushed the goblins at their lair, and in a drawn out fight emerged victorious against them, no mean feat since they had a shaman and an Ogre named Gronk with them (doubtless the cause of the large footprints I spotted earlier). As I surmised, Stedd proved himself a coward, when as the Ogre emerged from the cave, he fled, though he did return to engage the beast once it was clear the rest of us were not going to follow him in his flight. I am bitterly disappointed in my woeful showing in this fight, as I failed to dispatch even a single goblin. If I were back home I'd be beaten for sure (or worse) for such an abysmal performance, and I am lucky to still draw breath.

Once the fighting was done we set to looting the lair. It seems the goblins had found an old vein of silver, and were busy mining it. The rest of the group decided to haul 3 chests full of silver ore back to town, a good day’s walk away. I managed to get out of doing any carrying, offering instead to scout ahead and on the flanks, to guard against any unpleasant surprises en route.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Jared Blackspawn’s Journal

Part 2


Flamerule 10th - We spent the day walking back to Clearwater, nothing much of note happened, apart from some small personal satisfaction as nothing was snared in Edrahil's traps. Serves him right.

Flamerule 11th - We got back to Clearwater at around noon, and made our way straight to the Inn to rest, and also to deliver the good news that the goblins had been vanquished. Braddoc and Rand took the silver ore to the smithy, where they learned it would take a good three days work to smelt it down into useable currency. Since Braddoc is the village smiths apprentice, I guess we won't be seeing him for a little while.

Reported the location of the cave to Alfgeir so he knows where it is to keep a watch on it in future on his travels, and mentioned the presence of a silver vein to Mayor Butterstone, who decided that while it was a useful resource to know about, it was too far from the village to be readily defensible, so it will remain unworked.

Stedd headed off to his monastery to return a set of bloodied robes of ones of his order, that we had found nailed to the back wall of the goblins cave as a trophy. Meanwhile, I fended off Father Norris of Chauntea who having heard of wealth making its way into the village, arrived to make mention of the services his church could provide to our group, namely in the brewing and selling of curative potions to us. I managed to get him to leave me alone eventually after pointing out that the wealth we had recovered was in ore form, and it would be some days before we could spend it anywhere. I also assured him that we would look in on him once we had money to spend on such things. I almost had to deal with Sister Patricia of Kelemvor in the same manner, only she had been listening to my exchange with Norris, and so was already the wiser.

While the smelting was going on, the rest of us took the opportunity to unwind for a couple days, and nurse our bruises.

Flamerule 14th - Braddoc and his uncle finally finished smelting the ore down into ingots today, which were then divided out. We then took it upon ourselves to purchase some of the potions that the temples of Kelemvor & Chauntea could provide us with. I bought two just so I have some means of saving my own life.

Flamerule 16th - Finally!! Something to do, Alfgeir (now fully healed), has to investigate why the tax collectors caravan is more than a tenday late in arriving in Clearwater. The group eagerly leaped on this chance to explore, investigate, get gold, and hopefully have a good fight or two. We gathered our stuff and set off with the sheriff to explore south of the village. After the better part of a days trek we have yet to find anything out of the ordinary whatsoever. I stayed up for first watch alongside Alfgeir who I feel has accepted my presence more readily than my actual adventuring comrades, nothing happened though. Edrahil meditated for a while and then set off into the forest to forage for food to supplement his rations. Honestly, always thinking with his stomach that one.

Flamerule 17th - When morning came, we woke up to a distinct absence of Edrahil. After a brief search of the surrounding woodland we found his body, and it looked nearly torn apart. Can't say I'm sorry to see him dead because I'm not. One less elf in the world, the rest of them can't join him soon enough for my liking. We gave him a perfunctory burial in his (shredded) armour and holding his bloodied (all his own) sword at one side of the road, just inside the tree line. After dealing with this sudden loss, we sat down and ate breakfast; trail rations never tasted so good, and then headed on our way. A while later near a bend in the road, I heard snarling sounds from up ahead and signalled the rest of the group to warn them of the imminent threat, so that they might make ready to face it down.

Coming around the corner we saw a wagon on its side, and a small group of brutish humanoids who it seemed had spotted a traveller further down the road and were moving to ambush him. We then sprang out ambush from behind them to catch them in a pincer. Combined with the stranger down the road, our numbers were more or less equal with theirs. The battle was fierce with no quarter asked or given by either side and we took some wounds as a group (though none personally), and I felt I gave a good account of myself dispatching two of the hobgoblins with relative ease, though this was offset by an embarrassing slip while trying to kill the leader of the group, who then went on to make a clean getaway. Curse him.

Afterwards Alfgeir and myself were able to determine from the tracks that the hobgoblins did not loot the taxman’s carriage, as it seems a larger group had done that the day before. These then were just opportunists seeking to scavenge anything of worth left taking. Their bad luck to have us run into them it seems. The larger group would appear to be bandits by their tracks, and it is clear that they took the tax chest and the collector’s entourage too, possibly to hold them for ransom. Far worse than that though was finding out the identity of the stranger on the road, whose life we (and more specifically me) saved. It turns out that his name is Taeghen, an elven priest of Larethian, the cursed god who banished my kin to the sunless world below the surface. Damn the fates for this development.

After a length debate we decided to pursue the bandits, as heading back to town to get reinforcements would only let them gain more ground on us, as they are already a day ahead of us, though encumbered with the chest and prisoners. We reckon from their tracks that the bandits are roughly twenty strong, it is unknown how many of these might be their prisoners though. I had no trouble tracing the route that the bandits took, and we set off after them at best speed, alternating jogging and running, to do our best to close the distance they already had on us. It worked well, as by nightfall we could hear the sounds of their camp in the distance. We decided to camp down a safe distance from their campsite, keeping no fire that might alert them to our presence. I slept in my armour anyway, as it would be just my luck to be attacked by bandits in my sleep, and have to fight them half-naked. I believe a dawn raid on their camp is planned.

Flamerule 18th - I am told that during the night the camp was attacked by a pair of dire weasels, however I slept through the entire thing. We set out an ambush using Rand and Stedd as bait to lure some of the bandits around a bend in the road away from their campsite, where the rest of us were waiting in the forested edges of the road to spring our trap. Alas things did not go to plan, as we had reckoned without Braddoc’s battle-lust. Upon sighting the Orc that was chasing our baiters, he charged out of his hiding space too soon, and a ferocious melee broke out. I did well, moving about the battle, taking out one of the bandits (a hobgoblin) and wounding another two, taking a nasty sword blow in return. Alfgeir was nearly dropped, taking three arrows before stumbling off into the brush at the side of the road. After the fight was done, I used one of my potions to help him, and another (looted from Edrahil's body, he wasn't gonna be using it) to aid me. The bandits made their getaway though, and with their prisoners too, though not before we took down nine of their number. Searching their camp, we found the tracks of another group who it seems must have arrived while the fight was going on and taken the captives, the bandits then withdrawing from our melee and joining up with this other group, slavers perhaps? They have headed west towards the mountains. The bandits we slew turned out to be a motley (though well equipped) bunch of hobgoblins, half-orcs and humans, with one orc tossed in for good measure. I didn't get a good look at the leader, but Braddoc (who he nearly killed) tells me that he was human, or at least looked it. And he was amongst those who managed to escape. We have recovered the tax collector’s chest, as well as numerous items of interest that were found in the abandoned tents and on the bodies of the slain bandits.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Jared Blackspawn’s Journal

Part 3


Flamerule 18th (cont'd) - We piled the bodies up with the remains of the bandits camp and burned all of it that we could not take with us, in order to deny any other would be raiders in this area any of their armour, weapons or tents. We decided then to head back to our camp of last night and rest up for the remainder of today. Taeghan and Alfgeir used their healing skills to tend to the various wounds of the group. During the course of the day at various times were we aware of a humanoid figure watching us from the woods. He kept his distance and moved away whenever one of us went to investigate, only to reappear later.

Towards dusk as we settled down for the night (I had agreed to take third watch, as I realised I have never seen a sunrise, something the surface dwellers regard with awe and beauty), an arrow shot out of the surrounding forest gloom and hit Gorin. Sadly it didn't kill the fool, but it did serve as a sufficient warning. Soon after we grabbed up weapons and made ready to deal with our attacker, a voice shouted out of the darkness warning us that we were surrounded and for us to return the chest we had stolen. I shouted back a denial that we had stolen anything, and was shot by an arrow for my troubles. I should have known better, silence is my weapon, not noise. The brashness of Gorin and Braddoc I fear is rubbing off on me. I must be more careful.

We then it seems were of one mind, and we attacked in all directions, deciding death was preferable to dishonour. Death was very nearly what we got, and during a long fight with the boss of the group, Gorin was sent to the Fugue Plane this night, after he dispatched the raiders’ second in command right in front of the boss. I always said he was an idiot, but at least he died well. Still a combination of some cunning and an astounding amount of luck carried the fight for us, and we won, with not a single bandit making their escape to bedevil us again. Speaking of luck Braddoc even regaled me with how he took out one bandit using his blanket. I'm not entirely sure I believe his tale, and have refused to be taken to see the body. We tended to our wounds, though I declined Taeghen’s offer of magical healing, acceptance may be what I crave... but not his!

Flamerule 19th - We set off back to Clearwater carrying Gorin's body on a crude litter for a proper burial at the town. Nothing much happened today, which after the bloodshed of yesterday is a blessing. Praise be to Vhaeruan for not troubling your servant this day with ambushes.

Flamerule 20th - We arrived back in Clearwater bearing Gorin’s body with us. It was late evening when we got back into the village. We informed the Mayor of what had happened to the taxman’s retinue and our own escapades of the last few days. While we were doing this Gorin's drunkard uncle burst into the Inn, and seeing that his nephew was dead, demanded his worldly possessions... no doubt so he could sell them to buy alcohol. I choose that moment to avail myself of the pleasures my room, falling asleep easily on the soft bed and dreaming of Akordia and that night in the woods near Mistledale.

Flamerule 30th - We finished up our training late in the day and retired to our various homes in the village. Tomorrow I am told is a traditional festival day in the Dalelands, so it seems we shall stall our pursuit of the bandits for yet another day.

Midsummer Day - A traditional annual festival in the village. We could hear the Monastery bell ringing clearly in celebration. Apparently the monks celebrate this day by taking a ritual break from their martial lifestyles, I guess everyone needs a holiday once in a while, even monks. Nothing important happened today, apart from the whole village getting roaring drunk, and many of the younger men and women disappearing into the forest edge to spend time in each other’s arms. I sat and drank in the corner of the Inn, no-one bothered me, and I stayed out of everyone else’s way and let them enjoy their celebration of life.

Eleasis 1st - Woke up a little hung over from the drinking of yesterday. The group met up in the Inn early and we decided to head back to the bandit campsite we ransacked, and see if we can pick up the trail of the other bandits from there. We know that they headed towards the Desertmouth Mountains, so that’s a help. Alfgeir in his official capacity as a Daggerdale Sheriff is accompanying us. I am glad to have him along.

Eleasis 2nd - Spent the day trekking along the woodland road south of Clearwater, retracing our steps. We passed the wrecked taxman's carriage in the later afternoon, and decided to camp soon after. Thankfully nothing troubled us today.

Eleasis 3rd - Arrived back at what was the bandits’ camp in the late afternoon. After a process of elimination, Alfgeir and I managed to single out the trail left by the bandits and headed off after them knowing they have better than fifteen days lead on us. They have taken an old game trail through the woods. We decided to spend the night back at our old campsite before pursuing tomorrow.

Eleasis 4th - Woke up early and headed off in a very belated pursuit of the remaining bandits. The woods rapidly became thicker and darker, giving way to true forest. The darkness seemed to perturb Braddoc but I assured him that this was normal beneath the canopy. I am in my element here. Not long after we spotted a large body lying on the ground up ahead, creeping closer we saw it move and then we looked again. The body did not move, it was covered in Stirges that immediately attacked seeking a fresh meal. The annoying pests descended on us in a swarm. We hacked left and right, dispatching the vermin with ease, but not fast enough as they managed to get past our guard and begin attaching themselves to us, two of them latching on to me as I desperately hacked at them with my blades, feeling my limbs growing heavier as they sucked my blood. Although I slaughtered both of mine, they took a severe toll, drinking Stedd and me both to the brink of death. I confess I passed out then due to the lack of blood.

I came around briefly later on as Taeghen healed me, I didn't have the strength or the inclination at that point to refuse him. According to his knowledge of healing, it will take several days of rest for Stedd and I to fully recover from our ordeal. Braddoc too suffered almost as bad as we did but seems to be weathering the effects easier. Damn dwarves. We settled down for the night to sleep while Braddoc and Rand set off to forage. Guess they didn't learn from what happened to Edrahil, fools.

They came back later with a minor wizard who they had rescued from some phantom wolves. It seems Cebo (for that is his name) had annoyed the local druid, who had set the strange wolves on him. He seems harmless enough and since he has lost his spectacles and is as blind as a bat as a result, he didn't even notice I was part Drow. He seems to be enraptured by just about everything.

Eleasis 5th - A strange morning this, as it seems during the night Cebo laid a spell on Rand while he was on watch, and then helped himself to the group’s magical items before making good his escape. I have lost the dagger I gained I gained from my share of the bandits loot. To be honest I am angry at having been robbed, but the loss of the dagger does not overly trouble me. I still have my potion, which I viewed as far more useful. Rand and Braddoc however are furious at the deception. Alfgeir managed to track him as far as a stream a few hundred feet away, but from there onwards his tracks disappear entirely. Braddoc is marching about the campsite muttering dire threats about what he will do to Cebo with his flail... honestly Dwarves have no imagination when it comes to revenge. I did try to educate him, but got glared at for my troubles, so much for that cultural exchange. We remained camped here for the day while we recover from the Stirge attack. The woods here on the western edge of Daggerdale are lovely, but a far cry from those in Cormanthyr.

During the night a bear decided to intrude on our campsite. It took the combined efforts of all of us to fell the beast. Taeghen was nearly slain, and Alfgeir’s wounds were fatal. I blame myself for his loss, as I delayed joining the fight. I feel my natural instinct for self preservation which has served me well enough in growing up amidst my brutal people, hampered me in this regard and Alfgeir, who kindly taught me some of his skills and always aided me in tracking, when he could easily have let his skills overshadow my own, paid for my hesitation.

Eleasis 6th - We spent the day resting in the woods, thankfully without any further encounters with the local wildlife. We laid Alfgeir to rest in a grave amidst the trees; I think its what he would have wanted. He never spoke of having any family.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Jared Blackspawn’s Journal

Part 4


Eleasis 7th - Waking up this morning I was relived that my wound had finally healed up sufficient for me to go on. Stedd also was fit for travel, and the ever resilient Braddoc was likewise. We were then ready to continue our pursuit of the bandits, though I fear that from now on, the tracking falls solely to my expertise, which led to a small argument with Taeghan. As though he could follow a two tenday old trail any better than me. The arrogance of the man!

After a day’s trek I spotted a triangular clearcutting at the base of the mountains, abutting a small cliff. We decided to camp out of sight of this and investigate tomorrow. I got in a good nights sleep, no doubt because they want me fresh to do the scouting.

Eleasis 8th - As I had surmised, I got volunteered to go and scout out the clearcutting I spotted yesterday. The clearcutting turned out to be forest that had been cut back from the entrance to a cave. I will hand it to the guards posted on the caves mouth, they were certainly alert and I was spotted and chased by three of them. I had to use my potion of stealth to enhance my hiding skills in order to elude them. From what I saw, the cave appears to be the entrance to a small mine of some sort, as I could clearly make out a mine cart on rails in the centre of the cave's entrance. The guards who chased me were hobgoblins.

I reported my findings back to the rest of the group, and after a lengthy debate on tactics, myself and Stedd devised a plan of attack. Our plan was to use Braddoc and Taeghan as a frontal assault to draw on the hobgoblins joint hatreds of dwarves and elves, and hopefully prompt them to do something rash. Myself and Stedd would then launch our attack from the other side of the clearcutting and use our speed to best advantage to close the hobgoblins in a pincer movement. Rand was to stay at the edge of the clearing opposite the cave mouth, and direct his spells as he saw fit, to cause maximum disruption.

For once one of our plans actually worked as we intended, and the fight was very one sided in our favour. I failed to have much effect on the outcome though, and I continue to live only because of Taeghan's timely intervention, after a hobgoblin felled me with a lucky strike. Braddoc nearly won the day singlehanded, wading through his foes, clearly revelling in the battle.

We rescued the tax collector and his retinue of guards, who had been forced to work as slaves enlarging the cave and hacking out a vein of silver, though it looks all but exhausted. The former slaves alerted us to a camp of hobgoblins not far away, where the silver ore was taken to. We set off down the trail towards this camp, joined by two of the captives; a human soldier called Tannas, and an orc barbarian with a thirst for revenge. Half a mile or so away, the trail ended abruptly at a large cleared area at the base of low cliffs. The camp turned out in fact to be a fort, complete with 20' high walls, and twin 30' watchtowers flanking the gate. We retreated back into the forest to plan a strategy and recover from the few wounds we had taken earlier.

Eleasis 9th - During the night some large kind of bat apparently tried to eat Rand's owl familiar. I care not. None of our group, who stayed up on watch saw any traffic on the trail between the fort and the mine. With the combination of a good nights rest and another of Taeghan's spells, I am back to fighting fitness. We spent today camped halfway between the mine and the fort in the vain hope that the hobgoblins might check on the mine... they didn't. When the others went to sleep, I decided to go and recon the fort. I was able to sneak over the walls and sketch out a map of the fort's interior before I was discovered. I made good my escape as arrows were fired at me in the dark, evading them all.

Eleasis 10th - Woke up and presented the party with my map of the fort. They were a bit shocked, and Taeghan was appalled, that I left the group sleeping without anyone on guard. when I pointed out that the Orc was awake and in their area, they did not thank me. Honestly, if they trust a drow to watch over them as they sleep, I wouldn't have thought they would be so picky. The quiet of the day was broken as Stedd came running back from the trail (where he had been keeping watch), shouting "They are coming!!" We then began to see what the noise was all about, as we could just make out shapes moving off the trail and into the trees, heading after Stedd en masse... many shapes!

I immediately took action, and sought cover in the nearest tree, scrambling halfway up the trunk and hiding there as the rest of the group backed up and formed battle lines to receive the hobgoblins onslaught. I remained where I was as around two dozen hobgoblins surged past the tree I was in to engage my comrades. The Orc fell in seconds, and the full fury of the humanoid assault smashed into Braddoc and Taeghan. Stedd and Tannas joined in as a ferocious melee broke out across the far side of the clearing. I couldn't get a good look, but from what I could make out, it looked like the hobgoblins were throwing much of their murderous efforts at Taeghan. Picking my moment carefully, making sure that the entire horde had passed my hiding place and were engaged, I slipped down from the tree and circled about, drawing my blades and went to work, picking off the stragglers of the force, moving swiftly amongst the trees and bushes, and assassinating the rearguard of the horde, as I sliced my way towards the cleric who commanded them. To my immense annoyance, as myself, Rand (who had been zipping about the battlefield using that speed spell of his to stay out of the reach of his pursuers while blasting them with those orb things he conjures up) and Braddoc (who had literally hacked his way towards the cleric) closed in on him, the slippery bastard quaffed a potion and flew off! Still he was the only escapee, as the rest of his attack force we had reduced to bloody ruin, their bodies covering a great deal of the clearing.

Once we had tidied up, patched any nearly fatal wounds (such as those sported by Braddoc), and stripped the corpses of anything of interest, including an enchanted javelin and suit of chainmail, and also much needed coinage (I mean for when we get back to Clearwater, obviously its not needed right now), we set off back to the mine as it was a dry, and semi-defensible position. Rand set us up with a fire, and Taeghan built a ramshackle wall of rocks and corpses across the entrance to the cave. I sat near Braddoc as he drifted in and out of consciousness, his fierce rage having waned once the fighting was done. His capacity to take wounds and survive them is frightening. I need to recover from my own wounds, as does most everyone else. Despite half the hobgoblin horde throwing themsleves at Taeghan, he has nary a scratch on him, truly his god stood with him this day, and much as I might loathe Larethian and his children, I envy Taeghan right now for the feeling he must have had in the battle, knowing the love of his god upon him as he fought.

I was woken up by Rand a little later after night had fallen, as wolves were scavenging the bodies of the dead hobgoblins from the wall across the cave mouth. We both waved fire to drive the wolves back, and then dragged the bodies clear of the cave and into the forest edge, where the scavengers can feast without disturbing us.

Eleasis 11th - Stedd, Rand, Tannas and myself went off to scout out the fort early this morning, to ascertain how many we still had to deal with. It would seem the pests were busy yesterday after their attack failed, as Tannas and I fell into a newly dug pit trap, and were then confronted by two of the vile humanoids attempting to push a boulder from the top of the cliff into the pit, some 30' below them. While I easily climbed up out of the pit, Tannas found himself trapped. Myself and Rand did our best to keep their heads down, while Stedd looked for a branch he could lower down to help haul Tannas out, but to no avail. The hobgoblins succeeded in dropping the boulder, along with a small landslide into the pit, both killing and burying Tannas. The others of us deciding that he could not possibly have survived, left him in the pit. Rand was reluctant to do so, but Stedd and I reasoned with him. We headed back to the mine, the others having determined that at least half a dozen, if not more hobgoblins were still guarding the fort. I noticed that Braddoc seems to have started work on something, but didn't think to pry as to what it was.

Eleasis 12th - We remained at the mine today, trying to decide on a strategy to tackle the fort. All we got through was more of our depleted rations, and a lot of arguments.

Eleasis 13th - Braddoc presented us with the results of his work these past couple days, a wooden tower shield, well crafted too. Quite why he has made this is beyond me, and after asking him about it, it is beyond him too. I guess he did it to keep busy while his wounds healed, lest his thoughts dwell on his own mortality. After sketching out a map of the fort on the floor of the cave, we continued to plot strategy... with just as much arguing as yesterday. For my part I gave up fairly soon, and left the arguing to Rand, Taeghan and Stedd, while I sharpened my swords. My own plan of using the last miner (a crazed fellow who despite being freed continues to feebly hack away at the silver vein down the far end of the cave), as bait to get the hobgoblins to open the forts gates (assuming they don't just shoot him on sight) was turned down.

In the mid afternoon we sprang to alert upon hearing an incoming traveller. I opened fire upon sighting the shambling figure of Tannas, as it appeared that fiend cleric had raised him from his rocky grave and sent him to bedevil us. I missed, and it turned out that he wasn't undead after all. During the past two days, by some incredible feat of willpower and strength, Tannas had survived the rockfall and had dug himself out of his own grave, having been buried alive. I got shot some dirty looks from the others as it was my voice that was strongest for leaving him in there. Like I was meant to know he was still alive!

Eleasis 14th - We decided to smoke out the hobgoblins. Our plan is to fire as many fire arrows as possible into the fort, and hopefully set alight the roofs of the interior buildings, creating more fires than their cleric can douse with his magic. We took up positions in the forest edge opposite the forts gate, and opened fire with the others aiming for the fort, while I sniped at any hobgoblin who stuck their head up over the parapets. the assault had the desired effect, and the cleric led a force of the remaining hobgoblins out to fight us. We engaged and handily beat this force, though the cleric himself proved a canny foe, utilising numerous potions and scrolls, including at one point levitating and showering us with crossbow bolts from above.

The fires did their work, but before the fort burnt down we managed to drag out five heavy chests filled with silver ingots from the mine, thousands of coins worth! We spent the rest of the day patching up wounds and searching bodies and making sure we had gotten all we could from the ruin of the fort. Deciding that we could not possibly bring all five chests back to Clearwater between the six of us, we marked out a spot and buried two of them in the forest where we can go back to retrieve them soon.

Eleasis 15th-20th - Travelling back to Clearwater lugging 3 heavy chests of silver ingots. Thankfully our journey back home was without any incident as I think all of us, including Braddoc, would have been far too tired from carrying the chests to have much effect in a fight.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Jared Blackspawn’s Journal

Part 5


Eleasis 21st - We have arrived back in Clearwater at last, nearly a month after our departure. We got back to see a few changes have taken place in our extended absence. An earthen rampart now surrounds much of the town, with a wooden palisade fence atop it, and work is proceeding on fortifying the rest of the settlement. Too, the Temple to Chauntea has been expanded, rising upwards by another storey. Rand spotted a new flagpole flying a flag with the initials VC on it, and his expression went dark. There are also several other new buildings in town, and all of this renovation we quickly found out is due to the money that the Van Cei family have brought into the area.

We entered the town walked past Jake Morgan's rundown old house, where the crooked bastard was sat outside on his porch. I noticed him eyeballing the chests we were carrying (or more accurately dragging). I shall be sure to keep an eye on him, I just got wealthy and I have plans for my share of the silver, none of which involve him getting his hands on it. We got back to the Inn, greeted the Mayor and also White Wolf the local bard, and stored the chests below the Inn in the old vault I used to sleep in. I got myself a room for a tenday and a drink. I even bought Taeghen a drink (though he didn't drink it).

The town is experiencing a boom thanks to the Van Cei family’s money, as it seems the youngest son of the household has been sent to this backwater to see what he can make of himself. The change troubles me. I was getting to be accepted, or at the least ignored in the town. These newcomers are clearly influential and I do not know them or their motives. The head of the family here in Clearwater, the youngest son I mentioned, styles himself as "The Commander". To my mind pompous titles do nothing but bode ill. Rand has his own reason for hating the Van Cei, they caused the ruination of his family in years past while Daggerdale was under Zhent occupation. There are two other groups of "adventurers" in town now. One group works for the Commander, a professional looking assortment who I believe to be mercenaries, albeit formidable ones. The other group is staying with Jake Morgan... Things go from bad to worse I fear.

At 6pm a town meeting was held in the Inn and everyone was there, both old and new faces in the village... and they have never looked more divided. Jake Morgan, the Commander, farmers, traders, both priests. Everyone of importance and everyone else who wanted to just listen in were there. It turns out that this was the first town meeting since Clearwater was founded three years ago. As it happens the meeting was so that the Mayor could present several issues needing resolving to the assembled adventurers present. the tasks were as follows:

- Investigate the ruined tower to the north of town, as it is rumoured to again by occupied, and the Mayor wishes to know by whom if the rumour is true.

- Investigate the old dwarfhold in the Desertsmouth Mountains to the west that is besieged by Ogres and other fell beings. Not sure why the Mayor wanted this done, I wasn't paying attention at that point as Tannas had distracted me with something or other.

- Some personal matter of special delicacy. (The Mayor looked directly at our group when he said this, talk about a hint).

- I'm sure there was a fourth task, but I've forgotten what it is, I've had a few to drink today. And as I relate below, it has hardly been the sanest of days! [DM - This was to go and check out the rumours of undead appearing in a cemetary just out of town. The consequences of ignoring this task 2 in-game months ago have yet to be felt!)

We opted to check out the tower and the special matter. Morgan’s thugs left without offering any help at all, and the Commander’s posse of minions elected to do all the tasks, but have decided to tackle the Ogres first. Good riddance to them, should keep them busy for ages.

The Mayor took us into the back room of the Inn and told us that the special matter was recovering the ring by which he was to wed Rand's mentor the elven wizardess Alliandre. He then urged us to drink a vial of a strange concoction each, which we trustingly did. His bride to be then came in, cast a spell and shrunk us down to roughly half the height of a human thumb! Bastard didn't even warn us. It turns out his ring was taken by a rat or some such other vermin, and is no doubt in the creatures lair, somewhere in the walls of the Inn. The thing was going to be huge to us. We set off eager to get this strange task over with and return to our proper size, whereupon myself and Braddoc intended to have words with the Mayor that involved much hitting him with sharp and blunt objects alike!

Setting off through a hole in a skirting board of the back room, we entered the space between the Inn's walls and headed off after a faint trail. We soon encountered out first critter a huge (to us anyway) Stag Beetle. The others battled it but I saw no need to get involved in the melee at first, but then seeing Taeghen fall in its mandibles I charged it, though only succeeded in scratching its carapace. I think Stedd killed it though and Taeghen was restored to health.

The beetle vanquished, we proceeded upwards through the wall and entered a spider’s lair. I've never liked spiders; despite how ingrained the images of drow and spiders are in most surface dwellers minds. Three large and huge spiders later and I was covered in ichor and liking spiders no more. The world cannot be rid of them and their wretched goddess soon enough for my tastes. Our next encounter was with a very small (though still larger than us) Dust Mephit, which we destroyed easily enough, though I continue to suffer from the poison that one of the spiders injected into me earlier.

Not long after we entered the lair of the rats that had stolen the ring. We noticed that they were distracted, defending their lair from some invading wasps. Using the fight as a distraction, Braddoc, Stedd & I rushed in and grabbed the ring, dragging it away between us, while Rand, Taeghen and Tannas held off the couple rats who tried to interfere in the retrieval. It then took us a couple hours to get back the way we had come, fortunately without further incident, and return to the Mayor, whereupon we were restored to full size. The Mayor was stunned when confronted with what he had done, not having considered the dangers to us in our reduced forms. While annoyed about being shrunk, I noticed that the ire of my companions had faded, and so I no longer had a mandate to kill the irritating fool, so I just slunk off to my room to make a record of the strangest day in my life thus farm and then to bed.

Eleasis 22nd - Nothing much really happened today, those of us with wounds from yesterdays bizarre excursion got them seen to, Braddoc spent time with his uncle Gort in the smithy, I sat in my usual corner of the Inn watching the comings and goings. Of interest was the departure of the Commanders minions heading west to the mountains and the old dwarfhold to deal with the Ogres there.

Eleasis 23rd to Eleint 2nd - Spent the tenday training and honing our skills. Should this tower indeed be occupied then we might well be in for a fierce battle, as none of us have fought a real wizard before. I devoted much of the time to further improving my stealthy skills, which I hope will prove useful in any upcoming combats.

Eleint 3rd - Having spent the last tenday honing our skills, we were eager to set out from the town. We had opted to tackle the tower to the north of town, which after years of being vacant and derelict following the Zhent occupation is apparently occupied again and the Mayor is worried about this (and everything else, Mayor Butterstone worries a lot). From my surveillance of the other groups, I have determined that Jake Morgan’s posse of thugs have barely left his house and seem to spend all their time getting roaring drunk and smashing up the place, fitting company for him indeed. There has been no sign of the Commanders minions, but that is to be expected, as dealing with that many ogres will take some doing. We set off early for the tower, it being a three-day trek to the north of Clearwater. The tower it is said used to belong to a wizardess called Traya the Forsaken, though she was slain by the Zhentarim.

Towards the latter part of the day as were we travelling along the road, we were challenged by a bandit with the quaint threat of "Stand & Deliver". He mentioned that crossbows were aimed at us, no doubt from cowardly compatriots in the tree line to either side of the road. Rand then must have done something behind us to alarm him, as he shouted for his men to fire, as he ran into the trees screaming about Warlocks. We handily defeated the bandits who numbered four in all, the last of their number surrendering to us rather than joining his larcenous companions in death. Taeghen prevented me from ridding us of the burden of dealing with him, offering instead to ride back to Clearwater and deposit him with the Mayor. The elf is the only one of us on horseback, mainly due to the heavy full plate armour he is wearing as else he would slow us all down. We split the bandits’ haul of coinage between us, it seems banditry has been good of late, as there was plenty of gold to divide amongst us. Taeghen returned around midnight, finding our camp easily enough. He has deposited the bandit in the Mayor's custody... yet another thing for him to worry about.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Jared Blackspawn’s Journal

Part 6


Eleasis 4th - In the very early hours of this morning the group’s sleep was disturbed by an enraged dire boar, a truly frightening monstrous porcine creature around 9' in length from its tail to the wickedly curved tusks it tried goring us with. We succeeded in defeating the beast swiftly, but not before it had grievously wounded Stedd. Taeghan's spells luckily were up to the task of pulling our monastic companion back from the brink of death. I think I fought well, moving about the beast, my blades slashing it several times. While the rest of the group went back to sleep or on watch, Braddoc carved several large juicy steaks from the corpse. We ate the best breakfast any of us have eaten in months as a result. The gods do not dine on bacon as divine as this tasted! We headed on after breakfast, turning off the road in the mid afternoon and heading across country. The day passed without incident and as we made camp this evening, I could just make out the tower in the distance.

Eleint 5th - Thankfully the night passed quietly and everyone got a good nights rest. We set off towards the tower just after first light, it lying in forested hills against the base of the Desertsmouth Mountains that mark the western extremity of Daggerdale. As we got close, Stedd alerted us to something big moving in the trees up ahead. And I thought my hearing was sharp, I hadn't heard a thing! Upon getting a bit closer we saw what we believed was a bear shaking a tree. The wind must then have shifted, because it suddenly turned and charged us. It was indeed a bear... an Owlbear! It put up a good fight, but it had picked on the wrong group of adventurers. We are no rookies now, and we easily surrounded and bludgeoned the beast, the killing blow though was mine, as I sunk both my blades in it to the hilt. It collapsed on Braddoc, most amusing.

The fight done, we left the body for scavengers and continued towards the tower. The tower was built to impressive proportions, and standing on guard outside it was a huge (about 9-10' tall) greenskinned creature in heavy armour and carrying the largest axe I have ever seen. I had never seen such a creature before, indeed it perplexed all of us as to what its nature might be. Rand turned himself invisible (evidently a new enchantment he has learned and one I shall have to be wary about), and went to investigate. Despite his precautions, the Troll (for that is what is was, as we found out) sniffed him out and made a few attempts to attack him. It then must have seen Tanus, and charged towards us, throwing the corpse it was gnawing on at him as it advanced.

We moved in at it thundered into Tanus, and surrounded it, attacking as a group. To no avail, its armour turned aside most of our blows and those that did defeat the metal plates it wore had little effect, the creature regenerating its wounds almost instantly. It then picked a target and swung felling me in one blow. I dropped like a stone, and lay there on the ground perceiving my companions trying to wrestle the creature through a red haze as my lifeblood pumped out to stain the earth beneath me. Then I passed out.

I was woken by Rand slapping me, he having dragged me to safety. Hearing the din of battle nearby and seeing Tanus' bloodied body lying beside me, I got to my feet and ran into the forest as fast as I could, using the training Alfgeir gave me to blend into the trees and vanish. Better to live and run away, than pointlessly die here today I reasoned. My comrades be damned, I care not for their lives. The others managed to get away though, as when the Troll tried to pursue them into the forest, some force of magic stopped him and he headed back to the tower. Clearly the new resident has an ingenious way of "leashing" his bodyguard. I rejoined the group, and we backed off and made camp some distance away, where we will lick our wounds and decide what to do.

Eleint 6th - In the early morning Braddoc woke me from my rest, as something was approaching the camp. I readied myself to die, my wounds from yesterday still considerable. I could clearly see in the distance that what was headed our way was a minotaur. He charged at us, and Braddoc readied his spear to receive him, the minotaur running himself onto it and impaling himself, though also viciously goring the dwarf in the process. Rand and I then leapt to the attack, attacking with spells and blades, felling the beast almost instantly. Rand recovered a pair of gloves from the corpse that he says are magical. I went back to sleep. In the morning after we had eaten, we decided to leave the tower alone for the time being and go and retrieve our silver from its burial place.

Eleint 7th to Eleint 13th - Trekking along the edge of the Desertsmouth Mountains heading southwest towards the hobgoblin fort that we burnt down. No encounters with anything remotely dangerous. When we are not busy travelling, we are hunting to supplement our rations, I believe I am getting better at this.

Eleint 14th - After a lengthy and uneventful journey, we arrived at the ruined fort and proceeded from there to the location where we had buried the remaining two chests of silver ingots. We found them untampered with. After exhuming them, Braddoc set to work to rig up a sled, which we tied to Taeghan's horse. We then loaded up the sled with the chests (much simpler than us hauling them back this time), and we set off back towards Clearwater.

Eleint 15th to Eleint 18th - Travelling back to Clearwater, again no significant encounters with anything dangerous and the few travellers we passed on the road were definitely of the non-threatening kind. I am itching for a good fight.

Eleint 19th - We arrived back in Clearwater to find the Inn under siege (Vhaeruan be praised, a good fight awaited me!). It turns out the thugs staying at Jake Morgan's house attacked the place a few days ago and have been surrounded and besieged in there by the village folk ever since. They are holding the Mayor hostage and there are six of them in all. Why is it always the Mayor who needs help? If this were a drow run community such a disorganised and hapless official would have been assassinated long ago, to the betterment of the community I feel.

A new sheriff had arrived in the area a couple days back; Alfgeir's replacement is a man by the name of Marley. He has already tried to negotiate with the thugs, and been shot twice for his troubles. He looked quite concerned by my presence (Another new face who does not know me, Clearwater becomes more alien and hostile to me by the day I feel. How long before others who know me, like the Mayor, start to feel the antipathy that these newcomers direct my way and respond to it, or even support it... and things were going so well). Marley informed us that there is a bounty of the heads of these villains, indeed he was eager for the Clearwater posting as he had heard they had headed this way and was pursuing them. The bounty is 10 gold each for them dead, 25 gold for them alive. Looks like it will be 10 gold apiece then.

We decided for a four pronged assault with myself and Stedd climbing up to enter through two different upstairs windows while Braddoc and Taeghan storm the front doors and Tanus and Rand rush the kitchen doors on the ground floor. Things did not go to plan. We were spotted approaching the Inn and they were waiting for us. Tanus and Rand did not go in through the kitchen door, instead trying to hack their way futilely through the wooden wall from the servants quarters upstairs, a plan I thought it had been made clear not to go with earlier on. Braddoc and Taeghan took their time in getting through the front doors, and as they tried to do so an archer looked out of an upstairs window and spotted me climbing up, putting two arrows into me before I had even gotten into the building. My assault was then stopped short by a sword as I was quickly cut down in the common room upstairs, my assailant then running off to deal with Braddoc and Taeghan who had finally broken into the ground floor.

I was brought around by Taeghan's magic some time later, after all the fighting was done and to my great amazement not all of the bandits were dead, despite Braddoc flying into one of his famous battle rages. Indeed of the six bandits, only two had been slain, the other four having been beaten unconscious. We handed them over to the new sheriff for the princely sum of 120 gold coins. We also stripped them of any coins they were carrying and belongings of interest, many of which under Rand's arcane investigation registered magical auras. We then all chipped in money to pay for his mentor to identify the items for us, but we lacked the funds to get them all seen to. As a result I have procured for myself a moderately strong healing potion and also an amulet said to protect the wearer against being hit. I don't feel any more protected wearing it I must admit.

As we need to head to Dagger Falls to get our silver ingots stamped with an official seal so that we can spend them, we have agreed to travel with Marley as an escort for the prisoners, to see them to the magistrates in the capital of Daggerdale. From what little I know of Dagger Falls it is a grim town filled with surly and unsavoury folk. I can't wait to get there!


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Jared Blackspawn’s Journal

Part 7


Eleasis 20th - We set off early, having rented a wagon and horses to take our chests and the prisoners to Dagger Falls in. Before we left town I spent 40 gold, and invested in a couple of minor healing potions from Chauntea's temple, I have a feeling I might need them. We are accompanied by Sheriff Marley, who needs to be present at the trials of the prisoners as a witness for the prosecution. I say save the trouble and just string them up; we know they are guilty, a lot less waste of time and effort involved. Marley was not interested in my opinion however.

Eleint 21st - Nothing much really happened today, we continued heading north towards Dagger Falls without incident.

Eleint 22nd - Not long after setting off this morning we were ambushed by a hungry pair of Ankhegs who grievously injured Taeghan, him then riding off and the other attacked me, clamping its mandibles into my right leg and dragging me underground. I would have died if not for Stedd diving into the tunnel after me and rescuing me, killing the Ankheg with his bare fists underground and forcing one of my new bought healing potions down my throat to restore me to health. I knew they would come in useful, glad I invested in them. So much for the usefulness of this protection amulet, I nearly got killed while wearing it. Taeghan repaired some more of my wounds, a good nights sleep should see me back to health.

Eleint 23rd - This morning while Taeghan was on third watch, the camp came under attack as a vial of incendiary fire was hurled at him setting him alight. I came round from my sleep to the sound of him screaming and the sight of him ablaze. Not a sight I'll soon forget, more mornings should start with elves being torched. His fires were soon put out with only minor harm having been done to him (though all of his hair burnt off, leaving him looking rather odd to say the least). While Taeghan and Stedd headed off into the woods to hunt down our attacker, the rest of us came under attack by ravenous wolves. We handily defeated them and Taeghan rejoined us, followed a short while later by Stedd who had run into a werewolf. Looking around I found that Marley had been knocked out with a rock, and our prisoners have escaped, no doubt the doing of the werewolf, or (and this is what I fear) other werewolves. I managed to follow their tracks to the nearby road (we had pulled off it to make camp last night), but after that it became impossible to determine which direction they had gone in. Taeghan rode south back towards Clearwater for a few miles, while we carried on north. He rejoined us after an hour or so, neither group having spotted any sign of our escapees.

The day went without further incident, yet as we travelled we saw lupine forms in the trees to either side of the road, stalking us. We made camp but our rest was disturbed early on by a burly humanoid figure who shot an arrow into the camp missing us by a mile. Rand took off after him, closely followed by Stedd as I moved to guard Braddoc while he put his armour on. Taeghan then hearing the sounds of battle, cast a spell on one of my blades imbuing it temporarily with magical strength and the ability to deal lasting wounds to lycanthropes as he deduced that this is what was attacking Stedd and Rand. Rand had already succumbed to some sort of attack, as blood was pouring from a gash in his side. I charged through the forest undergrowth to help my comrades who had indeed been ambushed by werewolves, a trio of them no less, the leader of which I saw before he transformed. It was the hobgoblin chieftain who had escaped death at my hands on the road at the overturned taxman's wagon all those tendays ago. He escaped again with severe wounds, curse him, but his two allies had no such luck as they fell to my blades, I moving like death incarnate amongst them, beheading the first in one stroke, and then eviscerating the other with a backslash, nearly cutting the spine from him. I have got to get me a proper magical sword soon, I was unstoppable. Praise be to Vhaeruan for delivering me this glorious victory.

We looted the bodies of some coin and jewels, tied a bandage around Rand's wounds (he confidently stated that the gash was from a sword-slash, and that there was no need for concern) and headed back to the wagon, where Braddoc was still not yet in his armour. For once his star does not shine brightest after a fight, the glory today is all mine!

Eleint 24th - Again a quiet day, with nothing much happening. Passed a few other wagons and entourages of people, and that's about it really. Still after the lycanthropic high jinks of yesterday and especially last night, a peaceful day was a welcome respite.

Eleint 25th - We finally arrived at Dagger Falls in the late afternoon. Dagger Falls is a stone built town, walled and dirty. For many years it was little more than a fortified caravan stop for the Zhentarim, the first and last stop for caravans crossing Anauroch, the great desert that lies to the west, beyond the mountains. The town is experiencing a boom under Randal Morn's renewed lordship; this man fought the Zhents for better than two decades in a fierce guerrilla war, not a man to be underestimated. Before entering the town I used the makeup in my disguise kit to alter my appearance to that of a normal half-elf, dying my hair blonde rather than its usual silvery colour. While I despise having to make myself look other than what I am, I feel it is best to take no chances in a town known for its rough and ready reputation, it is no secret that the folk of Dagger Falls openly carry weapons, and most know how to use them. I have no interest in being torn to pieces by a crowd of peasants fearful of a "drow".

Rand headed off to get his ancient family seal renewed it having been lost during the Zhent occupation as his family were driven from their lands and influence, mostly by the actions of the Van Cei who were allies of the Zhentarim. Quite why they continue to exist in Daggerdale now that it is run by Morn, who despises the Zhents and their lackeys troubles me. could it be that the Van Cei have enough influence to make purging them from the province more trouble than it is worth?

The rest of us settled into an Inn by the name of The Teshford Arms and waited for him to get back to us. He failed, it turns out that the Zhent's did a grand job of burning the past when they left, spitefully destroying as many records as they could. Perhaps this explains the continued presence of the Van Cei, without any of the old records, there is no proof to incriminate them, merely the word of discredited families like Rand's, and wild accusations are no basis for justice. Intriguing, this bears further investigation. We are now left with three choices when it comes to getting our silver stamped, they are:

- The Van Cei family. Not really an option.

- The nearby dwarfholds. Possible, Braddoc is going to investigate this option for us.

- Lord Randal Morn himself.

Naturally we favour the dwarfholds as our best bet, so Braddoc is going to do his best to make some contacts and see what he can do about this. Needless to say this will involve him getting roaring drunk, I'm sure he'll enjoy himself. There is much to see and learn about here, including a Red Wizard enclave no less. Once I have my share of the silver I shall have to investigate the enclave and see what they have for sale, I doubt my companions will join me in this shopping excursion though, they seemed quite shocked to learn of the Thayan's presence here.

Marley got back from reporting to his superiors and shocked us all by saying that we are well known in these parts as the Clearwater Crusaders (not the name I would have picked, but it does have a certain ring to it), and also that having learned of our presence in his town, Lord Randal Morn has invited us to a dinner in our honour tomorrow night. As we were discussing this a salesman dressed like a wizard stepped up to our table and offered to sell us a magical longsword. None of us were interested though. He had made the approach after hearing Stedd blurt out that we had silver... in the Inn's common room! Now we have to assign one of our number to guard the chests at all times, so I have volunteered to take that duty tomorrow night, formal dinners are not really my scene anyway, and I doubt my disguise would be that effective under the scrutiny of a Lord's court. A shame as I would have liked a chance to meet Randal Morn in person. We hauled the chests up to our rooms and went to sleep for the night.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Jared Blackspawn’s Journal

Part 8


Eleasis 26th - Woke up this morning and while we enjoyed a hearty breakfast downstairs in the Inn, Tanus burst in, having travelled to Dagger Falls alone on the road, setting off the day after we did. My respect for him increased a measure hearing this, as I recalled our own troubles on the same trip. He arrived carrying a large sack of silver coins, and apparently was attacked by large rats and goblins on the journey. There is no justice, we get mauled by ankhegs and werewolves, he gets rats and goblins! Clearly Tymora smiled on him during the past few days.

Since the group (minus myself) are off to a party in their honour tonight, I urged them to consider investing in some new garments suitable to be seen in at Lord Morn's court. We have just gotten a group reputation; I did not want them ruining it so soon. Having said this, they are bound to mess this up, the only one of them with the slightest sense of etiquette is Taeghan, and that isn't saying much. I will be spending the night in the Inn guarding our wealth and updating this journal, so as to be a better record of our endeavours to present to my superiors, should anyone ever turn up to collect it.

As the others set off to the dinner, I bought myself a fine Aglarondian wine dated 1362, and took my evening meal up to my room to guard the chests and bag of silver we have accumulated. My disguise as a regular half-elf seems to be fooling people well enough. As the evening drew on, and I made notes clarifying past entries in this journal, I was visited in my room by an elf of incredible skill. He took me completely unawares in my room, me not having seen or heard him make his entrance, no easy task. He warned me that I was under observation and would remain so for the foreseeable future at the behest of the committee, a group of powerful individuals headed by Lord Morn who really run Daggerdale. A clever way to run a regime, it is hard to kill off a government if only one person in it is publicly known.

I take the elf to be an assassin in the service of the realm and he mentioned assigning me a task to prove my worthiness. Should I pass this test then he offered to train me to make better use of my dark nature. I was left in no doubt though, that should I do anything suspicious whilst in this place my life would be forfeit. He left as gracefully and silently as he arrived, pivoting out my window and into the alleyway... a three storey drop. In the couple seconds it took me to recover from having had his blade at my throat and look out into the alley, he had vanished. I poured myself a full glass of the wine, I needed a drink after that!

The others came back as I was getting ready for bed, and it turns out they had no luck in getting the silver stamped, as there has been a recent glut of silver flooding the local economy. Lord Morn would have taken a 75% cut for exchanging it, as he is buying up silver stocks to avoid an economic meltdown. The groups account of Randal Morn shocked me, apparently old age is catching up to him fast, and from what I was able to glean, he is halfway senile and quite frail. The group have however, picked up a contract from a wizard who they are to meet tomorrow. A wizard with red robes and a tattooed head... great!

Eleint 27th - We hauled the silver to the Temple of Lathander. It is a very grandiose building named Lathander's Light, rebuilt after the Zhent's burnt it down during their occupation. We paid to keep the chests in one of their vaults, as the temple is used to acting as a bank also (though in larger settlements, this would normally be the provision of a Waukeener temple). We then set off across town to see what this Red Wizard wants with us.

We entered the Thayan enclave, small but functional, and the signs of industry were clearly apparent. Our contact was a mage by the name of Darius Sandford (evidently a name assumed to help him fit into the Dalelands, Thayan names are quite different). He wants us to make a journey to the mountains on an errand he says he is incapable of making himself. Great... the mountains. I thought by not taking on Mayor Butterstone's mission to the old dwarfhold and the ogres occupying it, that we had avoided going to the mountains. Curse Beshaba for this development!

He created a scrying bowl and showed us a scene of a small (about 10' long) Red Dragon sleeping on a pile of coins in a cave. He wants us to kill this dragon and bring back to him its brain and spinal cord. We can take whatever of its hoard we can carry too. The lair is about three days away to the north-west of Dagger Falls in the very northern end of the Desertsmouth range. The dragon is living with it's father, who goes by the name of Gran'Rath Tendathaloth, a ferocious beast of a wyrm, who in known for his cunning and knowledge of the area. However, over the years, the dragon has lapsed into a predictable routine, hunting for two hours at around noon each day. This gives us a window to get into the lair, kill the offspring and do the messy deed, gather what we can and get out of there, as confrontation with the parent dragon would certainly be fatal for all of us. Darius provided us with a scent proof bag to carry back the body parts in, as well as 4 scrolls of spells designed to clean us of the blood and smell of our work, so as to not leave a trail for the father to follow, which would lead him to us, and thence onto to Dagger Falls itself to enact revenge.

Darius offered to enchant two items as the reward for doing this deed for him, but as I have no suitable item and due to not being able to change our silver cannot afford to buy such I will gain nothing from this endeavour save for whatever may be found in the dragon's lair. We returned to the Inn and gathered our things, getting in a meal before heading off. I was able to pick up some scraps of information from those who know the area and its legends. Apparently this male killed his mate once she had given birth and raises this infant himself, most unlike red wyrms from all accounts. It is said that he makes magical weapons and armour for a pastime, though I am not sure how much credence to give to that rumour, I think the fellow I got it from must have seen my desires for such items too plainly on my face, I must take better care to guard my expressions. I gathered the following tit bits of information about him:

- He's known for his immense cunning and knowledge. He makes certain enchanted items for a hobby.

- His lair is rumoured to be filled with nasty tricks and traps.

- He's been known to make armour and weapons in the past.

- He has acted as a knowledge broker.

- He'll sell information for the right price and knows the area of the mountains like the back of his hand.

- He's a ferocious red monstrosity. Most of the time he's immensely cunning and hard to read. He has a large repertoire of magics and uses them well.

- When angered, his fury has been known to make the mountains shake.

- In all his years he has never been known to use verbal trickery, illusions or to change his form.

- He mated with the mother of the smaller dragon in his cave, waited until the baby was born, and then smashed her into little tiny bits a few years later when she tried to steal from his horde. He's decided to bring up Junior in his own image. Apparently he tore her head from her shoulders with his teeth in a frenzy. After he'd killed her.

All in all this does not bode well! I am sure somewhere Beshaba is laughing herself sick at my misfortune. We set off immediately after lunch, wasting no time in the town. I am unsure if my late night visitor will be pleased that I am in the employ of a Red Wizard. Hardly my ideal assignment, as taking on a dragon in its lair at the request of an evil mage is not conducive to a long life. What is worse is that Tanus had caught a disease on his journey to town (probably from the rats, though I wouldn't rule out goblins being infected with something). In any event it was not contagious, and I believe he got it cured by Lathander's priests before leaving the town, he certainly slipped off early during lunch and rejoined us as we were leaving the town.

Since we expect to be away for a few days we paid up on the vault, and I paid to retain my room in the Inn, as if I get back I have a feeling I'm going to want a bath and good nights sleep in a comfortable bed. We had made good progress through the forested foothills by the time we made camp tonight.

Eleint 28th - We headed on our way, though the weather was terrible today with icy rain driving down, overcast skies and chill wind. Braddoc couldn't have been happier; the rest of us trudged on in silence, our spirits quashed somewhat. In the mid afternoon I heard something stalking us from my place at the front of the group, though I could not make out what it was in the gloomy forest to either side of the crude trail we were following. It revealed itself seconds later as the group stopped on my warning signals, charging into Stedd. A Displacer Beast by nature, it obviously viewed us as an easy meal picking on the monk, who was our rearguard. It reckoned without Braddoc who swiftly dealt a grievous blow to the strange creature. It's bizarre blurring ability however, kept us fighting it for some time, it injuring several of the party, as we scored minor hits here and there, until Tanus finally finished it off. Rand then slit the beast open and from its guts pulled a wooden rod, which he believes to be a wand of some sort. Rather him than me having to handle that.

Eleint 29th - Nothing much happened today, though the trail got steadily steeper. Around noon, we caught a sighting of the father dragon... the local rumours do not do this beast justice. It is the largest creature I have ever seen, and I think none of the others had seen its like before either. We are now more than ever convinced of the necessity to avoid a confrontation with this creature, as it would result in all of our deaths.

Eleint 30th - We set off at dawn, and not long after we were attacked by a minotaur, it crashed out of the forest into Tanus and badly goring him. We then surrounded it and attacked, it slicing into Braddoc with its axe before Stedd dropped it with a well-placed punch to a rather delicate part of its anatomy, and I finished it off. We found a sack of its loot nearby that it had clearly dropped as it ran towards us. The haul was mostly copper coins; a couple of gems and a bastard sword that is apparently enchanted... why oh why is there never anything I can use on these beasts? By the end of the day we had gotten close enough to the lair so that tomorrow, we strike... it is an irony that tomorrow is a holiday, Highharvestide, and that while most other people of Faerun will be feasting and celebrating autumn, we will be battling for our lives against a dragon of all things.

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