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CLOSED Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings


Kael nods to Danth and says, "Once more into the breach..."

With that, Kael and Mal head off with Danth toward the south.


Yeah, I know, no Shakespeare around, but it's a damn fine line. ;)

Fenris -
hewligan said:
He looks with concern upon Jovik. "Desna likes those with luck, young man, and you appear to have plenty of it. Here, let me heal you." He places his hands upon Jovik, and the power of his goddess knits the flesh whole.

Jovik: this is the first time in your life you have had healing magic on you, and it is a strange sensation. Not one you entirely enjoyed, but a lot better than the pain you had before.
- The Father healed you, at least that is the impression from the sentence.

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Rhun said:
"I am Danth, priest of Sarenae. We should see to those that are injured. Perhaps we can be of aid."

I agree, lad, the old man says, shaking Danth's hand, Let us help those in need. And I am Mandraiv. Folks call me the hermit on account of my living outside town. I was once a wanderer. Now I am but a fisherman. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

hewligan said:
"Come visit me later, Mandraiv, when things calm down. I have found some possessions of your old friend Father Tobyn when clearing out the old storage rooms, and I thought he would like for you to have them." With that he is gone.

Certainly, friend! Mandraiv replies before the priest leaves.

hewligan said:
Something big has just gone up in flames, and you are sure the goblins are to blame. What do you want to do?

I'm getting too old for this kind of excitement. But I must serve where Desna calls. Let us away, friends, to see what evil has befallen the town now. The streets will run red with goblin blood by the end of the day! Mandraiv readies his morningstar and heads south.

OOC: Do I have my shield? If so it will be readied.


First Post
"Onward then, before the damn beasts ruin all the ale!!", Jokad roars.

He smiles and slaps the Chelaxian (Jovik) on the back once again before bounding off in the direction of the fire. The shoanti's long legs and powerful strides easily put him out in front.

OOC: He'll save the introductions for later. Jokad is a man of action :D (he also is practically in a loin cloth and far from prepared for battle. This should be interesting)

Jokad will be double moving at 80' until he charges headlong into trouble.


First Post
Encounter 2: Goblin Pyros

OOC: Before we start, you have gained experience. 300 a piece, except for Jovik who gets 400 for taking two on single-handedly (your crazy fool!)
OOC: In addition you can grab a dog-slicer (1d6 damage) or makeshift club for Danth (1d4 damage) en-route to the fire. I will assume that any unarmed do this by default. Mandraiv, you have your shield. You are the only fully armed and armoured one.

Goblin Pyros

As you near the source of the huge conflagration you see that a group of goblins has found the cart full of fuel for the bonfire just south of the festival grounds and have lit it on fire.

You are confronted with several cackling and shrieking goblins armed with dogslicers and torches. As soon as the goblins see you they shriek in delight and attack.

There are 4 goblins in a tight little cluster, rushing towards you. They are brandishing the torches in their left hands and seem to be planning to try and set you alight. They look drunk with glee.

Behind them, dancing around near the fire is what looks to be an old goblin woman, wearing very little in the way of clothing, and with a long whip in her hand. She is singing the strangest song at the top of her lungs, and it seems to be spurring your attackers on.

OOC: If you can understand goblin, here is the song she is singing:
Goblins chew and goblins bite.
Goblins cut and goblins fight.
Stab the dog and cut the horse,
Goblins eat and take by force!

Goblins race and goblins jump.
Goblins slash and goblins bump.
Burnt the skin and mash the head,
Goblins here and you be dead!

Chase the baby, catch the pup.
Bonk the head to shut it up.
Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed,
We be goblins! You be food![/sblock]

OOC: 4 goblins, 1 warchanter. Jokad, you will arrive first, but do you want to attack alone (1 against 4), or wait and charge in with the rest?

Encounter 2, round 1! Please let me know your actions, and roll your dice (including for initiative).

Goblins roll 20!!!


Upon seeing the conflagration and goblin chaos, Kael fires off an eldritch bolt of force and power into the goblin female in hopes of sundering their morale while his associates take on the others.

"Mal, guard," asks Kael of his familiar, in this instance it's best to keep the hound in reserve. He adds for the others, "I think the goblin witch is the leader."


Okay, until he rests, Kael is out of first level spells, save for the Magic Missile that his tattoo allows him to cast. It's his ace in the hole, but he has 5 0-level spells, which means five Ray of Frosts. ;)

Definitely not first - Post #46 - Initiative (1d20+2=4)

Post #46 - Magic Missile (1d4+1=4)
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First Post
"Time to Die!!!" Jokad bellows as he charges headlong into the mass of goblins. The bloodlust of his ancestors is upon him as he crashes in the throng.

OOC:[sblock] Jokad rages before making the final charge into the 4 massed goblins (Yes he is crazy).

Init 20

Attack 9

Boo. The hope was to hit and kill on my first attack and get a cleave to even up the odds. Unfortunately I missed and now I am terribly exposed.

AC 10

HP 16

Barbarians... high risk, high reward :D [/sblock]


First Post
As the rest of you reach the goblins, Jokad is already amongst them, swinging wildly (and missing). The 4 goblins attack him in high humour, giggling and snorting as they try to set fire to the crazy man with their torches.

All 4 attack, only 1 hits! . Ouch! He stabs the torch into your arm, burning you.

(OOC: 2 hp damage )

The warchanter flashes out her whip, trying to trip Jokad. She fails MISERABLY!

OOC: Jokad survives his mad early rush attack. Round 2 is upon us. Everyone gets a shot this time. Actions and rolls please! Kael - I will use your earlier action for round 2 unless you specifically request a change!


First Post
Fight 2, Rd 2

Jokad whirls and slashes wildly trying to keep the ferocious goblins from gutting him. He feels the strength of his ancestors running through his veins and does not even seem to flinch as the burning brand is driven into his arm.

He continues to press his attack to keep the goblins off balance slashing viciously with his captured dog slicer.

OOC:[sblock] Boo-yeah! First attack roll should be a hit (AC 22) doing a hopefully sufficient to kill 9 hp of damage.


If the first goblin dies from his initial attack he takes his cleave hitting AC 13 (maybe?) for 7 hp.

AC 10, HP 14

Hopefully that will help even the odds. [/sblock]
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hewligan said:
Actions and rolls please! Kael - I will use your earlier action for round 2 unless you specifically request a change!

No, ser, my earlier action is the best bet, however I thank you for checking. :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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