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CMG's GenCon 2004 and ENnies Photos (Help Morrus w/captions for the ENnies Tables!)


Psion said:
Did you get a picture of any of the presentations?

While I did start off to take a few, I realized quickly that I was too far back for my equipment to work well (a complaint I rarely hear! :p ) and I figured rather than get in front of the video cameras (or the other three still-shot-taking people), I'd just stay out of their way. I'm sure that a slew of those photos will turn up this week. I believe one of the people who was taking them was actually hired to do so, though I do not know if he was hired by the convention staff or someone else). Sorry...

(Good to finally meet you, btw!) :)

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Piratecat said:
I think what's fundamentally disturbing me is that even without name tags, I've recognized over thirty people so far. I need to get out more.

...or, perhaps, in more often... :p

Start off some of the naming, if you please, or at least keep an eye on this thread and fill in some gaps when you can! :)

Darrin Drader

Mark said:
That's the Bastion Press crew. Left to right you have Hal Greenberg, Kevin Melka, Kevin Reusch, Jim Butler, Thomas Knauss, Steve Creech. The last two I'm not sure about, but I suspect one is an evil monkey and the last is Lee Hammock.
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Darrin Drader

Piratecat said:
I think what's fundamentally disturbing me is that even without name tags, I've recognized over thirty people so far. I need to get out more.
If only I knew 30 people....

BTW, I'm planning to make it to Gen Con next year and I'd love to meet up with a bunch of you ENWorlders.


First Post
Mark said:
Here's the next one (30r_ennies_tables.jpg). (post #41
This is the Sovereign Press crew. Left to right- (Cam Banks's wife and son), Cam Banks, (Sean Everett's wife), Andre' la Roche, Sean Macdonald.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo

This is the table I was at.

Going around the table, starting with Genevieve, the Eldest Gelfling, and then around and back to the front again.

Genevieve Robinson (Gelfling #1)
Denise Robinson (Dextra)
Kate (last name unknown, ask TB)
Theo (last name unknown, ask TB)
Jaldean leaning over Theo and waving
Jeff Ranger (Tefflon Billy)
Chris Gath (user name unknown, although he assures me he posts here sometimes)
Alan (Psion)
M Jason Parent (Me)
Chrystine Robinson (Gelfling #2)
Leesa (Gelf-friend)


First Post
30i is (l to r) Unknown, KB9JMQ, War Golem, I can't remember her name sorry but she was with War Golem.
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First Post
KB9JMQ said:
30i is (l to r) Unknown, KB9JMQ, War Golem, I can't remember her name sorry but she was with War Golem.

Pkitty - what is her name? She played in your paranoia game with us last year...remember, she had never gamed before and she took the table by storm? ;)

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