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Converting the Dukes of Hell

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Aspect of BOZ

First Post
You wish! ;)

Kain Darkwind said:
Caster level 20th. Or Caster level = CRth. Not the lowest possible. Otherwise good.

I agree with shade – let’s make it 20.

Kain Darkwind said:
So...this metamagic rod. Rather than a typical rod of metamagic, this one works for 9 (let's just use as an example) rounds? So for 9 rounds after, any SLA he uses is affected? That sounds pretty cool.

I suppose that might work – I’ll confess to never having used a metamagic rod (I rarely play spellcasters, and don’t think I’ve ever used a metamagic feat on a spell) nor did I look up the items in the DMG before I posted that idea. ;)

Kain Darkwind said:
One could act as a runestaff, using his SLAs to fuel. Of course, that's sort of more complicated than just letting him cast a spell with it, so perhaps that should be scrapped. Here's a few more suggestions.

Displacement (50% miss chance) for x rounds/minutes
Incorporeal for x rounds/minutes
Next attack is a critical threat.
+15 to next skill check
Attacker takes damage equal to the next attack that strikes him
Allowed a swift round action dimensional door for the next x rounds. (No restriction on actions taken afterwards)

Any of those might work – I’ll toss them in there as suggestions for the DM rather than try to explain each one. ;)

Aspect of BOZ

First Post
only because i've been too lazy to put any real work into getting it finished. ;)

would it be enough, then, to say this?:

“Robe of Gems”: Malphas’s black velvet robes are studded with 333 gems of considerable value. The robe itself functions as if it were both a +4 cloak of resistance and a +4 ring of protection.

Malphas can also activate any gem on his robe as a standard action by touching it. The robe can be used in this way up to 9 times per day to activate any of the 333 gems. Each gem has a separate, individual function which should be determined by the DM.

Many of the gems can be used to cast a spell much like other magic items, at caster level 20. Common spells include displacement, summon monster, summon nature’s ally…

Some of the gems function like ioun stones, for 9 rounds. Some function similarly to a metamagic rod for 9 rounds, enhancing any spell-like ability Malphas uses rather than spells. The gems can have any of a variety of different effects, such as granting incorporeality, allowing Malphas to make sneak attacks, providing bonuses on skill checks, or anything the DM can imagine.


Monster Junkie
Yes, but I'd change this...

"The robe itself functions as if it were both a +4 cloak of resistance and a +4 ring of protection."

...to this...

"The robe grants a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws and a +4 deflection bonus to AC."

Forcing people to reference other items is soooo First Edition. :p

Kain Darkwind

Shade said:
Yes, but I'd change this...

"The robe itself functions as if it were both a +4 cloak of resistance and a +4 ring of protection."

...to this...

"The robe grants a +4 resistance bonus to saving throws and a +4 deflection bonus to AC."

Forcing people to reference other items is soooo First Edition. :p

I concur with Shade and with everything that has been suggested in my absence. Let's polish this guy off and move on to the next!

Aspect of BOZ

First Post
Going back over the thread, looking for stuff we missed… didn’t find much. :)

Shade said:
Most have:
At will—charm monster, major image, see invisibility/true seeing, suggestion, wall of fire;

He's definitiely a charmer, has see invisibility, and should have suggestion.

Many have:
At will—fireball, wall of fire;
Unholy aura (3/day or 1/day)

I could see any of these, but wall of fire seems least likely.

Others used more than once: dominate person, dominate monster, fire storm, geas/quest, hellfire storm, hold monster, locate creature, locate object, meteor swarm, polymorph, scrying/greater scrying, unholy blight

Dominates and geas/quest seem highly appropriate for him.

BOZ said:
I’ll agree on charm monster and suggestion at will, and also dominate person and unholy aura 1/day.

D’oh! I forgot that I said that. does that sound good?


First Post
Looks like we just need to sort out Organization and CR (plus CR dependent stuff like AC and SR). We can remove the -X size from the AC line as he is a Medium creature.

So CR then, how about CR 21 which would give AC 42 (+10 Dex, +15 natural, +7 insight), touch 27, flat-footed 32.

CR 21 would also give SR 34.

Do these seem reasonable?

Organization same as for Amduscias? or up it slightly as he leads more abishai?

Organization: Solitary (plus 1d6/1d8/1d10 or 2d6 abishai of assorted colors) ?



Monster Junkie
CR 21 sounds good.

AC 42 is spot-on for that CR, but we'll need to lower some of the bonuses to account for the +4 deflection bonus from his cloak.

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