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Crypt of Crimson Stars

Prof Yeti

First Post
Brodin Stoneheart - Ranger/Fighter

Taking a moment to stretch and work the soreness from his bones Brodin moves forward. "Aye that sounds grand. But I believe my talents would serve us best nearer to the front. I'm not much of a trap finder, but if we find a beasty my axe may come in handy." he says as he readies his axe and shield. "Any objection?"

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Krauss von Espy

First Post
OOC: In the post above (#69), I've added a link to my website, where you can see the map of the area (this is the area covered by the map Tophran gave you). The letters at the bottom correspond to the PCs, and denote where you have entered the area. I'll adjust the positioning once I have a better idea about what formation you'd like to use.

I know the file is pretty large, hopefully that won't cause trouble for anyone. If it does, please let me know. Thanks!

Prof Yeti

First Post
Brodin Stoneheart - Ranger/Fighter

OOC: I figure Brodin, Arundel, Death Gift, Aalin, and Grilok when traveling single file. And something like this otherwise....

B(4 Feet)Ar
(3 Feet)
(3 Feet)
Aa(4 Feet)G

..easy to pull back to a defensive circle from here. It's just a suggestion

cool hand luke

First Post
scouting ahead, Arundel

Arundel squints at the smoke ahead, "I don't know what that is, but I should probably check it out. If you guys will stay put, and give me about 3 minutes head start, I'll check out what is up there, and give you a report, so if it's foe, we can surprise them, or avoid it, I can easily get up there and see what is going on. I have a thunderstone, if you here it go off, that means I need help quickly." looking around to see if the others agree, the gnome steps to the side of the trail, and soon blends in with the surroundings.

ooc: (try to sneak within sight distance of the fire, see what's going on. hide +27, move silently +24, spot +13, base speed = 40, can make listen and spot as a free action) no sense having a scout if he's not out front scouting....

Prof Yeti

First Post
Brodin Stoneheart - Ranger/Fighter

"No worries! We shall give you your time." Brodin says with a shrug. While he waits he will look around to make sure others are not trying the same tactic.

OOC: Spot +5

Krauss von Espy

First Post
(OOC) Just for clarification:

The visible smoke is coming from somewhere at the top of the hill depicted at the eastern part of the map. In order to fully check it out, Arundel will need to descend through the brush to the bottom of the ridge, cross the stream, and then ascend the slope of the hill on the other side. The smoke is far enough away that it will take a little while for Arundel to check it out.

Will the rest of the party wait for him, or will they proceed behind him (and if so, how far behind?)

As a point of order, has everyone been able to access the link to the map successfully?

Prof Yeti

First Post
OOC: That is what I thought. But if he wants 3 minutes we will give him 3. But then Brodin intends to start after him. I figure he will still be 3 minutes ahead no matter what.

Unless of course he uses the thunderstone in which case I will sprint as fast as my short legs will go.

Yes I got the map.

cool hand luke

First Post
OOC: My intention was for Arundel to proceed till he could basically pull his nose up over the edge of the cliff. He will proceed due north (through the brush, terrain doesn't slow him down any, and then cross the stream, entering the brush on the other side for cover. Cross the stream, and then use the shurbs on the other side (just below the last arrow) for more cover) and then scramble up the slope, coming up in the large patch of bushes at the top of the cliff.

I was thinking the group could hide on the west side of the bushes directly in front of us.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Arundel parts company with the others, heading north and east to try to get a better look at the hillop and the source of the wafting smoke. He quietly plunges through the brush and down the near slope, making his way toward the babbling stream. The rest of the group loses sight of him as he disappears into the undergrowth, waiting several moments as they prepare to follow.

Before they can, however, it becomes quickly apparent that they are not alone on the plains after all! Three wild looking halflings mounted on dangerous looking dinosaurs with clawed feet are spotted approaching from the northwest, while a fourth rider splits off from the others and is heading back to the north. From this distance, it's difficult to tell whether the approaching riders are friendly or not.

From his lower position, Arundel remains unaware of the riders as he continues towards the hilltop.

(OOC: Here is a helpful picture, as well as a link to the updated map, showing the halfling clawfoot riders.)




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