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[D&D 5E] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr (IC)

"Agreed, I was just a bonus, a sweetmeat on the side. Someone with something to gain from poor relations between the Queen and the elf nations doesn't want this treaty. Or they don't want it now. I can't think who that is. Time will tell." Brue looked up at the sky, trying to judge the time. "We should go soon. I have all I need. Are you lot ready, or do you want to wait til morning?"
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First Post
Boddynock listens to Brue, the events of what happened in the main hall but a distant memory that he won't even dwell upon in his dreams. The words of the warrior are intriguing, and he pays very close attention to the details she gives about the staff and the treaty and the Elves. Elves were tricky buggers, fiercely loyal and twice as reckless should you cross them; it was always a good idea to keep them on your side if you were to be so lucky.

He fiddled about absent-mindedly with a cog as he listened, his stubby fingers using practiced movements in a charade of shaping the cog from a piece of stone or steel. He didn't even realize he was doing it; it was second-nature to him, and it was merely a nervous tic that he had when around new people. Not that new people bothered him; he had no qualms about meeting new people. But the action was calming to him, even if he didn't realize it.

"It is a bit concerning that they sent you as a diplomat," he started. He quickly understood how that sounded, and corrected himself immediately. "What I mean to say is that, by your own words, you are not a diplomat, but more of a peace-keeper. So why then did they not send an actual diplomat with you, I wonder?"

He moved towards the cart, stopping to reach up and gently pat Jote on the nose before climbing on.

"I doubt we shall find the answer to that question here in the stables; I am ready to travel with you, my new friends, whenever you say we shall get moving."

"Last one arriving is a rocking egg, yes?" Gnorth shifted from foot to foot, itching to get back on the open road. He was slowly becomming more accustomed to the sedentary lifestyle of the south, but old habits died hard. Not that this was a bad thing to Gnorth, he rather enjoyed his heritage and upbringing.


Lorenzo takes a moment to parse Gnorth's latest bon mot in his head before eventually catching one.

"Yes, lets us be away, no need to wait for morning. The trail is cold enough as it is."

Forged Fury

First Post
In the courtyard of Kirgard, the party climbed on to their respective mounts, Corilo on Andel and the remainder piled into Lorenzo's cart under the motive power of the famed Donkey Joté. The guardsmen gave perfunctory nods as the party passed, still not quite sure what to make of this odd assemblage of individuals. In the lead, Corilo passed underneath the stone gateway arch of the keep and rode out onto the Trade Way, heading south.

With the sun to their right, the group made good time as they headed south through the rolling coastal plains bordered by the Wealdath, Firedrake Bay, and the Starspire Mountains. Over the course of a few hours travel time, they passed three traveling merchants and one relatively large caravan heading north. Apparently, word was getting out that Mosstone was open for business, making a journey on the Trade Way a little more comfortable. Wildlife and small game flourished in the area, Corilo managed to bring down a few hares while scouting ahead for the group, insuring a decent stew for the evening.


As the sun dipped behind the horizon, the group began to look for an appropriate campsite. Glancing to the right, both Schepp and Gnorth spotted figures emerging from the woods thanks to their darkvision. "I don't believe this would be a good spot," he warned as the creatures sprang to the attack. With displeasure, the party realized it was being attacked by a band gnolls.


GM: Initiative
Corilo: 14 (Surprised)
Lorenzo: 13 (Surprised)
Gnorth: 12
Grimfang: 12
Boddynock: 11
Gnolls: 11
Hyenas: 11
Brue: 9 (Surprised)

Action is to Gnorth. Currently, everyone is considered mounted. If you want to dismount, it requires half of your movement. PCs indicated as surprised do not get to act or take reactions this round.

Lighting conditions are dim light.
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"'-not Rhemoraz, it is my mother!'" Gnorth paused for what he assumed would be uproarious laughter at his joke. Before it came, Gnorth noticed movement to the west. Looking quickly, he could see the hyena faced humanoids moving through the trees, malice in their eyes and unnerving smiles for the party. Gnorth smiled as well. "Never mind joke, friends, it is time for pup discipline!".

Gnorth flipped his hand drum to a more comfortable position and rapped a quick rhythm with his left hand while patting Brue and Lorenzo with his right, gesturing with his head towards the wood. "(In Orc) Now is the time for heroic actions!" he yelled to the two, casting a quick spell. He then quickly gives Corilo an encouraging wink as he begins to bolt towards him.

OOC: Gnorth draws his drum, and Casts Heroism as a level 2 spell with his action. Concentration (1 minute) Willing creatures touched are immune to being frightened and gains 3 temporary hit points at the start of each of their turns. When the spell ends, the target loses any remaining temporary hit points from this spell. Targetting Brue and Lorenzo. Bonus Action: Inspire Corilo. Once within the next 10 minutes, Corilo can roll the die (1d6) and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, damage roll, to his AC as a reaction, or saving throw it makes. Corilo can wait until after he rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Bardic Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. Moves then to U 10

Forged Fury

First Post
A large gnoll carrying a longbow, clearly in charge of the rest of the group, moved out of the woods. He pointed a finger toward Corilo and a pair of hyenas growled menacingly. "Arh ha!" it growled in a rough approximation of Common, "morrre peddlerrrs means morrre gold! The strrrong take frrrom the weak, this is Grrrrimfang's way!" Raising his bow, he fired two shots, once at Brue and once at Corilo.

OOC: Move to M9
Action (Multiattack): Attack - [roll0] vs. AC17, Damage - [roll1]
Action (Multiattack): Attack - [roll2] vs. AC16, Damage - [roll3]

Grimfang missed Brue but hit Corilo for 10 damage, unless @Olrox17 wants to spend his reaction and that bardic inspiration to boost his AC and rolls a 2 or higher.

Action to Scheppen, @Egon
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First Post
Boddynock was enjoying the slow, even pace of the rocking cart on the path. He was half-listening to the jokes Gnorth was telling the whole way; his favorite so far was one about a giant that got squashed by a boulder, but the punchline didn't stick with him long enough to remember why he liked it. He was trying to remember why it made him chortle slightly when he spotted the movement at the treeline. And just as he was about to mention that they were not alone, the large one who called himself "Grimfang" shot his bow.

His instincts took over; his magical training took over. Before he could even think about thinking, he had stood up on the cart, pointing towards the group of hyenas that were bounding out of the woods.

"Aranea telam!"

The words came forth without thought, hitting the ears of all who heard them but not sticking in their minds. And just as they left his lips, the area around the hyenas erupted with the sticky mass of a thousand spiders, threatening to capture all who were caught inside.

OOC: Casting Web, centered on Hyena 2 (I think? Whichever creature is at I7). 2nd level spell.

You conjure a mass of thick, sticky webbing at a point of your choice within range. The webs fill a 20-foot cube from that point for the duration. The webs are difficult terrain and lightly obscure their area.

If the webs aren't anchored between two solid masses (such as walls or trees) or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling, the conjured web collapses on itself, and the spell ends at the start of your next turn. Webs layered over a flat surface have a depth of 5 feet.

Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free.

A creature restrained by the webs can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. If it suceeds, it is no longer restrained.

The webs are flammable. Any 5-foot cube of webs exposed to fire burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to any creature that starts its turn in the fire.

Range is 60 feet; Duration is Concentration to 1 hour; Spell Save DC is 13; Area of Effect is a 20 foot cube. Funny how we just talked about AoE spells, huh?

And because I am a Wild Surge, I get to check to see if the surge happens.

Roll Post

Surge only happen on a 1 on that d20; no surge this time.
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As Corilo was busy inspecting the right side of the road, the familiar sound of a bowstring being released is heard on his left. Gnorth shouts a warning.

OOC: As a reaction, I use bardic inspiration to increase my AC against the incoming arrow.

Corilo turns his head, just in time to see an arrow directed at his face! He instinctively ducks, and the arrow grazes the back of his leather helmet.
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Forged Fury

First Post
The hyenas and the two gnolls positioned the most deeply in the forest howled in rage as mystic webs covered them. While the hyenas managed to dash out of the way before the webs could restrain them, the two gnolls were not so lucky. Thrashing in anger, they attempted to free themselves. Tearing with great strength, both creatures manage to free themselves and stumble out into the plains, armed with shield and spear.

While this was occurring, the two remaining gnolls moved into position and fired arrows at Gnoth and Scheppen, both missing.

The hyenas, apparently following Grimfang's directions, closed the distance with Corilo and Andel.

OOC: Gnoll 1: Move L4, Attack (Scheppen) - [roll0] vs AC11, Damage - [roll1]
Gnoll 2: Action - Break Restraint (DC13) [roll2], Move to P6
Gnoll 3: Action - Break Restraint (DC13) [roll3], Move to L8
Gnoll 4: No Move, Attack (Gnorth) - [roll4] vs. AC14, Damage - [roll5]
Hyena1: Action: Dash, Move to S14
Hyena2: Action: Dash, Move to S15

That brings us to the end of Round 1. Top of the order, no one is surprised any longer. @Olrox17 the action is to Corilo. I've noted your use of bardic inspiration, you dodged the arrow by the skin of your teeth.
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