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D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art


This is what I mean the style being pretty much uncontrollable. Using "muscular tribal barbarian woman with war paint and dreadlocks with feathers is exploring mysterious ancient ruins. gritty line art and watercolor" I got stuff like:

View attachment 300791

Completely different style than in your pictures. (This character description also produces about 3/4 of the pictures being men.)
I'm not sure what you are seeing as not following your prompt.

If you want more color in the watercolors, tell it what color things are in the prompt (green eyes, black hair, olive skin, whatever). Ink and watercolor tends to go very light on color unless you specify.

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I'm not sure what you are seeing as not following your prompt.

If you want more color in the watercolors, tell it what color things are in the prompt (green eyes, black hair, olive skin, whatever). Ink and watercolor tends to go very light on color unless you specify.
No, it follows the prompt (except, you know, those 3/4 of the pics that were men.) I was commenting about getting the consistent style. See pics posted by @Tales and Chronicles on the last page. I asked what style prompt they used and used the same, but the style of the drawing is completely different. Both look good, but it is pretty much impossible to force it to do any specific style rather than just specific technique.


This is what I mean the style being pretty much uncontrollable. Using "muscular tribal barbarian woman with war paint and dreadlocks with feathers is exploring mysterious ancient ruins. gritty line art and watercolor" I got stuff like:

View attachment 300791

Completely different style than in your pictures. (This character description also produces about 3/4 of the pictures being men.)
Also, I found that you need to put "female" in the prompt not just "woman". I am sure the "muscular barbarian" tag has a lot more male training data.
Here's one from an altered prompt: muscular female blue skinned tribal barbarian woman with red war paint and brown dreadlocks with bright feathers is exploring mysterious ancient ruins. gritty line art and watercolor

Bringing a conception of a character I've had rattling around in my head for years.

The Prompt
A red-haired human woman wearing chainmail armour, brown boots and cloak, and a backpack, and wielding a sword and torch, stands in a dungeon corridor, looking around nervously. Dark shapes loom menacingly at the edge of the torchlight.

I ran this prompt with different art styles. One thing the image creator frequently did was give the woman a sword sheathed to her backpack, even through she is already wielding one. Also, I feel like the comic art styles did a really good job of capturing expression and emotion.

Colour comic book style art
robyn 1.jpegrobyn 2.jpegrobyn 3.jpegrobyn 4.jpeg

The first picture is probably my favourite. Picture 4 does a great job of the looming, but has a weird backpack. Picture 2 has IMO the best-looking backpack but sword weirdness. The third picture is decent, but makes the woman an elf and there's some Rob Liefield pouch action going on there.

Anime style art
robyn 5.jpegrobyn 6.jpegrobyn 7.jpegrobyn 8.jpeg

Pretty well done, IMO, apart from the odd angle on the backpack in the second picture.

Impressionist painting style
I don't think this really ended up being very "Impressionist" as I understand the term, but painting isn't my forte.
robyn 9.jpegrobyn 10.jpegrobyn 11.jpegrobyn 12.jpeg

High resolution digital fantasy art style
Here I added the word "indistinct" before "dark shapes" to try and make them less well-defined (and especially less humanoid). Did it work?
robyn 13.jpegrobyn 14.jpegrobyn 15.jpegrobyn 16.jpeg

High detail colour photography style and black and white photography style
The photograph styles definitely didn't like non-human "indistinct dark shapes". Funnily, the black-and-white style rendered the woman's hair in colour once, and a little bit of it in colour (as if it was starting with colour and then remembered it was supposed to be black and white).
robyn 17.jpegrobyn 18.jpegrobyn 19.jpegrobyn 20.jpeg
robyn 21.jpegrobyn 22.jpegrobyn 23.jpegrobyn 24.jpeg

Chiaroscuro black and white line art
The comic book art styles really liked making the woman an elf despite the prompt - usually one out of every four images had pointed ears. Interestingly, adding this style to the prompt made her hair red in all versions of the image despite the black and white instruction.
robyn 25.jpegrobyn 26.jpegrobyn 27.jpegrobyn 28.jpeg

High resolution fantasy painting
Okay, last art another style, with a slight change to the prompt.
A red-haired human woman wearing chainmail armour, brown boots and cloak, and a backpack, and wielding a sword and torch, stands in a dungeon corridor, looking around nervously. The ground is littered with debris and bones, and indistinct, dark shapes loom menacingly at the edge of the torchlight. High resolution fantasy painting
robyn 29.jpegrobyn 30.jpegrobyn 31.jpegrobyn 32.jpeg

This version really gives the surroundings some pizzazz (although it goes overboard with the bones IMO) but has some of my least favourite renderings of the character. I'm especially not a fan of the hood.

Edit to add more styles
Inspired by some of the discussion that cropped up while I was assembling this post.

Gritty line art and watercolour.
Some great work on the floor littering - it's there but not overboard.
robyn 33.jpegrobyn 34.jpegrobyn 35.jpegrobyn 36.jpeg

Pixar animation style.
Not entirely to my taste, although I love the claymation look in the third photo (it's adorable!). The torch-sword thing is kind of weird, and the character is, like... ten years younger than I would envision her. (She puts me in mind of Violet from The Incredibles, or Anna from Frozen.)
robyn 37.jpegrobyn 38.jpegrobyn 39.jpegrobyn 40.jpeg

1960s cartoon style
The image generator didn't really capture the style all that well; I was thinking stuff like the old Spider-Man cartoon or Scooby-Doo. Also... again with the torch-sword?
robyn 41.jpegrobyn 42.jpegrobyn 43.jpegrobyn 44.jpeg

Live-action wide angle television shot
robyn 45.jpegrobyn 46.jpegrobyn 47.jpegrobyn 48.jpeg

Painting in the style of Salvador Dali.
Two versions, the prompt as written above, and the prompt with "Surrealistic" added at the start. The characters are some of the worst, but I do like what it did with the corridor and looming shapes.
robyn 49.jpegrobyn 50.jpegrobyn 51.jpegrobyn 52.jpeg
robyn 53.jpegrobyn 54.jpegrobyn 55.jpegrobyn 56.jpeg

... and okay, this time it's the last prompt:
Art in the style of Jack Kirby.
Some great stuff here, although definitely not what comes to mind when I think of Jack Kirby's style.
robyn 57.jpegrobyn 58.jpegrobyn 59.jpegrobyn 60.jpeg
Last edited:


No, it follows the prompt (except, you know, those 3/4 of the pics that were men.) I was commenting about getting the consistent style. See pics posted by @Tales and Chronicles on the last page. I asked what style prompt they used and used the same, but the style of the drawing is completely different. Both look good, but it is pretty much impossible to force it to do any specific style rather than just specific technique.
Oh. I see. I think you actually have to describe the artist style to get that sort of consistency. Like when you say "pixar animation style" it know what you mean. Ink and watercolor is a medium, not a style.

Oh. I see. I think you actually have to describe the artist style to get that sort of consistency. Like when you say "pixar animation style" it know what you mean. Ink and watercolor is a medium, not a style.
Yes, but most part there is no way to describe a style so that it complies. There are some exceptions, for broad categories like "anime" etc, but specifics are hard or impossible to control.


Yes, but most part there is no way to describe a style so that it complies. There are some exceptions, for broad categories like "anime" etc, but specifics are hard or impossible to control.
Yeah, I was trying to see if I could get it to be stylistically consistent but it was very hit or miss and then i ran out of boosts. I'll try later and see if I can figure out a prompt technique.

I absolutely understand why they are eliminating the "drawn by [artist]" capability, but for personal stuff it was really nice to be able to ask for that.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Yes, but most part there is no way to describe a style so that it complies. There are some exceptions, for broad categories like "anime" etc, but specifics are hard or impossible to control.
Yeah, to get a rather consistent style, I need to reiterate at least 2-3 times the same prompt an select the ones I like the most.

I think I'm also helped by the fact that my English isnt that great. When you dont have the vocabulary to explain in a 1000 words what you want, you need to go straight to the point using evocative keywords with as little flourish as you can. The results are, IMHO, better when you go with a simple request without prose.

The Prompt
A crotchety old dwarf woman, sitting on a rocking chair on a porch outside a squat stone building, angrily waves a cane and shouts at a pack of human and elven youths running around on her lawn. High detail fantasy painting
group 9.jpeggroup 10.jpeggroup 11.jpeggroup 12.jpeg

Second version with "children" in place of "youths".
group 15.jpeggroup 16.jpeggroup 13.jpeggroup 14.jpeg

So... I'ma say this time the image generator did not understand the assignment. (Also, the generator seems to have a very Pratchett-esque take on dwarf women, which I'm sure has been remarked on before.)

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