• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



Rogue Warrior
Detention Center

Sammy, Gabe, Andrew, Eleyna and Catherine were moved to the truck and led inside one at a time. Once inside they were strapped into a seat with a five point harness. From there their feet were secured to the floor and their hands were left shackled in front of them in the metal restraints. Lighting inside was not too bad. There was not a lot of light but there was some and the glow of lights from the instrument panels and computer screens added to that. It was slightly warmer in the truck but a chill remained. The smell of the truck could best be described as stale.

Four of the guards remained in the truck when the doors closed. They talked among themselves, mostly. Gabe slowly looked around the truck and made eye contact with Eleyna. He asked how she was doing and one of the guards told him to knock it off. After a bit it seemed they did not mind the kids talking as long as it was in soft tones. Catherine answered one of Andrews questions and then looked at him. "Andrew, I know you care about me but you don't have to look out for me any more. Things have changed and you probably won't be able to for much longer. Thank you for your love, you have been great to me. I don't want to talk and fight about what's gonna happen. Let's just talk about normal things for a little bit, okay?"

The truck began to move and the hearts of each of them seemed to stop briefly.

Kyle's Family's House

They worked as they ate. They brainstormed options and tactics while making burgers, fries, pizza rolls and chips. They finished the meal and were nearly done with clean-up. They were closer to a plan and had come to the decision that something would have to be done soon or they would be out of time. While they made arrangements to finalize the plan, the phone rang.

It was Amanda. She told Kyle she was sorry for how she acted. She had missed him and wanted to see him but never thought about how the day was affecting him. She knew he needed to spend time with his friends and that was fine. She was not going back to Philadelphia for a week and she would like it if he called her sometime.

Corey did offer that if they needed a vehicle to use, Sammy's was at the mall and would simply get traced back to a captured mutant. They had gotten serious and started making some hard choices. Things would never be the same for any of them and right now, none of them seemed to care.

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Corey Vinyard

Corey frowns and looks down at his feet again after hearing Jennifer's response to his questions. "I thought... sorry."

He pulls a deck of cards out of his pocket and starts shuffling it on his knee as the others talk for a few minutes before chiming in again.

"Um, I don't think we should expect them to stop just for a broken car on the shoulder. You might want to, uh, get in the road, flag them down or something. ... If it's like the van that was at the mall, there'll probably be two guys in front, and then most of them locked up in back. I don't think there were, uh, windows. If we could get rid of the front guys somehow, we just, like, open up the back with a buncha guns pointing in there. If you could talk them out of the truck it could work." As he speaks Corey deals out a game of solitare, and seems to be focusing all his attention on the cards.

kid A

First Post
Eleyna Robertson

The truck began to move and the hearts of each of them seemed to stop briefly.

Eleyna fumed as the guards shushed Gabe. Desperately wanting to lash out at them, she held her toungue, knowing that it wouldn't help matters. Instead, she gave Gabe a comforted look, trying to indicate to him that she was alright, that he shouldn't worry.

When the truck started moving, though, she knew she wasn't alright. Her new-found abilities were gone, leaving her feeling empty inside, like part of her was missing or lost. The only thing filling the void was an overbearing sense of dread about what would happen to them in Youngstown. What will they do with Gabe? With Sammy? With Catherine and Andrew? There's gotta be a way out of this! She found herself scanning the truck for some kind of escape, knowing she wouldn't find anything useful.

Now, the only salvation from her depression was Gabe. He seemed so calm, as though he knew that everything would be okay. Eleyna knew better. She knew he was probably suffering the same dread. That he was keeping his cool facade for her sake. Despite this, his presence still calmed her... soothed her nerves. She smiled at him, hoping it was enough to calm him as well.

Looking around the truck, she saw Sammy on her other side. She whispered to him, "Hey Sammy, how're you holding up?"


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Gabriel 'Gabe' Adams, HP 2/2

Gabe seemed to snap back into himself as the truck began moving, almost as if he'd just woken up. When he glanced around, the familiar look was back in his eyes; the look that said he hadn't given up. His response to Eleyna's meeting of his gaze was a slight nod, and a supportive smile, but he didn't speak, instead studying the guards out of the corner of his eye. Gabe surreptitiously tested the strength of the harness, and of the restraints securing their feet to the floor, though he wasn't expecting anything. 'OK, four guards in here, plus the driver, and we're powerless and are unable to move. Plus, I'm exhausted. There's got to be some way out, though..something we can do. Hey...I wonder what would happen if I pretended I had a power and it was activating, despite the collar? It might throw them off if they're so sure these collars stop us doing anything...but if that's the case, they might decide we're too dangerous to keep around and just shoot us. Still...it's the only plan I've got. If I do it at the right time...maybe it'd work. Help the others, at least.' Gabe kept looking around, searching for where they kept the keys to the harnesses..

(OOC: Nuke, a couple of quick questions here; 1) How does it look like the harnesses are undone? Key, computer, big red button? 2) How are we secured to the floor, and how does it look like that's undone? and 3) Where exactly are we in the truck and where are the guards? Where's Gabe in relation to the other kids? Is Eleyna next to him, directly opposite him, somewhere on the same or opposite side of the truck? I'm asking because I'd like to know my chances of whispering about my 'plan' to the others; presumably the chances of me being overheard when speaking to someone right next to me is slim..? Thanks!)


First Post
Jennifer Allen

"Well, we don't have guns Corey. But still we could try that. I don't want to think much about my chances against a trained cop but with my new little edge it might work. And if we take on only a few at a time we might even have a chance. What's the shortest route they can take?"
Jen starts up to get her coat.
"We should get moving, we can worry about the exact details once we're ahead of them. All this planning ain't worth crap if we just wait till they're gone."


First Post
Corey Vinyard

Radiant said:
"Well, we don't have guns Corey. But still we could try that. I don't want to think much about my chances against a trained cop but with my new little edge it might work. And if we take on only a few at a time we might even have a chance. What's the shortest route they can take?"
"We don't, but the first two will have guns." Corey replies quietly.
Jen starts up to get her coat.
"We should get moving, we can worry about the exact details once we're ahead of them. All this planning ain't worth crap if we just wait till they're gone."

"Don't we need disguises first?"
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First Post
Jennifer Allen

Kangaxx said:

"Don't we need disguises first?"

In best movie tradition Jen rips of the lower half of her shirt to get enough to wrap it arund the lower half of her face.
"Will do, and what sensible person ever goes out without sunglasses?"
She smiles at corey and flicks them out of her pocket.

Kyle Graham hp 2/2

"Don't worry about me, I got that covered for me." Kyle says as she looks to Jennifer. "So, you want to be one of the bushwackers or you going to be up front with me?" He asks as he considers who he could 'be' for the disquise.


First Post
Radiant said:
In best movie tradition Jen rips of the lower half of her shirt to get enough to wrap it arund the lower half of her face.
"Will do, and what sensible person ever goes out without sunglasses?"
She smiles at corey and flicks them out of her pocket.

Corey stares at her bared midriff for a second before responding. "Um, me?" Then he looks down at his own midriff. I like this shirt. "I, uh, hmm." Then he pulls off his own shirt, turns it inside out, and tries wrapping it around his head, leaving an opening to see out of. "I n-need a safety-pin or something, it'll fly off if I, uh, run."


First Post
Andrew seems surprise by Catherine answer, but after a moment, he seems to relax. "Yeah; you're right... it's just I feel like the one resposible for all this. If I didn't had ask you to get out of school, if I hadn't been that curious about that accident. There is little we can do for now, but... you speak like if we will be split, maybe not... ... speaking of something else, normal things. It's just not easy to have a normal subject in that position, after that change in our life... I only hope it doesn't turn for the worst for both of us."

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