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Destiny of the Valenar (Calling Tyrlaan!)

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I am extending the recruitment phase until wednesday, giving people time to look at and apadt things from the new Eberron book that just came out. Also, my students show up tomorrow, and I have some work I need to get to for them first!


Kindric Tanllwyr

Stat block is complete. ShaggySpellsword, I switched Str and Wis.

Medium Humanoid (elf)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Ancestor: Rejar Grimbane
Region: Valenar
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lb
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Age: 129

Str: 13
Dex: 15 (17)
Con: 14 (12)
Int: 15
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Class & Racial Abilities: +2 Dex, -2 Con, Immunity to magic sleep effects, +2 racial save vs. enchantments, low-light vision, elven weapon proficiencies, +2 racial Listen, Search, Spot. Trapfinding, Sneak Attack +1d6.

Hit Dice: 1d6
Hit Points: 7
AP 5
AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 armor)
Init +3
Speed 30 ft (20 while wearing backpack)

Fortitude +1
Reflex +5
Will +0

BAB +0
Melee Attack: +1 (1d8+1/x3, spear)
Melee Attack: +1 (1d4+1/19-20, dagger)
Ranged Attack: +3 (1d6+1/30 ft, javelin)

Skills: ACP -1

Bluff +5 (3 ranks +2 Cha)
Disable Device +7 (3 ranks +2 Int +2 tools)
Escape Artist +5 (3 ranks +3 Dex -1 ACP)
Hide +5 (3 ranks +3 Dex -1 ACP)
Knowledge (local) +4 (2 ranks +2 Int)
Listen +5 (3 ranks +2 racial)
Move Silently +5 (3 ranks +3 Dex -1 ACP)
Open Lock +8 (3 ranks +3 Dex +2 tools)
Ride +5 (2 cc ranks +3 Dex)
Search +7 (3 ranks +2 Int +2 racial)
Sleight of Hand +5 (3 ranks +3 Dex -1 ACP)
Spot +5 (3 ranks +2 racial)
Tumble +6 (4 ranks +3 Dex -1 ACP)

Point-Blank Shot

Languages: Common, Elven, Halfling, Goblin

5 javelins
Studded Leather
MW Thieves' Tools
3 caltrops
3 Sunrods
3 days rations
52 gp
5 sp
Total Weight 58 lb (Medium encumbrance)


Description: Kindric is agile in mind, body, and ethics. He finds it irresistably funny to anger people who probably won't do anything about it - but just in case, he's awfully good at eluding enemies. His companions and his family are spared from this quirk of his personality, but he loves nothing so much as a debate in which he can take an excessively contrary position and use it to provoke others. The valor of the warband is wonderful and good, but really, isn't apoplexy much funnier to watch? Kindric does sometimes take risks for their own sake, and that will probably get him killed someday, but the ancestors ought to get a good laugh out of that, too.

History: Kindric has traveled a bit - enough to hide from Brelish patrols and steal mead from Brelish drinking companions. He has spent most of his time as a scout for his warband, though, and has proven his willingness to gamble everything in battle for the sake of his fellows. The wisest of the elders have said that he is a man who is not at peace with himself - or, more specifically, his patron ancestor.

Patron Ancestor: Rejar Grimbane was a killer. His black arrows slew many giants, when the time came; his black blade often danced. He pursued enemies beyond safety and reason, sometimes endangering others with his refusal to give up the fight.

He had not always been that way, of course; no one is born to such a path. He was once gentle and kind, just another archer of the warband. His wife, the great seer Eliska, was captured by the giants, and her gifts were turned against the elves. It was in trying to rescue her that he first became feared. The giants knew that a great warrior pursued their captive, wherever they moved her; eventually they sent her to one of their own greatest seers, Njalgrima. A terrible rite of blood sacrifice stole Eliska's Sight, even as Rejar scaled the walls of the fortress. Once she was blinded, the giants had no further use for her, and fed her to their beasts as Rejar came in at the door. Only Rejar left the room alive.

Eliska did not return to life when called by the priests, and Rejar became a harbinger of death among all the enemies of the warband. Others followed in his footsteps, not that he often noticed. His children were cared for in other tents, the foster parents believing that they were doing what was best for the warband.
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First Post
ShaggySpellsword said:

Well, since you extended time and asked for more characters (although I note you already have 6) and (most important) since your game sounds hella cool, I'll just have to submit a character. I'm working on ideas for a sorcerer. Expect to see him this afternoon sometime...

Ozmar the Creative


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Taerlon "Swiftblade" d'Phiarlan

Here you go... I know I said "Sorcerer", but as I wrote the background, I realized he needs to be a Fighter at first level. He can take a level in Sorcerer second...

[SBLOCK]Taerlon "Swiftblade" d'Phiarlan
Male Elf Fighter 1
Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Ancestor: Aervisal the Enchantress. [Jaerles the Fearless]
Region: Valenar
Height: 5’5"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Hair: White
Eyes: Brown
Age: 85

Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 15 (+2)
Con: 10 (+0)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 15 (+2)

Class and Racial Abilities:
+2 Dex, -2 Con, Immunity to magic sleep effects, +2 racial save vs. enchantments, low-light vision, elven weapon proficiencies, +2 racial Listen, Search, Spot.

Hit Dice: 1d10
HP: 10
AP: 5
AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armor)
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +2 [+2 base, +0 Con]
Reflex +2 [+0 base, +2 Dex]
Will -1 [+0 base, -1 Wis]

BAB: +1
Melee Atk: +4 scimitar (1d6+2) (18-20/x2)
Ranged Atk: +3 long bow (1d6) (x3)

Skills: ACP -2
Ride: 6 (4)
Craft (Weaponsmithing): 2
Handle Animal: 4

Lesser Dragonmark (Mark of Shadow): mirror image 1/day
Weapon Focus (Valenar Blades)*

*DM: Is this permissible? He's not proficient in all the weapons in the group? What if it only applies to weapons in which he is proficient? (If not allowed, I may take Mounted Combat or Exotic Wpn Prof instead...)

Languages: Common, Elven

Scimitar (15gp)
Chain Shirt (100gp)
Shortbow (30gp)
20 arrows (1gp)
* IDTBIFOM, so I am not sure how much gold we have. I can update this later...[/SBLOCK]

Taerlon "Swiftblade" d'Phiarlan

Description: Taerlon is a very young elf. He is bold and impetuous and always seems to have something to prove. He conceals his dragonmark and has disassociated himself from his House. He even dislikes using his dragonmark's power, seeing it as a weakness. He wants to prove to himself that he is a strong warrior, and doesn't want anything to do with his more peaceful ancestors or the subtle ways of his family. He is small with white hair, but possesses the wiry strength of one determined to ensure that his enemies remember him.

History: Taerlon was born in Aerenal in House Phiarlan. He was trained very early to serve his house as one of the chosen due to his dragonmark. He was also introduced to his most famous ancestor, who serves as one of the guides of the elves on the Undying Court. But he was never pleased with the role that fate seemed to have selected for him, and longed for the glory and valor that he found in tales of ancient times. As soon as he was able, he escaped, rejecting the hold that his House and family claimed on him, and traveled to Valenar. There he endured a difficult initiation and joined a warband, learning to fight and ride with the best warriors of the Valaes Tairn.

He rejected the clear wishes of his ancestor, but her spirit still elicits a strong pull on his heart. Seeking to escape her influence, he asked the Keepers of the Past to declare him a new ancestor, but they refused. Undaunted, he seeks to emulate one of his heroes, Jaerless, hoping to live his life by the warrior's spirit, rather than the peacemaker's.

[Note to DM: My plan is to take the second level as Sorcerer, and to focus on Enchantments, Illusions and Divinations. My thought is that the blood of Aervisal is strong in him, and although he consciously rejects it, it cannot be entirely denied, and he'll develop magical powers akin to hers whether he wants it or not. Whether he learns to embrace the sorcery in his nature, or fights it and takes more training as a fighter remains to be seen...]

Patron Ancestor: Aervisal the Enchantress. Aervisal helped to deflect a draconic invasion of Aerenal by using her magic to trick the minds of the dragon's agents, luring an attacking force into a carefully laid trap. She was already a powerful enchantress when the Priests of Transition discovered the rites and rituals required to preserve their elders beyond death, and became one of the first to be preserved. She serves now as One of the Undying Court, helping to guide the elves of Aerenal in the defense of their realm. She seeks always the peaceful solution to conflict, using her magic and wisdom to turn aside aggressors before lives are lost.

Chosen Patron Ancestor: Jaerles (the Fearless). Jaerles was a brave warrior from the Time of Monsters, who led three hundred warriors in the defense of Taer Sadaen. They fought against an overwhelming army of 10,000 hobgoblins and assorted monsters. The enemy came in wave after wave, and called down foul sorcery to strike fear in the hearts of the elves. But Jaerles would not break. He continued to rally the troops, beating back each monstrous attack. Although they were overcome in the end, a few managed to escape before the final battle. Looking back, they saw Jaerless call down a terrible curse against their enemy, and the castle was consumed in a magical storm, never to be seen again. Although the castle was lost, Jaerles' bravery and sacrifice broke the back of the hobgoblin armies, and gave the surviving elves new hope for victory.

That's it. Hope I haven't deviated too far from what you're seeking (since he's not originally "from" Valenar). I think he'd be good, because he is Valenar in heart, but just conflicted with the other part of his nature.

Anyway, enjoy! Oh, and you should know that I will be OOTC between Aug 13 and Aug 20, and will not be able to update during that time. Before and after that, though, I should be able to play daily.

Ozmar the Slightly Schizophrenic
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First Post
Kindric: [sblock]New stats with no racial modifiers included: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 14[/sblock]

Taerlon: [sblock]New stats with no racial modifiers included: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 15. You don't have to be proficient with all weapons in a group to take the weapon focus, just one of the weapons in the group. However, you have to be raised a Valenar to take Valenar Blades as a weapon group proficiency, focus, spec, etc. You can take weapon focus: Large Blades which will include Scimitar and falchion (plus double scimitar if you ever become proficient with it), in addition to greatsword and longsword. Also, you should know that there ARE Valenar with the mark of shadow, and as soon as their mark is discovered, they are sent to train with a very specific group of Valenar who are stealth/spy specialists and seperate from the dragonmarked houses. If your mark is known, you would be sent to them. If it is unkown, then keep it hidden, and you could deal with teh consiquences of having it revealed later. Basically, your history will be problematic, but doable. Feel free to change it if you wish.[/sblock]

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