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Diablo III

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Ranger REG

I seriously doubt they're going to charge for online play with either Diablo III or Starcraft II. With the money they're raking in from WoW, they don't need to and while the online play is one of the best aspects of the older games, it's not the sort of thing people will pay for. Since it doesn't offer anything new or the kind of expansive world that most MMORGs offer.
For that I thank the wonderfully rich chronically-paying customers of WoW for keeping Diablo online play-4-FREE franchise alive.



First Post
The only thing that could make D3 better than the previews is an unarmed attacking class (read: MONK)
This game includes a f***ing WALL OF ZOMBIES! I have never been sold to any game more than this! :cool:
Do you guys get a kick out of sitting around feeding junk email into a paper shredder for hours on end? :p

This thread made me curious enough to follow the link to the preview. I saw a little blob (which the commentator explained was a barbarian with two axes) endlessly hacking through hundreds of smaller blue blobs that don't actually seem capable of mounting an offense, but rather prefer just to hurl themselves into the spinning blades and dying a lemming-like death without affecting the player in the least. That was the first minute or so of the demo. Looks about as cool as playing "Virtual Wood Chipper" or "Lawn Mower: The Game". :cool:

The commentator keeps talking about how all the enemies pose different types of threats, but as he does so the barbarian just rips through everything without breaking stride. Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks less like a battle and more like slaughter.

Actually, it's very much like one of those XBox Live Arcade games that can be downloaded for $10 and inevitably get bad reviews for their so-called repetitive gameplay.
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Some of the contention between people who liked D1 more than D2 reminds me of a qualm I have between Dungeon Siege and its expansions/sequels (I have yet to play Broken World, though from what I hear I am not missing much). Back to the point, I kind of missed the more traditinal looking environments of the original Dungeon Siege, because the art style after that could perhaps use that old 3e buzz word, dungeonpunk. Not that I dislike the art style of the later games, but I find myself curiously drawn to playing through the 1st game for the old art, and the more traditionally looking weapons and armour.

Sequels in all art mediums are a tricky business, that is for sure.


First Post
Do you guys get a kick out of sitting around feeding junk email into a paper shredder for hours on end? :p

It's surprisingly entertaining.

The commentator keeps talking about how all the enemies pose different types of threats, but as he does so the barbarian just rips through everything without breaking stride. Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks less like a battle and more like slaughter.

Yes, yes it is.

But there are two aspects you're missing.

First, there are a (BLEEP)load of enemies to kill. Killing enemies is fun, but often the numbers are an obstacle in and of themselves. Also, they cooperate.

As an example, consider the skeletons with the shields. If the barbarian player didn't know to use the thunderclap to knock away the shields, he'd be slowed down, and meat for the archers.

Second, there are many different sorts of enemies to fight, which have different abilities and threats. From D2 act 3, I *still* shudder at the pygmies, which start out with knives and then graduate to blowguns, sometimes seeming to volley fire. Or in D2X's Act 5, the orcs that would blow themselves up next to you, those were nasty.

The third aspect, which I didn't mention, is the ambiance. Much of the game is genuinely creepy, especially as you go further and further in.

Actually, it's very much like one of those XBox Live Arcade games that can be downloaded for $10 and inevitably get bad reviews for their so-called repetitive gameplay.

It does get a bit repetitive. However, one of the nicer things about D2 was that the warp points (whatever they're called, I forget) were very good play session goals. You could go and get one of those, and then go back to town or go forward to the next one.


Pyrex said:
*knows he should resist, but is getting a powerful itch to go find his discs and reinstall D2 when he gets home*
I had the exact same urge. Fortunately (?) it appears one of my install disks is damaged, so no D2 for me.
Had the exact same urge. All my discs were scratched up (memo to self - stop loaning your games to the boys, that's what an allowance is for) and had to hit "retry" after error messages a dozen times but it worked. Been playing for a week and might even get past Act II which I never did before...


First Post
The commentator keeps talking about how all the enemies pose different types of threats, but as he does so the barbarian just rips through everything without breaking stride. Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks less like a battle and more like slaughter.

1) Gameplay difficulty is not represented well in demo-reels. If the character keeps dying, it's hard to showcase the product. (He also mentions how they tweaked the chest for loot and such.)
2) If you remove the plot from this game, then you may as well remove it from all the games. Oblivion really is just wandering around killing things...

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