Has anyone prepared an adventure file for Phandelver yet?
Would save me some time if willing to share.
Would save me some time if willing to share.
SilverBulletKY, submit a bug to with your adventure file and we can look into the issue.
I deleted the encounters after they messed up. Would there still be any information in the file?
Hmm not unless you had the file backed up to dropbox. Can you share your device specs with me as well, that may provide some insight.
Microsoft Surface Pro 3, i7 processor
It would just basically freeze up until the damage buttons wouldn't work and then sorta greyed out until I had to close the encounter and start over. I'm sure I can recreate it as it did it every time I had an encounter.. I'll try it now.
SilverBulletKY, got a fix posted for desktop and android. desktop is available now on the website, and android will be available in a few hours.
This issue should not impact ipad users.
I am confused. Is this licensed through WOTC? Or did you do this with no license?
Several posts
So...licensed? Not licensed? This consumer is confused.
Mistwell, This software is not licensed by WOTC. This software is an aid to use with the core rulebooks, it does not replace the need to own them.
So does the drop-down menu include references to things like beholders, carrion crawlers, displacer beasts, githyanki, kuo-toa, mind flayer, umber hulk, yuan-ti, etc?