Dreadmire? Swamp Sourcebook

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First Post
Apparently Psion should be getting one. But we will see. I just think we should keep quiet about it until its quality is proven. That means limiting even the most veiled disparaging remarks. The reputation of a well respected publisher of d20 material (but not the publisher of this book) rides on how the book is recieved and I would hope that the reception is one that is done fairly.


First Post
Maybe its just me, but all this talk about a flamewar on this thread just doesn't seem like nothing more than talk. I don't think that we are that into this whole thing. I didn't recognize any of the names on there from here. I guess the earlier posts were announcing the coming of the second age of apocaolpyse and i can't see that over a book about some swamps.


Slumbering in Tsar
Crothian said:
Those aren't reviews though

And I challenge you to find any more reviews by these people. :)

Actually, I challenge you to find anything at all from these people, including proof that they exist.

(If there is proof, please show me - seriously!)


First Post
DaveMage said:
And I challenge you to find any more reviews by these people. :)

Actually, I challenge you to find anything at all from these people, including proof that they exist.

(If there is proof, please show me - seriously!)

Wow, that's harsh. None of the names are of people known to me, but to just assume they don't exist at all is really jumping the gun. There are plenty of reviewers that I only know by screen names and not real names. In fact it wouldn't suprise me if most people round these parts don't know my real name.


Slumbering in Tsar
Crothian said:
Wow, that's harsh. None of the names are of people known to me, but to just assume they don't exist at all is really jumping the gun. There are plenty of reviewers that I only know by screen names and not real names. In fact it wouldn't suprise me if most people round these parts don't know my real name.

Honestly, I don't mean it to be harsh.

There are two issues.

The first one is the book, and that will speak for itself if/when it comes out. If it does come out, I'll bet it will be pretty good, actually, because it sounds like the author is passionate about the work, which is usually a good thing.

The other issue (especially in the other thread) is the author/game company itself. Many of the posters in that thread, including myself, would love to give them the benefit of the doubt, but the poster has made several assertions that all sound plausible, but which have been unable to be verified. Granted, the author/game company is under no obligation to prove anything, especially to a message board crowd, but you'd think *some* of it would be able to be verified.

The whole thing fascinates me as a study in existentialism, but at the same time really weirds me out.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
This is what I know:

Clark and Bill have been good guys to this gaming community, and ESPECIALLY to En World. Thus while it might sound like it's plausible, to me that's like saying Ghandi was a murderer. It's plausible he might have been. But it's just not there.


People might blow things out of proportion, but there's always a kernal of truth to why these things happen. Just what that is, I honestly don't know.


I'll judge the book as a book. But understand if I think there might me in the background going "GASP!" when the appearence of say certain IP trademarks start flashing.

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