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Drowquest [4e] Raiding the Road (Hiatus)

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First Post
Djaar see's that the fight is in earnest, and no sense of subtlety is left. From his hiding place in the bushes he raises his voice Goblins attack the beaked one!

Standard Command Goblins to attack B2

Move 20, 110 stealth 9

Minor perception 6



First Post
Nashquiri points his staff and a ball of shadows explodes next to the birdman and human. The shadows worm their way into the humans mind and he feels thousands of spiders crawling over him, affecting his mind. The wizard then calls down his innate ability to create a patch of darkness over the two creatures.

Move: n/a
Standard: Cast Grasping Shadows at B1 & H1, centered on 25, 85
Vs Will(Human); Vs Will(B); Psychic Damage (1d20+6=26, 1d20+6=17, 1d8+4=12)
Crit'd the human for 12 damage and he is dazed TENT (from staff) & slowed (power)
Hits Will 17 on Birdman for 12 damage as well, slowed if it hits as well.
If someone enters the area TENT takes 3 more psychic damage & is slowed TENT
Minor: Cloud of Darkness cenetered on 25, 85

[sblock=Mini Statblock]
Nashquiri - Male Drow Wizard 2
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18 Darkvision
AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 15
HP: 28/28 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Unused
Powers -
Illusory Ambush
Scorching Burst

Grasping Shadows
Cloud of Darkness or Darkfire

Flaming Sphere
Phantasmal Terrain


First Post
Raelyn marches hastily forward, eager to engage the enemy, but mindful of the need to protect (and be protected by) his companions (OOC: Move to 100, 25). With his cowardly quarry fled for the moment, he pours scorn on the human fighting Vorgrym.

"You are weak, and will not last" (OOC: Vicious mockery hits Will 22 for 5 damage. Enemy is mocked (-2 to hit))

[sblock=Raelyn Stat Block]
Raelyn, Drow Bard 2
Init +2 Perception: 11 Insight: 11 DarkVision
AC 18 Fortitude 14 Reflex 14 Will 16
Hit Points: 33 / 33 Bloodied: 16
Healing Surge: 8 Surges per day: 10 / 10
Action Points: 1

Current Effects

At Will
Melee basic +5 vs ac; 1d8+1 damage
War song strike +8 vs ac; 1d8+4, allies who hit gain 3 tmp hp tsnt
Vicious mockery ranged 10 +5 vs will; 1d6+4 and -2 to attacks tent

Encounter Resources
Cloud of Darkness OR Darkfire
USED Hunter's Quarry
Majestic Word One
Majestic Word Two
Shout of Triumph
Words of Friendship
Use second wind
Use action point

Daily Resources
Stirring shout
Song of Courage


Having seen Nashquiri explode a blast of darkness in the midst of the two by the fire, Javilex sees this as the best opportunity to take them out. He whistles for Saereth to move up on one side of the tent (Spider moves to 25,90) and he then moves between the tents and charges forward. (Move action to 5,80 / charge move to 20,80 and charge attack on H1)



OOC: [sblock]
Its really been 16 days?
sorry folks, life and other games seem to have taken over.
It will be another week (monday the 10th) before I have time/energy to resume.
(assuming your willing to wait)
If I can't do it by then its not getting done, and we can put the final nail in it.

Again my apologies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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