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EPIC M&M: Issue 6 (IC)


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Jay sheet his weapon, that he still had in his hands.

"Let's go see the man. Hope he is ok. I start to find my day of permission not very relaxing, the military camp was a club med compared to EPIC"

He says the last sentence with a smile, and start to move back the way they came.

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Sanjay rises, returning his uniform to normal as he does. "Major situation? With Anithos? What the hell's going on down there?" he allows himself to think before focusing on the more immediate threat.

"Mrs. S," he says to Tyra, stepping between her and Monica, "look, I've never seen Monica like this, she needs to be looked over by Doc Johnson.

"So let's just be rational about this, alright? Besides, like you told Kyle, Monica's a big girl, she can handle herself."

OOC: Neutron will ready to deflect an incoming attack. Woman's a wee bit psycho, I wouldn't put it past her (or our GM) :)
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ooc: with a big old zero in medicine how much first aid would she be able to give? I'm not talking major surgery here more of a put pressure on a wound, taking a pulse, cpr, that kind of stuff.

How did you do that? She says as she looks up to Thunder, tears forming on the edges of her eyes. She tends to Anithos as best she can, getting even further frustrated at her inability to help him.

As she works stray peices of metal start to work their way carefully under Anithos's body, once there is enough to support him she will lift him from the ground to the table.


First Post
Brazilia Medical Facility
October 14, 2120


"I have a few talents," he says offhandedly as you move Anithos to a table. He only takes a few moments looking over Anithos before shaking his head. "I didn't know he was so young," he says. "Start checking on the bystanders. I take it Empath let loose again to protect him?"

Tara groans and pulls herself to a sitting position. She looks around and sees Anithos lying on the table. "What did you do!" she screams.

Tyra growls and her claws snick out. But she pauses, then just turns and starts to walk out with a shrug. "Fine. You keep her then. When she gets bored of you or you catch her catting around, you'll realize you aren't all that important to her," she says mockingly over her shoulder.

She turns and runs right into Sanchez, who appears in the doorway with Dr. Johnson and a non-too-impressed expression on her face.

"Still shooting off your mouth, Tyra," she says flatly.

"Still eating donuts, Sanchez," Tyra shoots back, looking down a bit on Sanchez.

A quick punch later has Tyra back on her back, a completely dazed expression on her face. Sanchez reaches down and grabs Tyra's ankle and tail. "Sweetie, you help the doctor out and take care of Monica," Sanchez says as she drags Tyra out into the hall.

Doctor Johnson, you notice, does not try to intervene in the least, and just hurries over as Sanchez drags Monica's mother into the hall. "Ok, Sanjay. What happened to her? Hmm... a mutation," he mutters, carefully touching her to make sure she doesn't give off an electrical current.

In the M-Tac Mainfrain
New York

You let loose a jet of water at the female and it slams into her with tremendous force. She is lifted off her feet and slammed forward. When she hits the ground, she simply fades away into nothingness.

Attack roll: 16 hits
Damage save: 8 (VP to re-roll 16) [fails, 1S, KO]

You mock the troll, and its eyes squint in confusion. "Hit with girl?" it grunts. He holds her out at arms length and looks at her, then an unpleasantly vicious grin comes over his face. "Ok," it grunts, turning her over and grabbing her by her ankles. She screams as he takes a few practice swings and starts towards you.

The male guard curses and focusses briefly and a red nimbus surrounds him. He surges towards you as he says "Sorin down; engaging! Prepare for a possible purge!"

Attack roll: 27, 27 (rapid strike)
Damage save (DC 23): 22, 27 (1L)

He punches you twice, one slamming your breastplate and the second clipping you on your chin as you lean back. The blow is glancing but hurts like an electrical burn.

Initiatives: Johan 30, Male Guard 29, Jennifer 25 (grappled), Troll 22

Johan is up.


Sanjay watches in amazement as Tyra goes from near violence to uncaring in a blink of an eye. He keeps his thoughts to himself as he shrugs off her attempt to rile him. "Yep, koo koo bananas. Ah well, what good's a potential mother-in-law if she's not a bit crazy?"

He watches with surprise and a bit of a grin when Sanchez punches out Tyra. "Note to self: don't make fun of Sanchez's weight..."

Sanjay steps back to let Dr. Johnson look at Monica. "A mutation..." he sighs. "She's not going to turn into Electro-Nova, is she?"


"No, you big oaf!"
Johan is rather frustrated by the dim-wittedness of the ogre, and aims his water blast at it this time. If the the beast lets Jennifer go, he'll try and grap her as she falls, otherwise concentrate on dodging incoming attacks (Total defense, I think that was a half action).


First Post
Calinon said:
"I have a few talents," he says offhandedly as you move Anithos to a table. He only takes a few moments looking over Anithos before shaking his head. "I didn't know he was so young," he says. "Start checking on the bystanders. I take it Empath let loose again to protect him?"

"Yea... something like that." She mutters as she turns away from Thunder to go check on the bystanders.

Calinon said:
Tara groans and pulls herself to a sitting position. She looks around and sees Anithos lying on the table. "What did you do!" she screams.

Unable to look the girl in the eyes, Michelle keeps her eyes on the floor. "It was an accident, I didn't want to hurt him... I... I just wanted to stop him."


First Post
October 26, 2120
Dover, England
Dover Medical Facility

X12, Jay

"This is nothin'!" Dara says as you head back to emergency. "Wait 'till we get back to school!"

"Yeah, not really looking forward to that," Michael says with a sigh.

"Ooo, apples," Dara says, wandering back towards the apple bowl on the counter. Michael grabs her arm and pulls her along.

"Apples later. Talk to the guy first," Michael says, dragging Dara past the bowl, keeping them just out of reach of her. He manages to get one for himself though. "Mmm...." he says as he munches on it. Dara growls.

Inside the emergency room, you find the man without difficulty. He's being looked over by a doctor and is quite happy to see X12 when you come up to his room.

"I thought I was dead!" he says, hopping up despite the doctors protestations. "The last thing I remember was that wall coming down on me, then waking up perfectly fine! I don't know how to thank you, mate! Cheers!" he says, shaking your hand vigorously, totally ignoring the "OH MH GOD DON'T TOUCH ME" rule. However, he is, as he said, completely uninjured.

"Even his liver appears healthy, according to the scans," the doctor says.

"Even better," the man says with a happy smile. "Haven't had a pint in a year!"

"Since yesterday," Dara corrects quietly with a smirk. Michael elbows her in the ribs. The man seems oblivious as he continues to thank X12 and pump his hand up and down until the doctor drags him back to the table to finish being examined.

"Well, he's definitely definite that you definitely saved his life. And whoever it was definitely looks like you," Dara says.

"Definitely," Michael says. Dara elbows him in the ribs.

"And nothing lurking in his noggin neither that shouldn't be there," Dara adds.

"Doesn't really sound like one of Prophet's goons," Michael says.

Brazilia Medical Facility
October 14, 2120


"No, I don't think that's the case. She didn't melt her clothes off and she's not giving off any electricity. Probably just a side effect of her over-exerting herself. Let's see what I can do," he says, pressing his hands to her body. A soft glow surrounds her and after about a minute, much of the transparency starts to fade. Monica slowly comes to.

Dr. Johnson looks tired from the effort. "That's about all I can do. The rest will just have to fix itself. Lord knows how she got out of recovery where she should have been resting," he says with dry humor.

"Get off me," Monica says, swatting at Dr. Johnson's hands. "What happened? Where's my mother?" she adds, propping herself up on her elbows with an angry expression.

Tara looks from Anithos to you a couple of times, then launches herself at you. An inch from you, she suddenly veers off and slams into the ground face first. Thunder reacted far quicker than you and has her pinned painfully on the ground, no powers needed.

Tara struggles ineffectively, especially when each time she starts to gain ground Thunder shocks her, but she doesn't stop trying. "Get off!" she cries.

"Calm down," Thunder says, refusing to release his hold, kneeling on her wings and back. "This is not the direction you want to go." When his words don't calm her, he calls over, "Michelle, get Empath over here, and see if you can wake up Titan. I'd prefer not to electrocute Tara."

In the M-Tac Mainfrain
New York

You dash forward towards the troll and shoot a jet of water at the beast.

Attack roll: 22 hit
Damage save (DC24): 18 fails (1S, stunned)

It catches him squarely in the face, and he gurgles out a roar through the water. It swats at the water, dropping Jennifer who bounces onto the ground before you can get there. The male guard is right behind you, and you feel the crackling energy more than you feel the blows he strikes against you.

Attack rolls: 34 (crit), 27
Damage saves (DC28 and DC23): 24 and 20 (2L)

You slam to the ground, quickly trying to pick yourself up before he can hit you again. The smell of your own charred flesh is most disconcerting. Out of the blue, something very large and very pink hops over you and slams into the guard, bearing him to the ground. You roll over to see a large, pink, two headed troll with floppy bunny ears sitting atop an unconscious and rapidly fading guard. A blue line of data runs from the troll to Jennifer.

"Bunny wins!" Jennifer squeals clapping her hands.

Behind you, you hear an ominous thunk and crackle, and see the chamber behind you start to vanish as a wall of electricity slowly begins eating at the chamber. That would probably be the purge...


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X12 takes the man's gratitude graciously outwardly, inwardly cringing at the violation of his personal space, and sighs in relief when the doctor drags him out.

"That was awkward," he says, wiping his hand on his pants, "but I agree. Prophet doesn't strike me as the kind to use kindness for chaos... maybe free means this Jasman 'freed' him... so far, though, I don't remember another Directive similar to me."

Voidrunner's Codex

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