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EPIC (M&M - Recruiting) CLOSED


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This is what I have so far -- still working out the history. I'll post it tomorrow, but here are the numbers... :-D

PL: 8 (120PP)

Abilities: 18 PP
STR 10
DEX 10
CON 18
INT 14
WIS 14
CHA 12

Damage: +9
Fort: +9
Ref: +0
Will: +2

Combat: 16 PP
Base Attack: 2 (Melee +2, Ranged +2)
Base Defense: 5 (Defense 15, Flat Footed 15, Mental 17)
Initiative: +0
Movement: 30 ft.

Feats: 20 PP
Immunity: Aging
Immunity: Disease
Immunity: Poison
Immunity: Starvation
Immunity: Critical Hits
Immunity: Cold
Immunity: Fire
Rapid Healing

Powers: 58 PP
Healing +4 (Empathic Healing, Others Only, Resurrection) (2pp per)
Regeneration +8 (Back from the Brink) (3pp per)
Super-Constitution +5 (4pp per)
Super Senses +6 (Limited – Olfaction) (1pp per)

Trained Skills: 26 PP
Demolitions +5/3, Diplomacy +5/3, Disable Device +5/3, Drive +3/3, Knowledge (History) +6/4, Listen +5/3, Survival +5/3, Science (Biology) +6/4

X12 appears to be a Caucasian male, late teens, with short-cropped dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and an average physique. The only distinguishing mark on X12’s body is a tattoo on the base of his neck that reads ‘X12’.

Not given over yet to the super-hero hype, X12 still dresses in street clothes, preferring to keep as low a profile as possible; the only bizarre piece of wardrobe X12 maintains at all times are elbow-length gloves, so as to keep from making skin-to-skin contact with others.

X12 is a quiet young man, with a healthy dose of paranoia. He says little, but watches and pays attention, and offers only what insight he feels will be helpful. He usually dodges personal questions with a fearful look and blunt silence. It’s commonly known that X12 suffers from severe nightmares, and often looks haggard from spending many nights lying awake or waking in fits of screams.
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First Post
I had made a typo. It should have been:

Mimic (Power) [Extra: Additional Attributes(Feats); All Attributes; Continuous; Extra Subject x2; Expanded Powers x2; Flaw: Backlash] 8pp

But anyway, I understand well now. And you made one mistake. I would have mimcked her power stunt, as a power stunt is consider a feat, and I have the extra Additionnal Feats.

And I have looked at Loki, and it should be:

Energy Control (Light) +3 [Stunt: Drain energy; Extra: Energy shapes; Source: Mutation; Cost: 2pp]

Base cost: 2 + 1 [extra] - 1 [flaw].

Edit: Take a look at my character. It is the final version. I have mixed my power version with typo with the above here, making it looks like that:

Mimic (Power) [Extra: Additional Attributes(Feats); All Attributes; Continuous; Extra Subject x2; Expanded Powers x3; Flaw: Backlash] 9pp

I think it will be ver nice like that. With the extra points, I bought more attributs, one point of defence too. I drop the two Hero's Luck, as I don't feel it that lucky, it was more for the extra efforts. If you accept it, you can put it on the web.
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Calinon said:
Everything is really good except your sonic bit.

"You must specify one type of physical attack that still affects you."

For our game, this will mean Energy Blasts are one form of attack. Any energy blast would affect you if you decided energy blasts could affect you. So, you can should choose from melee attacks, ranged attacks, energy blasts or energy fields.

Melee attack will include the natural weapon power. Ranged attack will include the natural weapon power. Energy blast will include any type of direct energy attack that requires a damage save. Energy fields will include damaging fields, energy based attacks requiring touch, and strike ability.

I had another idea, but on reflection, it wasn't working. I talked to someone online, and they suggested this as a simple solution. It seems to work and requires very little on the bookkeeping side.

Hey Calinon.... Are you familiar with the errata on Incorporeal? They way I read it is that you pick one of type of energy or power. They list unarmed attacks or iron weapons or a specific type of energy as examples. I was going off the specific types of energy.

Let me know.....



First Post
Razamir said:
Hey Calinon.... Are you familiar with the errata on Incorporeal? They way I read it is that you pick one of type of energy or power. They list unarmed attacks or iron weapons or a specific type of energy as examples. I was going off the specific types of energy.

Let me know.....

Here's the thing. Incorporeal is insanely powerful. I hate how it works in that only one damage effect has any chance of hitting you. While I can use other effects that rely on reflex or fort or will, this will involve me creating characters specifically to go against you, or making encounters much harder since one member of the group quite simply can't be harmed physically. These are some things I really do not want to do. After going over Incorporeal for two full days, which is pretty much the only thing I've been doing aside from updating the website, I cannot find a method of handling incorporeal that makes me comfortable.

I could see me, as a GM, using an incorporeal character to give you guys a serious challenge, but that would be an exceedingly rare thing. Incorporeal will make my job designing encounters to be challenging extremely hard, even with restrictions. Now, many powers have the incorporeal ability; super speed, alternate forms and a few others, so I can't simply remove the ability, which I was really wanting to do, so I began to look at alternatives.

So, anyone reading this can give me a hand. Here are the alternatives I've considered:

1. You are fully affected by one type of attack. Attack forms are Physical (ranged and melee), Energy Blasts (direct blasts of energy and single target ranged attacks like disintegration) and Energy Fields (include strike, melee with an energy field, energy based touch attacks, strike, and area affect damage attacks). This is basically what I posted yesterday, with three types of attack rather than seperating melee and ranged.

2. Remove the choose one attack nonsense, making it simply physical attacks you are immune to. This excludes any energy based power, which would still effect you. (a sword enveloped in an energy sheath; the energy damage would hurt, the sword would not).

3. All attacks affect you. The power gets protection added to it. You gain protection against all attacks equal to your power rank.

Lets dismiss #1 out of hand for still being a pain in the keester. #2 probably makes the most sense, especially since powers like alternate form (gaseous) and super speed both can take this as an extra. #3 is nice because it's so easy to keep track of.

Let me know your thoughts, but rest assured that I will not accept the power itself as it stands in the book or errata. Any other characters who can gain incorporeal will be bound by the same rules.

I do appologize for the problems I'm having with the power, but it is my first campaign with this ruleset, and I'd prefer to not simply say no to any power, and so I am trying to work towards a solution I can handle in the game.


First Post
I don't think that incorporeal is that powerfull. Sure it's a very good at defense, but that's about it.

Mental powers still work against it, physical works with the ghost touch extra.

Maybe you could make it so Immunities will not work with it, (that way they can't stay incorporeal all the time.) Or up the cost, although in order to get any good benefit (beyond the whole not effected by the physical) your looking at 5-6 points per rank (which usually makes it the only power your going to have)


Calinon said:
I think you should probably change that to Flaw: Empathy or Flaw: Communication only. The reason for it is that you already have a mental link with your duplicates, which is much cheaper than taking telepathy for it. If you still want your telepathic powers, I'd suggest Telepath +8 [Extra: group link, extra: duration (continuous), flaw: communication only]. If your telepathy was solely for your duplicates, I'd suggest dropping it completely and putting the points into skills.

Very nice!
Finally got back to the boards.

Anyway, the telepathy isn't for communicating with them, it's for reading their minds.
You see, 9 people read a _lot_ faster than one. So the character spreads out his reading needs and then just scans the needed information from the duplicates (I consider mind reading to be a lot faster than reading a book).

And I've still got 12 unspent points, I'm considering putting them all to Wealth, but not sure. I can't really get any combat abilities since I can't justify myself why a bookworm would have those unless the characters have been at the training center for a while already.


First Post
Here is the completed X12 -- there were some minor alterations as the concept evolved, but I'm overall pretty pleased with where the process has gone... :D

PL: 8 (120PP)

Vitals: Gender: Male; Age: Unknown (appears late teens); Birthplace: Unknown; Height: 6'0"; Weight: 170 lbs.; Hair: Blonde; Eyes: black; Skin: White; Languages: English (120/120 pp spent)

Abilities: 18 PP
STR 10
DEX 10
CON 18
INT 14
WIS 14
CHA 12

Damage: +9
Fort: +9
Ref: +0
Will: +2

Combat: 13 PP
Base Attack: 1 (Melee +1, Ranged +1)
Base Defense: 5 (Defense 15, Flat Footed 15, Mental 17)
Initiative: +0
Movement: 30 ft.

Feats: 20 PP
Immunity: Aging
Immunity: Disease
Immunity: Poison
Immunity: Starvation
Immunity: Critical Hits
Immunity: Cold
Immunity: Fire
Rapid Healing

Powers: 63 PP
Healing +4 (1pp per rank)
Extras: Resurrection; Flaws: Empathic Healing, Others Only, Permanent

Regeneration +8 (3pp per rank)
Extras: Back from the Brink

Super-Constitution +5 (4pp per rank)

Super Senses +6 (1pp per rank)
Flaws: Limited – Olfaction

Mental Protection +3 (3pp per rank)
Extra: Impervious

Trained Skills: 26 PP
Computers +4/2, Demolitions +6/4, Diplomacy +8/6, Disable Device +6/4, Drive +5/5, Knowledge (History) +10/8, Listen +8/6, Medicine +4/2, Survival +10/8, Science (Biology) +9/7


X12 appears to be a Caucasian male, late teens, with short-cropped dirty blonde hair and an average physique. X12 has no fingerprints or other body hair than what is on his head, but the most shocking and disturbing aspect of X12's appearance are his eyes -- completely black orbs, bereft of whites, irises, or obvious pupils, although X12 says he has no difficulty seeing whatsoever. The only distinguishing mark on X12’s body is a tattoo on the base of his neck that reads ‘X12’.

Not given over yet to the super-hero hype, X12 still dresses in street clothes, preferring to keep as low a profile as possible; the only bizarre piece of wardrobe X12 maintains at all times are elbow-length gloves, so as to keep from making skin-to-skin contact with others.

X12 is a quiet young man, with a healthy dose of paranoia. He says little, but watches and pays attention, and offers only what insight he feels will be helpful. He usually dodges personal questions with a fearful look and blunt silence. It’s commonly known that X12 suffers from severe nightmares, and often looks haggard from spending many nights lying awake or waking in fits of screams.

Up until six months ago, X12 as he is today did not exist. Before that, however, X12 has no real recollection of any personal events. He was found wandering naked into the outskirts of a small Quebec town on a cold December morning, apparently unaffected by the blistering cold. Completely disoriented, X12 wandered into the path of a snowplow, but was amazingly uninjured, although knocked unconscious.

When he came completely to in the local clinic, he panicked -- it took several able-bodied orderlies to actually capture and subdue the surprisingly wiley young man. He did manage to injure one of the orderlies in the encounter with a scapel, but the man's wound miraculously closed when he grabbed ahold of X12 -- the sudden loss of energy slowed X12 long enough for the other orderlies to restrain him. Unable to respond to the locals, who spoke French, the operators of the clinic quickly decided to lock the vagrant up until proper authorities arrived.

NAA health officials were contacted immediately, and arrived within several hours. Taken into their custody, X12 was removed to New York for questioning and testing.

Once in a setting where people asked direct questions in English, X12 proved very intelligent and knowledgable about a surprising variety of topics ranging from computers and explosives, to etiquette, history, field medicine and surgery, and biology. He showed some evidence of military training as well; he showed some aptitude for hand-to-hand combat, and fairly exceptional defensive capabilities for someone so apparently young. Unfortunately, he was completely unable to recall anything about his origins, where he received his education, or anything about his bizarre powers. Psychics brought into probed X12 found him especially resistent to their abilities, and even those who did manage to penetrate into his mind found little of which they could make sense - broken images of places and faces, bizarre memories of noises, but no information on his origins or whereabouts were gleaned during these sessions.

Tabloids quickly received word of the healing in Quebec, and photo-renderings of X12 had already begun to surface in publications like the Star and the Enquirer -- the NAA had an unfortunate situation; they did not want to let such a bizarre and possibly useful (or dangerous) mutant out of their surveilliance, but by their laws could not force him into any form of service, especially considering the slowly growing tabloid exposure surrouding the incident in Quebec. EPIC was the only real option: fairly high-profile, and friendly with the NAA, the organization could also provide a stable atmosphere for such a bizarre mutant while allowing the NAA the satisfaction of knowing where said mutant was. The NAA contacted EPIC immediately, and made arrangements to transfer X12 into their custody after completing registration procedures for him in the NAA.
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First Post
I have a suggestion for Incorproreal:

Incoporeal works as the book with these two exception:

Choose between energy or physical attack that can still harm you. At each level, you gain for free an immunity feat of one type of energy or one weapon/power.

Energy type, there is 11 in the book. They win one per two level, up to 10.
Physical type are: Slashing Weapon, Blunt Weapon, Piercing Weapon, Low-Velocity Ranged Weapon, High-Velocity Ranged Weapon, Unarmed. They win one immunity per 4 level, up to 5.

As the immunity feat against attack only transform lethal damage into subdual damage, you can still take him out of combat, but it is harder.


First Post
Mimic said:
I don't think that incorporeal is that powerfull. Sure it's a very good at defense, but that's about it.

Mental powers still work against it, physical works with the ghost touch extra.

Maybe you could make it so Immunities will not work with it, (that way they can't stay incorporeal all the time.) Or up the cost, although in order to get any good benefit (beyond the whole not effected by the physical) your looking at 5-6 points per rank (which usually makes it the only power your going to have)
I know what powers work against it, but mutants do not make up a huge amount of the populace. Limiting to one energy type will mean I will have to throw people specifically designed to combat this power, all the time. Add to this, the phase attack extra, and the character with incorporeal could be nearly 100% immune to damage all of the time. That gets a big old no from me.

I'll make a decision on how Incorporeal will work for this game tomorrow, along with choose the remaining players for the game. Anyone who isn't selected will have first shot at a spot if one opens up, or if I expand the number of characters (unlikely but you never know).

I'll send some Private Messages out regarding any changes I would like in backgrounds. Specifically, and this is pretty minor, I'd like to have someone from the ALF, EU and Russia/AU in the game. As well, I'd like at least another female character in the game, aside from Amazon.

More tomorrow, or you can PM me any time.


First Post
Calinon said:
I'll send some Private Messages out regarding any changes I would like in backgrounds. Specifically, and this is pretty minor, I'd like to have someone from the ALF, EU and Russia/AU in the game. As well, I'd like at least another female character in the game, aside from Amazon.

Well, Kevin York is from EU (England), and if needed, I can make him a sexe transformation, it is exceptionnal, but it would not be the first time I would play a female character, I just have a tendency to take male when the sexe have no influence on the concept...

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