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Epic Problem : Return to Power


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Jemal, I had several spells in effect on my person. Did Galidor get affected by them? Especially the spells Karmic Aura, Karmic Backlash, and Karmic Retribution?

Also, can I see Panarchus and the Disciple?
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Guest 11456

Jool the Drogorn

Joll continues attacking the Saint.

OOC: Full attack action: To Hit: +54/+49/+44/+39/+34; Damage: 3d6+47


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With a bark of fustration, Salarassa turns his back on the flailing combatants and stalks over to the rooftop with the two bards, casting Improvisation again as he goes. "I suspect you are the gentleman whom I seek. What do you know about this farce going on behind us?"


Avalon- Your spells seemed to trigger, as normal, but there was no visible effect on the Saint.
Yes, you can currently see Panarchus and the Disciple about a hundred feet up, above the temple (Which is itself about 50-60' high).

Also, you're the last member to act this round, then I can update.

Voidrazor - I just read cometfall(Apparently it's in complete divine.. duh silly me), and I don't see it as working very well in the air.. It says it starts 5'/caster level above the ground, and deals 1d6/10' fallen to anyone underneath it. I'll leave the damage for now (I don't like letting my mistakes to screw up a players actions), but keep that in mind in the future, as it would've only dealt about 1/4 damage at her current height.


First Post
OOC - Heh, I hadn't even considered that the spell went off at a specific height above ground level, not at that height above the caster's or target's position.


First Post
Shaking his head to knock the cobwebs from his head, Xis'talamarisk rises from the rubble then with a flap of his wings rises 55 feet in the air. Suddenly, a crack of thunder is heard while a bolt of lightning passes through the Disciple and Xis appears at the other side some 10 ft. away. "Keep her still Panarchus!"

As he finishes speaking, a barred cage made out of force surrounds the disciple while an area of blue-green energy of unusual intensity appears with her in the middle.

[sblock= What happens]First casts an automatic quickened lightning leap. DC 21 Ref half.
Next comes a quickened forcecage (burning a 4th level sorceror spell slot to quicken it) then an enhanced maw of chaos. DC 34 Will or be dazed. 32 round duration.

Lightning Leap damage=57, Enhanced Maw of Chaos=150 [/sblock]


Grennet Round 5

Panarchus - 35
Jool - 27
Saint - 19
Disciple - 16(a)
Ijazim - 16(b)
Xis - 14
Salarassa - 10

Panarchus unleashes a flurry of swipes against the disciple, Every single one of them connecting painfully, and as he drops away, exhausted and near death, he sees another flash of healing magic creep over her (Contingent Mass Heal), though she is still left worse off than before. (Total damage after mass heal+DR=107). As he refocuses, Panarchus twists to avoid some of the pain of landing, and manages to retain his footing as he still lands hard on the church's rof, cracking the stone roof underneath him. (9 damage from the 50' drop, and you're not prone).

Jool's actions are almost identical to Panarchus as she flails at the Saint, though in the end, her blows have a similar effect, some being parried, some bouncing harmlessly off his army, and only one seeming to cause him any discomfort as she hears a mild grunt from a particularily sharp blow to the stomach. His response is to take a step back and look at her cautiously. "It has been a very long time since I met a warrior as skilled and determined as you... You know that I could kill you with relative ease, yet still you fight..." He puts a hand to his stomach "And relatively well at that. You are no false dragon, you are the real thing, aren't you? An actual Half-Dragon?" His gaze shifts to the roof as something impacts it hard. "If you are truley one of the gifted, then why do you allow that abomination to live, and why do you help it in its quest to slay me? Your companion was right, you are not my enemy, though you travel with one. Join me in slaying the abomination, and then if you still desire, we will finish this."

The Disciple looks down at Panarchus, and grins, not even bothering with her sword as she dives down at you, slamming full force into you and carrying you through the roof and into the main temple. (38 subdual damage after DR from impact, 32 from falling, No AoO on this particular attack.) *I believe your pact of renewal goes off now, as the Heal from last turn was an outside source* As you hit the ground, near death, she floats 10 feet above you and grips her sword, preparing to finish the job.

[sblock=Ijazim] As Ijazim steps through the portal, he is greeted by an odd site. Two women sit in his room chatting. One is the dead body that his ghost used to inhabit. The other is a barmaid from downstairs, whose eyes glint in that way that tells him this is his cohort. As he is trying to figure out why the dead woman is sitting there talking, she looks at him, eyes empty, and speaks in a familiar voice.. Mother's voice. "I have been trying for the last few moments to decide whether this is a good turn of events or a bad one. On the one hand, the disciple should have been a simple matter for you to take out, her power has grown astronomically since last time. On the other hand, the release of Galidor comes as a mixed blessing... The disdain I hold him in is tempered by the newfound knowledge of the Foci that originally bound us from this plane. That statue, with his Divine soul inside it, was one of the locks that kept the barrier up. With it gone, a small portion of my power can now pass through to speak to you. I have decided that in the end, this is a good thing. There must be other Foci, other locks, and you must find and destroy them."[/sblock]

Xis transforms into a powerful bolt of lightning and phases right through the Disciple's body as she stands over Panarchus inside the temple, his Blast temporarily blinding both the saint and Jool as it passes directly between them, comign back through the hole he had originally been sent out of. As the Disciple turns to consider him, Xis encases her in bars of unbreakable force, and swirling chaos fills the cage with her.

As explosions and crashes go off behind him, Salarassa approaches the two old men.
"Ah, i'd wondered when you would wander over." Says the one Sal hadn't yet met. "I must admit, I'm a bit dissapointed that you haven't figured it out yourself yet. That's the one thing we all have going for us, you know, is the ability to figure things out for ourselves." He sighs and puts away his instrument. "WELL, I suppose I did come down here, so I may as well fill you in on a couple details. That statue was a focus point, and with Galidor's divine spark trapped in it, was one of the things keeping this plane... well, "MORTAL" for lack of a better term. There are others around, and if they were to be destroyed, and the souls trapped within Destroyed as well.. The barrier would shatter completely. On the other hand..." The old man reaches out suddenly, surprising you as his hand grasps your forehead and you feel a jolt of magical energy. When he removes his hand, you see an aura of enchantment fading before your eyes, and feel as though a fog had been lifted from you. You now recognize that the lady who had offered you everything in the beginning was none other than the Lady of the Void, a powerful godess who was originally a mortal of the Material plane. "She had you under a powerful compulsion, to believe her and aid her. I've managed to free you, but your companions will be different, their souls are more tainted than yours, and were easy for her to entrap. Now that you're not working for her anymore... Are you? I can answer some of your questions. You may wish to hurry, though.. The battle down there is almost over, one way or another, and then they'll come looking for you."
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Guest 11456

Jool the Drogorn

Jool smiles and chuckles as she nods to the saint. Then she turns her attention on the disciple as she moves up to her and attacks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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