Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

Iron Sky

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A VILLAGE IN DISTRESS? COME CITIZENS OF JUSTICE, WE WILL SAVE HIM! the warforged shouts, charging out the door.

A young blond woman side-steps the metal knight as he goes clanking through the door, one eyebrow raising as her mouth corner quirks with the hint of a smile.

She appears to bin in her late-to-mid-twenties, her features marred only by a vertical scar that leaves one eye a flat white - a stark contrast to the hard sapphire glitter of her other eye. A staff of red steel is strapped to her back and a dagger with a strange orange gem for a pommel sheathed across her lower back.

A tattoo of some sort of bird is inked on her bare navel and her fingers brush it in what seems to be an automatic gesture as she walks into the tavern and looks about, that barest hint of a amused smile never leaving her face.

"This must be the place they told me about. I'm tracking some... raiders is an inadequate but relatively polite and sufficiently functional term for them... anyway, I've lost their trail. I don't suppose there is anyone here heard of any raiders in the vicinity?"

She scans the room, meeting everyone's eye unflinchingly as she waits for someone to step forward.

[sblock=Phoenix, Level 4 Pyro Mage]

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First Post

"This must be the place they told me about. I'm tracking some... raiders is an inadequate but relatively polite and sufficiently functional term for them... anyway, I've lost their trail. I don't suppose there is anyone here heard of any raiders in the vicinity?"
"Raiders? But you're not a cow," says Papolstaanas, before bursting into laughter, as though this piece of nonsense is the most hilarious thing in the world.


First Post
The front door crashes open and a man stands framed there. "I am Tarkus, called the Crusader!" he booms. "I've been told that the custom here is to give an account of yourself when you enter. Know, then, that I am a priest of holy Juna, in whose glorious name I have led Imperial legions in far off Ea. Now I have come to this land to spread Her word in a crusade of peace." He sweeps the room with a steely gaze. "Fear not, I will not trouble you with preaching until I have seen more of the local custom. I am here to learn as well as instruct." He makes his way to a table, loosens his tabard and eases his mail-clad frame into a chair, leaning his mace aginst the leg. "Innkeep, a bottle of the local vintage! We will see how it compares to that of the Imperium!"

OOC: Tarkus the Crusader, Level 2 Cleric. I'm just finishing off his power selection, will put him on the wiki and submit him soon.


First Post
Kaeysari snaps to attention when she hears the newcomer introduce himself.

"Greetings, honorable Tarkus. Welcome to the Hanged Man. I am Kaeysari, late of the 44th Provincial Auxiliary Cohort, and initiate of the temple of Palladys."

Then, seeing his manner as he sits down, she relaxes a bit.

"The wine's not bad, sir," she says, "although they don't know how to spice it right."


First Post
Kaeysari guffaws.
"I'm no city folk," she says, chuckling. "I grew up in a little bitty place. My father herded sheep. Well, he hunted originally, then after he couldn't do that any more, got a job tending the flock."
She leans a little closer, and in a conspiratorial tone says, "you're right, though, some of these city folk are kinda weird looking. I'm Kaeysari, by the way. Pleased to meet you."

Shamus seems to relax a bit at the shifter's words, perhaps a kinship to Kaeysari? He leans in close and whispers

"Ok, so just atween us. I'm thinkin' if all these folks come and help, you might just scare it away for a bit too many cooks in the kitchen or something like that. Just sayin, maybe smaller is better y'know? I'm thinking maybe 5 or 6, 7 at the most" [/sblock]

A VILLAGE IN DISTRESS? COME CITIZENS OF JUSTICE, WE WILL SAVE HIM! the warforged shouts, charging out the door.

A young blond woman side-steps the metal knight as he goes clanking through the door, one eyebrow raising as her mouth corner quirks with the hint of a smile.

She appears to bin in her late-to-mid-twenties, her features marred only by a vertical scar that leaves one eye a flat white - a stark contrast to the hard sapphire glitter of her other eye. A staff of red steel is strapped to her back and a dagger with a strange orange gem for a pommel sheathed across her lower back.

A tattoo of some sort of bird is inked on her bare navel and her fingers brush it in what seems to be an automatic gesture as she walks into the tavern and looks about, that barest hint of a amused smile never leaving her face.

"This must be the place they told me about. I'm tracking some... raiders is an inadequate but relatively polite and sufficiently functional term for them... anyway, I've lost their trail. I don't suppose there is anyone here heard of any raiders in the vicinity?"

She scans the room, meeting everyone's eye unflinchingly as she waits for someone to step forward.

[sblock=Phoenix, Level 4 Pyro Mage]

The warforged nearly knocks the man off his feet with its exuberance, but thankfully Shamus manages to stay standing.

When the exotic female enters, Shamus turns to her. "Ah, afraid I ain't know nothing about raiders, well unless you think they be stealin' my cows?" he asks

The front door crashes open and a man stands framed there. "I am Tarkus, called the Crusader!" he booms. "I've been told that the custom here is to give an account of yourself when you enter. Know, then, that I am a priest of holy Juna, in whose glorious name I have led Imperial legions in far off Ea. Now I have come to this land to spread Her word in a crusade of peace." He sweeps the room with a steely gaze. "Fear not, I will not trouble you with preaching until I have seen more of the local custom. I am here to learn as well as instruct." He makes his way to a table, loosens his tabard and eases his mail-clad frame into a chair, leaning his mace aginst the leg. "Innkeep, a bottle of the local vintage! We will see how it compares to that of the Imperium!"

OOC: Tarkus the Crusader, Level 2 Cleric. I'm just finishing off his power selection, will put him on the wiki and submit him soon.

Just as suddenly, the newcomer brushes by Shamus and the farmer scowls at first, until he hears mention of his worship of Juna. The farmer then leans in to Kaeysari again

"He's a holyman, might be someone good to bring withe us, maybe the gods will help you out?" he says [/sblock]


First Post
Kaeysari snaps to attention when she hears the newcomer introduce himself.

"Greetings, honorable Tarkus. Welcome to the Hanged Man. I am Kaeysari, late of the 44th Provincial Auxiliary Cohort, and initiate of the temple of Palladys."
Papolstaanas is startled by Kaeysari's sudden change in demeanor. "Are you all right?" he whispers.


First Post
Shamus seems to relax a bit at the shifter's words, perhaps a kinship to Kaeysari? He leans in close and whispers

"Ok, so just atween us. I'm thinkin' if all these folks come and help, you might just scare it away for a bit too many cooks in the kitchen or something like that. Just sayin, maybe smaller is better y'know? I'm thinking maybe 5 or 6, 7 at the most" [/sblock]

Just as suddenly, the newcomer brushes by Shamus and the farmer scowls at first, until he hears mention of his worship of Juna. The farmer then leans in to Kaeysari again

"He's a holyman, might be someone good to bring withe us, maybe the gods will help you out?" he says [/sblock]

"I wouldn't think your village could feed any more than that,"
Kaeysari says. "Seven's probably the most you'd want. Hmm. Recruiting seven hired swords to protect a small village. Seems familiar to me somehow, but I can't quite place it." She shakes her head to clear it. "The priest will probably be a good addition. If he's been with the Imperial armies he'll have fighting experience."


First Post
Eeee GADS!

*Kauldron spurted out as the fiery woman enters. His cigar nearly falling out of his mouth as he stared.*

A lass after me own heart. Damn....

*He shakes his head and recomposes himself.*

Err...raiders yee be sayin?

*He moves closer to her. Looking up at her.*

I not be seein no raiders lately. Lots o them there piraty types. No raiders though. Why yee be looking for some raiders lass?

*He continued to talk to Phoenix.*


First Post
Kaeysari snaps to attention when she hears the newcomer introduce himself.

"Greetings, honorable Tarkus. Welcome to the Hanged Man. I am Kaeysari, late of the 44th Provincial Auxiliary Cohort, and initiate of the temple of Palladys."

Tarkus turns to Kaeysari. "Religious, eh? Good, boy! Keep the faith and you're sure to be rewarded." He begins to ask a question but then notices the farmer next to him. "You have a troubled air, friend. Are you in need of Juna's aid?"

OOC: If you're from the Imperium, maybe you've heard of Tarkus. In fact, that'd be a good way to reveal some of his backstory that he'd rather conceal. If you think you should know this, feel free to read the sblock.

[sblock=Kaeysari, or people with a high History roll]
Tarkus was known as a great orator, who persuaded the leaders of the church that he could bring peace to Ea by leading an Imperial Legion to conquer githzerai and githyanki alike and bring them into the Imperium. This plan was controversial and incited arguments in the streets, as Tarkus and the church leaders presented it as a noble and just crusade to aid the innocents who were dying in the war, while others thought that it was nothing but a war of conquest, while still others merely thought it was insane.

As many expected, Tarkus' crusade ended in disaster as the warring factions temporarily united, slaughtered his legions, and then went right back to fighting. He was recalled from Ea in disgrace and called before the high priests, and then vanished. Rumours say he was banished.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"...uh, what was your name?" he asks the drow, apparently missing the mocking tone from Damen
The drow rolls his eyes a moment, then opens his mouth to speak, when the lady walks in...
She walks into the tavern and looks about, that barest hint of a amused smile never leaving her face.

Eeee GADS!
I not be seein no raiders lately. Lots o them there piraty types. No raiders though. Why yee be looking for some raiders lass?

*He continued to talk to Phoenix.*
The drow glides gracefully forward and takes Phoenix's hand in a respectful gesture with nary a sidewise glance and the diminutive goblin. Never mind the goblin's overeagerness, he is obviously smitten by you radiant beauty. Let me introduce myself. The drow bows over her hand and releases it, straightening. Damendral Erthschilde Reginal Talenbaneran, of the Daunton Talenbaneran's, but you may call me Damen. He spares a glance to the farmer. Damen Bane if you need a formal appellation. He glides aside Phoenix, neatly putting himself between Kauldron and the lady. Raiders in town, nary a word has been heard. But this dear gentleman farmer afears raiders in his quaint village. Perhaps a tie? His smile is sharp and dashing, and he even deigns to share it (without malice) with the goblin below.[sblock=Moderate Streetwise or History]The Talenbaneran's are one of Daunton's Founding Families. They are a house of drow and humans.[/sblock]

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