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Exalted Deeds Versus Vile Darkness, the Final Confrontation!


Wrahn said:
ooc-Doghead, Jarval, we retconned a little, Aekir has not attacked, neither Sylida or Nessa are aware of his presence, Nessa has not taken any damage, we are at the top of the round. Correct me if I am wrong Isida
(OoC: Yup, got that, but Nessa tends to avoid staying landbound in combat anyway. She's less than keen on melee, and most of her spells have a decent range. To be honest, it was the main reason I bought her the boots of levitation :) I think she'll still provoke an AoO from Aekir, even though her movement is upwards.)

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Sylinda of the forest

ooc: OK, so there was no scream from the other room. But Lyssia was still dropped by the assassin, who then appeared. Third time lucky.

Sylinda spins around at the sudden movement from beside her as the dead soldier of darkness rises, then falls. Not at all happy with having a half dead warrior at her side, Sylinda pushes away his weapons with her staff, and stepping around to his head, yanks off his helmate. Are you going to be good and stay dead? Sylinda considers making sure.

At the strangled cry from Lyssia and with the appearance of the slinky Ralam, Sylinda takes a step back to put her back to the wall and casts.

ooc: Move to south west corner.

Cast Summon Natures Ally VI - going for unicorns (1d4+1 in 3.5). If not available, one big earth elemental please. The first between Sylinda and Ralam, and if multiple animals, the next by the door and the rest on the opposite side of the room (the south east quarter) in a position to attack Ralam.
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First Post
Jarval said:
(OoC: Yup, got that, but Nessa tends to avoid staying landbound in combat anyway. She's less than keen on melee, and most of her spells have a decent range. To be honest, it was the main reason I bought her the boots of levitation :) I think she'll still provoke an AoO from Aekir, even though her movement is upwards.)

OOC: I agree it is probably a smart idea to get out of melee range, but Nessa is out in the hallway, there are two things that should concern you, first how high is the ceiling and second how big the doors are, if the doors do not reach the ceiling you may be blocking the Nessa's view of what is happening inside.


Wrahn said:
OOC: I agree it is probably a smart idea to get out of melee range, but Nessa is out in the hallway, there are two things that should concern you, first how high is the ceiling and second how big the doors are, if the doors do not reach the ceiling you may be blocking the Nessa's view of what is happening inside.
(OoC: OK, sorry, not keeping up with where I am :eek: :) Isida, how high are the ceiling and doors?)

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Staeven watches in sudden horror as the Baroness plants a dagger squarely in his heart. The Phoenix Knight collapses, dead, as Ssessarina, in the Baroness' guise, falls silent, a terrible smile on her face.*

*Nessa uses her magic boots to put herself off the ground. Unknown to her, the invisible Aekir lashes out, clawing deeply into her legs, drawing again part of her spirit. Nessa gives a scream to warn the others of her danger.*

*Torr continues to keep himself still, drawing no further ire from the forces of good. Sebastion hears Nessa's cries and glares at Torr.*

"Make no move if you wish to preserve what is left of your miserable life," he warns, and then charges towards Nessa, swinging at her invisible attacker. With a lucky hit, he strikes Aekir, blood appearing from the air to splatter on the walls and floor.

*Ralam suddenly seems to fade from view. Darren, not wanting him to get away, stabs in his last location. That fails to find purchase, and in despiration that the assassin hasn't moved, Darren weaves the blade in the air and stabs again, this time striking deep.*

*Aekir rips and shreads Nessa, pulling her down into his vile embrace. With a shudder, he finds her heart, and thrusts into it, ending the holy mage's mortal life.*

You find yourself back where you were, but everthing about you is in tones of gray and white. The walls seem misty and unsubstantial, and vaguely you can see Lyssia (in full color) through the wall. You realize you are in the realms of the spirits, the place between life and death, and it seems you've been given a second chance to fight for good. The laws of reality do not hold sway here, and those that seem in full color like you are also spirits, or things that can affect them.

*Ghost dashes forward from his hiding place, and attempts to slash his blade across Norin's throat and end the saint's life. To his surprise, the attack goes wide, and only strikes a deep gash on the monk's arm. Though Ghost remains invisible, Norin realizes that someone has just attacked him from an unseen quarter.*

*Regardless of his own safety, Norin leaps away from his attack, towards the invisible assassin that Darren attacked. As the saint leaps in, Ralam becomes visible again, making him a target for the righteous monk. His fist is encased in golden ice as it hammers Ralam's jaw. The blow reels him, and while he is able to fend off the affects of the ice which threaten to slow his limbs, the punch leaves him stunned.*

*Sylinda's summoning finally comes to fruition as a grace of unicorns appear in the room. Two immediately go to attack Ralam, while a third begins to threaten the invisible attacker standing over Nessa's corpse. The fourth remains between Sylinda and danger.*

*One of the unicorns threatening Ralam manages to spear him with its pure white horn. The one trying to help Sebastion cannot seem to spear the invisible assassin.*

Spirit Combat

*Lyssia sees Gwyn, the only one in color in this strange world, and sears him with her rays of holy light. Gwyn feels the pain only distantly, even though his flesh seems to dim in color. Taking advantage of the spirit realm, he dives beneath the floor, and comes up under Lyssia. Startled, she reflexively slashes down with her longsword, slicing clean through Gwyn without leaving a mark, though his colors dim further. Tacking her, Gwyn manages to pin her in a viscious bear hug.*

*Staeven steps out from behind the shadowy screen. Gwyn is understanably somewhat startled to see his killer again, and realizes that Staeven must have died. The Phoenix Knight has his glimmering bastard sword in one hand, and points it at Gwyn.*

"Let her go demon! I killed you once, and I can do it again!" he roars.


[OOC -
Ssessarina - 26
Nessa - 24 [N]
Torr - 22 [T] (shaken)
Sebastion - 21[Se]
Ralam - 18 [R]
Darren - 15 [D]
Aekir - 12 [A]
Ghost - 11 [Gh]
Norin - 10 [No]
Sylinda - 9 [Sy]
Unicorns - 9

Spirit Battle
Lyssia - 25 [L]
Gwyn - 23 [G]
Staeven - 20 [St]

s - screen
d - doorway
---- - wall
~ - 5'

Italics mean that someone is invisible, hidden, or otherwise concealed. Please do not make use of this information if you don't know it otherwise. :)

Ssessarina kills Staeven (rolled craptastically on his Fort save...), and he joins the spirit battle this round. Nessa goes up and gets hit with a 22 on an AoO by Aekir, dealing 17 points of damage, 1 point of Vile damage, and a negative level to her. Torr delays. Sebastion charges, hits Aekir (I did roll his 50% miss chance) with a 35 for 19 points of damage. Ralam activates the ring (standard), and sheaths his weapon (move). He can move and attack next round. Darren gets an AoO, missing because of the invisibility. He then feints successfully and makes an attack (this time hitting) with an 26 for 30 points of damage to Ralam.

Aekir makes a full attack on Nessa, provoking an AoO from Sebastion, which misses because of the invisibility. Aekir hits Nessa four times, and one is a crit. She takes 69 points of damage, 4 points of vile damage, and four negative levels. Nessa dies, and joins the spirit combat next round. Aekir did not get her soul. Ghost attacks Norin, but he makes his Fort save and doesn't die. Norin takes 27 points of damage from an invisible attacker. Norin goes to attack Ralam, his aura supressing Ralam's ring of invisibility. He hits a 30 for 14 points of damage to Ralam. Ralam makes the save on the Touch of Golden Ice with a 20, but sucks it up on the stunning attack with a 6. Ralam is stunned. Sylinda summons 4 unicorns, I assume two attack Ralam, and one goes to attack Aekir. The fourth says put in case of need. The unicorn near the door is actually attacking through the door, but I couldn't put that on the map. The two attacking Ralam were in the SE, corner, but then moved to attack him. Ralam is hit once by one unicorn for 10 points of damage. Aekir is missed.

Spirit Combat
Lyssia hits Gwyn with a touch attack of 23 for 20 points of damage. Gwyn goes to intiate a grapple, Lyssia takes her AoO, hits and confirms a crit with a 25 for a total of 20 more points of damage. Gwyn gets a touch attack, and beats Lyssia grapple check by one to grapple her. Staeven makes some threats, not attacking for fear of hitting Lyssia. Nessa can act next round.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
In spirit combat:
Gwyn, cursing in the distant realization that he's certainly doomed, decides that the only thing to do is take this bitch with him into whatever torment next awaits. He simply strives to rend her flesh with his fangs, leaving traces of his vile essence behind as remembrances.


Sylinda of the Forest

Nessa's scream rips through her and her spirit shudders at the sound of it. But she holds desperately to her purpose and and moments later is rewarded with the appearance of the Unicorns. A surge of joy flows through her at the sight of the creatures. Four. Four have been sent to aid us.

Sylinda throws out her arms and with a downward sweep launches herself into the air. A white swan gracefully surges up high into the air with powerful sweeps of its snow white wings from where it sweeps around the room surveying all that lies below.

ooc: Isida
Sylinda will sweep around the room taking in what lies below. I believe that will allow her to spot Ssessarina and as she is the only vile character Sylinda can see, she will use her one remaining ranged spell - Call Lightning (Level 3). The 3.5 version lasts 12 rounds and allows her to call down a 3d6 bolt per round as a standard action. Based on this she will circle around the room calling down a bolt each pass. Not sure about the 3.0 version, but call it as best you see it. I think that all this may take a round or two. If she lives long enough. (@_@) Swanmay form below. Its the first time I've done this, but hopefully its all good.

Swanmay form: Swan Small Animal; HD 12d8+24; hp 98; Init +2; Spd 10 ft. fly 60 ft. (good); AC 29 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural, +8 ascetic, +2 deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 25; BAB +8/+3 (+7 Grapple) Attk +13/+8 melee (1d3-1, 2 slams) and +13/+8 melee (1d2-1, bite); SQ DR 5/cold iron, DR 5/magic; AL NG; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 8, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 16; Skills and Feats: As per character + Alertness.
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Lyssia groans as she reachs behind to lay a hand on her foe as she tries to wiggle free. "Don't hold back because of me! Lady Sune awaits me if we fail! I have done all I can to atone for my past. FINISH HIM!"

Lyssia groans as her spirit flails at the touch of the foul spirt which she is grappling with as she reachs down and behind herself and pours more light into him (touch attack at PB? this should be fun)


First Post
Finish the Mage, stay focused.

*Almost reflexively he lashes out when she activates her boots. She yells, bringing Sebastian to her aid.*

*Memories come, flooding his mind momentarily. Being in the bandit camp, terrified they would kill him. The knight riding in with no fear, talking to them, showing them a different path. The same knight bringing justice to those who would not listen.*

*The pain as Sebastian’s sword bites him snaps him back.*

Finish her.

*He lashes out once more, drinking her life, bringing her vitality to him, at least temporarily.*

*Turning to face his enemy, his mind replaying the first time he had seen Sebastian, as he raised the faceplate on his helmet to cut the bandits ropes that held Eraithon. *

On his action Aekir will take a withdrawal action (so he doesn’t provoke an attack of Opportunity) down the hall. Double moving for 60’.

As he withdraws he will be talking giving Sebastian something to follow, he is attempting to lead him somewhere he thinks will be unoccupied, where Sebastian and he can face each other privately.

“Sebastian.” His voice sounds different, it is still deep and gravelly, but carries emotion.

“I am sorry about your friend, I was not able to bring her peace.” he moves down the hall quickly.

”I think we have things to discuss, in private.” In the last ten feet of his movement he is silent, moving off to a side to prevent a charge. He is still moving silently (-4 to moving at normal speed).

Voidrunner's Codex

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