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Gamers in Minneapolis area


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On the corner of Lake St. and Bryant Ave., one block west of Lyndale Ave. in Mpls. It's mostly known for being very much a GW place, but they'll sell damned near anything if you ask them for it.

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It's the Uptown area, so it's the nice side of Lake St.; you're just two blocks north of a Pizza Luce location (that's on Lyndale), so there is damned good food nearby.
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I haven't been to Phoenix or the Source for a good year and a half; one of my friends is working at a Shinder's location, and he gets a pretty faboo discount on books. It's cool to see there are a few gamers around here that I haven't met. I will agree that it can be tricky finding people here that are gamers. Most of my friends that play were from high school.

How regularly do you play? I'm running one out of my house every other weekend, and another friend of mine runs his on the off weeks. We're also coordinating with a few people that miss playing Shadowrun to play on Fridays off and on.


First Post
Not often enough, and none of it is D20. I run a campaign that converted from Feng Shui to Exalted recently, but that meets only once a month because the players aren't willing to make the time for it (despite protests to the contrary). I play in an Exalted campaign that meets twice a month. Both games play for about four hours (which is appropriate).

I'd like to run or play once a week for four hours, and always on the same day at the same time. I expect to get what I want in a few months, when both games expire.

Come October 1st, I'm going to have an absurd amount of free time. I'm more then willing to put togther an old fashion 3E/D20 that can meet consistently and I'm more then willing to DM or PC at that group, perhaps we should keep in touch?


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I'd love to find another once-a-month game, or maybe an every-other-weekender. Every week is too often. My current group was supposed to be every-other-week, but we've only played 5 sessions since January. That Sucks.

Maybe have to try Phoenix, since I'm now a lot closer, having just moved from north Minneapolis to South (Nokomis).

Anyone around here play Call of Cthulhu???

Well I know of at least one ever-other-week Shadowrun game, I just sorta lost interest in playing and stopped going. The D20 bug bit me apparently :D

I'd be interested in an every-other-week type game. I agree that once a week leads too quickly to gamer burn-out, and all too often 'weak' stories as the DM's forced to crank-out something to keep the masses happy. Bi-Weekly also makes it easier to remember what your character/group was doing and where you were, a slight problem with the monthly game I'm in.

[Edited this in}Maybe we could try and arrange a common time to meet in IRC or something to hammer-out possible game days/times? My available 'slots' are a bit restricted right now, with Mon. and Fri. being 'best', at least for the near future.

I'd only really be interested in playing, I'm too new/crappy a DM to run for anyone but a few (very forgiving) friends. I don't think I'd be too interested in CoC either, just not into horror. I would be interested in giving Star Wars D20 a try though, mostly because I'm an even bigger Sci-Fi fan than Fantasy nut, at least by a little.

I don't think any group I've been in lately has had anyone younger than 24, probably because I knew most/all of them from when I first started playing RPG's seriously back when Twilight2000 was still being printed. Lordy my Twilight2k GM was good at 'by the seat of your pants' Reffing. I think that was all he did, of course a chaotic group sorta forces that on one :p You know a DM's good at being a Rat Bastard DM when you thank him for a great session, right after he's robbed the party of about 75%+ of thier material goods (very important to Twilight games).

I may have to revisit Pheonix this weekend after-all. Been a good long time since I was last down there. See if the owner still recognises me on sight :p You know you're going to a game shop far too often when they say things like "I don't have to see an ID for that check, I know you." :rolleyes: And his wasn't the only store this held true at... :p

Hatchling Dragon
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I'd love to GM again, but my life is in too much turmoil at the moment. Unemployed, just moved, etc, etc. Lost my gaming space in the move (seated 8 in comfort). Oh gee darn.

But what the hey, I've got a hundred character concepts bouncing around my head right now, so I'd love just as much to play.

Mondays would not work for me, but every other friday might.

Is there anyone out there who would be willing to GM such a game?

If so, then yes, let's arrange a IRL meeting to see if things click.

Voidrunner's Codex

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