Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse (Recruitment always open)


I like the idea of Enoch meeting up with Laura. I think I have an idea on how to do that and endear him to the team at the same time.
See, Laura seems to have gotten herself into a bit of a pickle with a psychic pickup man charming her in Vegas. If only the Team had someone who was versed in the psychic arts. ;)

VR, if you can finish your background off with some reason for being in Vegas, I can write you into the story soon.

BBs, sorry for making you the damsel in distress again. :p

Also, VR, character looks good, except for the move action on the senses. You've essentially duplicated the 'concentration duration' flaw, With same cost reduction, but made it a move action instead of a standard action. I'd allow it if there were some further quirk to make up for the difference(At same cost), but otherwise I'd request you change the "custom : requires Move action" to the concentration duration.
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I like the idea of Enoch meeting up with Laura. I think I have an idea on how to do that and endear him to the team at the same time.
See, Laura seems to have gotten herself into a bit of a pickle with a psychic pickup man charming her in Vegas. If only the Team had someone who was versed in the psychic arts. ;)

VR, if you can finish your background off with some reason for being in Vegas, I can write you into the story soon.

BBs, sorry for making you the damsel in distress again. :p
Sounds good.

Also, VR, character looks good, except for the move action on the senses. You've essentially duplicated the 'concentration duration' flaw, With same cost reduction, but made it a move action instead of a standard action. I'd allow it if there were some further quirk to make up for the difference(At same cost), but otherwise I'd request you change the "custom : requires Move action" to the concentration duration.
Actually the disad should be worth more not less. To take Concentration I'd have to first reduce the duration to sustained from permanent (continuous). As it is now, Custom: requires a move action combines two disadvantages. It could be written as Custom: requires a free action (probably a flat -1, but maybe a full -1/rank as it could be argued that not being able to use it to notice things when its not my turn halves the usefulness) plus Increased Action: move. If the combination were considered to be -2/rank it would work better than Concentration but the two builds would not be the same. Concentration would require a standard rather than move action but would
continue to work when its not my turn.


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I apologize for my delay in this game. For once it's not schedule related. It's just a giant nugget of 'wuh' stuck in my brain.

I need a little help.

I'm having trouble understanding how this person in a strip club connects to the lab we're supposed to be investigating. Because of that, I'm not sure what to ask her. :) I recall we were gonna look for bureaucratic peons from the lab, in the hopes that they'd be more pliable and susceptible to the various forms of persuasion at our disposal. Is this club where they hang out?

If so, are we approaching this lady as a news team, or are we under cover...under cover? Like, pretending to be a news team that's pretending to be normal clientele? Or, rather cleverly, pretending to be a news team that's pretending to be people from the lab, in hopes of fooling her into revealing more information about the lab?

I swear, the moment I understand all this, the very minute, I will go post.


Shayuri - the woman works two jobs. This, and as one of the 'peons' from the lab.

VR - Having to change to sustained before going to concentration is a zero cost change, and is completely superfluous because the duration ends up at concentration anyways. Pointing out the middle steps is uneccessary b/c they don't alter the final product at all.

Also saying something requires a free action in addition to requiring a move action seems like gaming the system, b/c it doesn't introduce any further limit than the move action by itself.
I hadn't taken the not usable outside your turn into account, and that would qualify for keeping it the same cost as concentration.
One takes a standard but keeps going outside your turn,
The other takes a move but only functions on your turn.
It's about an even trade IMO.


First Post
I think I'm ready to go then :D. I did make one final tweak, lowering Int by 1 to put another point into investigation (well-informed only) and perception. For clarity I also took well-informed itself out of the mental perception power and and listed it as a regular advantage.

Edit - I also added insidious to Poison Idea and Hypnotic Suggestion.
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Alphas season premiere was last night on Syfy. Its just sooo good! I can't believe its on Syfy, home of a million crappy monster movies and nearly as many barely mediocre seasons of Stargate X.


Yeah the ep was pretty good too.
And hey, SG: Atlantis was great, and SG1 was pretty good for the first.. 7 or so seasons..


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Sorry for vanishing, real world kicked my rear-end.

Making needed changes to my character, I'll have it posted today if I get some answers to a few questions.

As far as trade-offs not making sense, they kinda do in some cases - For example, a solid form makes more sense being slower/stronger (Defenses/Accuracy down, Toughness/Effect up), whereas Fluid forms make more sense being Weaker, but Faster and more Agile. (Defense/Accuracy up, Toughness/Effect down).

Does this imply that I can have different tradeoffs for different forms? I thought it was just by character.

Actually, the affliction makes sense to me, he pushes some of the water from his form into their face as an attack (Like a 'crystal' form shooting spikes, etc)

As far as the 'sand blast', I would suggest just changing the name to 'sandstorm' or something like that to represent temporarily turning your body into a 'burst' of sand that hits everybody near to where you were standing.

I also have a bit of a problem with why this is shapeable. Is he able to still control the flow of the sand as it moves away from him?

The reason I made it shapeable is I saw it tied into her elongation. Basically she stretches out like a shape and then just slams down with her sand body in a shapeable line as an attack.

Does that make sense to you?


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Ok I've updated my character yet again..

Here are the notes I was starting to type before I asked the questions about caps...

Allright, Darwin :
First off, amusing code name. :)
Thanks, decided I shouldn't copy Felix.

Just a note, the team is a fairly mobile, 'on-the-road' kinda group, not really a 'home-base protect this city from scum' type of group. Not sure how that would play out.
I like the 'outside' influence, b/c most of those in the game already seem to be connected only to other metas or organizations, not really much personal/mundane in their lives. Just saying she might not see him very often.
Understandable. Looks like a good source of some roleplaying.

You may wish to actually buy your will up to the point you want it with your base points, I don't really see any logical reasoning behind becoming more willful by mimicing a material.

see above with will, changing your physical form could alter some skills, but not mentally based ones like deception or Persuassion (Being made of stone/rubber/etc doesn't make you a better liar or diplomat.. could make you more intimidating..)
Yeah I've made some change there... That was largely left over from when I could copy human's powers.

The morph would more accurately be portrayed by Morph 3, Humanoids Limited: requires touch, costing 12 pts (4/rank). Rank 2 morph only allows humans of your general size and gender, rank 3 is any humanoid (Including freaky looking ones, like some mutants - Beast, Nightcrawler, etc)
I would suggest just adding it under your Mimicry, to be honest, and just add another rank to the mimicry (Maybe change the name to 'touch based' or 'form' mimicry or something.. You can mimic the general form (size, shape, substance) of the target person, but not any of their powers or abilities (Unless those derive directly from what they're made of, or their size - such as if you turned into the THING, you could benefit from the stone form benefits, if you turned into a big guy, you would add the Growth power, and associated bonuses).

As far as how it would work under variable - You would spend 12 of the variable points pool on the above-mentioned morph, and then any remainders on any stats that are appropriate to *JUST* the base form (You wouldn't gain say super-strength or invulnerability of a mutant unless it was an innate part of their form.
Essentially I'd be telling you what bonus traits you could get from a form (Turn into a body-builder, STR 3, etc).

Unless you want to be able to hang on to both a material form AND a human form..

Also, looking at what you have listed for your mimicry, looks like you dropped the 'move action' flaw from the prior example - As it stands, it takes you one standard action to attune to something, and then another standard action (Which would require another round) to transform. You would still be 'attuned' to whatever form you'd acquired last, but to acquire and switch to a new form would require two turns.
Ok, none of that was my intent...

I just changed all at the suggestion of Walking Dad.. I'm just gonna revert it... Thank god for Google Docs revision history.

A general note : you may wish to acquire some appropriate immunities for your rubber/water/sand forms, such as bludgeoning or slashing, possibly electricity for rubber, etc.
Also, I may use your forms to throw certain complications at you - such as vulnerabilities or power losses to certain things (Water vs sand, electricity vs water, etc)
Fun, bring it on.

You need to buy +4 atk for the suffocate to be at +9 (Should be easy you have some skills left over, just add AccurateX2 to the power) b/c close combat: Unarmed doesn't affect it, it's a specific attack form of its own.
You may wish to upgrade the Dodge/fort saves.
Also may wish to upgrade Dex/Agility to show the improved fluidity.

Alright first off, Area effects do not require attack rolls, they are simply a save (they also cannot benefit from trade-offs b/c of his and must therefore remain at PL cap 9). Also regarding area attacks, without the ranged modifier they are centered on your character, and without selective they can harm your allies.
Also, as with Water above re: Dodge/fort/dex/agi

as with Water/Sand above re: fort saves

Alright, now we just gotta figure out how you get involved with a group of super-human spies infiltrating a high-sec vegas lab specializing in bio-chemical weaponry.

I think everything that has been brought up has been addressed in one way or another.

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