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Hanable's Hunters (OOC) - Always accepting Alts


Bront, you neededn't worry about "in-party intrigue" affecting things at all. The one thing I've learned playing these PbP games is that there's little if any time to go outside the main plotline to do "background quests" as such. It takes so long for the regular plotline to progress that any sideplots effectively get passed over. So as far as Quiler is concerned... yeah he might be a member of the Serpentine Table, and yeah, he might on occasion in the "background" of your world act as spy for House Phiarlan... however those things will probably never actually get addressed when we get right down to playing your game. They've been included by me purely for an interesting background for my character to have... but during actual gameplay, my elf will probably just end up doing all your standard elf bard activities to help advance the plot. If we were sitting around a table, then yeah maybe some side roleplaying of Quiler's interaction with the House might come up... but in PbP games... you just don't have the time to go off on those tangents.

So since you said the Hunters included drangonmarked members of all the houses, and no one else was playing an elf thus far, I decided to create a character that killed two birds with one stone. And the background I created for him was just a good way to justify WHY a dragonmarked elf of House Phiarlan might be a part of the Hunter's. That's all. Thanx!

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Hi Bront,

I've started to work on something that is for this game, rather than something that I've submitted elsewhere. I have the concept all sussed and just have to fine tune. Tomorrow I have children playing sport and my real life Saturday night game so I'll try and have it posted sometime Sunday (Aussie time).




The man with the probe
Defcon1 - Cool, I appreciate your input. I'm still somewhat new to the PbP forum, and I'll take what you say to heart. I sort of invisioned that the Hunters offered spots to the dragonmarked houses as a way to keep neutral from them, basicly by appeasing them all with occasional info and tidbits. The internal spy isn't unheard of, and glad to know it's not something you'd (be able to) play up much.

Cool Daz, I'm looking forward to hearing it. Keep in mind, you can set yourself up as either a vet on the hunters, or a newbie. Doesn't matter, and a good mix is a lot of fun for the campaign.

Looking at my schedule and stuff, I hope to have a list of the players done before the end of next week, likely mid next week, where we can then tweek background, do a little introduction, and then begin sometime the week after that (last week of may). I'm liking these ideas, and I'm glad you're all giving me stuff to play with in them. Obviously I can't touch on them all, but I can hopefully make things interesting.


The man with the probe
Still looking. Should be open for applicants till friday. Thanks everyone so far who's posted ideas.

Prof Yeti

First Post
Though I am new to this I am very much interested. So if you don't mind a newbie I would like to throw my hat in the ring.

Brodin Stoneheart - Ranger 3/Fighter 2

(Ability Score - Set 8)

His name is Brodin Stoneheart and he is a scion of Clan Kardurun from the northern reaches of the Mror Holds. He is of average for the people of that region (4’2” and 164 lbs.). But his bright red hair and dark green eyes are both rare and proof he carries the blood of the southern clans. He wears his hair long, kept in a warrior’s braid, while keeping his beard relatively short.
His parents met over sixty-three years ago, in the city of Korunda’s Gate, in the northern Mror Holds. Brodin’ fathers was Rurik Stoneheart, his mother’ Vala Loderr, a distant and unmarked member of House Kundarak. They met at time when both were just beginning their apprenticeships, but they each recognized each other as soul mates. And so their love flourished over the next 10 years and shortly after finishing their training the two were married. An Artificer of some skill Vala worked in the enclave of House Kundarak creating and fixing whatever was needed, while Rurik took a position as a Lieutenant and trainer of the House Guard. And so there lives seemed to settle, becoming all that much brighter when Vala discovered she was with child. Even more amazing was when the Healer confirmed that she would have twins.
And so the children’, Brodin (Male) and Diesa (Female), birth became an event celebrated by the whole of both the Clan and House. Many saw them as an omen for a brighter future. And it was firmly within the love and encouragement of both family and community that the two grew into fine examples of all that is great about Dwarves. As if to cap this happy time young Diesa developed a Dragonmark shortly before beginning her apprenticeship, as an Artificer, securing her place within the Holds. But Brodin would take a much longer and lonelier, though no less important, road for his training. Because while growing up it was discovered that Brodin possessed a personality and knack for certain skills that were invaluable to the Dwarven homeland. He had heard tales of the Sentinels and Deep Wardens, the dwarves that patrolled the far ranges and entrances to the Holds, but had never actually met one until the day Jagrin Garokdur arrived at his families home. When offered training there was little hesitation, both by him and his family, and shortly thereafter he began his study as a Sentinel (Ranger).
So he passed the next decade learning about weapons and dungeoneering. But more importantly he learned to hone his senses, his first line of defense, against encroaching enemy. And it would be those very skills that would save both his and his mentors lives, early in his training. While helping patrol one of the older mines Brodin heard a light scuffling sound coming towards him from further down the cavern he was checking. With barely enough time to find cover he watched as a trio of Ghouls traveled past in search of food. Moving as quiet and stealthily as possible he followed them as they moved towards his teachers last location. When he arrived he say the creature feast on something, though he couldn’t make out what it was for sure. No sooner had he decided to attack then he spotted his mentor hiding on a small ledge near-by, watching the horrendous creatures waiting for his own opening to attack. As if watching in slow motion Brodin’ mentor sprung from hiding cleaving one of the creatures in two. But the other two creatures saw Jagrin as nothing but food and moved to attack. Most of the strikes were easily avoided or deflected, but a few got thru, leaving the teacher bloody. This only served to spur the foul creatures to redouble their attacks. But it was at that very same moment that Brodin used their distraction to launch his own attack. While not as experienced as his teacher he managed to land a blow that would make a giant proud. Because with that one blow he was able to fell one of the Ghouls and reduce the threat to his mentor. The remaining ghoul sought to escape but having nowhere to run attack with a ferocity born of desperation. In a matter of moments though Brodin and his mentor quickly felled the beast. And while he learned much over the years both in the caves and out, the battle with the Ghouls was one of his fondest memories.
But as with most it was tempered with sadness. A short time later (by Dwarven standards) his apprenticeship came to an end. While he was glad for the chance to return home and be able to see his family, Brodin was also filled with dread of the prospect having grown used to the isolation and constant state of readiness for battle. Though those thoughts were minor compared to the events that would soon transpire, for it was a future in the wake of the Day of Mourning.
Because you see as is apt to happen when least expected, misfortune would strike a well-placed blow. If not for the War that shaped all of Khorvaire for a century many would have stayed settled and focused on there crafts and their children and this story would be done. But in the midst of war seldom did such happy endings occur. These particular dark days had began a few years earlier when Rurik and Vala, along with much of Clan Kardurun, were assigned to a delegation sent to Cyre. They saw nothing amiss since they would return in plenty of time to see their children return from their training. Unfortunately it was only a year after their arrival that the Day of Mourning would occur. In one swift blow, Clan Kardurun was almost completely obliterated from the face of the planet. And so Brodin found his training complete but with no family left in the Holds to defend.
His normal inclination would have been to return to the caves and underground passages where he was most comfortable. But the spirit within drove Brodin to find a new path. He asked the remaining elders of his clan for advise, and their answers were as surprising as they were quickly given. To the elders it was a fortuitous find. They had sought an agent for an enterprise of some importance and Brodin sought a new horizon to travel. And so shortly a meeting was set for him to talk to the leader of Hanable’s Hunter’s, a group specializing in treasure and artifact recovery. While not the best at expressing himself with the group he was assigned Brodin has proven to be a useful asset and stalwart friend. (For Brodin it was the home and family he had lost.)

I will begin finalizing the rest in case I am chosen. Should have it done by this time tomorrow.
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The man with the probe
New players are always welcome. I'm fairly new to PbP myself. As long as you're ready to have fun, we're all good.


Bugger. Do I now need to go back to the drawing board? I've just got the final touches to put on Whitlok my dwarf ranger/extreme explorer and he is totally rolled up, stats, items, skills, feats, back story etc done. In fact I was likely to post him tonight but it looks like Prof Yeti (nice character concept mate) has beaten me to the punch with both race and class (should have told you what I was working on the other day instead of keeping it all mysterious like). Oh well, I'll still drop him into the mix as he was the specific PC I designed for this PbP. I still have Grilok I can build on if I'm selected as part of the team (although I haven't statted him at all yet. It looks like the game I submitted Grilok for has died without starting, or even getting as far as providing advice on character starting packages). Hopefully, I'll have time to stat Grilok before Friday.




The man with the probe
It's not first come first server, and since there's 6 PCs, there might be some overlap on occasion. So propose away Daz.

Prof Yeti

First Post
I was hoping to submit another character in hopes of increasing my chances of being chosen to play. My first choice would still be Brodin (dwarf) but will gladly switch if it could fill a needed slot for the group.

The new character would be a dragonmarked Wizard 3/Sorcerer 2 but I need to ask for some rulings first. Stat Set - 2

1) Cosmopolitan Feat (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting)

2) Domain Wizard (Unearthed Arcana)
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Whitlok ir’Khasamenn

Cool, well here goes then. This would be my preferred PC for this PbP. I still have to type up his background (which explains his favoured enemy and how he met Hanable) and will try and knock that over tomorrow night. Let me know if you have any problems.



\m/ oVo \m/

That confirmed it in his mind. The merchant sitting outside the emporium and sipping from an expensive looking crystal glass, that shimmered in the sparse afternoon light, sported eight rings upon his chubby, immaculately manicured fingers and that marked him out for special attention; those simple gold bands marked him as an enemy, a member of the Aurum. Whitlok sighed, he had been in Korth for less than an hour and already he had stumbled across a diversion. A diversion that would likely make him late for his meeting, and he hated being late. But the simple fact of the matter was that if he didn’t act now he would be distracted during the meeting and Hanable hated it when he was distracted and didn’t pay close enough attention to the customers wants. So, those waiting for him would just have to continue waiting, he’d get to them when he had finalised this pressing business.

Whitlok whistled sharply and a large badger moved ponderously out of the shadows of the cart which had conveniently been providing a quiet place out of the way to doze. He reached down and stroked the top of the badger’s head with his dirty, stubby fingers. His gaze never left the gaudily dressed human that he had been watching now for the better part of ten minutes.

“So Digga, looks like we gotta lil’ job ta do fore our meetin” He muttered as he distractedly scratched at his wide, oft-broken nose. “But we be need’n a c’motion, sumtin to get this fella off t’ main street.”

He grunted as he stood, an old back injury making him wince in discomfort, and straightened his large, floppy, wide brimmed hat, the front of which had been pinned up so as not to obscure his vision. He looked left and right down the busy thoroughfare, weighing up opportunities for distraction. He spied a cart being drawn by two oxen and grinned – perfect, now all he needed was to make them bolt and that was something that Digga, with his sharp teeth and a well placed bite to the leg, was very good at. Unfortunately it also meant that there might be some damage to the street, an unavoidable side effect of his line of work. He was about to kneel and whisper his plan to Digga when he spied a figure wrapped in a dark, heavy cloak approach the merchant. The figure stopped at the left shoulder of the merchant, bent down so his mouth was equal with the merchant’s ear and whispered urgently while gesticulating towards the mouth of a nearby alley.

“Now this looks promisin’ Digga”, Whitlock said as a broad grin spread across his heavily weathered face. His square, blocky yellowing teeth, normally hidden behind his dark moustache, double-braided beard and depreciating scowl, flashed in the afternoon sun. “Looks like tis day might jus’ be a ripper after all me ol’ friend”.

Across the street the merchant rose heavily to his feet, his wide paunch stretching the expensive fabric of his expertly stitched and embroidered tunic. He eyed the crowd around him distastefully until his eyes settled on a mailed thug leaning against a nearby building. The merchant tilted his head imperceptibly at the warrior and motioned for the cloaked figure to lead the way.

“Interestin”, Whitlok mumbled under his breath “looks like tis jus’ got a lil’ bit difficult”. He quickly adjusted the straps on the chain shirt that fit snugly over his wiry body and stamped some life back into his feet.

Luckily for Whitlok he knew exactly where the alleyway that the pair made their way towards led. He watched as the warrior eased his way from the wall and strode nonchalantly after the pair. Whitlok studied the man, who he saw now was more boy than man, probably hadn’t even seen service in the war he thought to himself. The boy carried himself with an air of self-importance, he swaggered as if the street was his and even threatened an old woman that had the audacity to accidentally bump into him.

“Typical of the stingy bastards” Whitlok whispered to Digga, “tryin’ to save a few gold, buys substandard goods and now he’s gonna pay. Hehe, this is gunna be fun Digga, time for the old tag n’ trip me ol’ mate”

Digga slowly perambulated the crowded street, following the young warrior who was even now reaching the mouth of the alleyway. Whitlok, on the other hand, quickly raced up the street in the opposite direction, having to roll under the pair of startled oxen that blocked his way forward as they continued to work their way ponderously up the street. He careened around the corner of the next alleyway, climbed expertly up on to a pile of wooden kegs and launched himself into the air fingers scrabbling to catch hold of the rooftop. His heart thumped loudly in his chest as the roof gave a groan but he managed to kick his legs and throw his weight forward pivoting and rolling sideways on to the roof before a handful of tiles slipped from their housing and crashed to the alley below.

“Thank Balinor” he managed to squeeze out as he pushed himself to his feet. He pulled Khezek, his ancestral urgosh, from it’s sheath upon his back and steadied himself as he quickly made his way across the rooftop. Luck seemed to be with him this day, the damned Aurum was so confident in his wealth and the ability of the guard that trailed him, that he wasn’t even bothering to try and be unobtrusive. He was making enough noise, arguing heatedly with someone, the cloaked stranger Whitlok presumed, that he would never even hear the attack coming. Whitlok reached the far edge of the roof, caught sight of the merchant and his cloaked comrade and launched himself into the air.

He landed on his feet with a heavy thud, the soles of his high, black leather boots absorbing most of the impact. Letting the momentum of his leap tip him forward he drew his shoulders in and curled into a ball tumbling between the startled pair. The Aurum slouched to the ground and let out a scream as the razor sharp axe blade sliced through his Achilles heel. Whitlok rolled to a stop, sprung to his feet, spun and growled at the cloak figure.

“It’s the dandy man I want, I have no beef with ye at t moment and ye’d be best off keeping it tat way”

The cloaked figure looked down at the hamstrung man who was screaming and clawing at the hem of his cloak. He stomped on the merchant’s fingers and spat in disgust.

“You can have him dwarf.” A silky voice purred from the depths of the hooded cowl, “He has proven he is of no use to my mistress but I mark ye, and I will tell my mistress of what transpired here this day, and, know this, if my mistress desires it you will die. Know this to be true.” Before Whitlok could react the cloaked figure whispered ancient magic and disappeared in a swirl of inky darkness.

Whitlok quickly turned his attention to the warrior that was warily making his way down the street, his sword blade wavering as he held it resolutely before him. The merchant was slowly dragging himself up the alley, trying desperately to claw his way to freedom, a bloody trail marking his route in the dirt of the alley, flies starting to gather to lap thirstily at the mans lifeblood as it leaked into the ground.

The merchant wasn’t going to get far, not, at any rate, before Whitlok took care of the inexperienced warrior. He quickly advanced down the alley towards the young fighter, his axe shaft cradled comfortably in his hands. He wanted this over with quickly, and wanted the boy unbalanced. He glared at the boy, mustering all his years of experience in the Karrnathi army into his stride and bearing, trying to impress upon the young man just how much trouble he was in. The boy swung his sword threateningly before him; sweat beading on his brow, the tip of his blade dropping slightly as his immature muscles struggled to keep the heavy blade steady.

Whitlok broke into a run. The boy steadied himself for a charge but he wasn’t expecting what happened next. The dwarf hurtled down the alley and skidded to a halt just in front of the boy warrior, who quickly stepped back, tripped over the badger that had quietly snuck up behind him and fell heavily to the ground, the sword spilling from his grasp. Whitlok kicked the blade further away and jammed the point of his urgosh at the boys exposed throat, stopping just short of actually piercing the skin.

“Let this be a lessin for ye brat.” Whitlok thundered as he kept a wary eye on the boy “I watched ye bully the peasants in the street earlier, let’s see just how threatin’ ye are without that yard of cold steel at yer side. Stand, slowly like and strip”. The boy got shakily to his feet “I was only doin’ me job” he muttered as he unbuckled his armour and let it fall to the ground.

Whitlok addressed the badger without taking his hands from the haft or his eyes from the boy “Digga, go and see t’ that mewlin’ bastard that be makin’ ‘is way down t’ alley, don’t let ‘im go any further ‘fore I get t’ chance t’ finish ‘im orf.’ The badger ambled slowly up the alley, bearing down on the unfortunate merchant whose once immaculate clothing was now bedraggled and caked with blood, vomit, snot and tears.

“Now boy, tat weren’t doin’ no job, nope, you was employed t’ protect that snivellin’ ‘eap o’ trash back there n’ look at ‘im. If you’d spent more time doin yer job n’ less time parading around like some popinjay ye might’ve found yerself still employed and not in t’ unfortunate position you’re in at t’ moment.” The boy, was openly weeping and shaking and had stripped down to all but his smalls. “and those boys” Whitlok growled looking at his undergarments. “And then you can march on down the street or I’ll let me lil ‘airy friend over there bite ye dangly bits.” That was enough for the boy, he threw his (now thoroughly soiled) undergarments to the ground and raced down the alley and out of sight.

Whitlok turned back to the merchant that now lay still in the middle of the alley a short distance away, the bulky badger standing before him and blocking his progress forward. Whitlok strode resolutely down the dusty alley. His face set in a determined scowl. The merchant looked up at the bulky mass of the angry dwarf.

”Why?” he gasped “what have I done to you?”

“You chose t’ wrong side” Whitlok spat as the point of his urgosh flashed downwards “This is fer me kin you Aurum dog.”

To be continued????
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