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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


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We need to drag the bodies away and cover our tracks. With a little investigation they will be found if we try to stash them so close to the site. Or we can just toss them on top of one of those mushrooms.

I am fine for resting. I can't believe they would have many more scouts out there that we haven't already encountered. This isn't exactly a war-zone.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"What i would not give to spend a few months here unhindered exploring the surprises that Felucia has to offer. But then, we have more important matters to take care of. Right?" She smiles at the Besalisk.

"Getting awerselves blawn up saving the cuddly lawcals frawm the sniffles, right?" sighs Sloor. "Had fawrgawtten all abawt it." for a full femto or two, at least.

Songdragon said:
"We need to get rid of these bodies. In case another patrol happens upon here. They may know something is up, but not what." She looks about somewhere close to stash the bodies and then will do so...

Mack suggests to Mir, "Keyton could cut a hole in a mushroom and we could stuff them in there."

We need to drag the bodies away and cover our tracks. With a little investigation they will be found if we try to stash them so close to the site. Or we can just toss them on top of one of those mushrooms.
"Nawt taw pawint awt the awbviaws awr anything," mentions Sloor with a two handed gesture at the downed troopers all around, another already gripping the pommel of his Kybuck's saddle, "but six awf thawse aren't exactly 'bodies'. See the clever rawpes tying them dawn? Figure I wasn't taw wawrried abawt their immawrtal sawls... Let's just weld the cawmm dawr shut and frecsing leave them be."

«Unless there are objections, Sloor will climb up on his mount and proceed to do just that: welding the compound door shut with sustained licks from his heavy blaster. I'm entirely in favour of the "stop midway before reaching the main base and rest" plan by the way.


Mack mutters, "Sometimes it is better to just kill the imps rather than be saddled with prisoners."

But since there is nothing to be done about it now, he just shrugs, "I am fine with whatever we do with them. Toss them in the river? Maybe they will just float away."

Mack will mount up when they are ready, taking trail position in the column again.

<<Ready to move on to after we have rested if that's the plan.>>

Mack Granger CS


First Post
After dealing with the small outpost, the group continues their journey towards the Imperial base. Verimak stops about an hour later and dismounts his kybuck, motioning for everyone else to do the same.

The Felucian guides you through the fungal undergrowth, crouching low to avoid detection. Soon, you can see your destination for the first time. It is short and squat for a two-story building, and slants slightly. In the middle, flanked by two stormtroopers and a wall-mounted e-web repeating blaster, are the main doors to the facility. The whine of speeder bikes can be heard in the distance, as can the crunching of vegetation that only a walker can provide.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Saw. Time fawr a sandwich while we time the patrawls?" The day's been eventful already, and doesn't look all that inclined to end, ever.

«What time is it, Possum? Is nightfall closing in?


On hearing the stomp of a walker, Mack mutters, "Frakkin' A! I knew we should have had our own walker. Don't suppose we can lay a trap for theirs and capture it?"

Mack agrees with Sloor's sentiments,
"Yeah, break time and catch some rest before we tackle this facility. We should go around to the side of our backdoor entrance and watch the patrols that cover that area."

With hand gestures, Mack explains to Verimak what they want to do.

<<There was no mention of resting yet, so I assume we have yet to do it. We need 24 hours on the medpac usage. With long term care that's only 2HP restored. Sure you don't want to use JC114?>>

Mack Granger CS


First Post
You guys can find a nice resting place relatively near the base, and Verimak is able to communicate to you that it's likely a very safe spot in which to hide.


Mir checks the rested site out and looks for anything to boost the camouflage of the area so that others can rest.

After, she asks their guide where this entrance he knows is... draws a rough outline of the outpost in the dirt. "Where do we need to go?"


Mack suggests, "Since Mir is taking first watch, I'll sack out and take the next one."

In typical fashion of soldiers in every day and age, Mack tucks himself into a comfortable spot and falls asleep in about 2 minutes. He can sleep any time and anywhere.

<<Still had a question on my previous post about ambushing the walker if anyone wants to discuss ideas.>>


Mack Granger CS


First Post
We are not ambushing the walker. It'll get us killed in trying to do so, alert everybody to our presence and will be usless since we need to be inside the base for our objective. Let's just stick with getting in the backdoor and going from there. The walker can't harm us inside the base.

I'll take the last watch.

Voidrunner's Codex

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