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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Mir checks the rested site out and looks for anything to boost the camouflage of the area so that others can rest.
"Here," offers Sloor, taking off his poncho and offering it to her. "Can't hurt."

«Help Another on Stealth if need be.

After, she asks their guide where this entrance he knows is... draws a rough outline of the outpost in the dirt. "Where do we need to go?"

Sloor pluncks himself down, back resting on TB's crouched form, and bites into a ration/fruit/is there even anything organic in this thing "power" bar. He looks at the interplay between Mir and the tentacle man as he chews.

"Sleep, master, and I will watch for all that may harm you," says the droid in a sing-songy voice after a while.

"Saw that awn," finaly answers its master. "Frekking poor scripting... And didn't the spirk run awff with all the loot right after that?" Chew, chew.

"One can dream," replies TB with mock archness.

"Yeah, would be nice taw have loot fawr you taw run awff with, wouldn't it?" Another bite, bigger, so that there's less of them to take.

TB doesn't even look at Mack's bundles of armor and weapons: "Freedom is the greatest treasure."

"Can't run awff with that, silly drawid. Dawsn't wark," grumbles Sloor. "Tried."

"'You're only free when you stand still'?" interprets TB with a hint of mockery.

"Awnly time you can see your chains," perversely agrees the besalisk. "Kiss them, hawld them clawse. The rest's just travel time."

Old conversation, old arguments, conforting in a way, to both of them.

Mack suggests, "Since Mir is taking first watch, I'll sack out and take the next one." In typical fashion of soldiers in every day and age, Mack tucks himself into a comfortable spot and falls asleep in about 2 minutes. He can sleep any time and anywhere.

I'll take the last watch.
"And I'll take the awn after that," softly grins the big alien.
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As Mack hears the Jedi's emphatic declaration, he murmurs, "Um, okay... Maybe you should sleep on it though."

As the soldier drifts off into la-la land, he is dreaming of an epic battle with furry creatures with little more than stone age tech giving the business to stormtroopers and managing to even take out a few AT-STs. Somehow they managed to even capture one. The dream brings a smile to the soldier's sleeping face.

<<How many medpacs needed? 1 or 2? I am ready for morning.>>

Mack Granger CS


First Post
The Felucian sun rises early in the morning, and your wounds are quickly healed by TB as the morning shift begins. The AT-ST is still patrolling the area, and there was a slight scare the night before as the 8.5 meter tall walker comes within several meters of your camp on its patrol. It doesn't see you, however, and goes on its way, back into the fungi-filled jungle.

When there's a break in the guards' attention, Verimak quickly takes you to a small grate at the side of the facility. The strong Felucian tears the loose grating off of the wall and motions for you to enter the building.


First Post
Thank you, TB. Ouch, are those additional pokes really nessesary? My ability to feel pain is quite intact.

Keyton follows through the bush and once the area is clear he quickly makes his way into the grate openning and enters the building.


After the close call with the AT-ST, Mack whispers, "If we could somehow get the walker pushed over, the frakkin' thing is ours. A lightsaber to cut the top open, toss in a grenade."

As they make their way into the facility through Verimak's secret entrance, Mack softly suggests, "Let's try to keep it stealthy this time." Before anyone enters into the hole made by the Felucian, he ensures that everyone has their weapon in hand, "Get them out and ready, we are entering hostile territory."

He will slip through behind Keyton, blaster rifle ready and set for auto-fire.


Mack Granger CS


Mir will follow the others through the grate, stopping briefly to thank Verimak for his help. She then starts in with the others... attempting to be as quiet as she can...

(Stealth 1d20+8=23)

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