Heroes of the Elemental Chaos

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np, I did ask if the release of HotEC had been overshadowed by the announcement of 5e, I guess it has... ;)

It's a shame because I am really looking forward to this book and I think it will revitalise my current game.

(And I am much more excited about my current game than I am about the next edition of D&D....)


I too am interested in this book, but that`s because I`m playing a monk in one of our campaigns, and I`m interested in seeing if there`s anything of interest in it for me.

Holy Bovine

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[MENTION=996]Tony Vargas[/MENTION] - about how many pages of 'fluff' devoted to the Elemental Chaos and its environs/history would you say there is in the book ?

Hi there,

I am interested in this book, but I am wondering did they fix the flaws from the Imix and Ogremoch in MM3 with the Cryonax and Yan-ci-bin entries?

Specifically that of making all the detailed subordinates utterly useless when running encounters wherein the goal is to face the BBEG themselves.


Imix = Level 32 Solo Controller

Chosen of Imix = Level 22 Controller
Conflagration Orb = Level 20 Artillery
Flameborn = Level 15 Artillery (Leader)

others Level 5, 6, 7 and 8

I can understand the idea of having different strata representing the cult and Imix' own realm but there was just too big a gap between Imix and all his other subordinates. The difference was just as pronounced with Ogremoch.


First Post
I think the theory is that you foreshadow the fight against the big bad throughout the campaign, so you need those lower levels to sprinkle through.

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