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HM's AP for PbP -(closed group, playtesting)


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Oh no a barbarian who is dropping INT for CHA what is this mad world coming to???? :p

With the extra 5 points for abilities (from the norm) I think you could be a power house - STR 18, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 12

hmmm... was trying for a 20 STR maybe not as many points as I thought. Wanted CON way up. Would be getting 13 HP per lvl (14 if you take toughness, 15/lvl if you put the FC bonus there).
Ya, 20 STR is really hard to do for a balanced class. For casters its amazing though. But the stats you have there match what I planned. Now if I take power attack (For powerful jaws and claws of fury rawr) or Raging Vitality at level 1.

As for the FC bonus, I was going to do the extra rage round instead of the extra HP. I start with 15 hp, and get 13 every level up, with an addtional 3xlevel when raging. looking at 132 pre rage at level 10, 162 raging. Without any magical gear too!

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But horses don't spit, :p LOL

But they can bite. ;)
Seriously, you do not want to be around a nippy horse. They can take your fingers off! :eek:

Also there is this if you plan on taking Combat Casting.

Uncanny Concentration · (pre req Combat Casting) Don't make concentration checks for violent movement, gain a +2 bonus on all other concentration checks.


I'll keep that in mind, though I wasn't looking at Combat Casting. My rough plan is to follow and get the Mounted Combat tree ASAP, and there are a few feats from either APG or UM (I'm not sure which) that are also very much worth taking for a mounted character (Trick Riding, for instance).

Still getting ideas on the Scorpion God. I'll probably get it posted today or tomorrow...


First Post
You could bring back the foul mouth Reb if you wish, np. If you have UM I would look into the trapper/guide or ranger(trapper)/rogue combo. Thing about PF is there are so many combos. Oh and glad you made it to the party. :)

I'll admit up front, I'm not a big fan of traps, since making them takes time, and disabling them feels like one or two party members doing something while everyone else has to sit on his hands.

That said, if the AP has traps built in, then it's better I have someone who can deal with them, which would mean no thug (they give up the Trapfinding class features). I don't like the Trapsmith rogue for having to give up the uncanny dodging (flatfooted rogue = squish), but the trapper ranger might be an option (from what I can tell, they give up spells for basically the rogue disabling benefits and a few custom traps?). They have two fewer skill points per level than a rogue, but especially if someone else is the face, I don't think that will matter a whole lot. I can still probably get what I need there, and two-weapon fighting besides. ;)


Thy wounds are healed!
Looks like we are almost ready for an RG - I will work it up today I think.

Thank feat looks good jackslate45 - wondering how many attacks you will have with taking the bite. I had a character with it too and figuring up the attacks was murder.

let's see fist/fist/bite - can you flurry and get the extra or is flurry a full round action?


Group so far...

DW - halfling druid (scorpion rider)
jackslate45 - half-orc barbarian
sunshadow21 - elf witch (familiar?)
jkason - ?? ranger (trapper) tentative
NPC - human cavalier (order of the dragon)

And if you wish to not put a rank into know nobility sunshadow21 the NPC will have it covered.



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Okay, been bouncing around the SRD, and think I got a bit of inspiration:

Gyrs Tado, Half-Orc Ranger (bestial & scavenger racial alts, trapper archetype)

The Tados never had what one would call a good life. They were grifters, moving from town to town, eking out an existence from the land, whether that land was desert, oasis, or back alley. Father had few marketable skills, always convinced his ill-conceived inventions would be the Next Big Thing. Mother finally took it upon herself to force them to settle, in a hovel on the outskirts of town, where she used her orc brawn to earn a modest salary loading and unloading caravans.

Gyrs learned as much from the pack of strays that accumulated around the small family as he did from his parents. But learn he did, to rely on skill and inborn talents together. When he was old enough, he began hiring himself out as a tracker, combining the orcish gifts he inherited from his mother, the mechanical skills he learned helping father piece together his junk-inventions, and his own personal experience in doing whatever it took to survive.

Despite the family history, Gyrs managed to do fairly well for himself. No one would call him rich, but he's managed to accumulate enough wealth to properly equip himself to begin adventuring, where he hopes to earn even more, to finally let his mother rest and his father tinker in obscurity without having to pick garbage piles for supplies.


Thy wounds are healed!
Great job - a little back story to play out in later levels.

Well I think we have the group fleshed out enough for an RG will work on it.



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Two questions so far as I'm trying to build:

1) Any favored enemy suggestions? I don't want you to have to give away too much, but I'd also hate to pick something we'll never encounter. :)

2) We're in a desert. What kind of environmental issues should we expect vis-a-vis armor and a desert? I'm debating going pretty light on his armor so that his Disable Device doesn't take a big hit, but it occurred to me that if metal armors are going to come with frequent Fort saves and the like, that'll make my decision for me. :)


Thy wounds are healed!
Of course you can't have a desert AP without throwing the PCs lost in it. LOL

But that is only a short side thing for this AP, so not a big play and you should have mounts to carry heavy armors while you wear the lighter stuff in the heat.

Will look into armors for you though as I will need to for the cavalier.

Also as I am trying to keep this generic the monsters,treasure and traps should all be for the GM of the game to fill in what they wish*. There will be set things but not many and then the game is tailored to the party/and system used.

GMs are always changing/subtracting (at least I am) and I wish for them not to think of it that way, but more as taking the game and adding to it and making it their own.

For favored enemy can't go wrong with human as your main. Later you could take something and then I will add in a few for you to use your ability against them or will have the plot thickened out enough you may realize what you may encounter besides evil cultist.


* have a monster you wish to encounter but never have? please feel free to give me some ideas (same goes for treasure - is there an item you wish to find let me know and I will add it in for you) as to what you might like to fight


First Post
Looks like we are almost ready for an RG - I will work it up today I think.

Thank feat looks good jackslate45 - wondering how many attacks you will have with taking the bite. I had a character with it too and figuring up the attacks was murder.

let's see fist/fist/bite - can you flurry and get the extra or is flurry a full round action?

While raging from level 2 on, I will grow claws for attacks. A full round attack is Claw/Claw/Bite, using them as primary natural attacks at full BAB and STR.

Primary weapons do not get the benefit of iterative attacks, so I will only ever have Claw/Claw/Bite. But, I will get pounce at level 10, which allows me a full attack on a charge.

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