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[IC] Aundair's Sorrow (Closed)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Tullia and Boarhide[sblock]Boarhide hops down to the ground of the interior corner of the building ruin.

Boarhide[sblock]Even in the shadows of the night you notice the wall of this vine choked corner is darker than what is left of the rest of the remaining wall. The blacked surface of the corner is seen plainly against the light grey stone of the wall. It seems as if the the corner is the center of a partial circle that was darkened unnaturally. The growing vines are taut and strong like the sinew of a bear and seem to concentrate at the corner here where Boarhide is standing and searching.

After a few moments of clearing the vines you slowly uncover the charred skeleton of a person laying down with one arm protecting their face in fear and the other arm holding a small child close to their body attempting to shield it. The vines have found an interwoven home amongst the darkened bones as if the remains were something that it needed. Something that made it happy. A gleeful little secret that it has and did not want to share with the rest of the world.

As you stand there to digest the moment the hand of the 'adult' slowly slides from protecting its head and to the ground as the vines seem loosen pouting in defeat. The hand holds something in it.

[OOC: If you examine the body and the blackened wall you determine that the person died by some sort of violent conflaguration, possibly by a Hellshot from a catapult or a spell of sorts.][/sblock]
Tullia[sblock]You do not find anything out of the ordinary. There does not seem to be anything invisible around.[/sblock][/sblock]
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Telas[sblock]That bell only means one thing, that there are visitors and it is not Charlethan. Visitors mean trouble. In your time here you have seen 2 visitors and they all have had to be threatened by Jared drawing his sword for them to leave. They were all interested in Professor Karlson and his work.

The 'alarm' that says that Charlethan is on his way is soothing ethereal chimes. The bell that announces unwanted guests is a soft rasping and grating bell that really needs to be silenced as soon as it goes of.

You bolt up stairs and almost trip right over Marrissa as she is running downstairs to see what will happen. The curious little girl very much wants to see what transpires. She has seen deals with Drow and Orcs and has been present in old tombs throughout the world. Why should she be afraid of a visitor here?

She looks at you a little surprised and pouting. She looks at you with big puppy dog eyes and says "I do not want to go to my room, Telly! I want to see what happens.". A big pouty frown with big innocent eyes looks back at you hoping for a pleasing answer.

You see Jared by the door practicing drawing his sword. Drawing and sheathing, drawing and sheathing, drawing and sheathing. This is the fiirst time that you have seen him practice this and he is quite fast. Faster than you have anticipated. In all the time that you have been here the only time that he draws his weapon is when we have visitors.

Jared looks outside the window and points to you and whispers "Three people coming." and then pointing to the stairs says "Go upstairs", and then tursn back to the doors. You hear the professor's scuffing feet approaching from far down the hall. From the time that that alarm goes off you have about 5 minutes before the visitors arrive at the door.[/sblock]

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Boarhide and DM
[sblock]OOC: I am assumig that Boarhide is hidden from Tullia's view?

IC: Tullia asks Boarhide, "What did you find, friend?"


DM and Tullia
OOC: Great Writing FX!

Boarhide calls back "Bones, old bones. More evidence than Man caused these ruins not Nature. Come take a look, though they have nothing to do with our presnet quarry."

And Boarhide will stoop to see what the hand is holding.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Boarhide and DM
[sblock]Sensing nothing to look at where she currently is, Tullia goes over to where Boarhide is standing and waits for him to reveal what he has found. [OOC:Assuming she can get there ...] "How old do you estimate this is? I clearly agree that with the plant growth this is not our quarry, though."

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Boarhide and DM
[Sblock]"Agreed." Tullia asserts. "Or if it did, it is clearly a master of plant and fire magic. But I agree with your conclusion that our quarry could not have done this in such a short amount of time."[/Sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Tullia and Boarhide[sblock] Tullia finds it is easy to get to Boarhide by jumping over a large break in the wall. As both of you look over the tangle of vines and bone you both surmize that it has been roughly 8 years since this happened, maybe more, it is hard for either of you to tell by plant growth, war, and weather.

A moment or two of wrestling with the blackened boney hand that cracks and snaps as you work with it reveals a slightly charred golden locket with a necklace, much of which has melted to the hand and arm. All that is left of the gold chain is 1 inch on one side and 3 inches on the other which were basically protected by the hand and arm before incineration.

The surface of the locket bears an engraving or sign or sorts that you cannot make out in the darkness. The locket opens easily and seems to be empty. What ever was inside seems to melted or burned to a crisp as there seems to be some sort or a residue on the inside.

[OOC: Sorry about not being as responsive over this last week! :uhoh: ][/sblock]

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Boarhide and DM:
[Sblock]Tullia replies to Boarhide, "Huh. Not much there - not at least that we can see in the darkness. Care to keep it as your souvenir? Never know - it might be useful later."

Satisfied that they've gotten all they can out of the 8 year old ruin, she jumps back over the wall to look at the tracks once more and study them to see if there is something she missed regarding the third set.[/Sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Ari[sblock]Continued from last post
I apologize; this is not as well written and focused as the last one was! I have also not done as well with the personification of the NPC's as I'd like. :(

The graduation party your parents threw for you was grand as you have been told, full of music, wine, and laughter. Family, friends and whole lot of people that you have never met before, clergy, nobles, business men and women, scholars, classmates, teachers and anyone else that might have met you or your family along the way. There were so many people and so many that wanted to talk to you and make offers to you that the entire party seemed to flash by you in a singular blurred moment. People that you talk you about the party all tell you something new about what happened there. You do not seem to remember anything of it. You can if you try really hard but it ends up a massive blur of faces and offers and confusion.

There were two people that you expected to see at the party or at any time after graduation for atleast just a moment and they are your Aureon mentor, Frallan, and Professor Finnegan. Since your graduation you have not seen or heard of either of them. Whenever you have gone to the University or to the Cathedral for paperwork or to talk to someone neither of them were there. Either class was canceled or you just missed them. It almost feels as though they might be avoiding you which seems to be strange!

Father Frallan has taken a very keen interest in you and your development since he agreed to mentor you. He is an aged human male of some 60 well aged years, with brown eyes and white hair swept back smooth. It was not easy for your parents to arrange for your very own Priest of Aureon tutor. When he accepted he dove into you and your religious studies with exuberance. He was there to tutor you and he was going to make the best of your time together, and hopefully you will take an interest in "ministering the flock". "You have a lot of potential, Ari, that needs to be tempered with humility and grounded in earthly things. Life is not all about stylish clothes, fabulous parties, or even about gathering knowledge. It is about what you can do with this knowledge. All of the knowledge in the world is usless if you hoard it and do nothing with it."

The aged sage has been a little taken aback by how little you need him to learn Aureon's ways. Your family has hired him but sometimes he is not sure why. You will hear him say something in a language that you are not familiar with when ever you complete his sentences "Arsith d'francisth Airns!" Frallan served as Hospitaler during the war healing anyone that needed it. Brelish, Aundairan, Karnathan. He did not care. War has horrible and anyone that was in it deserved a chance to survive it and learn from it. He eventually grew tired of all of the bloodshed and senselessness of it all. Egomaniacy is what it was. Libraries had been destroyed and so much knowledge lost for what. You have seen him cry once when you mentioned the Library of Carthisis that was found on the border of Thrane and Aundair between Wrogar Keep and the Starpeaks. He had spent a lot of time there and it was a great bastion of knowledge that was destroyed by Audairan and Thrane conflict. He openly scoffs at the dragons and their sly little dragon prophesy that none of them understand. He is pretty that it is a rumor, pure myth. He or no-one the he knows has not see anything of this Draconic Prophesy. "A dragons' game with men. Hrrrumph!"

Professor Aglarond Finnigan, Professor of Social Psychology, Brew Master Extraordinaire, and most proudly a Dwarf. One of the most fun Professors in all of Wynarn. He loves social interaction and to study and predict social interactions on a national and social level. People can be so predictable when you know them. "Mob mentality is a dangerous thing. Just look at Thrane and their Lycanthrope Purge. How much sense did that make?" He likes to sneak a drink or 4 during class and when you two were working together he was more than happy to share some of his home brewed dwarven spirits call "Rock Juice" with you. He has a small still in the back room of his office where he has been brewing this personal favorite since his first days of tenure some 10 years or so past. In his spare time he brews ales, wines and other spirits for a local taverns, but he has never sold his Rock Juice to anyone. That he keeps to himself.

Many of your meetings with him were at the Rolling Rock which he is part owner of. It is a meduim size inn that has decent food and excellent alcohol. It is run and owned by his younger brother and parents. The clientele is mostly dwarves with a few non-dwarf regulars which include a halfling, and few half-orcs which are usually looking for a fight and the dwarves are usually more than happy to comply. It is usually a dour and quiet place but when the dwarves get stirred the singing or fighting can be so lound that very timbers rumble with the noise which can be heard several streets down. The constables don't even bother coming to anything that happens there as the clientele usually take care of everything themselves.

Sometimes he will take barrel of spirits to stand on and drink from and go out and give a speech on a random topic and turn it something serious and find a need to take action He will then see what the people will do and say. His speeches are serious and filled with fire, but sometimes it is hard to take serious a man who is passionate about the social instabilities caused by selling Toys near open public establishments especially when there are Children present.

The days of the last week have been long as your furture lies before you full of possibility and glory. What now? What comes next? What is Aureon's plan? Does he have one for me?

You find yourself standing facing your bed with your hand on a packed upright suitcase that you do not remember packing. You realize there is an envelope with your name on it next to the suitcase.

Your family is out and about doing family business. Your father is gifted carpenter and your family business has burgeoned into a flurry of late night and hard work. He oversees about 4 other apprentices that help with creating furniture under his watchfull and critical eyes. Your mother helps to take care of business as well and has recently arranged a shipping deal allowing them to sell their wares to other parts of Aundair. Since you have been in college over the last few years you have not been to the business but a hand full of times and things have changed a lot since you have been in school.[/sblock]

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