[IC] Aundair's Sorrow (Closed)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Tullia[sblock]You re-examine the tracks and it seems as it the tracks just stop and the person just disappears. Poof! It just ends.. as if the third person just ceases to exist.[/sblock]

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Nonlethal Force

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Boarhide and DM:
[Sblock]Tullia adds, "Boarhide, do you think there could have been a battle here? Are the ones that we are tracking strongly dependant on magic? Because these tracks demonstrate that one vanished. Either they dissappeared, were killed without evidence here, or they flew away."[/Sblock]


Tullia and DM

[sblock] "I do not know if they have much magic or if the spirits have abandonded them. I think we must press on and follow the tracks we do have. Better to catch two rabbits now than wait outside the hole until they have fled the back way." replies Boarhide [/sblock]

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Boarhide and DM:
[Sblock]"Very good, then - we are in agreement. Unless you have anything further to accomplish here, let's go on after the tracks we have before they too turn cold. No pun intended..."

Assuming Boarhide does not object, Tullia continues to use her TRACK ability to follow the tracks that lead away from the ruins.[/Sblock]


Tullia and DM

[sblock] Boarhide scratches his head and shrugs his shoulders. "Unless they were standing for a long time the tracks would not have been warm to become cold Tullia. But, yes, let us regain our quarry." says Boarhide [/sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
The Hunters (Tullia and Boarhide)[sblock]Boarhide (assumedly) picks up the locket and stows it for closer inspection later?

The light of the moons above prove adequate as Tullia quickly picks up the tracks of your quarry and follows them relatively easily over the small hills of the remnants of the village. The tracks work their way for several hundred feet towards the end of the desolate and quiet ruins. Upon leaving the ruins proper they make no effort to hide their tracks and move quickly from the edge of the ruins and about 75 feet towards the the Eldritch Forest.

The tracks are swallowed by the darkness of the forest. As you reach the forest edge you take a moment to stop and look into the pitch black of the Eldritch Grove's interior and you realize that seeing is going to be a little bit difficult in here without the moons above to assist you. ;)

Tullia[sblock]They appeared to have made a concerted effort to hide their tracks but your trained eyes quickly saw through their attempted ploy. They knew some of what to cover up but even those considerations were pretty rudimentary or they were in a hurry, or did not care so much.[/sblock]

Boadhide[sblock]You could swear that you saw the jaw of the adult skeleton move ever so slightly as you carefully pocket the locket.[/sblock][/sblock]

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Boarhide and DM:

[Sblock]Tullia gives a worried glance to Boarhide. "They have the advantage now, Boarhide. It's dark in there, and I'm assuming you're no better at seeing in the dark than I am. Keep your sword close and I'll be ready with an arrow. We'll have to go slower, but if they are covering their tracks that means they also are going slower through the forest."[/Sblock]


Tullia and DM
[sblock] "Tullia, you know I cannot keep a sword close to me as I do not carry a sword, but an axe? Why would you ask me that?" says a confused Boarhide. "But yes, the forest is dark tonight. But if they cannot see, they must use a light, we can see that light easily in the dark. But I think we should proceed with a light. The prey may not need it for he seeks to hide, but the hunter may as he seeks the prey" [/sblock]

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Boarhide and DM:
[Sblock]Tullia apologizes, "Sorry, friend. As you know I served in the army for a few seasons. That was an expression we rangers used to always use as the hand-to-hand fighters used swords more than anything else." Tullia hands a torch to Boarhide and says, "Remember, though. If we can see their light, they can see ours. But if we must carry a light - I recommend you carry it. That way this torch can serve as a weapon already in your hands if we are ambushed. And I can be prepared to strike with an arrow at a moment's notice."[/Sblock]


Tullia and DM

OOC:[sblock] NF, sorry couldn't help ribbing ya ;) [/sblock]

[sblock] "Then instead of a torch, let us use this lantern I have. It will allow you to spot theri tracks, but be harder for our prey to spot the light.. But I am not worried about them seeing our light. They already know they are pursued speed is of the essence now. If we fall into an ambush, we will deal with it." says Boarhide [/sblock]
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