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[ic] nameless I: prologue


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Archer does his best to behave in a way that he believes his brother would under such scrutiny...and proudly thinks himself a hero.

OOC: Sorry fellas...been preoccupied with work and must've missed the "new post" email last week...I was very surprised to see so many posts!!! I'm glad I didn't miss TOO much! Back again...

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During the "interrogation", Sadoloth was extremely uncomfortable. He is not familiar with the machinations of rulers as he has been practically cut off from the "civilized" world for so long. Talk, talk, talk... that is all these folk do he thinks to himself as he is spoken to, or ignored, as the case may be. civilization, humhph!.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Oscar sits through the interrogation with a very cool head. "Yes we saw and fought some goblins. No the Ogre called Mugihja is NOT a threat. He saved many of us. The knight when last we saw him was alive but hurt and Mugihja was taking care of his wounds. I repeat the ogre is NOT a threat." He will repeat this until his face is blue finaly turning to Cromwell and saying "We may need to return to the woods to let the ogre know the town is in a panicked alert. He should take care to stay safe."


Argent Silvermage said:
"We may need to return to the woods to let the ogre know the town is in a panicked alert. He should take care to stay safe."

"Yes" replies Sadoloth, "we must warn Mugihja that he may well be targeted due to his ogruin heritage. It seems that he may be the only true ally that we have if something more comes of this goblin attack."

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Cromwell answers all questions he is asked immediately and fully, and immediately does all that is requested of him. He does do his best to explain about the ogruin, but he doesn't press to the point of impertinence.

"In my estimation, sirs, Mugihja is no more of a threat to the town than I am."

At Oscar's suggestion, he frowns. He trusts his commanding officer, but.... And they told them to go get rest. But was that an order?....


There is quite a gathering in the Guardhouse by the end. The Guard Captain Hodgekos, the town magisatrate and a couple of the Meisters. Despite the attempt to whip yuo inside unseen, word gets out and after a while the crowd that gathers in the ground fllor rooom has to be ushered out and men put on the door to keep it that way.

The gathering has a bizarre feel, as everyone agrees that it's not really a meeting as all the town council are not present, but depite that they cannot help but discuss and argue and agree that this and that must be done, all pending the council's agreement of course.

Your words are spoken and heard and dismissed if they don't fit the generally accepted truth of the matter. Any mention of going back to warn the ogruin said in anything other than quiet whispers to one another will bring choruses of disapproval and see you hastily packed off home with a member of the Guard. Eventually, one way or the other, you are sent off home, with a pointless request not to discuss what you have seen til the council have time to discuss it and make the appropriate decisions. Pointless, you realise as soon as you are out of the Guardhouse, because everybody outside already has heard. Although what you hear often bear little relationship to what you experienced.

Eventually you manage to break clear of the pack and find yourself a quiet place a little down the main street to talk.

ooc: You are welcome to gather somewhere if you want. Or head home. Or whatever. Let me know.

Cromwell, ever conscious of his orders, notes with surprise that the Captain seems careful not to give him any. "Good work." and "Thats all I need from you at the moment. Thank you." are all he says to you directly, once his questions are done. His watch is over by the time he gets outside with the others.

Hey Greegan, welcome back. No biggie.

Talk, talk, talk... that is all these folk do. :)


That night, as those out in the small hours could attest, the lights burn late in the townhall and town barracks, as well as in many of the larger houses and guildhalls. And any being out will find the town watch somewhat more brusque than usual.

Morning brings grey overcast skys, a chill fretful wind and occasional showers of icy rain. And news. Two farms were attacked during the night. About all that anyone you hear speaking, or speak to, about it can agree on is that there were goblins involved. Some say dozens. Others scores. Some say that all the inhabitants were butchered. Others that they were taken away. Or eaten. Or just a little shaken up.

But you really don't have time to get into it. Or ponder it. Last night there was a visitor to your home. One of the Guard. The Captain Commander would speak to you again; a couple of points to be checked, a couple more questions that need asking. Southwest Watchtower. Seven of the clock.

The town hums with a nervous tension. Like most days, people are already out and about. They hurry from place to place wrapped up tightly in cloaks, mufflers and scarves. But unlike most chill rainy days, they stop and cluster together in little groups - talking, arguing, nodding and listening - before breaking up and hurrying on on their way.

The Southwest Watchtower is surprisingly quiet. A solitary guard stands at the gate to the small compound inside. He wears full battle gear - scale mail and a helm, a spear and short sword. But you're obviously expected, and are shown through to the small messroom that occupies the ground floor of each of the towers. A fire burnts hot and bright in the giant hearth and warm tea brews. The room is empty but for the Captain Commander and Sargeant Morrit. The Sargeant appears to be asleep in front of the fire, his hat pulled low down over his eyes, his feet propped up on a convenient log. At the end of the large table sits the Captain Commander, his cloak and sword belt draped over the back of his chair, a pipe in one hand and cup of steaming tea beside the other. Also on the table infront of him is an open leather wallet containing a small collection of documents and maps, and the goblin shield and morning star that Archer brought back with him. He greets each of you by name as you arrive. His gaze is alert and considering, but its obvious that he has see little of his bed this last night.


The Captain begins promptly once you have all arrived. He walks you through the sequence of events. He asks some questions. About the goblins. About the ogruin. About the knight. Most of which were asked last night. His manner is clipped and efficient, and he moves quickly from point to point. Unlike last night, he has a hand drawn map of the clearing, and on this he askes you to indicate positions at several points in the discussion. Occassionally he takes a pull on his pipe or notes something down on the paper before him.

You however, do learn something of interest. The Captain had sent rangers to the clearing at first light that morning. The ogruin was gone. There is no doubt they went to the right place. They found traces of the fight.

All in all, unless there are any significant digressions, the discussion takes less than ten minutes. At the end of it, the Captain places his pen down and stretches out with a soft grunt of discomfort.

Throughout, Sargeant Morrit remains asleep infront of the fire.

The Captain settles back in his chair in a more relaxed position and returns his attention to you. But if anything, you feel as if the focus has suddenly sharpened. As if now you have arrived at the heart of the matter.

"You have no doubt already heard that a couple of farms were attacked last night, the Colsens and the Hutts*. The first attack was at around 3 pm. The second about a mile and a half away about half an hour later. There were about ten to fifteen goblins in each raid, including some mounted on Worgs. Each one lasted about half an hour, then the goblins withdrew. The shield and weapon came from one of those attacks. In both cases the families were able to keep the goblins from entering their houses. Both farms were put to the torch. The Colsens lost their house. The Hutts managed to save theirs. There were two deaths. Everyone else escaped with only cuts and bruises, fortunately. Both farms had a fair bit of livestock slaughtered or taken. Their barns were also burnt down. A couple of wagons were taken. These were later found near the forest edge."

ooc: Both are outlying farms to the south of the river. A couple of miles from town and about a mile from the forests.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
"Requesting permission to speak, sir," says Cromwell, standing at attention. Assuming it's granted, he continues "I wish to be put back on duty, sir. It's at your discretion, sir, that I was sent home last night, but I feel I should be serving the community."

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Oscar sits and thinks batting things around in his head. "I'm assuming you think the raids are related to out skirmish yesterday. I need to ask Sir. Why are we being involved further? Is this just questioning or is there something more I can provide you?"
The young noble takes a drink from his flask (juice) and loks at the people in the room. "I can at least try to find the families room at my uncle's home. There is plenty of room."


"I am not truly a citizen of this town," Sadoloth says, "but I do live in its outskirts. If there is anything that I can do to help your villagers, I am at your service, Sir."

Voidrunner's Codex

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