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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Iron Gods


Hailey Navarre


Hailey frowned as her suggestion was ignored and Twist just kept going back and forth. “Fine, don't take my advice. We are wasting time.”

She moved forward to the corpse, grabbed it by the ankle and dragged it back to the others.

“Aja, you know something about wounds, yeah? Can you take a look as see how she died?”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30 (20 with Backpack)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3/3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]

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[section]Twist grimaced as Hailey forcibly drug the body back to the group. "It's Parda Garr. You know, the brawler who fell in with that band of thugs? They went out on the second expedition to leave town. I think." The ratling's nose twitched nervously. He didn't like bodies. Especially not ones he knew in life. Still, he made himself wait patiently for Hailey to drag Parda over to the group. While Hailey did so, Twist eyed the cavern, scoping for beetles. Or other things that liked to creep in the dark. Like spiders.[/section]
[sblock=OOC]Perception 1d20+8 = 27. [/sblock]


Guest 11456

"I suppose a waterproof bag might suffice," says Olrich to himself. "Hardly ideal, but the first one is probably a bit waterlogged and can be safely risked." With the others possibly dealing with an unfortunate member of a previous expedition, the mage draws his dagger and does his best to hastily empty the contents of the beetles bio-luminescent sacks into his now merely water resistant bag.

Olrich is able to extract the gland which is actually solid instead of a liquid and store it in the bag.

Hailey frowned as her suggestion was ignored and Twist just kept going back and forth. “Fine, don't take my advice. We are wasting time.”

She moved forward to the corpse, grabbed it by the ankle and dragged it back to the others.

“Aja, you know something about wounds, yeah? Can you take a look as see how she died?”

Hailey heads up to where the corpse is and grabs it and drags it back. As she moves away from the group with her sunrod everyone else could see that the light provided by the beetles was easily enough to see by. Once she returns Aja examines the body (taking 10 on Heal for a 14). Aja nods. "She was slain by multiple stab wounds from a short-bladed weapon like a dagger."

"Excuse me a moment," said Zeta, and she crouched low and padded forward to examine the spot the corpse was found in. Were there signs, she wondered, of anyone else passing through? Or had the beetles simply feasted?

Zeta heads toward where the body was and sees signs of others in the vicinity. Humanoid by the look of them. Many tracks, though, so too difficult to determine number or type.

Twist grimaced as Hailey forcibly drug the body back to the group. "It's Parda Garr. You know, the brawler who fell in with that band of thugs? They went out on the second expedition to leave town. I think." The ratling's nose twitched nervously. He didn't like bodies. Especially not ones he knew in life. Still, he made himself wait patiently for Hailey to drag Parda over to the group. While Hailey did so, Twist eyed the cavern, scoping for beetles. Or other things that liked to creep in the dark. Like spiders.

Twist spots nothing coming.


First Post
"People have been through here," she murmurs. "A lot of them. It could just be the expeditions...but this does seem like a lot for just that."

[section]Twist turned to Hailey, Aja, and Vandor. "I don't see anything in the cave. The way seems clear just up to where the cave narrows, where Zeta's looking around. I'll go up there and join her, we'll wait for you there." The ratling scurried forward through the maw, flitting from column to column of stalagmite, until he got up near Zeta. He looked down the cave, past the point where the walls narrowed.[/section]
[sblock=OOC]Stealth 1d20 + 11 = 17, and Perception 1d20 + 8 = 21. What does Twist see ahead? Looking at the floor, the walls, and the ceiling.[/sblock]


Hailey Navarre


Hailey nodded as Aja reported her findings. “Thanks, Aja. At least that rules out the beetles. Perhaps she was victim of foul play by her companions or there are some other semi-intelligent foes down here. Mayhap goblins or other lil’ buggers.”

The gunslinger was beginning to think they were being overly cautious after being caught off-guard by the beetles. She gestured for the others to follow, “Right, let’s just keep going.”

Hailey followed after Zeta and Twist.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30 (20 with Backpack)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3/3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]

[section]Twist jounced nervously at the point where they'd found the body. He waited for Hailey to catch up to his and Zeta's location, then whispered to Hailey. "Ready to go? Are the others coming?" The ratling peered into the dark cave, trying to see what might be ahead. [/section]
OOC: I forget, have we established a standard marching order? I don't think we have. Twist can see in the dark and has a good Stealth check, so he might be a good candidate to go first. If someone else wants front post, that's fine, though.


Hailey Navarre


Hailey nodded in reply, “They should be, give them a moment.”

She paused in the light of her sunrod, providing the beacon to guide the others coming after.

[sblock=OOC]No, I do not think we ever established a marching order. Hailey is bringing the light and needs to stay near the front for combat purposes, but she is not the front line type character. I see her as 2nd or 3rd in line.[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30 (20 with Backpack)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3/3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


Guest 11456

The others catch up to Twist, Zeta and Hailey. Aja speaks up. "I think we should decide upon a marching order before we get too far into this place. I will go somewhere in the middle of the group. Definitely not in the front nor in the back."

Map is only for reference.

Voidrunner's Codex

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