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D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich

Charwoman Gene

Alhana, not seeing any clear targets, and feeling uneasy about fighting on such an unstable surface, jumps out of the kayak and swims for shore.
OOC: Move and Dash to the land at AE4. Athletics[roll0]

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Prickly Pear

Sesto quickly steered the kayak into the centre of the group. He grabbed the spell scroll from his belt and started chanting. Everyone, except Lokfadl, could suddenly walk on water as if it was a solid surface. How convenient of Imani to give us these scrolls, Sesto thought.
Alhana would probably be quite surprised as she floated to the surface, flailing arms and legs.


Primus calmly watches as his companions go completely bonkers at the sight of their first big encounter. Seriously, some of them jumped out of their kayaks instead of just rowing to the shore. We’re looking at a giant crocodile! Who’s to say there aren’t more in the water?!

Oh well. It wasn’t Primus’ place to judge. Not that that would stop him, but still.

And there was another problem. Mr. I-have-Undead-bodyguards made it so he couldn’t see his enemies. If he couldn’t see them, he couldn’t attack them. Bother.

Well, might as well get some prep work done, then.

He tapped the reserve of power inside him, willing it to flow around his body, creating an invisible barrier. This was a simple technique, one that didn’t tax him much, and would last virtually all day, but it had saved his life on a number of occasions.

Second, he noticed that magic had filled him, and he could now walk on water. Great. Let’s just use up all the magic on the first fight.

Well, if he didn’t need the kayak, he didn’t need to know how to use one. He ceased focusing on the Noosphere, loosing his previous expertise in boating, and began to focus on his psionic intrusions. This would make his attacks just that much more efficient.

OOC: Action: Cast Inertial Armor. AC is now 16 and it lasts 8 hours.

Bonus Action: Change Focus from Nomadic Mind to Psychic Assault, granting +2 to Damage from psionic talents that do damage.

[sblock]HP: 59
AC: 12 (16 with Inertial Armor)
PP: 42/44

Str: 8
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 20
Wis: 12
Cha: 10

Skills: Insight, Perception, Arcana, History
Breadth of Knowledge: Acrobatics, Athletics

Current Focus: Psychic Assault (+2 to Damage from Mind Thrust)[/sblock]


Dusty Dragon
Ooc: on the road at moment, no time for fancy post. I will note that hunger of hadar cannot be seen into even with darksight maybe? It will be interesting to see how the croc reacts to that!

Move: get out of kayak, move towards the foes, sword drawn.

Action: cast bladeward: provides damage resistance for one round.

Note that Kalorn currently has 7 temp hp from fiendish vigor.


Dusty Dragon
Kalorn looked at the strange contraption. Those fools! A fireball would take them out!  Perhaps those lizard men weren't used to magic.

Time to think like a commander.  "We must strike quickly and defend the ship! Or else all of this is moot"

His eyebrow rose at Lorenn's flying charge. He was going to make himself a target... but you couldn't argue against that speed.  He nodded in approval at Lorenn's web. Nice classic spell. Would pin the  down and make them a sitting duck to the group's counter fire.

 Kalorn started focusing... and stopped as the wooden platform was covered in darkness.  Sooty reported that the darkness was impenetrable, a ball of  nothing.  He turned to Mord. The syllables the necromancer had uttered were completely alien. What fell sorcery was this?!?

Not time to figure it out.  He heard the lizard  men shriek... well that was a good sign. He smiled at Sesto's chant, saw Alhana stand up on the water. Well then!  He stood up, stepped on the dark water, drew his sword and pointed it at the ball of darkness.


As he advanced, his left wand traced a warding sign. His leg throbbed.

Ooc: will work on quick sheet later. Kalorn will not use shield this round unless seriously attacked, ie an arrow or three is fine.



As a few eager lizardfolk raised their bows, Mord began to cast, pulling an area of dark horror from afar. Screams could be heard from within the vortex of darkness, but it was hard to tell if it came from the Lizardfolk, or from something else within the inky blackness. Or was it both?

Lorenn leaped from his kayak and began to surf over the water on some sort of board. Lorenn spun a spell, and a gob of sticky webbing burst over the platform as the giant crocodile rushed out of the darkness and slid into the water. With the crocodile underwater, the Lizardfolk's battle-platform appeared to be more of an armoured boat.

Alhana wasted no time and slid out of her kayak and into the water. The water was murky and full of weeds, and she found it much slower to swim to shore than she had hoped. Then Sesto cast his scroll, and she rose to the surface, stood up, and hustled to shore where she saw some large rocks that would provide excellent cover for her to shoot from.

The Mordguard dutifully stopped paddling as others climbed out of their kayaks, but they sat silently as the watercraft slowly drifted forward. Kalorn and Zander rushed forward with weapons drawn, finding their footing on the strange surface that was walking-on-water.

Shaken, the lizardfolk began to find their bearings, many were stuck in the webbing, but they were free of Mord's terror. Some tore themselves free of the webs while others in their confusion got further stuck. Two managed to free themselves and as the Croc swam forward, they threw javelins at Kalorn, who took a glancing blow while knocking one aside with his sword.

The Croc suddenly burst out of the water, all teeth, and thrashed at Lorenn, biting and snapping. The bladedancer leaped off of his board, bounced off the Croc's nose, did a backflip, and landed back on the board that had slid along the water under the Croc's chin. A flash of magical force protected Lorenn as the Croc bit again and again.

On the Croc's back, the largest of the Lizardfolk thrust at Lorenn over the Croc's shoulder with a long spear, trying to force the half-elf into the Croc's mouth, but the bladedancer spun about, protecting himself both with magic, and with his amazing flexibility.

Primus stepped out of his kayak and mentally prepared himself for battle while Loklafd paddled backward, then stowed his paddle and pulled out a shortbow.

GM: Lorenn is hella hard to hit.
Damage Taken:
(BGs) LF4 15 (HoH); LF5 15 (HoH)
(PCs) Kalorn -4 THP
(NPCs) None
LF4 & LF5 longbow vs Lorenn (w/disadvantage from being in HoH) Miss.
Attack: 2D20.LOW(1)+4 = [11, 19]+4 = 15
1D8+2 = [6]+2 = 8
2D20.LOW(1)+4 = [9, 19]+4 = 13
1D8+2 = [3]+2 = 5

LF4 & LF5 Save vs HoH (fail)
Save: 1D20 = [7] = 7
1D20 = [6] = 6

LF1, LF2, LF3 dc14 Dex saves vs Web
Save: 1D20 = [8] = 8
1D20 = [14] = 14
1D20 = [14] = 14

LF4, LF5, LF6 d 14 Dex saves vs Web
Save: 1D20+2 = [1]+2 = 3
1D20+2 = [9]+2 = 11
1D20+2 = [6]+2 = 8

Warchief Dex save vs Web (made)
Save: 1D20+2 = [12]+2 = 14

LF1 & LF6 Str checks to tear off webs (ending restrained but using their actions)
Check: 1D20+2 = [6]+2 = 8
1D20+2 = [18]+2 = 20

LF2 & LF3 Javelins vs Kalorn
Attack: 1D20+5 = [16]+5 = 21
1D6+3 = [1]+3 = 4
1D20+5 = [1]+5 = 6
1D6+3 = [4]+3 = 7
1D20+5 = [3]+5 = 8
1D6+3 = [5]+3 = 8
1D20+5 = [3]+5 = 8
1D6+3 = [5]+3 = 8

Croc Bite vs Lorenn with Rush Attack
Attack: 1D20+9 = [6]+9 = 15
3D10+5 = [4, 5, 7]+5 = 21

Croc Bites vs Lorenn with Thrashing Bite (Lorenn must use Shield)
Attack: 1D20+9 = [15]+9 = 24
3D10+5 = [7, 1, 8]+5 = 21
1D20+9 = [3]+9 = 12
3D10+5 = [5, 5, 8]+5 = 23

Warchief longspear vs Lorenn
Attack: 1D20+6 = [11]+6 = 17
1D10+4 = [10]+4 = 14
1D20+6 = [11]+6 = 17
1D10+4 = [2]+4 = 6



Location: Lizard Marsh Encounter: Croczilla Howda[/b]

End Round One; Begin Round Two

GM: Almost nothing happened in Round 1 but it took me two and a half hours to resolve it.
[sblock=Party (PCs)]
Name * (Position) * AC * HP * Notes
Primus (O5) PP19 AC11(16) HP 59/59
Alhana (AG4) PP14* AC17 HP 68/68
Mord (N6) PP11dv AC14 HP 51/51
Lorenn (V15) PP14* AC17(20) HP 54/54
Sesto (Z6) PP15 AC18* HP 59/59
Kalorn (U11) PP15 AC16(21)* HP 63/63 THP 3/7
Zander (R12) PP10 AC19* HP 84/84
[sblock=Allies (NPCs)]
Loklafd (X5) PP12 AC14 HP 58/58
Mordguard1 (N7) PP9* AC14 HP 13/13
Mordguard2 (T8) PP9* AC14 HP 13/13
Mordguard1 (AB7) PP9* AC14 HP 13/13
[sblock=Enemies (BGs)]
Croczilla (V17toZ20)
Warchief (X17)
Lizardfolk1 (W17) Restrained
Lizardfolk2 (X18)
Lizardfolk3 (W19)
Lizardfolk4 (Z19) HP less 15 Restrained
Lizardfolk5 (V20) HP less 15 Restrained
Lizardfolk6 (X20)



The speed of that beast was ridiculous. And the fact that it carried those lizardmen into battle was added annoyance. But mord had a thought. The construct on it's back, while solid looking might just be fragile enough to falter if impacted in just the right way. With a grim smile, the warlock called out to his minions. "Mordguard! Slings out and attack the nearest lizardmen!"

Then, pointing Fleshreaver into the center of the lizardmen he intoned the words to y et another spell. The sound of a monstrous gong rang suddenly from the center of the craft, buffeting each of the lizardmen, the structure and the croc itself with the force of sound itself. Then, disembarking from the canoe Mord moved away from the source of danger.

OOC: Bonus Action: Ordering minions
Action: Shatter in the center of the 'boat' (Con save or [roll0] Thunder damage IN 10' radius sphere. Move action, climbing out of canoe and 15' move away from the fight.


Primus calmly focuses on the Croc, feeling it’s mind. He delves into it with his, grabbing it’s Ego and shaking it around a bit. May as well get it confused.

Action: Ego Whip (3 psi). As an action, choose one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes [roll0] psychic damage, and it is filled with self-doubt, leaving it able to use its action on its next turn only to take the Dodge, Disengage, or Hide action. On a successful saving throw, it takes half as much damage.

[sblock]HP: 59
AC: 12 (16 with Inertial Armor)
PP: 39/44

Str: 8
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 20
Wis: 12
Cha: 10

Skills: Insight, Perception, Arcana, History
Breadth of Knowledge: Acrobatics, Athletics

Current Focus: Psychic Assault (+2 to Damage from Mind Thrust)[/sblock]


Dusty Dragon
Kalorn's eye widened. That thing was huge - and not sluggish either. He saw it rush Lorenn - that elf could move! And cast shield. Good for him, he would have been bitten in half.


He raised his sword in the Ox guard, held high but pointing forward, aiming straight at the beast

"Reptile! I, Kalorn, curse you, with one voice. Thus"

BONUS ACTION: Hexblade's curse. Kalorn now crits on 19-20, inflicts +3 damage. If target dies, Kalorn gains 12 hp

He started marching forward, left hand making a sweeping gesture in front on him, spraying water.

By the Old Accords, water shall be my shield and shall be your doom

He didn't know what the accords were. His leg throbbed. He advanced.

Action: Cast Armor of Agathy. 15 temp HP. Enemies that hit Kalorn in melee take 15 cold dmg as long as any temp HP are remaining.
Move: Move to X14 (close to Lorenn, but leaving a gap for Zander to attack)

His leg was now pulsing, filling him with unholy strength. He attacked.

ACTION SURGE: Get a second action. Attack with GWM

twin attack on crock with greater weapon mastery: 1D20+3 = [8]+3 = 11
1D20+3 = [3]+3 = 6

The beast's hide resisted Kalorn's blows. He frowned, then flinched as Mord's spell exploded above. The beast... seemed to hesitate. He fell back into guard.


POSSIBLE REACTION: Kalorn doesn't mind being hit once due to armor of Agathy, but if the temp hp runs out and he's being overwhelmed, he will cast shield.

[sblock=minisheet]Kalorn of Mulmaster, the cursed sell-sword (Fighter(eldrich knight) 3/Warlock(hexblade) 6; alt-human, soldier)
HP: 63/63, Hit dice: 8/8
Temp HP: 15
AC: 16 Temp AC:
Passive Perception 15
Saves: Str: +5, Dex: -1, Con: +5, Int: +0 , Wis: +2, Cha: +3
Warlock slots remaining = 1/2. EK slots remaining = 2/2
Action surge = 0/1. Second wind = 1/1
Potions of healing remaining: 6[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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