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D&D 5E (IC) Vault of the Dracolich (Ensemble)


Dusty Dragon
Udit dives under the table the moment the door is kicked in. As the burly stranger announces himself, not all present notice Udit under the table, short bow held horizontally, arrow drawn, aiming for the interloper's midsection....

Stealth check under the table: 1D20+7 = [5]+7 = 12


But all then heard his voice ring out. "You fool! Are you trying to get yourself killed!?! What are you doing barging in like that? In a *wizard's tower* by all the gods!" as Udit relaxed the draw on the arrow somewhat.
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When the bravest adventurers make their way up the iron staircase to the Wizard's laboratory, Imani (evidently relieved that anyone at all was willing to go) has you stand in his teleportation circle, a few at a time.

“I’ve spent years preparing the resources for this assault,” he says. “You’ll be teleported to a safe location outside the Temple, where myself and my aides have a secluded camp, from which we have been observing the Cult's activities. From there, it’s up to you to chose how you would like to proceed. With the help of myself and some trusted advisors, I expect you will come up with a plan that suits your expertise to enter the Temple, find the Bhaalite idols, disable the wards, and retrieve the staff."

Imani speaks words of magic as the chalk outlines of the teleportation circles illuminate in purple light. The wizard’s tower fades away, replaced by much different surroundings. The afternoon sun hangs in the sky over a rocky bluff, covered in wispy alpine grass. A small, but expensive-looking pavillion tent marks the old wizard's command post.


[sblock=Nature DC 10] The elevation might be high, but this is no large range of mountains. Judging by the climate, trees, and other signs, such as birds, you are sure that the forest that stretches out around you is the Cormanthor, so you have not traveled far from Hap.[/sblock]

GM: Feel free to read anything I sblock if you like, even if you don't make the check. Just remember that it's something your character doesn't know if you don't make the check. Oh and BTW, I know very little about the Forgotten Realms. Never read any of the books. I'm faking it here, so if I get something wrong... go with it?


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The four Genasi siblings appear on the mountainside, each feeling better now they are outside, closer to the elements that birthed them.

"Freedom..." Auraia says, as she closes her eyes and faces the breeze, her feet lifting off the ground as she begins to float to the sky.

Terrus grabs her gently and pulls her back to the ground, though he feels a stronger sense of calm here, as well, as his bare toes, for he is always bare foot, dig into the dirt. "Careful sister," he says to her. "Wouldn't want a strong wind to blow you away again. It took days to find you last time."

She pouted at him, "Spoil sport."

"It is pretty, though," Aquaria said, looking over the land, her hands clasped over her chest.

"Meh," Pyrus said, squinting against the sunlight. He did like sunny days, but he rarely got caught up in the beauty of nature, as his siblings did. He preferred the torrential blaze of battle. "Let us see what is in store for us in this tent."

The group moved to the tent.


As you arrive, stepping out from a circle of stones on the ground painted with arcane runes, a woman emerges from a colorful tent nestled between two trees. She calls out, not loudly, but firmly: "Pick yourself a spot to camp. We have no way of knowing how long this will take, or if you will succeed. When you are ready, come and speak to me." She has a commanding tone that will stand no argument, and she turns from you quickly to speak to the halfling. As she does, there is no way to miss the unmistakable bulge: She is very pregnant.


"Hiya, Volyana, didja eat the root-soup my old gran suggested?" asks the halfling.

"I did. It was vulgar." Volyana sneers, but then smiles. "Thank her for me, Corrah."

"I will. Anything I should check out for these guys before they get themselves killed?"

"A raven told me this morning that there is a wagon coming up the switchback. More of those blasted mercinaries, I expect." Volyana spits on the ground.

"I'll go check it out." Corrah shrugs off her pack, leaving it on the ground where it lands, and jumps over a rock. She lands in a dried stream bed, slides a little, and disappears out of sight, heading down the mountain toward the south.



OOC: The tent is Imani's tent, where he will observe, and ostensibly command, the expedition. He's still teleporting people to the camp, so he's not there. No one will stop you from going in or looking around, if you like, but he may be offended if he finds you in there. S'up to you.


[sblock="Status Box"]Devan the Dawnbringer
NG (L) Human Sorcerer 1/Warlock 3

Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception 13

Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 18 | Hit Dice: 1d6+3d8+8+1 | Hit Points: 30

Spell Slots: 1st-lvl: 2, [W] 2nd-lvl: 2 | Concentration: None

Affected by: None | Conditions: None[/sblock] As Devan stepped into the teleportation circle, he experienced a brief bout of dissociation as its power immediately transported him to an outdoor site that he was wholly unfamiliar with. And though the vista was picturesque, the placid atmosphere belied a darker objective--the dracolich's nearby lair. A sudden shudder ran up his spine at the alarming thought.

There was no time to dwell upon that chilling fact though, as he, along with everyone else, was greeted by one of Master Imani's associates. The woman, appearing to be pregnant, made Devan wonder why she risked remaining at such a potentially dangerous location. But as he overheard her conversation with the halfling from the tower, he didn't get the sense that she was worried about the camp being assailed. Perhaps there were potent defenses in place, or maybe she was far more than she seemed.

Whatever the case, the young Inquisitor pushed his curiosity to the side and set his backpack down against the trunk of a wizened elm tree. Quietly scouring the surrounding area for firewood, he busied himself with menial tasks for now. Because he knew that once all of the late comers finally arrived at this staging ground, then the real planning could begin.



Volyana spots Devan gathering sticks and snaps, "No fires! Our enemies are only just over that rise."

She gestures toward the east.

She says it abruptly, and with a tone that commands no argument, but she means it with no accusation of error on Devan's part - he'd just been teleported and wouldn't likely have known.


The four Genasi stop and find a spot to make camp, not far from the others but with what privacy they could manage.

Once done, they went to talk to the woman.

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River Song

Kurzon son of Dax

Surveying the area Kurzon looks around to take stock of those that had come through.

"I am Kurzon," he announces. "A warrior of Tyr, it looks like we may be working together then. Could we get through the formalities and find out who we have and what skills we can bring to bare on this task?"


[sblock="Status Box"]Devan the Dawnbringer
NG (L) Human Sorcerer 1/Warlock 3

Size: M | Speed: 30 ft. | Senses: Passive Perception 13

Initiative: +2 | Armor Class: 18 | Hit Dice: 1d6+3d8+8+1 | Hit Points: 30

Spell Slots: 1st-lvl: 2, [W] 2nd-lvl: 2 | Concentration: None

Affected by: None | Conditions: None[/sblock]
Volyana spots Devan gathering sticks and snaps, "No fires! Our enemies are only just over that rise."

She gestures toward the east.

She says it abruptly, and with a tone that commands no argument, but she means it with no accusation of error on Devan's part - he'd just been teleported and wouldn't likely have known.

With a mysterious smile, Devan dropped the small bundle of dead branches that he'd had no intention of burning onto the grass. "Thank you," he told Volyana. Whether she realized it or not, she had just given him several vital pieces of information. By the fear she had evinced at a possible campfire, he now knew that their base of operations wasn't so secure as to be undetectable. And she had also inadvertantly revealed the direction of the enemy's lair.

Pairing that knowledge with what he'd gleaned earlier from the woman's chat with Corrah, he had a clearer picture of the staging ground's situation. It wasn't as unassailable as Volyana's overbearing demeanor let on. With a wagonload of travelers, perhaps mercenaries, arriving from the south, and the dragon's lair due east, it seemed that things were more precarious than he'd initially guessed. But at least now he knew to stay even more vigilant than he normally would have.

And while it was possible, maybe even probable, that she would have told him all of this freely, Devan found her imperious attitude off-putting, and the less that he'd have to deal with her directly, the better.


Voidrunner's Codex

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