historian said:
This sounds like something beyond Metempiric.
Warning: Insanity at work. Use caution next 12 miles.
[sblock]You know, I was thinking about meta-empiric powers and such. Since they would pretty much only be available to Highlords, The Omega, and the Supreme Being, (You know, everything outside of most levels of play) and since infinities are pretty much covered in omnific powers, meta-Empyrical powers would simply have to be rule-breakers. Literally break the rules. (The DM can Rule 0, and the supreme being is the DM...) Like perhaps allowing you to stack a power that shouldn't. (Like Interdimentional)
Possible ideas: How about one that just gives you an Infinite damage [Effect]. Yes, everyone will take Storm. Or my favorite: Meta-Dimentional - Like Omnidimentional, but phased in manifestations also have the Meta-Dimentional power! (So each round, your numbers double)
Silly - Yes.
Important - Not really.
Broken - Of course.
Perhaps, since U_K suggested the Supreme Being be rank 14,400, someone should throw him together.
Just give him every power with every combination. I am sure he has the divine slots for them all. Heck, things like Theopaea, Adjuration, and Goetic Blood become just as deadly as anything else at that point.
The point? I don't know. Perhaps if a player doen't like a ruleing their character could go into hostile negotiations. (Not that they could ever have any chance of possibly thinking it were possible of maybe succeeding.