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Immortals Handbook - Epic Bestiary (Epic Monster Discussion)


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Well, it seems we have our first potential project idea for making beasts to include in future Bestiaries. I'll quote a post I made in the Ascension thread, in response to one by UK regarding whether a fusion of Demiliches with an Akalich could produce a different sort of undead being, below.

Me said:
Upper_Krust said:
As for extrapolating undeath.

Skeleton < Lich/Death Knight/Wight < Demilich/Cimerial/Winter Wight < Akalich

Ghoul < Vampire < Nosferatu < Welkin

Zombie < Mummy < Hunefer < Welkin

Shadow < Ghost/Wraith/Spectre < Atalia/Egregori/Eidolon < Akalich

Basically you have:


The Akalich is Bone + Spirit
The Welkin is Flesh + Blood

Other combinations may well be possible, so lets try some brainstorming...

Bone + Blood...Bloodwight (has anyone used that name yet?)...for some reason the name reminds me of Spawn (the comic book character).
Bone + Flesh...Razor Fiend?
Blood + Spirit...reminds me of the Crimson Death monster.
Flesh + Spirit...a bit like my original Garganaut idea.
Cool take on undeath, very sensible. Perhaps we readers of the Bestiary might collaborate to create some of these higher fusions of undeath for possible inclusion in future Bestiaries?

Of course, it would be helpful to see the Welkin before beginning such a project, so we could be sure to avoid stepping on UK's toes that way. ;)

Also, if combinations happen at the Akalich "level" by bringing two together, might some Cosmic entities somehow combine three? Might there be an Eternal-level type of entity that has aspects of all four at once- a sort of Necroverse if you will?
People seemed to really like this idea, but it doesn't really belong in the Ascension thread if we're going to do something about it, now does it. :)

My proposal is this- let's start figuring out what these proposed monsters can do, if not nail down names and concepts for them. To me, the best course of action seems to be starting at the level of the two-part fusions, and build the three-part entities once we have those by deciding how the entities could be combined; a Necroverse should then prove much easier to figure out since we have examples at the three-part (Cosmic) level and can combine those. Also, by working that way, we'll be able to work around UK's schedule of updates to Ascension, incorporating appropriate Divine powers into the Akalich-level beings, and later adding appropriate Cosmic powers to the three-part Cosmic undead, and Transcendent powers into the final Necroverse template. And that brings up another point; I like undead templates, and feel that these proposed mega-undead beings- at all levels of power- will work best as templates. If others disagree, feel free to voice that opinion and say why. I freely admit that my opinion may not be the majority one, nor may it even be the best means of statting up such beings in the end.

UK or other moderators, if you feel this post should properly be the start of its own thread, feel free to split it off from this one, or email me and I'll make a new thread for it myself.

So, here's a beginning- notice that most of the undead on the list UK gave about the different types of undead are templates, or at least available as templates. We know that the Nosferatu and Welkin, as yet unseen by us, are going to be templates, and can potentially guess at some of their powers. The Nosferatu is clearly going to be a sort of Demilich-equivalent for Vampires, for example, while the Welkin is an Akalich-power being, and will be appropriately powered. The Nosferatu is likely going to have some super-powered version of the Vampire's energy drain power, and probably its blood drain power as well. Since the Welkin appears to be a higher-"level" version of Mummies and Hunefers in addition to Vampires and Nosferatu, it seems likely to me that it will have some sort of plague-causing power, a superior version of the Mummy Rot essentially. the point is, these templates are intended to be applied to creatures which are already undead in other forms- they are not created directly, but evolve from lower beings. Our new undead should be the same.

While the above doesn't help us directly, it does give us a starting point for considering what these other Akalich-level "combination" undead should do. Here's another idea that may help- in White Wolf's original World of Darkness, the vampires have powers based on several bloodlines (called "clans") which they could potentially belong to, and these clans each have founding members of extremely old age and ridiculous power, called the Antediluvians. Vampires in that world tell legends of a comping apocalypse (called Gehenna) wherein the Antediluvians, who have all been in deep death-sleep for hundreds of years, awaken and begin to feed again- on their own vampire descendents, since no other blood is potent enough to feed them properly. Now, when White Wolf released their line of products ending the original WoD, they proposed several versions of Gehenna, and among those versions was one wherein the reason the Antediluvians awoke was to complete a centuries-long transformation into a divine state that they thought existed beyond their vampiric undeath. This sort of evolution into divine-level entities is essentially what our proposed undead types are undergoing, so it may be instructive to look at different powers attributed to the Antediluvians in the original Vampire products as a guide for our own super-undead.

I don't have too many ideas to start this off, but here's one for consideration: that Blood + Spirit being does sound an awful lot like a super-Crimson Death, a blood-mist monster, doesn't it? One of the Antediluvians in the WoD was described as having the ability to drain blood from its victims- whole cities of them at once, in fact- without even taking corporeal form or touching them with a body at all. Essentially, the being could make the victims' blood sort of sweat out of them directly, without even opening real wounds. This blood-drain-at-a-distance power is one that the fusion of Blood and Spirit should definitely have, IMO. Just by being near it, creatures will take CON drain as their blood is sucked right out their pores to feed it. What else should this entity be able to accomplish? What does it look like exactly, and what is it called?

Ideas? Thoughts? Counterpoints? Hate mail? :D

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paradox42 said:
... Ideas? Thoughts? Counterpoints? Hate mail? :D
Sweet idea. :)
A proposed idea - In Monster Manuals 3 & 4 they have "blood ooze" type monsters - Oozes with undead traits (Or vice-versa) Perhaps our Blood-Wraith thing, in a physical manner, could be ooze-like. (Since oozes don't have many advantages over undead, this isn't too strong I think)
This, I think, would round out the different "flavors" of undeath. (Though it doesn't seem to fit, it was the first thing that came to mind after reading your post)
Also, perhaps this blood-spirit monster has some sort of Life-eating power, like the Bargheast (Sp?), whearin for every being or ammount of blood it consumes, it gains some sort of psudo-temporary bonus. (Like By draining con from others, it gains temporary HP equal to the HP it would have by increasing it' con that much)
Just throwing out ideas.


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Ltheb Silverfrond said:
Sweet idea. :)
A proposed idea - In Monster Manuals 3 & 4 they have "blood ooze" type monsters - Oozes with undead traits (Or vice-versa) Perhaps our Blood-Wraith thing, in a physical manner, could be ooze-like. (Since oozes don't have many advantages over undead, this isn't too strong I think)
If you mean the one UK dubbed the "blood wight," the Blood-Bone fusion, I was thinking almost exactly the same thing, though my idea was more based on an emulation of the thing at the end of Blade I (the "Blood God" a.k.a. "La Magra"). I won't spoiler the movie for those who haven't seen it, but suffice to say it had some very oozelike traits and would make an excellent divine-level challenge IMO.

Of course, the Blood-Spirit being, if it's like a Crimson Death, would probably have some oozelike traits as well- the most obvious image for such a creature is a cloud of some sort, possibly blood motes, possibly something else. Perhaps it can hide itself by possessing bodies of other creatures, infusing itself into their bloodstreams?

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
This, I think, would round out the different "flavors" of undeath. (Though it doesn't seem to fit, it was the first thing that came to mind after reading your post)
With monsters, the fit is largely in the presentation, I've usually found. :) Describe the entity with the right terms, and explain its existence the right way, and you can make just about anything seem perfectly plausible- even obvious. Look at weird monsters like the Gelatinous Cube, for example.

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
Also, perhaps this blood-spirit monster has some sort of Life-eating power, like the Bargheast (Sp?), whearin for every being or ammount of blood it consumes, it gains some sort of psudo-temporary bonus. (Like By draining con from others, it gains temporary HP equal to the HP it would have by increasing it' con that much)
Just throwing out ideas.
Yes, that should be a given at this level of power I'd think. Every Abomination has such a power, and those are usually significantly less powerful than our proposed undead fusions are supposed to be, so most definitely they should have some sort of life-eating powers. After all, look at what the Akalich has! It eats the souls of GODS, for freak's sake.

paradox42 said:
With monsters, the fit is largely in the presentation, I've usually found. :) Describe the entity with the right terms, and explain its existence the right way, and you can make just about anything seem perfectly plausible- even obvious. Look at weird monsters like the Gelatinous Cube, for example...
I agree, I just like that there could be a range of creatures of different types for DMs to use. Every Spellcasting undead being a Lich and every Undead blackguard being a Deathknight gets stale and predictable.
If we are gonna do this, rather than debate about it, we should set some guidelines about CR ranges and build from there. (Generally an artifical means as far as flavor goes, but it will produce comparable results to the other templates) I propose a CR range of ~+30-40 for said 2-type-combinations. (Level adjustments should be similarly close to the Akalich)


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Ltheb Silverfrond said:
I agree, I just like that there could be a range of creatures of different types for DMs to use. Every Spellcasting undead being a Lich and every Undead blackguard being a Deathknight gets stale and predictable.
If we are gonna do this, rather than debate about it, we should set some guidelines about CR ranges and build from there. (Generally an artifical means as far as flavor goes, but it will produce comparable results to the other templates) I propose a CR range of ~+30-40 for said 2-type-combinations. (Level adjustments should be similarly close to the Akalich)
Agreed, that's exactly what I was thinking for these. The point is to present multiple equally-powerful (in essence, at least) paths for evolution towards the "final form" of a Necroverse, as an undead creature ages and changes. For example, if a Demilich gives up part of itself to become an Akalich, might that leftover part stick around and evolve along a different path- say, the Bone/Flesh fusion UK called a Razor Fiend? Or maybe a Death Knight would prefer to evolve from Cimerial to Razor Fiend instead of Akalich? And what if a DM wants to simulate the notion of vampires with different bloodlines in his world by postulating that Clan A evolves from Nosferatu to Blood-wight, while Clan B becomes a Welkin, and Clan C becomes the Blood/Spirit fusion?

Yes, so, where do we begin...
How about... The flavor :) (I don't know which one to start with, so here are some general questions)
Why do undead creatures turn in to creature x?
Is there a proccess or ritual, like Lichdom, or is it gradual, like aging?
Can one simply turn into creature x right after dieing?
Does it have any weaknesses? (Like vampires sun weakness, inability to do common day things like cross running water, etc)
... or any obvious immunities? (Lich and Vampire Immortality unless X, Y, and Z occur, etc)
Does undead creature X have any alignment restrictions based on its state of undeath. (Ex: Like is it always chaotic evil due to a want/need to rip out the throats of the living and decorate it's home with them? or is it lawful evil and courteous while removing your throat?) (I think they shouldn't have any specific alignment restrictions, but perhaps a "usually X alignment" unless the flavor is cool enough to dictate otherwise)


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Ltheb Silverfrond said:
Yes, so, where do we begin...
How about... The flavor :) (I don't know which one to start with, so here are some general questions)
IMO, these questions are worth asking for every single one of these super-undead types- so we should number them and try to answer them for each template as it comes up.

I'll start with the Blood/Spirit being, since it seems to be the one with the most concrete images so far.

(1) Why do undead creatures turn in to creature x?
The Blood/Spirit being is the result of a vampire whose curse evolves to the point that the blood takes over everything, and the creature literally becomes its blood. The blood absorbs the flesh and bone in an effort to feed its neverending hunger, and eventually becomes all that is left. Since vampires can assume gaseous form normally, this super-blood assumes a state permanently between gas and liquid, and becomes a cloud of doom to all it encounters. Its own body was consumed because any mortal flesh simply crumbles before its all-consuming hunger; no mortal creature can be enough for it. The blood-cloud must feed off of Immortal blood as a result, only the blood of gods can satisfy its needs for even a short time.

Alternately, a ghost/spectre type being may pull an Anne Rice trick, and learn to draw the blood out of living creatures to torment them. Sometimes, in an orgy of pain and sadistic delight, a particularly powerful spirit (an Eidolon?) actually merges with the blood of its victim, and the blood becomes a sort of permanent manifestation or body for it. The creature becomes the blood, and can no longer divorce itself from the fluid. It tries, but the best it can manage is to form a cloud of blood- blood which, because it is corporeal, decays- and must feed to replace itself. The spirit's sense of self-preservation and madness at assumption of its new form eventually causes the spirit to achieve new powers and go after new prey- for only by feeding on Immortal blood can the cloud achieve a measure of permanent existence and continue indefinitely.

Spoilers for Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles below:
[sblock]The reason I mention her works in the above ghost description is because this is her explanation for the formation of the Vampire "race" in her books. A spirit named Amel learned to tease blood out of living humans it was tormenting, but became addicted to the feeling of power it got from pulling out blood this way. When a misguided queen ordered the brutal torture of mediums who communicated with Amel, the spirit retaliated by tormenting her with the blood-sweat; however, when assassins came to kill the queen and stabbed her, the open wounds were a temptation too strong for Amel to resist. It pulled ALL of the queen's blood out, but in the process became entangled in the blood and merged with it, and the queen became the first vampire. The vampire curse spreads by transference of this blood because Amel IS the vampire curse- it transforms the bodies of those it is infused within, to give it better houses through which to interact with the world. Amel is essentially a network of spirit-energy which connects every vampire back to its own pool of spirit-energy, and thus gives them their formidable powers. If Amel's core were to ever be killed, all vampires would die with it- this is an important plot point in the book Queen of the Damned.[/sblock]

(2)Is there a proccess or ritual, like Lichdom, or is it gradual, like aging?
If we go with what I suggested above, this blood-cloud usually forms as an accident of gradual evolution, but it should be possible for a lesser undead which is aware of the blood-cloud state to use Epic rituals to transform itself into the new being. Also, if you read the spoiler block above,
a blood-cloud could actually be the vampire's curse in a particular game world, and the way to get the blood-cloud into its true form is to somehow merge every vampire in that world or just draw all their blood out of them to go independent

(3)Can one simply turn into creature x right after dieing?
In the case of the blood-cloud I would say it's very unlikely. What is more likely is that a blood-cloud could animate and possess the bodies of dead creatures near it by entering them.

(4)Does it have any weaknesses? (Like vampires sun weakness, inability to do common day things like cross running water, etc)
... or any obvious immunities? (Lich and Vampire Immortality unless X, Y, and Z occur, etc)
The blood-cloud is probably immune to weapon damage, or has DR like the Force Golems (i.e. only magical plusses can hurt it). It's like an incorporeal entity, but actually even better, since it has no set form (even if we ignore the fact that it doesn't have a body in the conventional sense) and can just sort of flow or blow around anything material that happens to intersect its form. As for weaknesses, anything which can dissolve or directly damage blood could potentially be a weakness for the blood-cloud monster. I'd suggest that Horrid Wilting or similar effects could prove particularly devastating to it. Of course, being infused with so much negative energy it probably has the usual undead vulnerability to Healing effects.

As a side note, we really need a better name than blood-cloud for this thing, but I can't honestly think of one right now. :)

(5)Does undead creature X have any alignment restrictions based on its state of undeath. (Ex: Like is it always chaotic evil due to a want/need to rip out the throats of the living and decorate it's home with them? or is it lawful evil and courteous while removing your throat?)
I doubt a blood-cloud could be Good, but I don't see too many other alignment restrictions on it- I could see a True Neutral one existing, coming from a ghost that was simply looking for a way to regain some kind of physical form and doesn't go out of its way to harm creatures it feeds upon. Perhaps an open portal to the Far Place could cause a blood-cloud to spontaneously form from blood spilled by victims of the monsters that pour through the portal- that blood-cloud would almost certainly be Chaotic Neutral, and possibly have a Pseudonatural template as well. :]

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
(I think they shouldn't have any specific alignment restrictions, but perhaps a "usually X alignment" unless the flavor is cool enough to dictate otherwise)
Agreed on that point!
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First Post
The blood-cloud is probably immune to weapon damage, or has DR like the Force Golems (i.e. only magical plusses can hurt it). It's like an incorporeal entity, but actually even better, since it has no set form (even if we ignore the fact that it doesn't have a body in the conventional sense) and can just sort of flow or blow around anything material that happens to intersect its form. As for weaknesses, anything which can dissolve or directly damage blood could potentially be a weakness for the blood-cloud monster. I'd suggest that Horrid Wilting or similar effects could prove particularly devastating to it. Of course, being infused with so much negative energy it probably has the usual undead vulnerability to Healing effects.

Sounds like a swarm, to me. Even if it doesn't have the actual swarm flavor, the subtype's traits would be a good representation of what you're talking about. An incorporeal, undead swarm with ooze traits would be incredibly annoying to kill...


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WarDragon said:
Sounds like a swarm, to me. Even if it doesn't have the actual swarm flavor, the subtype's traits would be a good representation of what you're talking about. An incorporeal, undead swarm with ooze traits would be incredibly annoying to kill...
I thought of that, but I couldn't picture what the "base creature" of the swarm would be- for example, a swarm of rats is based on rats. Is a nearly microscopic mote of blood a creature? I suppose if we go with blood-ooze it could be, but that struck me as odd. Still, perhaps we could use some of the traits of a swarm without using all of them or giving it the subtype. Then again, perhaps it really should be a swarm and I'm wrong on this.

Cool ideas. We should definitely go with this.
As for a name... Blood-Wraith? Nah, too obvious.
U_K uses occult names and references. No reason we shouldn't do the same. :)
Cruor/Cruorem came up as "blood" in a quick latin search. Perhaps that can help in formulating a name.
Spirit in latin is Phasmatis, perhaps a "Cruor Phasmatis" would suit such a creature.
As for traits...
I think Incorporeal Undead Swarm is enough, perhaps just for simplicities sake. (Do the Ooze traits give the thing any benefit it doesn't allready have?)
I think any combination of Incorporeal, Swarm, and Ooze traits would work, but all 3 would be messy. (Ooze and Swarm traits could work, representing a cloud of blood mist)

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