D&D 5E In a (hypothetical) Tales from the Yawning Portal 2, what are the adventures you would want updated for 5E?


Red Hand of Doom was the last 3.5e campaign I ran. It was fun but also exhausting. We had two near-TPKs during the course of the campaign and the big battle was something of a Pyrrhic victory. We never bothered to do the last chapter, which always felt a bit tacked on anyway.

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I don't know a lot of Nigh Below, beyond it being one of Matt Colville's favorite modules, and having an underdark theme. I'm curious, what makes it so awesome?
It is a 3 part adventure:

The first part is a sandboxy style mystery adventure where the PCs need to find out, what is going on and where they need to make a few friends.

The second part builds on that mytery and takes the PCs on a magical journy, again making friends.

The end of the second part as well as the third is the showdown part and the resolve.

Best thing: no drow ;)

It is a great journey for a new player. Experiencing a wonderful world.
It has asome lows and builds on some past principles, but overall, with a little update here and there, you will find an adventure with a magnitude of different subadventures, all of which combine in a quite interesting whole.

If youbwant specifics, PM me.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
It is a 3 part adventure:

The first part is a sandboxy style mystery adventure where the PCs need to find out, what is going on and where they need to make a few friends.

The second part builds on that mytery and takes the PCs on a magical journy, again making friends.

The end of the second part as well as the third is the showdown part and the resolve.

Best thing: no drow ;)

It is a great journey for a new player. Experiencing a wonderful world.
It has asome lows and builds on some past principles, but overall, with a little update here and there, you will find an adventure with a magnitude of different subadventures, all of which combine in a quite interesting whole.

If youbwant specifics, PM me.

Sounds pretty fun! May be great for ideas if I ever run Out of the Abyss.


Book-Friend, he/him
I don't know a lot of Nigh Below, beyond it being one of Matt Colville's favorite modules, and having an underdark theme. I'm curious, what makes it so awesome?

I know it secondhand, but from what I have heard it was surprisingly modern in structure for a 2E Adventure, being a somewhat sandboxy 5E level 1-15 equivalent path with a clear villain behind the scenes while the PCs go from zeroes to heroes.

It does also have hooks to GDQ built in, because Sargent was the Greyhawk guy, so it would be a good candidate for building a larger storyline style book (moreso than TftYP or Saltmarsh, actually).


Night Below is a late 2e adventure and is a boxed set with 3 books. The main thread the characters are meant to investigate is the strange kidnappings and disappearances of spellcasters in the region. The first book is for low level adventurers and is set on the surface as the characters cast about for clues. There are a number of side adventures unrelated to the main plot. The first book ends with a need to defeat those that appear to have been responsible for the kidnappings. The second book starts after the characters have peeled off the first layer of the onion and made some important progress about the main thread and have a good lead to follow takes them into the Underdark. It’s more linear than the first but again has a number of side quests. The characters are again lead to an excellent end of tier boss but by the time they battle it/them they probably know this is just another layer of the onion. The third book is a pretty open area with the main issue to resolve but again plenty of side quests. Also, the main villains are pursuing a James Bondesque evil plan, which is fun.

Being 2e the levelling up was usually slower than 5e so some of the side quests in all books are quite obviously there to give out xp and loot so the PC’s can deal with a 1st to ?14th level adventure. However most of the side quests have good story elements that enrich the world into which the characters are delving. It suffers a bit in 2e in that it’s likely that by the time you get to book 3 the characters may have half forgotten why they came this way in the first place. In 5e with faster levelling or milestone it could be easily adapted to remove a few of the filler adventures.

I converted it and ran it 20 years ago as my first experiment with 3e, I ran it as a 1st - 20th level adventure that took just under 6years to complete, but I was coming at it with a 1e/2e mindset about levelling.

I have been running Castle Amber since Christmas. I played it in 1985 or so and have fond memories. Running it is developing equally good memories. Goodman have done a fantastic job with both old and new material.

An expanded N1 would be my pick. It has everything a module needs. An expanded Bone Hill would also get a vote.

Red Hand of Doom was the last 3.5e campaign I ran. It was fun but also exhausting. We had two near-TPKs during the course of the campaign and the big battle was something of a Pyrrhic victory. We never bothered to do the last chapter, which always felt a bit tacked on anyway.
We switched the order of the last two chapters, which worked really well.

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