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In the World of Chaos - (Warhammer) - Ended


"Bah. Don't worry about the skull. I'm just curious about it." Magnus says with a wave of his hand. "I don't care what the dwarf does as long as he remembers one thing. I bow to no one. Now, where's that damned elf..." Magnus looks around for Eldillor.
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You both spot Eldillor sitting at the bar. The same spot he sat in when you first entered the bar. As you are sitting discussing what to do, he stands and walks over to you.

"I assume you both will be wishing to speak to me?" He says in a slow methodical tone of voice. "I have worked for the Duke long enough to know what his plans are long before he does."

"Here is what I can tell you. As for the more specific things you will have to ask. Yes I have met and know the Duke's son. No I don't know his specific location. I was sent to retrieve a skull from a man on the coast in Kislev. I went by land picked up the skull, I then sailed by via way of Marienburg and Altdorf. I then met you on the stage line."

"Now you may ask your questions?" Eldillor says.


Magnus stands there eyeing the elf for a moment, one eyebrow raised. Then, in one breath he says, "Well, as you seem to have all of the answers, I do happen to have some questions. First, how did you find out about the skull-message? Second, who is this man you met in Kislev? Third, what was the duke's son doing in that battle? Fourth, who or what is the 'Ghost Rider of Talab?' Fifth, what are the duke's political motivations? Sixth, who are the duke's principal enemies and allies? Seventh, what is the connection between the duke and the rest of our party members? Lastly, what is your connection to the duke?"

The wizard takes a breath and then looks at Wolfgang. "Do you think that about covers it?"

"I might need a drink after all that. I think that's enough for now. I would hate to throw too many questions at him this late at night." Wolfgang says looking at Magnus with a smirk on his face.

He puts his hand on the elf and say's with a sarcastic tone " That wasn't to much was it? He can get carried away sometimes with his thirst for knowledge." nodding at Magnus. He gives a small laugh then looks at them and gestures at the table " We might as well sit down and talk instead of standing here like idiots. It doesn't look like I am going to sleep anytime soon." He pulls a seat out and sits down waiting for Elidillors answers.


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Eldillor looks at you both for a moment. "Finally someone willing to get his hands dirty. Well I will and try and answer your questions to the best of my ability. I went to Kislev by orders of the Duke. I was told to meet Rustov, a merchant in a small port city. I traveled there met with the man. He said he had a package for the Duke."

"The Duke was told by the Emperor to send troops to join the Imperial Army marching to rescue Kislev. The Duke's son was amongst those sent. He commanded a small detachment of the Talabheim Demilancers."

"I have no idea what the "Ghost Rider of Talab" refers to."

"I am not sure of the Duke's political motivations. But I would assume one day he would like to be Emperor. But that is just my opinion. I try to stay out of the Duke's political affairs. So I don't know who his enemies are or who he has as allies."

"I am just the Duke's lackey. I don't know the others"


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As you both sit and talk to the elf, a familiar voice sounds over your shoulder. You both recognize the voice of Janna. "It's a sad day when a mercenary has to give political lessons!"

As she pulls up a chair, she sets a mug of ale down in front of Wolfgang.

"Even if the elf knew I doubt he would tell you. He owes the Duke and his family his life, but his loyalty is always to his people. If the elf tries to stay out of things like he said, but he knows more than he lets on." She says as she looks at the elf. Eldillor maintains his stone cold face, leaving you no clue as to how he feels to this interuption or slight of honor.

"On the otherhand my loyalty is quite simple. The Duke pays me well and I provide military service for him. As to your other questions lets see." She says and winks at Wolfgang and then turns back to the group.

"The human and dwarf are just as they seem, new to this whole thing. The Duke has never had dealings with them in the past, just the same as you to. But a man like the Duke doesn't get to power without knowing a lot of information and a lot more secrets."

"As to politics. I am sure the Duke wishes to become Emperor. The Dukes father is growing old and plans on retiring soon, leaving his son as a Elector. The other thing to remember is that when three Emperors ruled the Empire the Duke of Talabheim was one of them. Actually is was a Duchess but whose keeping track of these things. The Duke's family still maintains the title of Otilla. The title the Duchess took when she claimed the Throne."

"The Emperor is getting old. Within a decade he will be of the age when he will step down or probably died. But the Electors will have a tough decision as to who to pick the Duke or the Emperors son."

"As to the political system. The Duke's allies are his neighbors to the north, Ostland and Ostermark. The Duke sent his Army to Kislev. Remember Kislev is due north of these countries. His enemies are Middenland and Hochland. The cult of Ulric controls Middenland. And remember during the time of the 3 Emperors Middenland was one of the area the claimed the throne as well. The Emperor is in a interesting position. He plays Middenland and Talabheim off against each other. Hence maintaining a distance from both."

"As to what I know. It is what the Duke lets me in on. I don't know all of his plans, but I know a few."

"The question is 'Who is the Ghost Rider of Talab'? Even I don't know that one!"

"No one knows for sure how the Duke got the message from Rustov!" She says.

"So what other questions do you have?" She says looking at Wolfgang.

"Sometimes I forget Janna that you can be a pest. If you have anymore questions you can ask Janna, I am sure her big mouth will tell you what you want. Know this though. I would get a couple of horses. The trip to Kislev will be long and your feet will be bloody by the time you get there if you want to walk!" The elf says and then walks off.


Magnus groans. "I hate horses. Filthy animals.

"Well, at least I don't feel like I'm walking down a completely dark alley now. What do you think, Wolfgang?"

Watching the elf walk away Wolfgang says to Magnus "It does feel a little better knowing something but I think we will find answers on the way and there is nothing to worry about."

"Hey Thank you!" Wolfgang says to Janna with a smile "Did you want to have one with me? I would really like to hear more about some of the fights you have been in. I could tell you about some good fights that I have seen in the pits.Well on second thought we might have to wait, we still have to find some horses and other supplies before we get underway. Do you know what time the rest of them wanted to head out?"


First Post
Janna looks at you for a quick second then smiles. "Another time on that drink. I will make arraingments for 4 horses. They will mounted and ready to go in the morning. I will also make arraingments for food and fodder. I assume the others will be wanting to leave at first light. I should get some sleep. I will see you two in the morning."

Voidrunner's Codex

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